MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 11 Bailuzhou

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Chapter 11 Bailuzhou

Today is the light of the Holy Light on May 23, 734, Tuesday. It is said that the Holy Light calendar was the leader of the Brotherhood of the year, and was established by the stonemason Regus O. Hill, who led the uprising to drive the evil magician out of the Faurea continent and establish the Ames of the Faurea continent. The year of the Lang Dynasty was set as the first year of the Holy Light, and the dark calendar that had been for thousands of years was suspended. At present, the countries of the mainland of Faurea basically implement the holy light calendar.

Four days later, it is Saturday, May 27. In the history of the Kingdom of Ovilas, this is the commemoration of the prince of Calgary after winning the tricolor scepter battle and boarding the throne of the king to become Sterling IX. After his death, Sterling X, who succeeded the throne, instructed the House of Lords to propose the day as the legal holiday of the kingdom, named the Revival Day, to commemorate the great cause of the revival kingdom made by the great Sterling IX. .

Sunday school holidays, plus Friday morning school routinely held a celebration of the Renaissance Festival, no class in the afternoon, so Claude they have a rare two and a half days of vacation.

To know that this world is different from the past life of the passers-by, the school does not have the summer vacation and the winter vacation. The whole year is one semester, and it is only in mid-February until November. The two-month holiday of the Chinese New Year is called annual leave. Or it is also known as cat winter vacation. This is because in the Faurea continent, this period of the year is the coldest season, the snow is flying, most of the people are indoors to avoid the cold winter, and rarely go out to work.

Since there were two and a half days of vacation, Bok Al and Eriksson had been planning to play where they were, and Claude and Verizro were naturally indispensable. It’s just that the ideas of Bocker and Eriksson are not very reliable. In the end, Verizro proposed to go to the Egret Island camp, which won everyone’s unanimous approval.

Bailuzhou is less than 20 miles away from Bailu Town, but Claude has never been to Bailuzhou. This is because Bailujia and Bailuzhou are more than ten miles wide.

More than a thousand years ago, when the southwestern mountain people were hunting, they saw the legendary white elk, which symbolizes happiness and tranquility, on the shore of Bailingjia Lake. So they brought their wife and children to live in this area, and they had Bailu Town. The same is true of the Egret Island. Earlier, there were countless egrets on the continent, which was named after it.

Only later did people discover that they thought that Bailuzhou, which is separated from Bailu Town by a lake, is not a hill or a small island by the lake. It is true that Bailuzhou is actually a village of Bailingjia, Bailu Town and the sea. Separated coastal hills. It is with the obstruction of Bailuzhou that the whistling sea breeze and the raging evil waves have never threatened Bailu Town. The only hazard is that several times a year, the tides of the seawater flooding make the Bailingjia Lake water rise over the dam and form a slight Flooding only.

It is said that there are egrets and countless seabirds on the egrets, as well as sea animals, stone foxes, mountain leopards and other precious animals of high value, and there are no valuable herbs to collect, and the products are extremely rich. However, few people in Bailu Town are willing to go to Bailuzhou.

There is no reason for him, one is dangerous, and the other is that there is a large ruins on the continent. The legend is the remnant of a collapsed magic tower hundreds of years ago. Involved in the evil magician, and even the Egret Island was artificially cast a shadow of evil in people's mouth-to-mouth, no one wants to go there to find trouble for themselves.

Bok Al and Eriksson have never been to Egret Island. Of the four small partners, only Verikoro followed his father twice during the first two years of his vacation, one for hunting stone foxes and the other for In order to collect a herb.

Therefore, Verizro said that the proposal to go to the Egret Island camping adventure has been welcomed by two daring guys, Bocker and Eriksson. Young means curiosity and impulsiveness and courage. Claude as a traverser, he does not care about the so-called horror and evil legends on the Egret Island. On the contrary, he is very interested in the remains of the collapsed magic tower, ready to go and see, then the default of the boat .

"Right, Claude. After eating lunch, we turned over from the back wall and went to the old Monk grocery store in Old Street to sell the two leathers that Vero brought. By the way, look at him. What we need." Bocker pointed to the package that Verikoro brought under the desk.

Crowder nodded. The wall behind the school was soaked in half by the heavy snow and rain. It became an undocumented entrance and exit for students who entered the campus in violation of the school rules. Everyone knows that no one will report to the school. .

Moreover, even if the management of the school knows that there is no way to fix the gap in a short period of time, the repair funds for the wall will be reported to the administrative department of Bailu Town, and the administrative department will send people to the school to investigate and verify the repair. The amount of funds will then be discussed to discuss the extra-budgetary funds to be disbursed from there, and finally the resolution will be submitted to the mayor for signature, and the mayor will agree to send the resolution to the town finance department for implementation.

