MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 512 Campaign Prologue

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Chapter 512 Prologue

In Claude's calculations, his two divisions, one of which must remain in the royal city of Boricia, maintain order and law and order in the royal city, guard the captives, and guard the walls. Therefore, he has only one division's mobile field force, but the enemy is in two directions, northeast and southwest. No matter which direction Crowd puts this mobile field division in his hand, he cannot prevent the enemy in the other direction from approaching the city. Separate the two divisions.

This is the real reason why Claude has been unable to make a final choice, because this mobile field division can't defeat or defeat the enemy no matter which direction the enemy is facing. After all, the enemy ’s two armies are hundreds of thousands of forces, which can contain the enemy forces, but they cannot destroy the other party, and may even put themselves in trouble. You know that this is the territory of the Nasser Kingdom. The place and the people are never on the side of the Thunder.

Belklin suggested to Claude that he wanted to emulate Marshal Michele's practice of dealing with the five standing regiments of the Hicks Kingdom in Cromwell and Bering Ghan. Utilizing the flexible mobile assault ability of the Light Troops of the Thunder Corps, the enemy's entire battlefield vision was obscured, forcing it to go all the way to the black, and finally fell into a state of isolation and helplessness. .

But Claude quickly rejected the battle plan, which was simple and had a different combat environment. At that time, Cromwell and Bering Ghana were ordered by Marshal Michelle to clear the wild walls. For the standing regiments of the five Hicks kingdoms that had invaded, entering the scope of these two jurisdictions meant that Stepping into the trap set by Marshal Michelle, they simply did not have the opportunity to face each other and have been led away by nose.

Now the Thunder Corps is the invader. The territory here is the enemy. As the enemy of the kingdom of Ovilas, the people of the Nasri Kingdom are very fierce. Claude suspects that if the light scout squad sent out is not alert, it is likely to be accidentally attacked by people from the Nasri Kingdom. As long as the enemy finds towns and villages, they can easily obtain supplies and intelligence. It is impossible to cover their battlefield vision.

For the first division led by Berklin to attack, what can be done is assault and guerrillas, assault the logistical supply channel of the enemy camp, and be careful to be trapped by the enemy to ambush their own light riding unit. The reason for not allowing Diavid's Second Division to attack was to worry that he would recklessly disregard the casualties and fight against the enemy. Claude wanted to win but didn't want to pay too much for the casualties. Every enemy soldier on the enemy's land is a combat force, and their lives are very precious and worth cherishing.

However, the current battlefield situation is something that Claude can't understand. First, the more than 400,000 Alliance troops that retreated to the Nasiri Kingdom in the southwest are striding towards the Royal City of Polydivia, but more than 300,000 Alliances in the five counties of the Northeast. The army did not move, and did not cooperate with the enemy forces in the southwest direction to march to Wangcheng. The prince Vedario, who fled immediately, appeared in the Alliance forces in the southwest direction, and was supported by the three Nasari Standing Legions. At the same time, the more than 400,000 Alliance troops stopped moving and camped in place. .

Claude could only stop the first division of Berklin from attacking. He really didn't understand what the Alliance Army was doing, and why he would give up this great opportunity. It wasn't until five or six days later that the Langfang Squad captured a logistics major officer from the Northeast Kingdom from the northeast. After interrogation, it became clear what the **** was all about ...

The reason why more than 300,000 alliance troops in the five counties of Northeast China were unmoved was attributed to Murray's Iron Armored Fleet, which destroyed the Hicks fleet of the King of the Seas and captured nearly a hundred ocean-going carriers full of armament materials. The armament materials transported by the transport fleet escorted by the Neptune fleet were the arms assistance given by the Hicks Kingdom to the Kingdom of Nasseri. Now the result is that the two newly formed Nasseri standing regiments in the five counties of Northeast China Most of the officers and soldiers are still bare-handed, with only 120,000 people armed, and they need to wait for the assistance of the Hicks Kingdom again.

