MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 507 Go to the kingdom of Bolivia

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Chapter 507 goes to the royal city of Polyvisia

"Boom", another throwing bomb fell in the distance, the black smoke and the fire flashed, and a few small sparks hung around the surrounding bushes...

"Colonel, let's go back a bit, it's too dangerous." Auxiliary Wei Dalake's Lieutenant policy was immediately in front of Colonel Drevik and turned back and persuaded.

Colonel Drevik was unmoved and continued to take a look at the enemy firepower on the hills in front of the monocular: "Is the new infantry field artillery that I want?"

"I have already applied, they said that they will arrive here within half an hour." Lieutenant Weidalek replied.

"Let the eleventh squadron of the offensive continue to maintain pressure on the enemy's position, pay attention to concealment, don't let the enemy throw the throwing bomb on the head. When the artillery is ready to cooperate, fight the hill head in one fell swoop." Colonel Drevik pointed out The enemy in front was still throwing the top of the mountain where the bombs were thrown.

After a while, the three new infantry field artillery pieces were towed by six horses. After the artillery squadron reported to Colonel Drevik, he directed his soldiers to quickly lay out the artillery positions, and loudly cast the guns. The mouth aimed at the mountainous position of the Nasri people.

The battle to capture the position of the mountain was very simple. The three new artillery fired only three rounds of artillery and overturned the seven throwing throwers deployed on the mountain front. The enemies on the top of the hill panicked and fled, and the soldiers of the eleventh squadron rushed to the top of the mountain and could only shoot at the back of the enemy who fled. This is another garrison of the local county of the Nasri Kingdom, which is about a small camp. They have laid out more than 100 bodies and wounded people on the ground.

"Colonel, we found this on the position..." Captain Wesley, the captain of the eleventh squad, came to Colonel Drevik and handed a black briefcase.

This black leather briefcase should be the battalion commander of the defensive camp in the defensive hill position. It is important to escape. These things outside are also taken care of. It contained some official notices and the daily administrative documents of the local garrison, but Colonel Drevik’s eyes focused on one of the documents.

"Lieutenant Weidalek, go find a few wounded people to interrogate, is this true?" Colonel Dryvik ordered.

Soon, the black briefcase and prisoner interrogation report was sent to Claude.

"Prince Veda Leo, gathered in Tula Weili, ready to counterattack the king of Bolivia, save their father and relatives..." Claude grabbed his head: "This prince is Who? What is the situation of the 18th Standing Legion in the official document?"

Major Mason Hughes, who stood next to Claude, was ready. He quickly found the information Claude needed from a stack of folders on the table: "General, Prince Vedario is Nasseri VII. The seventh son, twenty-three years old this year, his biological mother is the king of Polmanna. Nasri VII has a pair of shackles, and Princess Bormanna is most favored by Nasri VII, so her The son of Prince Vedalio is also the most favored of all the children of Naser VII.

It is said that Prince Veda Leo was very clever since he was a child. Unfortunately, he was born too late, otherwise he is likely to be the first heir to the throne. This time he was appointed as the superintendent of the 18th Standing Legion of the Nasri Kingdom, and went to our kingdom, so he was not in the kingdom of the city of Bolivia, and he was lucky enough to fall in the hands of General Berklin. As for the Eighteenth Standing Army, it is a new army that has just been formed in the Kingdom of Nasri, which is equivalent to the second-line army of our kingdom..."

Claude understands that this 18th standing army should be a new army ready to go to the kingdom to reinforce. Now the kingdom of Bolivia in the kingdom of Nasri is being raided by the Thunder Division. This Prince of Vedalio immediately stopped to go to the kingdom. The local reinforcements are ready to gather troops to counter the kingdom of Bolivia. As a result, his summoning order went to the local garrison, and the local garrison was hit by the seventh regiment of Colonel Drickvik...

"Tula Weili..." Claude looked up and searched on the map of the Kingdom of Naseri.

The village of Rasmus, the capital of Tula Weili, is separated from the city of the city of Bolivia by three local counties, in the plains, only one place away from the location where Claude is now.

