MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 505 Anbrze County

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Chapter 505, Anbrze County

"A total of forty-five giant throwers." General Bologna put down the monocular in his hand: "There are more than 800 meters from our defense line. It is estimated that it takes at least two hours to reach their farthest throwing distance.. ...."

The terrain of the Anbrze County was divided by the small hills and Little Rocks and several small rivers, so that the National Alliance forces in the Eastern Region could not invest more troops in the offensive. The Hicks deployed two standing regiments at one time. The offense has already reached the limit, and there is no place for it. I have to say that the Rock Corps has chosen a good terrain for the defense line.

Forty-five giant single-arm lever-type throwers, each standing up to a height of twelve or three meters, combined with a thick base and large components, make each giant thrower a giant. Countless soldiers rushed underneath, and it looked like a group of workers ants busy around a chicken wing that fell to the ground. More than a dozen healthy cows dragged the big hemp rope, step by step to move the giant thrower forward...

In front of the giant thrower, there are three rows of more than a dozen wooden and shield cars in front, which is used to resist the solid iron projectiles of the artillery. These huge wooden and shield trucks, driven by the soldiers, kept the distance from the giant throwers and moved forward in the same step by step.

"The Hicks are simply developing the thrower research to the extreme!" General Beechklin sighed: "I now know how the first defensive front was lost. Linde of the last Guards Corps. General Knock told me that the Hicks giant thrower could throw the throwing ball to a distance of six hundred meters, a distance of a hundred meters more than the farthest throwing distance we gave them. I didn't believe it at the time. Now I see such a huge thrower, I believe what he said."

General Bologna nodded: "Under the Hicks's raging bombing, you can still hold on for half a month. The kingdom's regiments are doing their best to ignore life and death. No wonder the casualties are so big. But Hicks People still want to use their skills to deal with us. They can only say that they are too unlucky, and they don’t know who will be bombarded..."

"In the face of our new infantry field artillery and white phosphorus bombs, these giant throwers will only become a burning torch." General Beechklin said proudly.

The white phosphorus bomb actually adds white phosphorus to the shell. The white phosphorus that burns after the shell hits the target explosion is splashed everywhere. Once it is burned, it is difficult to extinguish. This was mainly a request from the General of the Fleet, General Murray, to Mrs. Sonia. The general naval battle to burn the enemy's warships will first put the solid iron projectiles in the brazier and burn them into red, and then shoot them on the enemy's sail ship and use the high temperature of the burning red solid bullets to ignite the sails and reins.

Now the armored warships use the new type of naval guns and the flowering bombs that landed on the ground. Instead, the threat to the sailboats is not as big as the iron bullets, and it only serves as a killer. Unless it is just right to hit the water line of the enemy battleship, open a big hole in the ship's board. But on a fast-moving warship, aiming at the enemy's warship with the naked eye, the hit rate of this shelling is not so high. So Murray can only ask Mrs. Sonia to study and make this white phosphorus bomb.

The Rock Corps was naturally equipped with a lot of white phosphorus bombs, originally intended to deal with the threat of the Sea King fleet from the Hicks Kingdom from the sea. However, after arriving in Bailu City, they found that the Navy fleet did not come to the southwestern seas, so these white phosphorus shells could be used against the giant throwers of the Hicks Kingdom.

After more than two hours, the two standing corps of the Hicks Kingdom finally pushed the giant thrower to the intended position and also completed the formation. At the forefront are two rows of huge wooden carts and shields, followed by giant throwers lined up in a row. Beside and behind the thrower are countless small squares, all of which are more than 200 people at the brigade level. They will launch an attack when the giant thrower throws a tossile bombing defensive front, forcing the defensive line's throwers and artillery to attack them at the risk of being bombed to achieve the purpose of eliminating the firepower placed on these defensive positions. .....

"The distance is 540 meters." A staff officer of the Meteorite Corps reported an accurate observation distance. Very chicken thief, 540 meters, the heavy-duty thrower produced by the overseas self-governing leader throws the lightest throwing thrower the farthest distance is 500 meters. Coupled with the distance of the position, the giant throwers from the enemy still have a gap of 60 meters. The distance of 60 meters makes the entire defensive line into a difficult situation.

