MTL - Black Bellied Prince’s Stunning Abandoned Consort-Chapter 871 A condition, delusional

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Feng Su saw that there was an additional child in her arms, and she was a little hesitant. When she saw someone working hard with herself, she also worked hard with the other person.

She has always regarded Mosu as her daughter, and she has also protected her life.

It was just that Feng Su's skill was so high that he was not defeated by witchcraft. Mo Wenchen.

Within ten strokes, Feng Su was thrown out of the carriage, vomiting more than one blood, and the two children in his hands were gone.

Su Qiqi outside the carriage took a guilty look at Feng Su who fell there, and she had no choice but to do so. On the way back, she thought about using Mo Wenchen.

Because she let Zi Wuya Chufan and others failed to stop Feng Su.

Only Mo Wenchen can bring her down now.

Unsurprisingly, it was just half a cup of tea. Mo Wenchen took two children back to Fengyi Temple, and even did not look at Su Qiqi and others, let alone consider Feng Su's feelings.

Watching Mo Wenchen holding two children away, Feng Su wanted to move, and spit out another blood, his face was even more iron, turned to look at Sheng Lan, a look of hatred: "You even counted me"

Sheng Lan's face was also extremely pale. She never thought that Su Qiqi would come to make such a claim, and for a while she could not reflect it. She shook her head vigorously: "Sister Su, I'm not malicious, this child is not Jiner at all."

"You're bullshit." Feng Su's body seemed to shake a bit. This remark was more like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and she didn't want to believe it.

"Sister Su, I'm telling the truth, this child is the emperor and the queen's little princess." Sheng Lan's eyes were a little moist, and her relationship with Feng Su was extremely deep. It was necessary to treat her like this.

After all, she can't betray Su Qiqi.

Even if he betrays the whole world, he cannot betray Su Qiqi.

"Impossible, impossible, she is my Jiner, my Jiner" Feng Su heartbroken: "I obviously gave a daughter to the master"

The people on the side looked a little unbearable, and even Su Qiqi looked away.

Sheng Lan sighed, as if she was determined: "Sister Su, do you remember Qiao Shan?"

"Master Qiaoshan" Feng Su said unsurely, and her delicate facial features were somewhat distorted: "How did you mention him?"

Some look unacceptable.

"Don't you always love Master Brother?" Su Qiqi asked at this moment: "Did you forget him now?"

"That's all in the past." Feng Su said weakly, "I love Liancheng even more now."

"But Bai Liancheng is dead." Sheng Ge didn't know when he came over and said relentlessly: "And you have a son with Brother Qiaoshan, don't you remember?"

"Impossible, you nonsense, I think Shengge is for your sister's sake, and I have always treated you well." Feng Su recognized Shengge at a glance.

At this time, it's more gritted.

She couldn't accept reality and didn't want to accept it.

"Sister Su, wake up. The master died fifteen years ago. The eldest son, the second son, and Jiner were all dead." Sheng Lan also said madly at this time.

Even more afraid to see Feng Su.

I am afraid that no one can afford such a blow.

Feng Su was lying on the ground stunned and vomiting bleeding constantly. This fact, she couldn't bear it at all, it was better to let her die together.

But she also woke up in an instant.

"Why would they die, wouldn't the master who wouldn't even let them go?" Feng Su shivered all over her, which made her dead for a while.

How will she deal with her own child?

"It's not like this" Sheng Lan was a bit late and didn't know how to explain. Several sons and Bai Jin died because of Su Qiqi.

"It's not Qiaoshan, it's me." Su Qiqi stepped forward and said word by word, "They all died because of me."

"You" Feng Su stared at Su Qiqi with red eyes. "You **** it."

As you speak, you will start.

"Think about yourself like this, are you my opponent?" At this point, both children returned to the palace. Before dark, Mo Wenchen and Lei Yufeng will also return to their original state. Su Qiqi ’s mood is very good. So, he said with a smile.

This made Feng Su stiff and did not move there. She was really hit hard and angry.

I'm afraid I can't recover in a short time.

And she also saw how powerful and frightening Chen Mo had just been.

"Sister Su can't blame the queen's maiden all this time, everything is because the Bai family is a demon." Sheng Lan didn't want Feng Su and Su Qiqi to have a hostile relationship.