"Commanded General Diavid to lead the sixth regiment of the fifth regiment to the library of Rasmus, the eighth regiment of the seventh regiment moved closer to me, and the independent reinforcement camp was on both sides. We first went to fight the 18th standing army. Besides, Claude issued an order and decided to change his itinerary. He would not go to the first division of the kingdom of Bolivia and Berklin.

At this time, when you are in an enemy country, you must not let the enemy gather troops to hold the group to warm up. Even if it is a rabble, it will be huge. Many people will be courageous. It is better to launch an attack when the enemy gathers. Click on the early collapse and finish the battle early. When the province gets the time, the city of Bolivia is armed with the place of these hard-working kings.

Sometimes the plan is good, but the reality is beyond everyone's expectations. Claude also wants to fight with the 18th standing army led by Prince Vedario in the village of Rasmus, and when Crowder arrives at Tula Weili, he discovers that the Thunder Legion flutters in the city. The lightning flag, Diavided with a horse to greet his arrival.

"Too much no fight, we only fired two rounds of artillery, then launched a light ride assault, the enemy all collapsed, turned and fled, leaving the back to us..." Diavid complained.

He himself did not expect that the enemy had a standing army and those places guarding more than 100,000 horses, against his two groups of more than 10,000 troops. He only wants to launch a tentative attack first to see what else the enemy has. As a result, the enemy smashed two rounds of artillery bombing, and then saw the light cavalry rushing into the sea, all turned and fled. So logically, the attack of Diavid’s command became a decisive charge...

"We cut thousands of people and arrested more than 50,000 prisoners. This 18-strong standing army can cancel the preparation. The only pity is that the **** prince escaped the fastest, we didn't catch him." Diavide proud Yang Yang said: "The question now is how we should take so many prisoners. We can't cut our hands. We all feel that it is not suitable. As long as there are weapons, they will be enlisted and become our enemies. ...."

"I want to be quiet." Claude felt that he should first reflect on it. Isn't the more courageous the smaller the beating? It's not as good as Diavid's young guy, regardless of the three seven twenty-one. . Ten thousand people dare to charge ten times their own enemies. I still want to come to the conference, and the two groups of Diavid have collapsed the enemy’s more than 100,000 people.

Claude felt that he should overestimate the enemy and underestimate the strength of the party. Imagine that the Thunder Legion, equipped with new rifles and new artillery, is no longer known in the battle force to lead the enemy who took the arquebus in this era.

Two groups of two hundred new artillery shots, two shots in rapid speed, equal to 4,800 rounds of artillery shells exploding in the enemy group, followed by more than 10,000 light rides to launch the charge, those places garrison and second-line legions only undergo three months of training Who has seen this enemy soldier, can't escape and die? As a result, one person fled to drive a group of people to escape, and it was normal for the entire army to collapse and all flee and escape.

"Is the city cleaned up?" Crowder asked.

"Not yet, we only control the city gate, and we are busy catching prisoners and watching the prisoners." Diavid answered honestly.

Claude nodded: "The old rules, the nobility and the officials ran into the house, the rebels killed the innocent. As for the captives, they selected all the grassroots officers from above, formed the captive camp, and handed it over to the division's logistics department. The battalion and the garrison battalion took care of the squad, and the captives were responsible for carrying the goods and escorting the grain and grass, implementing a sit-in system, and escaping the whole team.

The remaining soldiers all cut a knife in the left thigh, we gave them a wounded dress, and then gave them a little dry food to put them home. Remember to tell them that if we catch it again next time and find that there are knives on the left thigh, then we will cut off their right thumb, unless they did not shoot at us and did not become our enemy.... .."

"Boss, I don't understand, why is it so complicated?" Diavid caught his head in a puzzled way: "Cut a knife on the thigh of the captive to prevent them from becoming our enemy. I understand, why? I have to cure them, but I have to dress them up. As I said, it’s good to cut off their thumbs directly, so they can’t take the gun anymore.”