If it were n’t for the two standing legions of the Hicks Kingdom who came to shore, and the Kingdom of Kanners sent a reinforcement of the light riding legion, the two Nasery standing legions would have security guarantees, maybe not. The two newly formed Nasseri standing regiments had long since disbanded on their own. Now staying in the five counties of Northeast China, the Hicks Kingdom is ready to transport a batch of armament materials again, and armed these two legions to the battlefield.

However, the Hicks Kingdom can no longer be transported from the sea. The Neptune fleet has been abandoned. The unescorted transport fleet is to deliver food to the Iron Armored Fleet, so it needs to be changed by land. Land over the Nasiri Kingdom passes through the Kingdom of Breot and Mambamac. Therefore, the Hicks Kingdom needs time to negotiate with these two kingdoms to clear the land transport checkpoints and routes, in order to transfer the armament materials to the Nasser Kingdom and support the Alliance Army to continue the operation.

It is worth noting that the commander of the two newly formed Nasseri standing corps is the third prince of the Nasseri kingdom, Prince Daklind, the son of another princess of Nasseri VII. According to intelligence, the prince was not much favored and valued by Nasri VII, but his uncle was the Grand Duke of Nasri Kingdom, served as the Minister of the Army of the Nasri Kingdom, and was also the Marshal of the Kingdom. But now the Marshal is trapped in the palace together with the King as a high-level captive of the Thunder Corps, under strict custody ...

Claude suddenly understood why the more than 400,000 Alliance troops in the southwest approached the royal city of Polydivia, and suddenly half-way stationed in the camp. It seems that this is thanks to Prince Vedario. The kingdom of Nasser was also that these two princes were not in the king city, and fortunately they did not become captives of the Thunder Corps. So they have selfishness and hope to go further. Maybe they still thank the Thunder Army in their hearts. If there is no Thunder Army attacking the king city, their eldest brother who inherits the throne in the future will surely be their eldest brother.

Three Southerly Legions in the southwest embrace Prince Vedario, while two new legions in the five counties in the Northeast are in the hands of Prince Daklind. If the kingdom of Nasseri does not have his national army, then it is obvious that the two princes will also emulate the kingdom of Ovilas in a battle of the two kings to determine who will become the new king.

Unfortunately, as well as the existence of the Hicks Kingdom army, any sober-headed Hicks army commander will not allow the two Princes Nasser to fight first. In the case that the main force of the Alliance's army relied on the five standing legions sent by the Hicks Kingdom, this battle for farce in the Kingdom of Nasseri will soon be suspended and coordinated. Maybe the ambitious Kidd III will also turn the Nasser Kingdom into a tributary of the Hicks Kingdom.

The situation now is that Claude has to carry this war to the end, and the kingdom of Nasseri must be destroyed in order to restore peace and enjoy long-lasting peace in the eastern part of Farea. In the current situation, the two princes of the Nasri Kingdom must rely on the Hicks Kingdom to succeed in the throne. Whoever becomes the new King of the Nasri Kingdom will become a **** of the Hicks Kingdom. There was the ill-tempered McKid III who was behind his back, and the eastern region could never restore peace. And the weak Kingdom of Ovilas now needs the time to recuperate and restore vitality.

However, Crowd was relieved. Even if the Hicks Kingdom coordinated in the middle, the two princes of the Nasri Kingdom would need some time to separate the victory and the time, and the time was also very precious for the Thunder Corps. At least Claude can now easily transfer the large amount of property and trophies and the captives seized from the King City without worrying about enemy forces in both directions launching a raid on the King City of Polynesia.

Quite simply, Claude believed that none of the two princes of the Nasri Kingdom would be willing to rescue his father Nasri VII and his brothers. They would rather watch their relatives be escorted and escorted. The kings who went to the kingdom of Ovilas were imprisoned, and did not want his father Nasser VII or his brothers to get out of the net and become new opponents.