"Baijia is the demon's person" Feng Su still couldn't understand. She only knew that her father wanted to use Baijia's power in Liuxian Island.

"That's right." Sheng Lan said to Feng Su without any detail. The weather in February was still cold, but at this time, a few people outside the hall could not feel the cold.

Su Qiqi didn't immediately go to see his two children, Feng Su had to deal with it here.

Sheng Ge also explained with Sheng Lan aside. We said that everything was wrong in Su Qiqi and Mo Wenchen. All the people in the Bai family were too greedy, and even more so that Bai Jin was too ambitious.

"How could this master never say to me?" Feng Su still vomiting blood constantly, his face is getting paler and paler, and he may fall at any time.

"Mother" Bai Shaozi and a group of people came over and ran over first, watching Feng Su continue to vomit blood, Bai Shaozi was a little flustered and was afraid to see Su Qiqi.

He always understood that between Feng Su and Su Qiqi, he could only choose one person.

"Little Purple" Feng Su already knew Bai Shaozi's life experience. At this time, she was still stiffened, and called gently, no matter how, Bai Shaozi was also her own flesh and blood.

The bottom of my heart is uncomfortable, and my eyes are full of despair.

"Mother, you all know" Bai Shaozi helped Feng Su. For a while, he didn't know what to say. From childhood to age, he only knew that his mother was still alive.

Nothing else.

Feng Su looked up at Su Qiqi with a distorted face: "You took my son as an apprentice, are you afraid that I will avenge you?"

Waiting for Su Qiqi to answer, Bai Shaozi took the lead: "Mother, it ’s the baby who wants to worship the teacher, it has nothing to do with the master, and there is no master at that time, I will be forced to death by a few brothers, and even killed by my sister."

He wanted to do the same, but he couldn't let Su Qiqi come to memorize these black pots.

At that time, the brothers of the Bai family killed each other in order to fight for the title of the family.

"How could this happen to my children?" Feng Su was even more desperate. She was still doubtful about Sheng Lan and Sheng Ge just now. At this time, Bai Shaozi said that she completely believed.

Although she hated Su Qiqi, but speaking of it, the death of her children was self-sustaining.

Who can blame

The status of the White House owner made them desperate and let them kill each other. Even his father at that time did not hesitate to gain the power of the White House.

Make Feng Su more desperate.

"Child, now you are the only mother." Feng Su suddenly smiled bitterly and turned back and bailed Bai Shaozi: "You must be good."

"Mother, don't worry, the master is very nice to me." Bai Shaozi nodded strongly, said softly, and was very careful.

He didn't know how to pay, no one could bear such a blow.

"Your master wants to deal with Mozun, right?" Feng Su looked at Bai Shaozi again, hesitating.

"Yes, Mozun has been trying to deal with the master, we must not be too passive." Bai Shaozi nodded hard.

"Okay." Feng Su nodded hard again. "I will help you."

"Feng Su" Su Qiqi heard this and hesitated for a moment, but did not expect Feng Su to help himself.

They were always afraid that Feng Su would target them because of the Bai family.

Now she should answer and make Su Qiqi feel a little illusory, and feel a little hallucinatory.

"Mother" Bai Shaozi also stunned, feeling too sudden.

Even Sheng Lan and Sheng Ge thought that all this was incredible, Feng Su, you can see everything.

It is even more desperate.

"However, I have the conditions." Feng Su looked at Su Qiqi, and said it very seriously, it is beyond doubt.

"You talk about it." Su Qiqi squinted his eyes, but his heart sank, and he was also cautious. Now Mo Wenchen has not restored his mind, and everything can only be controlled by her.

She has to be more careful.

Feng Su took a deep look at Bai Shaozi, and seemed to be making up her mind. She had ten children in her life, but now she is only alive.

All she hoped for was Bai Shaozi's worry-free life.

While holding Bai Shaozi to her side, she was very hard.

"Su Qiqi, I promised to help you get rid of Mozun. You promised Shao Zi to marry Mo Su."

"What" Su Qiqi's eyes widened for a moment, staring directly at Feng Su: "You think too far."