Claude is slap in the back of Diavid’s head: "Let's do what I said, your boy is stupid, don't be stupid, cut off so many captive right hand thumbs, how many families will hate us to put them Does the family become disabled? Help them deal with the wounds and bandages, so that they will be willing to cut a knife for you, instead of having to send their own troops to seize them forcibly, even the wounds and bandages can let these prisoners do it. No need to work hard.

If they cut such a knife, they can recover for three months. If they go home, they don't have to worry about being forced to recruit again, so they will thank us instead. Tell them that they will cut their thumbs next time we are caught, unless they don't shoot at us, not to be our enemy means that even if they fight against us again on the battlefield, they will be thinking about running away. You think about it, if they run away from the battlefield, what kind of consequences will they bring to you, like a group, a group, a group of all, the enemy will all turn and run away, we will be relaxed.... .."

The knife was wounded for three months, so that these short-trained prisoners could not become soldiers again. After three months, the ammunition on his side should be transported. At that time, many more enemies were just cannon fodder, which was not enough. Of course, this is only an insurance. Another insurance is a captive camp. Soldiers can go home, but grassroots officers cannot release them. Without the grassroots officers, no one can organize and force the soldiers at the bottom to escape during the battle. The more people gathered will eventually become the rabble...

"Go and do things, we can only stay here for two days, and we will leave immediately after two days." Claude said: "Next, we will split the two divisions. Your second division will have two regiments each way. In the fourteen local counties around Wangdu, all the resistance forces were killed, and the captured prisoners were all handled as I said, understand?"

"Oh, understand, boss, I am going to do things." Diavide slipped.

Claude just remembered that the Nasri Kingdom had already been badly hurt. From the beginning of the debt war, it was rubbed on the ground by the kingdom of Ovilas. Four standing army regiments invaded the kingdom of the kingdom. As a result, they were attacked by two divisions of the Red Dragon Army and the Guards Corps. They only ran back to the half-arms and lost. Fifteen or sixty thousand horses. It was even countered by the Guards Corps to the territory, which gave the Eastern Alliance of States Alliance an excuse to jointly invade the Kingdom of Ovilas.

A war in the frontier county, the Nasri kingdom suffered heavy losses again, and the casualties were ten thousand horses. In the later Ibniester plains, the first line of defense attacked and defended, and lost more than 100,000 horses. Then, in the Anbrze County of the Rock Corps, the army of the Nasri Kingdom lost its armor and abandoned it. The people who fled back were less than one and a half. Counting up to the present, the Nasri Kingdom lost at least 400,000 troops.

In the five years of the war in the eastern region, more than one million casualties in the Kingdom of Ovilas have been hurt. The total population of the Nasri Kingdom is only 1600 million. In the first two years of the war, it lost more than 400,000 troops and at least seven legions. This is a great injury to the Nasri Kingdom. Of course, this has a lot to do with the large-scale application of throwing bombs on the battlefield. In particular, the position of offensive and defensive warfare, the throwing of bombs throwing each other, the casualties caused are particularly heavy.

If it weren’t for the impending destruction of the Kingdom of Ovilas, the Nasri Kingdom would not persist in this way. The squadron continued to recruit in the country and relied on the support of the Hicks Kingdom to send a newly formed army. front. Now Diavid led two major field teams to defeat the newly formed 18th standing army, so the rest of the Nasri kingdom is the two newly formed legions that are said to be waiting for Hicks military aid... ...

In this way, the Nasri kingdom was invaded by the seven legions of the Ovilas kingdom, plus the 18th standing army that is now lost, and Berklin’s assault on the Nasri that was destroyed by the royal city of Bolivia. The Wang Family Guards Corps can be said that the Nasri Kingdom has lost nine legions. Now there are three standing corps in the kingdom of Ovilas and two new corps waiting for the military aid of the Hicks kingdom. The three standing corps in the kingdom of Ovilas cannot be brought back within half a month, or Can they not come back and don’t know...

