MTL - Black Bellied Husband’s Indulgence: His Wife is not Allowed to Hide-Chapter 1871 Can't marry you

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What surprised her even more was that at this time Ji Mubai was so drunk that she was paralyzed like a pool of mud, unconscious!

In recent years, he often accompanied her to drink and relieve boredom, but she never saw him drunk.

The amount of alcohol he has been drinking is always good.

This situation makes Jiang Xingnuan helpless ...

Originally, he felt a little bit surprised because of the things that the conference was designed by him.

But at this time when she looked at the current Ji Mubai, she didn't mean to blame him.

For a few years, she still believes that his deception is not malicious to her ...

And when it all came down, he got nothing.

Instead, he made himself look like this.

After a long time, Ji Mubai, who was paralyzed on the sofa, suddenly reacted.

"Xing Nuan ..." He closed his eyes, his voice drunk!

He just ... seemed to hear Xing Nuan's voice.

As a result, Jiang opened his eyes hard.

Then ... I saw the red figure by the sofa.

"Xing Nuan ..." He was surprised, and immediately got up from the sofa, reached out and held her in his arms, repeating her voice over and over again!

"Xing Nuan ... Xing Nuan ... you are really back!"

Happy on his face, beyond control!


When Jiang Xingnun smelled the strong smell of wine on his body, his face wrinkled.

"Ji Mubai, look at how you look now!" Looking at him now, she was a little angry!

Just because of her, he made himself look like this, and may even ruin his career. Is it worth it?

Jiang Xingnuan's words made Ji Mubai sober.

He let go of her, then reached out and touched his face, only to find that some stubble had grown on his face.

He suddenly panicked.

"I'm going to wash right away!" Afraid that she would abandon him, he said anxiously, and then he was going to walk towards the bathroom!

Jiang Xingnun stopped him.

"Ji Mubai!"

"Why ... are you angry?" Ji Mubai stopped and asked quickly when she saw the expression on her face.

Jiang Xing'an shook his head.

"I'm here today and I have something to tell you!" She knew that telling him at this time would hurt him a lot!

But he would be even more painful if he didn't make it clear!

When she heard her words, Ji Mubai seemed to have guessed what it was like, her face changed greatly.

"By the way, this is the ring at the engagement. I didn't have time to put it on for you ..." Then he took out a small box from his pocket.

Inside the box is a silver ring.

Seeing his response, Jiang Xingnuan saw it, he was running away ...

Just when Ji Mubai was about to reach out and take her hand to put on a ring for her, Jiang Xingnuan took it back.


"What's wrong, is it that I haven't done well somewhere and made you unhappy?" Ji Mubai froze a bit, and then put on a smiley face, pleased.

"I can't marry you." Jiang Xing'an lowered his head, hesitated for a while, still raised his head resolutely, and said that to him.

There must be an account of this incident ...

She knows the ambiguity and the feeling of being hung up.

Ji Mubai froze ... Holding the ring's hand, he trembled ...

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