"Not far." Feng Su smiled: "He can only become the horse attached to the Great Yan Kingdom, which is the safest, otherwise, it will be in danger at any time."

With the identity of Su Qiqi and Mo Wenchen, plus the identity of Mo Xie, even if the world is peaceful, it is still living in the changing circumstances. Of course, it is not the same as being attached to a horse.

And this attached horse is likely to become the king of the Great Yan Kingdom.

Feng Su certainly wants to give his son the best plan.

"Mother, what little princess are you talking about? She is still a baby." Bai Shaozi was even more embarrassed, his face turned red, and he couldn't face what his mother said.

I really want to find a hole where I can drill to hide myself.

"What's that." Feng Su just smiled: "She is indeed just a baby now, but if there is any accident, she is afraid that she won't be able to wait for her life to grow up."

Of course, this means that the demon is coming.

You should know that although Mo Xie was born, although he is a deity, he is just a baby. There is no comparable to the demon, unless he can grow up in peace.

Judging from the current situation, it seems difficult for these two babies to grow up peacefully.

Su Qiqi gave Feng Su a glance. She didn't like to hear this. She and Mo Wenchen were there, and she would never let her children and daughter have any accidents.

This is something she can absolutely guarantee.

"Don't stare at me, you actually understand." Feng Su also looked at Su Qiqi, waiting for her to nod.

"No other conditions?" Su Qiqi didn't want to trade with his daughter.

Such a thing, as a mother, she couldn't do it, she felt that she owed two children.

"This is the only one." Feng Su also insisted with a look on his face and blood on the corner of his mouth, but his face calmed down and helped Bai Shaozi to stand up. His temperament was also graceful and luxurious.

Sheng Lan and Sheng Ge did not speak, and Zi Wuya and others did not interrupt.

This matter really depends on how Su Qiqi is going to respond.

"Without you, we can get rid of the demon." Su Qiqi gritted his teeth and said indifferently, totally indifferent.

They have been dealing with Mozun for so long, and it is not too bad for years, dozens, decades

"Of course, without me, you might really be able to get rid of Mozun, but you forgot, now I'm awake." Feng Su apparently wanted to sue Su Qiqi.

"You" Su Qiqi looked at Feng Su. This woman is indeed not simple. Even in such a short time, she calculated everything.

She didn't want to turn around with herself, because Bai Shaozi was on Su Qiqi's side.

Of course, she must consider the feelings of her son, but she is also a good mother.

"Fengsu, don't forget, your sky lantern is also in my hands." At this time, Fen also fell in front of the crowd, slowly speaking, and apparently knew everything that happened here.

"You can't destroy it in a short time." Feng Su didn't care, she also knew the identity of Fen: "My sky lantern has the protection of the Feng family."

"As long as you give me time, you can definitely ruin it." Frown frowned, and didn't like Feng Su's mastery of all expressions.

They need not be so threatened by a woman.

"I'm afraid you don't have that much time." Feng Su still raised her head, leaning on Bai Shaozi's body.

"Mother, I don't want to marry a little princess." Bai Shaozi said at this time: "I have someone I like."

"What do you like, I know." Feng Su glanced at his son and shook his head: "Fantasy."

"Mother" Bai Shaozi's face became even redder. He never thought Feng Su would say this. To know Feng Su had been asleep all the time, he would never know his thoughts.

Now it's so straightforward.

The people present also understood for a moment, and looked at Su Qiqi faintly, all helpless. Starter

"I'm just telling the truth." Feng Su interrupted Bai Shaozi again: "There is no room for discussion in this matter, you can do it, if not, then I will help the devil to destroy the deity."

"Dare you" Su Qiqi is on fire. She has endured Feng Su for a long time. This woman seems to take herself too seriously.

"I have nothing, and I have nothing to dare." Feng Su didn't care, raised his head and said coldly.

"Juqi." Zi Wuji stepped forward and pulled Su Qiqi's shirt: "Or we can promise for a while, the future is hard to say."

If Mo Su grows up, she likes Bai Shaozi, and they can't stop it.

After knowing that Bai Shaozi also likes Su Qiqi, Zi Wuya has no feeling in his heart.

"This is not good" Su Qiqi shook his head: "I can't decide for Su Er."

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