MTL - Black Bellied Prince’s Stunning Abandoned Consort-Chapter 801 Broken without poisoning?

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"As long as Mo Wenchen is dead, this world is mine." Zi Wuya said to himself, not caring about Su Qiqi's attitude at all, and the smile on his face became deeper and deeper.

"Don't mess with me." Su Qiqi was finally anxious, and stood up sharply: "As long as I want to, you can absolutely let you die without a burial place."

"You will die the same way." Zi Wuya didn't care about Su Qiqi's words at all, but if he had this bottle of poison in his hand, he could sit back and relax.

He has now won the Kingdom of Dreams. Soon, Mo Wenchen and his party will appear outside the city gate. He can even wipe them out.

If Mo Wenchen is dead, Dayan State is also the leader of the dragon, and of course it is replaced by him.

At that time, Su Li also died, and Fen died, and Heaven and Demon Realm were no longer in control. He could take over it naturally.

He hadn't thought about it himself, and things could go so smoothly.

Get the Three Realms without any hassle.

"Huh." Su Qiqi ignored him and just looked at Yuantian, she believed that Mo Wenchen could do it.

I also believe that Lei Yufeng and Mo Wenxuan who had borrowed troops from Broken Soul Pavilion will return soon, and then Zi Wuya will look good.

However, Lei Yufeng and Mo Wenxuan have been away for a few days, but they haven't been moving. Su Qiqi is a little worried. It seems that borrowing troops is not easy.

"If you don't seal the Palace of Dreams, then the people here will still be dead." The smile of Zi Wuya was still there, but his eyes were flashing with coldness, his tone was a little low, and he stared directly at Su Qiqi.

That way, if Su Qiqi doesn't do anything, he will do it.

Su Qiqi didn't even look at him, but just leaned over, changed direction, and continued to look away.

"Actually Mo Wenchen can give it to you, and I can give it to you as well." Zi Wuya forcibly suppressed the anger, and smiled flatteringly: "The child in your belly is innocent."

"It's okay, it's worth leaving with your father and mother." Su Qiqi has been threatened by Zi Wuya, she doesn't want to do everything for Zi Wuya.

She can also urge mana. If she is in a hurry, a streamer can be released and it will be turned upside down.

However, she did not dare to do it easily. One was fear of hurting the child in the belly, and the other was fear of injuring the innocent people in the city.

She had been standing there unmoved, she was waiting for Mo Wenchen.

If there is no way for Mo Wenchen to save himself, then it is not too late for him to share with Zi Wuya.

Although she couldn't bear to die, the reality left her with no choice.

"I won't let you be happy." Zi Wuji's tone was completely cold, his patience was exhausted, and he always had to use some deliberate measures when facing Su Qiqi.

This time, the threat was useless, and it seems that Su Qiqi was too hard to help himself.

"Walk and see." Su Qiqi raised his eyebrows and stared at Zi Wuya: "You'd better pray that you don't fall into my hands, or you'll make your life worse."

She was annoyed.

"You" Zi Wuya stepped forward, ripped Su Qiqi's collar, and glared at her: "Zi Wuya has done so much for you, but can't you do a little for him?"

"You're not Zi Wuya." Su Qiqi answered coldly, pushing Zi Wuya's hand with both hands, with a look of boredom.

This fox demon's ambition is too great, and he really shouldn't be allowed to stay in this world.

"His soul is here too. I'm dead, so he must die." Zi Wuya shrugged his shoulders, indifferent.

"It's a big deal to die." Su Qiqi also showed no concern. At this time, whoever took it too seriously lost.

"His Royal Highness" A small **** walked into the Temple of the Goddess, kneeling respectfully: "Someone outside the city gate is calling to see you, he said he was Mo Wenchen."

"Ask Chen" Su Qiqi's body stiffened, and her eyes opened up infinitely, as if she saw some kind of hope, all her things would be changed by the name of Mo Wenchen.

"Hum, come quickly." Zi Wuya shakes his hands and releases Su Qiqi, looking very ugly, and glares at her again: "Seal the dream palace, otherwise everyone will die together."

"I don't care." Su Qiqi didn't like being threatened, shook his fist, and gritted his teeth: "Be careful, I'm going to ruin this place."

Zi Wuya dare to threaten herself, so she Su Qiqi dare to threaten him.

Who is afraid of who?

"You" Zi Wuya stared at Su Qiqiyi fiercely again: "These people will come to clean up you when I solve Mo Wenchen."

Turning away as he talked, the bead curtain at the door of the hall slammed.

Obviously very angry.