"You can do it, the enemy is already waiting for the beating," General Bologna said.

General Beechklin nodded: "Command the artillery position to open fire, first attack the enemy's giant thrower, use the white phosphorus bomb, destroy the target and then use the flowering bomb to perform three rounds of rapid shooting on the enemy infantry array, free attack... ..."

The sharp copper horn sounded, and the already-arranged twenty artillery positions made thunderous cannons and made a thick white smoke. The screaming whistling sound passed over more than 600 meters of the sky, falling into the square of the two standing corps of the Hicks Kingdom of the Black Raven, just as the stone fell into the calm lake, and the black waves swelled.

In the binoculars of General Bologna, you can clearly see the sparks on the giant throwers on the front, and soon become flames and torches. The ensuing explosion sent countless black spots to the air and fell. The well-arranged woodcars and shields were already in the air, and some of them ignited black smoke. There was a scream of screams and shouts in the wind, and some Hicks officers tried to suppress the turmoil and panic of the troops, but the shells that immediately fell on their side quickly made their efforts useless. .....

The defensive positions kept ringing the cheers of the soldiers of the Meteorite Corps, and there was nothing more than watching the enemy stupidly standing there to smash the more enjoyable and more beautiful scenes. The foremost artillery observers kept waving the slogan to the rear, informing them that the artillery position they were responsible for had destroyed the main target and could turn to the second artillery mission.

The sound of the guns became even more fierce. The 568th new infantry field artillery of the Meteorite Corps made three rounds of rapid shots. It was necessary to launch 36 pieces of the enemy’s infantry array in the shortest time. Flower bombs, a total of 17,000 shells are about to pour on the heads of the two standing corps of the Hicks Kingdom, and even the light cavalry division of the Canas Principality in the last is also in the scope of the attack.

The farthest shelling distance of the new infantry field artillery is about 1,200 meters, and the two standing army regiments of the Hicks Kingdom are more than 500 meters away from the defensive front where the Rocks Corps is located. One by one, all in the scope of the artillery attack. When the artillery of the Meteorite Corps fired and destroyed the forty-five giant throwers, the turmoil and turbulence caused were still at the forefront of the entire military array, and the small square soldiers behind them stood still and watched the fun. I don't understand what happened in front of me...

After the more than 20 artillery positions of the Rock Corps destroyed the forty-five giant throwers and turned them into forty-five fires, they directed the muzzle at the infantry phalanx and began three. A quick shot. It is worth noting that this time they started from the farthest range, that is, they attacked the last of the entire army of the two standing army groups of the Hicks Kingdom.

When the white phosphorus bomb fell to the position where the giant thrower exploded, the senior officers of the National Alliance Army in the eastern region, which was far behind, were a bit dazed.

"What is that? How can it be thrown so far?" asked a senior officer of the Nasri Kingdom. Nowadays, the throwing device made by the countries of the Farrea continent is the one that is produced by the Hicks Kingdom. Although it is huge and bulky, it can throw the throwing ball to a distance of 600 meters. This is also the army of the Hicks Kingdom. In the league, it is said to be the first force in the league. If it weren't for this giant thrower, then the Alliance Army would have to pay at least two legions of casualties and more time to break the first defensive front in the Kingdom of Ovilas.

"They, they were fired with artillery!" The high-ranking officer with a sharp eye saw the white smoke rising from the far-off artillery position. His face suddenly became pale: "They, they turned the iron projectile into a meeting." The bombing of the explosion..."

Almost at the same time, the senior officers of the Alliance Army who were present turned around to see the general commander of the Hicks Kingdom and several senior officers. The giant throwers that had always boasted the Hicks Kingdom in the league were invincible. The weapon to attack the city. Now, the king of Ovilas invented the shells that would explode, which means that all the money that Hicks Kingdom put into the giant thrower is in vain. Everyone understands that the throwing distance of the thrower is too short compared to the range of the artillery, let alone mobility and dexterity...

