MTL - Black Bellied Prince’s Stunning Abandoned Consort-Chapter 805 It turned out to be misunderstanding and angry

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The dream was so severe that Su Qiqi took three hours to pull him back from the brink of death. During that period, he also burned each other to help him, otherwise he was afraid that he could not hold on.

Her body has just recovered, and she doesn't have much energy.

After closing the needle, while rubbing the sweat on his forehead, Su Qiqi looked at the crowd.

Only then did she notice that Mo Wenchen never showed up, and frowned slightly: "Is Brother Hua Chenchen not aware of Mengli being injured?"

Even if Mo Wenchen was selfish and vicious, he would not turn a blind eye to Meng Li's injuries.

This is not the style of Mo Wenchen.

That's why Su Qiqi asked.

"He" Hua Chi lowered his head and looked at Han Ziyu and others, but he couldn't say it.

He did not have the heart to deceive Su Qiqi, but did not want to tell the truth, that would only make Su Qiqi even more worried.

"What's wrong, Brother Hua" Su Qiqi thinks something is wrong: "Ask Chen Chen, is he not here?"

"He" Hua Chi gritted his teeth and shook his head: "It's gone."

"Where did he go?" Su Qiqi frowned, his face a little pale: "He went to Purple Endless, is it Brother Hua, you speak"

Talking while looking at Xiang Jie and Suli.

"Brother, you said, ask Chen where he went, he must tell you." Su Qiqi's complexion weighed down his emotions and looked straight at Suli: "Brother, don't hide me, tell me the truth."

Suli glanced at everyone and sighed, "He's gone to the forbidden area."

In fact, Mo Wenchen had told them not to tell the truth when he left, because Mo Wenchen believed that Meng Lizi would say that to Su Qiqi.

As long as the dream is left alone, it is enough.

This has made Su Qiqi sad, but sadness is better than worrying. Mo Wenchen is most afraid that Su Qiqi will follow the forbidden area, which is the most troublesome.

"What forbidden place" Su Qiqi's eyes flashed with despair: "When did he go with Sheng Ge and when did he leave?"

Fen also coughed gently, "Zi Shi." It was very light, and the air seemed to condense.

Everyone didn't dare to say more. They were also afraid that Su Qiqi was too worried, and even more afraid that she would rush to the forbidden area.

"It's been a long time" Su Qiqi looked at the sky where the belly was white, and his face was a bit pale, and he gritted his teeth: "Why don't you stop him?"

My eyes burst with sparks, a little angry.

"Juqi, you have to be calm, and Mo Wenchen can't stop anyone except you." Hua Chi's voice is as gentle as ever, and people are still warm and moist: "However, you have to believe Mo Ask the dust. "

"I have always believed in him, but the forbidden land of the Dreamland is not for anyone to enter. He is not the king of the Dreamland, nor is he a royal person, and his life will be in danger." Su Qiqi was furious: " Is he crazy? "

"In order to deal with Zi Wuya, there is no other way." Han Ziyue also said softly: "I will return to the emperor's hands without returning to him, if there is danger, he can come back at any time."

This can be regarded as a comfort to Su Qiqi.

Su Qiqi hesitated for a while, stood still without moving, turned sharply into the tent, watched the dream still awake, and stepped forward to his pulse.

It was a long while, not talking, but frowning fiercely.

Everyone waited outside without entering.

They knew that Su Qiqi knew Mo Mochen's whereabouts, and he wouldn't ignore it. Fortunately, Meng Li was not injured lightly. Su Qiqi and his team couldn't get away at all.

Unless she ignores the life and death of Mengli.

Su Qiqi felt that he owed a lot of dreams and would not leave easily.

His fingers trembled slightly, and Su Qiqi's fingers were clasped on Meng Libai's somewhat excessive wrist. His life was temporarily saved, but he would be in danger at any time.

Su Qiyi had no idea at the time.

She understood that burning would not help herself, and after listening to Mo Wenchen's instructions, they would be optimistic about themselves and would not let themselves leave.

If they leave directly, they will stop and say nothing, and Meng Li may not be able to wake up.

With a sigh, he retracted his hand and shook his head gently: "Ask Dust, why are you so stupid?"

Forbidden land, even if dreaming away, dare not walk in easily.

One will be trapped in a dream by accident and will not wake up for life.

"Seven Seven" Hua Chi half a moment, but did not see Su Qiqi came out, then came in and saw her sitting on the bed, cyanosis, her face pale and bloodless, and called gently, a look of distress.

Looking up at Hua Chi: "Brother Hua, I'm fine."