Seeing Zi Wuya leaving, Su Qiqi's complexion became a little bit low. Her strength was just a disguise, and she was also worried about Mo Wenchen and was terribly worried.

After all, Zi Wuya has such a bottle of poison in his hand, which is terrible.

At the gate of the city, Mo Wenchen rode on the tall horse and was dressed in black, overwhelming and domineering, and the brilliant features like a fox spirit were stained with a layer of frost.

Looking straight at Zi Wuya step by step, the bottom of my eyes was deep hatred: "Where is Qiqi?"

"Juchi is very good, you don't need to worry." Zi Wuji also frowned fiercely. This momentum, he lost a bit, but he will not show it, just holding the poisonous medicine bottle, a purple clothes , From paragraph to paragraph.

The complexion looks beautiful, and the hibiscus is beautiful.

But there is a vicious heart under this face.

"Let her out," Mo Wenchen said coldly, "otherwise I'll settle here."

"A big tone." Zi Wuya raised his head and smiled at Kong Chang: "Haha, do you think about how to save your life?"

Fen and others did not answer, but were always ready to start.

Hundreds of guards also gathered behind Zi Wuji, all drawing bows and arrows, and the war broke out.

"Hua Chi, take your subordinates and open the gates." Mo Wenchen gave Zi Wuya a chance, never giving it another time, while giving orders, he struck forward.

The distance from the gate was closer.

And Hua Chi came forward with Hua Chi, and he also had a bottle in his hand, but they were very low-key, did not show off, and did not threaten Zi Wuya.

"Is there no other gate in this royal city?" Han Ziyue looked to Mengli and asked a little unexpectedly: "If only we could go around and rescue the queen maiden."

"This king city was built on the mountain. For the convenience of defending the city, only the gate is left. If you are in the city and cannot resist the enemy's attack, you can retreat to the mountain. There is a way to leave, but where to go. Wang never knew, and no one ever walked in. "Mengli said helplessly.

There is only one city gate, which can only be attacked hard.

"The idea is good." Han Ziyue nodded, "I just hope that the queen lady will be fine."

"Zi Wuya won't hurt the Seven or Seven Girl, he still has to use the Moon Soul of the Seven Seven Girl." Meng Li shook his head: "Now, as long as you recapture Wang Cheng and defeat Zi Wuya, Seven Seven Girl There must be nothing. "

"Hope." Han Ziyu looked at the siege soldiers, and frowned slightly.

While standing under the gate, Hua Chi looked up at the sky.

The guards who led their bows and arrows put their bows and arrows back.

"Damn" Zi Wuya knows that Hua Chi controls the guards in this city, and for a while his left and right are empty, there is still one person.

As he squeezed the pill bottle in his hand, "You all stop moving, otherwise everyone won't live."

Mo Wenchen raised his eyes and smiled, but did not mean to stop the soldiers from moving: "Purple fairy, your thing does not pose any threat to you."

"You know what this is" Zi Wuya was unhappy, and at this time, Mo Wenchen could be so calm and uncomfortable.

This person is too confusing.

"I know." Mo Wenchen still smiled, but that smile was full of evil charm, more cold and arrogant.

"You're not afraid to kill so many people, the 100,000 army brothers and friends, Li Min, the people." Zi Wuya's hand holding the medicine bottle suddenly trembled.

This Mo Wenchen is really fierce enough, and it may not be possible to put it on his purple boundless body.

Faced with such a bottle of poison, he was indifferent.

"So how can I just rescue my woman." Mo asked the arrogant Hefei old, arrogant and undiminished that year, said coldly, while pointing at the army and the army to advance.

But Zi Wuya's words would not affect anyone's emotions, as if he were air, he was directly ignored.

Watching the army advance, Zi Wuya gritted his teeth fiercely: "Since you are looking for death, don't blame me." While talking, he threw the medicine bottle in his hand.

Then took a leap and disappeared at the gate.

"Everyone back." Mo Wenchen didn't expect Zi Wuji to do this, although they had antidote for this poison in their hands, but they had to be mixed in the air.

Zi Wuya's action was too sudden, which made everyone a little bit under-reacted.

Fen also flew up, trying to throw out the antidote in his hand, but hesitated again.

"Siege the city." Hua Chi gave a low sigh, and with the sound of hitting the gate, there was a crack at the gate.

He was also anxious. When he saw the medicine bottle that Zi Wuya fell out of there, his heart sank. Could the poisonous body that killed the smeller be solved immediately?

The poison fell into the queue of the three armed forces, and before Han Ziyue and others flew into the team, thousands of people had fallen to the ground.

The drug was too toxic, and when I saw it, people had thrown out the bottle of antidote in the air, and the goal was just where it was thrown by the endless purple.