The location of the battle is a few hundred meters away from the battlefield, and the defensive front of the Stone Corps is about 1,500 meters away. The reason why it is set so far is mainly to guard against enemy artillery attacks. In case the enemy finds that there are so many senior officers gathered here, and shoot a few solid iron bullets, don’t say that they don’t hit people, scare the adults. It is also very bad. Therefore, the position of the senior officers watching the battle was deliberately arranged outside the range of the medium infantry field artillery.

Because of the distance from the battlefield, the high-ranking officers who watched the battle did not react at the moment. They just stared at the forty-five giant throwers on the battlefield and burned forty-five huge torches. Then I watched the enemy’s muzzle turn and bombarded the entire army that was waiting to be arranged on the battlefield...

A thunder and explosion, sparks and smoke from the small squares on the battlefield, countless small black spots flying into the sky and falling, the entire military image was transferred into the vortex, the last square matrix and The foremost troops ran to the middle, just like a headless flies, they rushed to the left and smashed into a group, and they joined together, and then collapsed in the explosion...

"Fast, fast blew to let them retreat..." The commander of the coalition army, the older Marquis of the Hicks Kingdom, pointing to the battlefield, holding his chest in one hand, seems to be a heart attacker. In general, he only woke up at this time, and then he would not retreat two Hicks standing army regiments.

The choking horn sounded, and all the Hicks soldiers on the battlefield were relieved. They turned and ran backwards. This time they couldn’t care, and even the muskets were thrown on the ground, just like the ebb tide. The chasing artillery only had time to fire two flowering bombs again. There was no enemy on the battlefield. There were only countless broken limbs and bodies, and the wounded were crying for help. The blood was quiet on the battlefield. Rogue...

"I have to admit that the army of the Hicks Kingdom once again surprised me." General Bologna put down the monocular and said loudly against General Chiklin. Not loud, the ears echoed with the rumble of the artillery.

"What are you talking about?" cried General Beechklin.

General Bologna could only shake his head and waited for a long time to feel better before comparing General Chiklin. "Don't you think that the Hicks army here is better disciplined than the Hicks army in the colonial war?" They didn’t blow the retreat before they slammed on the battlefield, instead of defeating them backwards...”

General Beechklin laughed: "You didn't find that half of our artillery positions were bombarded from behind their army. They could only run to the middle of the battlefield because there were no shells falling there. Oh, but we In the evening, you can go to the camp. You only need to use artillery to bombard and launch long rockets into their camps. The enemy will collapse..."

Although the Eastern Alliance’s army failed again, the two standing regiments of the Hicks Kingdom stayed on the battlefield and smashed a cannon bombardment. They also lost forty giant throwers that were used as attacking ace weapons. However, after cleaning the battlefield, there were only 30 to 40,000 casualties. Only one division’s strength was lost, but the morale of the entire coalition army was very low.

After returning to the camp, the senior officers of the alliance also prepared for the sneak attack on the meteorite army. Two rows of early warning posts were arranged at the distance of 500 meters in front of the big camp. Each team had a small team to guard. Their mission was to When the enemy was attacked, the police were alerted to the big camp. This is also a very common situation in which the army is on duty at night.

It is generally necessary to carry out night sneak attacks on the enemy's battalions, especially in the large-scale camps with hundreds of thousands of people in more than ten miles. It is necessary to deal with such night-time warning posts arranged in front of the big camp. However, these sentry posts are basically three-in-one triangular arrangement, which is ten meters apart. The three sentry posts ignite the bonfire in the middle, and they can clearly see each other on the post.

The surrounding area of ​​each sentry post also ignited a pile of bonfires, and it was easy to be found by the sentinels within 100 meters of the sentry post. In addition, the sentry post is basically built at a high place or a traffic road junction, and a protective trench is excavated next to it. The Sentinel is built of logs and stones and is three stories high to prevent solid iron shots from light infantry artillery. Therefore, in dealing with such a group of sentry posts, it was basically sent out by elite personnel to carry out sneak attacks and assassinations, to control or replace the sentinels of the enemy. Only in this way can we organize large units to go to the enemy camp by night before going to the post.