As for the two newly-built legions, if they did not wait for the arrival of the military aid of the Hicks Kingdom, there would be no threat to the Thunder Legion of Claude. Therefore, Claude can completely remove the garrison of the various local counties of the Nasri Kingdom, and reduce the war potential of the entire Nasri Kingdom. It is not necessary to rush to the kingdom of Bolivia.

Although the Nasri Kingdom has always been a deadly enemy of the Ovilas Kingdom, the evil dogs that can be removed from the teeth are not threatened. What Claude has to do is to leave the remaining teeth of the Nasri Kingdom. Pull out the light.

Two days later, the four divisions of the four divisions of the main field team attacked, sweeping the various local counties in the Nasri Kingdom. As Claude expected, there was no place where the garrison was able to withstand the raids of the Thunder Corps soldiers, and all the towns were captured. Only the Second Division did not occupy any town. They ordered the officers to be captured according to the order issued by Claude. They cut a knife in the left thigh and released the soldiers. The aristocrats and officials in the town were ransacked to collect property. After completing these things, they Just turn to the next place...

Only the team of Crowder’s division headquarters is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more carriages and prisoners carrying the seized materials have joined the ranks, and this team carrying a lot of property and escorting prisoners has attracted. Many people pay attention to it.

"Beats", the gunshots of the arquebus came from afar, followed by the gunshots of the fierce new rifle. In a short time, a commander sent a message to Claude: "Reporting the general, the scouting team was ambushed by the enemy, and one person was killed and three people were killed. The enemy lost more than 20 bodies in our counterattack and fled. According to the test, it is estimated that they should be self-organized resistance weapons. The scale of the ambush should be about a hundred people..."

It is not the first time that such a situation has been encountered, because the seizure of the aristocratic officials who have been captured by the towns has led to the emergence of self-defense forces such as the local counties of the Nasri Kingdom. Just like the national resistance, these resistance forces did not dare to target the four light-riding main field teams of the Second Division, but instead targeted the large logistics and transportation force of Claude. This is a pinch of persimmons, but it may also want to make a fortune from here.

Unfortunately, these resistance forces did not understand what was the essence of guerrilla warfare. Crowder sighed and decided to release the big killer. After all, these resistance forces were disgusting, just like mosquitoes around you every day, you don’t pay attention to it. Sucking blood. Claude decided to shoot these resistance forces directly, saving them from getting in front of themselves.

"Mason Hughes, telling Blovik, his Spike Brigade can be dispatched. I don't want to hear any other information that resists the armed forces' attack on our team's ideas. He can let go, as long as it is resistant. Just don't let go..." Claude gave the order.

Then on the next itinerary, it was a very unforgettable journey for the transport unit and the escorted prisoners. Because of the two sides of the road, the rows of hanging corpses appeared from time to time on the big trees. Their bodies all wrote the four characters of the death of the resisters with blood. Obviously, this is a masterpiece of the Spike Brigade. So until the kingdom of Bolivia, Claude never heard anything about the resistance.

With the Spike Brigade to deal with these civilian self-organized resistance forces, there is really a feeling of killing chickens and slaughtering knives. However, this is also quiet, the only thing that makes Claude worry about his brother, Blovik, because Adele’s death made him become addicted to bloodthirsty, and he was even more crazy on the battlefield, regardless of life and death. Maybe after the end of the war, let him return to the overseas self-governing leader, go to his sister Anna's ranch, and spend time with his two dragon and phoenix fetuses, which can reduce the anger of his heart...

Berklin held a welcoming ceremony in the kingdom of Bolivia to welcome the arrival of Claude and the Second Division. He even ordered the first division to draw a battalion and hold a small military parade. review. This is the red-naked*naked* show off the battle and the shame of the Nasri kingdom, because in his view, anyway, the Eastern Alliance National Army troops held a military parade after occupying the kingdom, then he should also come along... ...

On May 6th, the year of the Holy Light, Crowder led the Second Division to sweep through the sixteen local counties of the Nasri Kingdom and finally arrived at the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Bolivia and the First Division.

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