The whole process is not going to be available for two months from application to fund disbursement. If the mayor does not agree or the town finance department says that this year’s financial difficulties are difficult to wait until next year, then the previous efforts will be in vain, and will continue until next year. Go through this process again.

Therefore, even if the school knows that the wall behind it has broken a gap, it is also a blind eye to pretend that they don’t know. Maybe they still want to have a few more walls, so they can justify the town’s repayment of funds. Instead of repairing a small gap, build the walls of the entire school.

The lunch in the country is still as unpalatable and tasteless as ever. A spoonful of mashed potatoes is poured with gravy. Two pieces of black bread are sandwiched with a thin paper-like bacon. The fruit is a baby-sized boiled apple. However, the red cabbage soup in the large iron pan placed in the dining hall can be casually drinked, as long as the stomach can be loaded.

This kind of lunch is enough for the students to fill their stomachs, but don't think about what to taste. Occasionally, the school will change the recipe, which is just to change the mashed potato into oatmeal, or replace the thin bacon in the black bread with a piece of cheese and two pieces of lettuce.

In order to save money, the school even removed the butter, and only the salt bottle was placed on the table in the cafeteria.

Bokal now looks like a black bread is like a life is not dead: "It’s too dry, I really miss the mutton baked in the morning, it’s fragrant and crisp, and it’s a bit full of oil...”

Eriksson sneered at the mashed potatoes in the clean dish: "Who told you to eat bacon and then mashed potatoes and finally dried up the black bread, without eating it, you can swallow it, the taste of dried wood chips. Would you like to go bowling with red cabbage soup and eat it."

"No." Bokal hurriedly shook his head: "You know that I smelled the red soup when I smelled it. I don't know how I would remember the smell of the insole every time I saw the red soup. It was disgusting... ..."

"Come on, don't talk nonsense, Claude and Vero have gone to the classroom to take the parcel after eating. If you are not afraid of the afternoon, don't eat it, or we will go out and buy a mutton roast cake. ..." Eriksson stared at Bok Al, with a good intention, and seemed very eager to accept his proposal.

"You want to be beautiful..." The breadcrumbs in Bock's mouth sprinkled on the ground: "I only had two Riazor's pocket money in a month. It took one-tenth to buy a mutton-baked cake in the morning. I’ve been robbed by you..."

"Who told you to be a big one among us!" Eriksson spread his hand: "Do you have two Riazor's pocket money in one month? I am... my father will throw when he is in a good mood. Give me a Riazor, I will give me a foot when I am in a bad mood, but he is on the boat for more than half a year. I can't see him every month or go from one of his purses. Yasuo.

Claude is similar to my situation. His father will not give him pocket money without proper reasons. Occasionally his mother will give him a little more than a Riazor. As for Vero, his savvy sister is at home, busy making dowry for himself. Do you think he will have pocket money in his hand? ”

Looking at the appearance of Bok Al's incomprehensible, Eriksson laughed: "So Claude is right, we are good partners, buddies, your pocket money is everyone's pocket money, if it is for this little money It’s too much to worry about the friendship between us... Don’t eat it if you can’t eat it. You see that Claude and Vero have already waved to us, let’s go, even if you don’t buy mutton baked bread, you can buy something else. delicious……"

"I always feel that it is not right..." Bocker looked at Eriksson's back and looked at the **** bread in his hand. He muttered to himself: "Forget it, or buy mutton baked bread." Eat it..."

The four people turned very smoothly from the wall behind the school.

“Why go to the old Munch grocery store in Old Street to sell leather? I remember the Gilpo store in the new district is the biggest fur acquisition point in the town?” Claude asked curiously.

"The two skins of Vero have been put on for a long time," Bocker replied: "The fur is not bright and there is some damage. It can't be sold at the Gilpo store. They will buy no more than six Rialasso. I can bargain there, I think maybe I can sell eight or nine Riazor."

"Claude, you rarely go to the old street before, so you don't know the old Munch grocery store." Eriksson added: "In fact, the old Munch grocery store is the oldest store in the town. They have been open for three generations, but their business is basically dealing with traders or sailors. The traders from the south to the north and the sailors floating around the world like to trade the weird gadgets they collect. Munch grocery store in exchange for money..."

"But now the old Munch grocery store no longer collects and trades those things." Bocker said: "At the end of last year, the old shopkeeper Pichak went to the mountains to get the goods, the snow was slippery, and even the people drove the car into the ravine. His eldest son, Vakuri, took over and became the new owner. Then Wakuri decided to transform the grocery store into a specialized fishing gear and shipyard.

You know that fishing gear and ship's supplies need to be raw materials, but the town's Gilpo store is a big acquisition. The old Munch grocery store can't compete for fur purchases. It can only be purchased sporadically, so we will get these two skins. There, I believe they will open a good price. ”


Read The Duke's Passion