General Beechklin directly ordered the artillery to pull the new infantry field artillery in front of these sentinels in the middle of the night, violently bombarding and destroying these sentry posts. Then directly raise the muzzle and bombard the enemy's camp with a maximum range of 500 meters. At the same time, they ordered the long-range rockets brought by the soldiers of the Stone Corps to target the depths of the enemy camp. These long-barrel rockets have a maximum range of 1,500 meters and are filled with white phosphorus inside. Like the white phosphorus bombs, they quickly ignited a fire in the enemy camp.

The National Alliance Army of the Eastern Region was already alert when the Meteorite Corps bombarded the sentry in front of the camp with artillery. The guards of the camp were arranged according to the scheduled anti-night attack plan. Numerous soldiers were kicked and kicked into the trenches and defensive facilities by the officers. The muskets, artillery and throwers were all aimed at the open space in front of the camp. Only the soldiers of the meteorites who had attacked the night appeared, and they were given Strike.

This is also the traditional way of guarding against night attacks, but the Alliance Army did not expect that General Beechklin did not intend to use the traditional way to attack the enemy camps in the night, but continued to take advantage of the long range of the new infantry field artillery. The explosive power of the flowering bombs bombarded the enemy camp. For a time, the Union Army soldiers ambushing in the trenches and defensive facilities in front of the camp once again suffered from overwhelming heavy artillery fire, and were blown up by people, and they were mistaken...

General Beechklin was not focused on attacking enemy camps, and then attacked the enemy camps with points. He directly ordered the two divisions to use a combat group as a unit to guard dozens of artillery pieces to launch a full-scale attack on the coalition of the coalition army for more than ten miles. The long-barrel rocket carried is also in the direction of the enemy’s camp. The launch was a total of 5,000.

Fortunately, the grassroots officers of the coalition army are still giving strength, plus the possession of trenches and defensive facilities. Although the artillery fire is fierce, the casualties are not too heavy, and the soldiers who are frightened and frightened are forced to be crushed. At this time, there was a whistling sound of "咻咻咻" in the night sky. A long rocket with a long tail flame swept over the defensive position of the camp, under the gaze of the coalition army officers and soldiers. Falling in the dense tent in the middle of the camp, a dazzling spark broke out, and a top tent began to burn.

The night wind is a bit big, the wind helps the fire, and there are continuous artillery bombardments and long rockets that pass over the head. The troops of the right-wing Principality of the West Dings and the Principality of Rimondra collapsed first. The soldiers climbed out of the trenches, discarded the guns, and even knocked down the officers and men who stood in front of them. They exclaimed that the camp had broken away and fled! Crazy back camp and Zhongying escape...

The field group of the meteorite corps who was attacking the right wing of the enemy camp found that the enemy in the opposite camp was fleeing, and immediately seized the opportunity of this enemies. The whole army pressed and chased the enemy to create more pressure and more. Great impact.

Just like a big stone thrown into the river, the enemy who collapsed and fled was like a wave of waves ignited by the big stone swept the entire camp. More enemies of the rout appeared. No one can watch the companion escape. Continue to stick to the defensive position, and soon, the scene of the army's retreat and the enemy's retreat will appear in front of the soldiers of the Stone Corps...

"Keep vigilant, chase the enemy to be careful, find that the enemy does not fight after the enemy is broken, waiting for the arrival of the rear artillery unit..." General Beechklin could only issue such an order at this time.

After dawn, the newsletter flew, the Rocks Corps defeated the Alliance Army three attacks in five days, attacked the enemy camp in the night, successfully attacked the enemy camp and caused the enemy to retreat, and successfully pursued the pursuit. The Eastern Alliance National Army returned to the second defensive front in one breath and stood up. The damage was discovered. The seven regiments entered the Anbrze County, and only four legions of the troops returned. They also lost all the carry-on. Heavy and military supplies.

This campaign was called the Great Bristle County, and the Rocks Corps became famous in the world.

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