She can only accept the facts now, and only hopes that Mo Wenchen's fixation will be enough, and she will not be trapped in a forbidden place.

She also had to wait until Mengli woke up.

The present dream is not completely out of danger.

"We have to leave here," Hua Chi continued, "Zi Wuya won't let us go easily."

"Yes, you can't stay here for a long time." Su Qiqi also looked: "Zi Wuya is extremely vicious and will not let us go, but he can find it everywhere we go now."

"Go to the twelfth house." Hua slowly said, "He is burnt, he can't go in."

"The twelfth house is his masterpiece." Su Qiqi raised his eyebrows and looked at Hua Chi with some incomprehension.

"We can cross the other side of the Heihe River, and Purple is boundless." Hua Chi's mind was also very heavy, his face was deserted, and he looked at Su Qiqi with some distress.

He could not turn a blind eye to Su Qiqi, even if he knew that Lei Yu Ruo was waiting for himself in Lei Jiabao, and he was working hard to raise their children.

He can only go one step at a time, or wait until the world is peaceful, and when he has no reason to see Su Qiqi, he can suppress the love in his heart.

Even he thought about putting down Su Qiqi as a disciple.

After accepting Su Qiqi as an apprentice, they had a better chance to meet. He was afraid he would not let go of this woman.

He really couldn't let go.

He understands the truth, but he can't control his heart.

"Yes, why didn't I think of this." Su Qiqi nodded and got up: "Then start now, lest things change."

While looking at the direction of the palace, "I just want to ask Chen Chen nothing."

She had already planned, and at the twelfth house, she worked hard to practice dream building. As long as she broke through another stage, she came to Zi Wuya to clear the old account.

"Okay." Hua Chi's face also eased a bit, seeing that Su Qiqi already wanted to open, and also relieved.

Then Hua Chi went out and burned, Suli and Han Zi agreed to leave.

Su Qiqi and Meng Li sat in a carriage, and Fen and Su Li were on the left and right, while Hua Chi and Han Ziyue commanded a large army in the direction of the funeral palace.

"If Purple Endless Strikes, these armies will only die in his hands." Fen lightly frowned. "We should think of a perfect solution."

"Let the army surrender," Suli said without hesitation, "this way, you can avoid death."

"This can only be the case now." Burning helplessly: "This time, if Mo Wenchen can successfully get out of the forbidden area, then Zi Wuya's death is over."

"Um." Suli nodded, and he also believed that Mo Wenchen could successfully come out.

So many ups and downs have come, this time it really is nothing.

"As long as seven or seven is given a chance, you can set the purple to death, but unfortunately, seven or seven cannot kill the killer." Looking at the sky, the rising sun is still very soft, shining on the ground, some Deserted.

"It's because Qiqi can't bear it that he has reached today's situation." Suli was helpless: "In fact, if Zi Wuya can wake up, everything will be solved."

"It is not easy and difficult to suppress the fox demon based on the magic of Zixian people." Fen also knew everything, but he was a pity that the purple was boundless.

"Indeed, it may not be possible for any of us to suppress the fox demon." Su Li squinted his eyes and looked up at the sky: "A purple borderless ruined the dream country."

Now Fangjiabao and Funeral Palace have changed masters.

Nether Valley and Luofeng City are both frightened and frightened every day, and they are also at peace every day.

The Palace of Dreams fell directly into the hands of Zi Wuya. No one among the ministers and the people dared to oppose it. Whoever stood out against it would undoubtedly die.

Zi Wuji's method is very tough, he has no unnecessary kindness.

Had it not been for the rectification of the Palace of Dreams, he would have been following Su Qiqi and his party.

He felt that Su Qiqi and others could not escape his palm, so he was not in a hurry.

Mengli felt the bump of the carriage, and frowned slightly, then slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Su Qiqi, she still frowned, then slowly raised her hand and put it in front of her eyes: "Am I not dead? "

"Do you want to die?" Su Qiqi stared helplessly at Mengli, and his face was not very good-looking.

It was Mengli who told Mo Wenchen about the forbidden area, so Su Qiqi blame Mengli.

No matter what kind of person Mo Mochen is, she loves that man deeply, and she does not want him to have three strengths and two weaknesses.

Since she chose Mo Wenchen, she will not change her original intention. If he is a gentleman, Su Qiqi will accompany him to the world. If he is a villain, Su Qiqi will do all the bad things with him.

As long as Mo Wenchen wants to do, she will be accompanied by Su Qiqi.