This antidote is slower.

Watching, batch after batch of soldiers fell down.

Mo Wenchen on the horse's back turned his eyes red, murderous and cold.

"Zi Wuya really **** it." Mo Wenchen saw burning, Suli, Sheng Ge and Han Ziyu were busy evacuating the soldiers. He and Mengli looked at each other, and both flew up from the horse's back, a leap, Already landed on the wall, turned over again and entered the gate.

The city gate was cracked at sight, and the two didn't take any shots, flying towards the Palace of Dreams.

If they want to rescue Su Qiqi, they must not let Zi Wuya take Su Qiqi as a hostage. In that case, Mo Wenchen is really helpless.

Su Qiqi was preparing to leave the Temple of the Goddess, and brought down the guards outside the palace door one by one. He saw that Zi Wuji strode back, with a bad look, his whole body exuding cold murderous spirit, and he froze.

"Su Qiqi, go." Zi Wuya stepped forward and pulled Su Qiqi's wrist and left. He didn't want to be poisoned here, he had to leave as fast as possible.

"I won't go." Su Qiqi shook his hand, struggling hard to get rid of the purple boundless.

"You have to go if you don't go, you can't die yet." Zi Wuya didn't care so much, dragged Su Qiqi and walked outside the palace.

Su Qiqi just obediently, he took a breath, urged the moon soul in front of him, and issued a streamer.

Jian Guang is sharp and extremely lethal.

"You're going to break through the **** step" Zi Wuya was also a moment of surprise, widening his eyes inconceivably, raising his hand to unload the sword of the streamer sword, but still shaking his body.

It seems that he cannot forcibly take Su Qiqi's attack.

This woman's mana is about to overtake her, forcing her, but she's just trying to die.

The palm of his hand was slightly numb, and the tiger's mouth was shocked by the shock, but Zi Wuya was not willing to let go of Su Qiqi.

Instead, he retreated quickly: "You better not make a fool, the poison spreads very fast, and you don't want to die."

The words of Zi Wuya are ruthless and cold.

"You let the poison go" Su Qiqi's body stiffened obviously: "Why don't you ask dust?"

"You won't see him again." Zi Wuya sneered, raised his head, and then went to the wrist of La Su Qiqi, but flew empty, and a strong sword air came from the left.

Zi Wuji turned over, turned his mouth slightly, covered the shock in his eyes, and then landed calmly, facing straight and facing Mo Wenchen: "Come fast enough."

Dreaming aside, instead of actively attacking, she sat cross-legged and closed her eyes.

Zi Wuya didn't even care about the existence of Mengli directly, just watching Mo Wenchen holding Su Qiqi in his hands, the hatred in his eyes was like the surging river.

He thought he was half done and didn't want Mo Wenchen to appear in front of himself again alive.

"Are you guys not poisoned? Isn't it too long?" Zi Wuya frowned fiercely, his hands clenched into fists, ready to attack at any time.

He was actually waiting for Mo Wenchen to fall down.

After all, after the bottle of poison fell out, Zi Wuya quickly left without smelling, and Mo Wenchen was in the army and must have sucked into his stomach a lot.

I want to come to Zi Wuya. Within half an hour, everyone here has to die, and there is no one left.

Just because this bottle of poison is too overbearing.

"Yeah." Mo Wenchen sneered, smiling as if Shura was reincarnated, holding Su Qiqi in one hand, and scrutinizing her carefully: "You are okay in July 7th, but I'm useless."

He took everything to himself.

"No, this is not to blame you, I was wrong." Su Qiqi shook his head, raised his eyes and looked at Mo Wenchen deeply, and sighed: "Purple people broke the medicine bottle, everyone must die. Here it is. "Shao Hua Ji: Xiaoyao abandoned concubine updates quickly

"It won't." Mo Wenchen's affectionate look, and then he gave Su Qiqi a hard look: "Your expectation is right. If you don't come out to disrupt the situation, everyone will really die in the hands of Zi Wuya. "

"What do you mean?" Su Qiqi was still a little hesitant, frowned slightly, and looked at Mo Wenchen deeply, only to fear that he would die in the next second.

A little time passed, even Zi Wuya frowned fiercely, he suddenly felt a little dizzy.

He looked at Mengli fiercely. He had seen dream-building. At this moment, his heart was tight and he finally understood what happened.

"Looking for death." Zi Wuji faced, shook his head vigorously, and awakened himself, then slammed a palm, holding a merciful sword, and directly faced Mo Wenchen and Su Qiqi.

He couldn't get it, no one could think of it.

Moon soul and Su Qiqi, he is going to destroy now

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