After consideration, Claude no longer ordered Belklin to lead the First Division to take the initiative. In addition to sending a Qingqi Field Corps as a scout and closely monitoring the enemies in both directions, the remaining three main field groups escorted 50,000 first. The captives and their families headed to the city of Emmys in the Principality of Seedings. At the same time, Claude sent a messenger to General Albert, asking him to set up a prison camp for prisoners in the city of Emerson, detain these prisoners, and then send them to the overseas dominions after the war.

As long as the time can be delayed, all the captives of the Royal City of Polynesia can be escorted away, then the Thunder Corps can free the other hand and use both divisions in battle. In doing so, Claude did take a lot of risk. In the process of transferring prisoners, the Alliance army suddenly launched an attack on Wang Cheng. Then the Thunder Corps with only one division and more troops is likely to be unable to withstand dozens. Offensive of all enemies ...

It took 17 or 8 days for the Hussars to travel back and forth from the city of King Polynesia to Emies, but it was difficult to escorted the captives. Even if Crowd used all the carriages collected in King City and surrounding towns to transport 50,000 captives and their families, it is estimated that it would take at least 25 days for Crowd to take accidents and changes during the escorting process. Back and forth.

In the southwest, the camp with more than 400,000 Alliance troops is only 15 days away from the Royal City of Polynesia. This is an estimate of the infantry march. If it is replaced by the light cavalry of the Principality of Kanas, it will take seven days. Bing Lincheng. Fortunately, there is only one division of the Kansas hussars in this more than 400,000 alliance army. If you dare to attack the king city, Claude is very confident to destroy them under the king city first.

In fact, as Crowd had anticipated, even the two Princes of Nasseri knew that the Thunder Corps had transferred the vacant information of the captive forces in the city of Kings, and remained motionless. Perhaps Prince Daklind could also justify that the two new legions under his command had not been armed and could not assault King City. As for the prince Vedario, it was likely that the eighteenth standing legion that had been led by Diawide and the two light riding field corps raids frightened the courage, and there was no big step at all.

So Nasiri Kingdom suddenly fell into a strange and calm situation, and the Thunder Army orderly transferred and escorted all the captives and their families to the city of Emmys in the royal city of Polynesia. The alliance army of more than 700,000 horses stood still in the southwest and northeast directions, but the princes of the two Nasri kingdoms desperately searched for grain and soldiers from various local counties. They became louder and louder, but never turned toward Wangcheng. March.

Time passed in this way. General Albert took the ammunition and rushed to the King City. After another half a month, the last batch of captives and their families also got on the road and were taken to Emmys City. At this time, the alliance forces in both directions finally began to operate. But instead of heading for King City, they headed for Bismunk County.

Bismank County is a border county in the northern part of the Nasri Kingdom and in the Kingdom of Mombak, separated from the territory of the King of Polynesia by the cities of Glasom and Durmer. These three counties were once wiped out by the Second Division of the Thunder Corps. Now the movement of the Alliance forces in both directions has attracted Crowd's attention.

The coalition army assembled in Bismink County is divided into three parts, with five standing corps in the Hicks Kingdom in the middle, five corps in the Nasser Kingdom on the left, and a semi-hussar corps in the Duchy of Kanas on the right and The garrisoned and voluntary aristocratic forces of the various counties recruited from the Kingdom of Nasserry also have three legions of men.

After ten days of rest in Bismank County, all five regiments of the Kingdom of Nasserry hanged Prince Daklind's general banner, and the army began to march towards Glasom County. At the forefront is the aristocratic army of about 70,000 to 80,000 horses recruited and volunteered from various local counties in the Nasseri Kingdom. Then there are the five standing legions of the Nasser Kingdom, followed by the five legions of the Hicks Kingdom. Two of the three hussars in the Principality of Kanas were placed on two wings, and one was in the front. It should be used as the first 70,000-80,000 horses in the war.

At this time, General Beechcraft and the Second Division of the Rock rushed to the Royal City of Polynesia, while the First Division of the Rock Corps and General Boloni remained in the city of Emily to take care of the more than 100,000 captives and their families, and prepared They were escorted in batches to the port of Froric, waiting for the arrival of the ocean cruise fleet to transport them to the Overseas Dominion.