Hearing Su Qiqi's words, he was very unhappy. Meng Li busy holding his body with his hands and preparing to sit up. However, his body was too weak. He had no strength to support his body and could only lie back in disgrace.

One side looked apologetically to Su Qiqi: "Girl Qiqi, are you angry?"

Su Qiqi glared at him. If it wasn't because the dream was too weak, there could be danger to life at any time, and she would have left her.

"It's all my fault." Mengli sighed. "I just want him to take you out of here."

"You" Su Qiqi now understands why Mo Wenchen would ask to bring himself back to Dayan: "Do you want to face all this alone?"

"You also know my situation, and I won't hide it from you. On the contrary, I am a mortal person, and I won't lose anything when I go to Zi Wuya. The big thing is that you lose this space." Said: "I just didn't expect that Mo Wenchen failed to persuade you."

He is happy, even if what Su Qiqi said just now is very hurting, he is happy.

He knows that Su Qiqi cares about himself and will not give up easily.

Even now that Mo Wenchen is in the forbidden area, she still stays to take care of herself.

In this way, it is enough to do as much as you want.

"Why are you so stupid as Mo Wenchen is stupid." Su Qiqi said angrily.

My heart hurts a bit.

It turned out that he had blame Mo Wenchen for his mistakes. He thought about it at that time, and he would not let Mo Wenchen go to the forbidden ground alone.

It's really dangerous over there.

She couldn't help anything, and Dream Li did die at any time.

It was because of her arrival of Su Qiqi that she made this dream country so frustrating and fragmented. Now it is taken up by Zi Wuya. The dream is still alive and dead, how can she bear to leave.

I can only hold the pain in my heart and stay.

In my heart, I prayed silently that asking Mo Chen would be all right, and I would return in peace.

Meng Li felt that this sentence sounded good, and he could be the same as Mo Wenchen, even if he was stupid, he was willing.

"By the way, how is your body?" Mengli looked again, looking straight at Su Qiqi: "If it is not inconvenience, practice the dream-building technique again."

"I have this intention, too." Su Qiqi nodded: "But Mo Wenxuan and Lei Yufeng haven't returned yet. I'm afraid something happened."

It would be better if Mo Wenxuan was there, he could better instruct Su Qiqi to practice dream building.

Although Hua Chi's dream-building technique is also very strong, he lacks the practice of meditation.

Can only mind.

It seems that the power of mind cannot be exerted to the extreme, for fear that it is impossible to directly confront Zi Wuya.

"Now we can only go one step at a time." Mengli also thought that Mo Wenxuan and Lei Yufeng had an accident. It has been so long.

It stands to reason that it only takes three days to get in and out of the Broken Soul Pavilion.

If broken souls and harp hunters are happy, they will be sent away, and the journey will be faster.

But seven or eight days have passed, and there is no movement at all, and it can only show that Broken Soul and Xun Qin have not kept their promises.

"Okay, from now on, you will guide me to practice dream-building. I believe that dream-building has existed on the continent for thousands of years and is more powerful than Mo Wenxuan's dream-building." Su Qiqi received all emotions, Talking of a sutra.

The anti-carriage move will not affect her mentality.

"Okay." Mengli nodded hard, and explained her mind a little bit, explaining it in more detail.

Everything in the funeral palace is still there. The moon funeral has been awake. At this time, he took over the funeral palace again, but the whole person couldn't help himself, because he still remembers Fang Yi's death.

Fang Yi's death hit him too hard.

When he saw Su Qiqi and his party, he stumbled for a moment, then greeted them to enter the funeral palace.

Originally, he still had a slight hate, hating Suli for killing Fang Yi.

But he froze when he saw the sweaty handkerchief in Su Qiqi's hand. It was Fang Yi's thing, and he recognized it at a glance.

Su Qiqi practiced his dream-building mentality and was a little exhausted along the way. He was overstretched and constantly sweating, and then he took this square from the sleeve to wipe his sweat. In Search of Shaohua: Happy and Abandoned Concubine

After seeing the moon funeral staring at the papa in her hand, she remembered that this was given to her by Fang Yi out of the palace.

Then I smiled, and I was a little embarrassed: "If you want this papa, I will let you wash it over."

"No, no more." Yue Funeral shook her head busy: "I know Xiao Yi's heart, you saved her life that year, and she wanted to repay you, and didn't want to be used by Mozun."

Sighing, my heart really hurts.

He couldn't think of anything, and he would get to where he is today.

Seeing the square handkerchief, the moon funeral flower suddenly dropped everything.

He knew Fang Yi's heart, knowing that she just wanted to let go of everything in the past, so she could let go of it.

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