Claude can finally make his move now. He entrusts the defense of the King City to General Beechlin, leaving the Second Division of the Rock to stay in the city of King Polynesia, and he and General Albert lead the Thunder First Division. He left the King City with the Second Division and went to Durmelle County to take the initiative to meet the enemy's vanguard.

Both Grassom and Durmelle counties belong to the plains. There are only a few low mounds, but the watercourses here are relatively dense. Several famous rivers in the Nasri Kingdom have branches here. It is said that the Kingdom of Nasserry had proposed a few decades ago that a hydraulic arterial canal would be built along the branches of these rivers throughout the country, but because it violated the territorial rights of local noble lords and was unable to raise so much engineering funds, they Make the canal construction plan forever on paper.

Due to sufficient water power, the land in these two local counties has been fully developed. It is one of the famous food production bases in the Naseli Kingdom, and it is also an intensive place for various manual production and manufacturing workshops. Since these two local counties are under the direct control of the Nasserling royal family, the people in these two local counties do not have to worry about being exploited by the aristocracy of the territory. They have a relatively rich life and basically support the rule of the Nasserrian royal family ... .

For the generals of the Thunder Corps led by Claude, only when he entered Durmelle County did he realize that his place was an enemy state and that he was an intruder. Residents of no town or village are willing to cooperate with the Thunder Corps. Even if the real money and money are used to purchase materials, they often get uncooperative attitude and hostile silence.

Fortunately, the 7th Regiment of the 2nd Division of Diyavid had once wiped out the defending forces in this county and knew very well how to deal with these stubborn Durmels. For example, when purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables, you can take the soldiers directly to your favorite farm orchard to pick them yourself, and then throw the purchase funds to the owner of the farm orchard after you finish the work. This kind of thing is more accustomed to the Durmers. Anyway, the officers and men of the Thunder Corps will not lie, and they will stand silently and wait for the final payment ...

The contact with the Alliance Army was on the eighth day when it entered Durmer County. On the morning of October 14th, 60th year of the Holy Light, a squadron of scouts of the Thunder Corps was outside a town called Birdra. On the avenue, a cavalry of the Alliance Army's vanguard, about three or four hundred riders, huddled into a turbulent rush to the town of Birdra. After discovering the Light Routine Scouts of the Thunder Corps, these cavalrymen pulled out their sabers, rushed over with a drink and scolding.

The scout squad turned the horse's head and fled while firing, tempting the enemy to follow closely behind. Soon, two light cavalry brigades rushed from both sides, and one battalion's light cavalry rushed towards the enemy cavalry, this time it was their turn to escape. In the end, only more than a dozen enemy cavalry were lucky enough to meet their follow-up infantry before they escaped the hunt, and the light riding battalion that won the first battle killed more than 300 enemies, and only paid a small price of eighteen injuries and zero death. .....

The enemy immediately retreated for more than ten miles and camped in place, but they did not persist for a night. General Belklin personally led the first division to launch a raid overnight. With only one round of artillery bombardment and three hundred long-barreled rockets, the enemy collapsed in the fire and explosion of the camp. The Thunder's First Division and the Second Division hunted down until the sky became bright. Most of the leading troops of the Alliance's army suffered casualties and captives. Only nearly 10,000 people fled back.

Although the first victory was very beautiful, Claude was not very excited. He knew very well that these seventy-eight thousand as the vanguard of the vanguard were actually the cannon fodder sent by the Alliance Army to test the Thunder Legion's combat power, and no one would care about their life and death or victory. What the Thunder Corps really has to face is the Alliance Army of nearly twelve legions of the follow-up Hicks Kingdom, Nasseri Kingdom, and the Principality of Kanas.

On the 14th day of the 6th year of the Holy Light Calendar, the later military history called it the Battle of Polyvicia and finally opened ...

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