MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 517 Good news and lies

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Chapter 517 News and Lies

The coalition troops arrived in the royal city of Polynesia with a total strength of approximately 550,000. But after the end of the Battle of Polynesia, in addition to the 70,000 to 80,000 horses taken by Marshal Pillag H. Ferriot, the Supreme Commander of the Alliance, returned to the Kingdom of Hicks, the rest were more than forty. The All Three Kingdoms Army was destroyed in the hands of the Thunder and the Rock.

In the Royal City of Polynesia alone, there were as many as 180,000 corpses on the side of the Union army cleaned up from the Western District after the war. Of course, this also included the five killed by shelling at the Royal Family Square in Naseli. An estimate of 60,000 people. The number of wounded and surrendered Union soldiers was only 130,000. This is a rare case of a losing party having more war damage than captured and surrendered.

Even in the thousands of years of Fassland's history, there has never been such a precedent. After breaking through the defense of the city wall and entering the city, the offensive's force was more than four times greater than that of the defensive side, but ended with the annihilation of the entire army. The history of war and military experts in later generations gave a very high evaluation of the Battle of Borisia, especially the defenders used the scattered storage of various properties to make the offensive soldiers unwilling, and only made a fortune to make a team about to win. The strong army became a group of black people, and fell into the trap set by the defenders, and finally defeated ...

The only highlight of the Alliance's army in this battle was that its Supreme Commander, Marshal Pillag Hieliot, realized that the troops entering the city had fallen into the enemy's trap, and immediately took away all the Hicks Kingdom in the coalition camp. The wounded and logistical administrators, as well as members of all Alliance forces willing to follow him. At the same time, they also forcibly seized all the mounts of the Kansas hussars in the Allied Camp, and even the winning Thunder and Rock Corps lost the most valuable batch of trophies.

In the royal city of Polynesia, the Alliance army planted about 310,000 troops, and Marshal Pillag Hieliot took away another 70,000 to 80,000 horses. Coupled with the number of frontier positions and the loss of casualties in the city walls, in the end, the Thunder Army did not encounter any resistance when they captured the Allied Camp, because the rest of the Allied Camp were the Nasri Kingdom and the Principality of Kanas. Thousands of wounded and sick people are tantamount to giving the winner another medical burden.

Fortunately, Marshal Pillag S. Feriot was quite modest. When he evacuated the coalition camp, he did not follow the suggestions of his subordinates, and burned the warehouse where the camp was equipped with grain and armaments. He just took away all his belongings and portable weapons. In order to keep forward lightly, he ordered that in addition to the necessary materials for long-distance marching, do not carry anything that affects the speed of the journey, and finally left the Thunder Corps some loot harvest.

After occupying the Allied Forces camp, General Abbot gave up the chaotic fish that had fled the Hicks Kingdom and returned to the King City. But Claude immediately gave him another task, from the Thunder Corps to the second and third regiments, as well as the seventh and eighth regiments, and then replaced the vacancies of the four main field regiments with officers and men of other regiments, reorganized A temporary division. Claude asked General Albert to lead this temporary division to the Grand Duchy of Beaumaris, the capital of the Principality of Kanas, and to destroy the Principality of Kanas.

At this time in the Royal City of Polynesia, there were only 16,000 troops in the three divisions of the Second Division of the Rock Corps, and more than 6,000 troops remaining in the Thunder Corps. The pressure of more than 20,000 troops to look after the prisoners and wounded of the 200,000-strong Alliance Army is very high. Fortunately, the captives of these coalition forces have been frightened after the end of the Battle of Bolivia. They are honest and obedient. Under the watch of the Thunder Corps, they are teaming up every day to clear the battlefield in the west area of ​​Wangcheng City.

The reason why Claude reorganized the temporary division was to speed up the army, hoping to sneak in and capture the capital of the Principality of Kannas, and he was caught off guard by the Grand Prince Kannas. Because the first withdrawal of Marshal Pillag S. Ferriot, the Supreme Commander of the Alliance Army, brought the imperfect end to the Battle of Polyvísia. Once the withdrawal team headed by Marshal Pillag H. Feriot is out of danger, the news will surely be passed to Archduke Kannas as soon as possible.

Claude did not want this Archduke of Kanas to flee, leaving any worries for the kingdom of Ovilas to rule the eastern part of Farea. The strength of a temporary division is enough to sweep the entire Principality of Kannas. This time, the Principality of Kannas provided three light cavalry corps for the Alliance Army. If it were not for the support of the Kingdom of Hicks, the Principality of Kannas would not be able to form such Many people. Now the entire Principality is also a guard division of the Grand Duchy of Beaumaris and some local defense forces. They cannot resist the front of the Provisional Division ...

Although the strength of the Royal City of Polynesia is thinner, the wounded in the previous months have recovered from the treatment camp located in the Royal Palace. After a while, two temporary field groups can be re-established to maintain the order of the Royal City. And law and order. In addition, General Bolognik also sent a regiment, meeting with a support group of the Third Division of Thunder, and will reach King City in five or six days.

The Battle of Polynesia started from the Alliance Army ’s presence under the Royal City of Polynesia on November 7th of the 6th year of the Holy Light, and on November 29th the Thunder Army and the Rock Army regained all of the western part of the King City. The last few Hicks soldiers in hiding were found and captured. Twenty-three days. The Thunder Legion and the Rock Legion won the final victory. It can be said that from this day, the kingdom of Ovilas has been fighting for nearly a hundred years, and the kingdom of Nasseri has officially died, and it has withdrawn from the historical stage of the eastern part of Farea ...

The kings of the Ovilas Kingdom only received reports from the Thunder Corps and the Rock Corps Alliance on the 5th of December, and a small error occurred during this period. The officer on duty of the Ministry of the Army of the Kingdom received this eagle eagle message and thought that the two regiments of the overseas dominion were bragging and lying. In his opinion, the Alliance Army has more than 500,000 troops, the Thunder Corps and the Rock Corps. In the Nasiri Kingdom, it adds up to 120,000 horses. How could it wipe out the Alliance Army and destroy the Nasiri Kingdom?

So the officer on duty left the eagle eagle message casually and ignored it. Until half a month later, the well-informed businessmen of Wang Dumin learned the results of the Thunder and the Rock Corps through fast horses and pigeons and began to publicize them. The great victory of the Battle of Polynesia, celebrating the demise of the kingdom of Nasiri, and even organizing a caravan of merchants to go to the kingdom of Naseri to seize business opportunities, Frederick I heard the wind and sought a senior officer of the Kingdom Army Come and ask ...

It is ridiculous that the senior officers of the Kingdom War Department did not receive any official report, so they vowed to confess to Frederick I that these news spread by the outside world must be rumors, maybe the overseas self-governing countries have made a ghost. They should want to increase their voice in the king's court, so they made rumors in the folk to exaggerate the power of the Thunder and the Rock Corps, hoping to get the favor and attention of the people of the capital, and by the way, package the two legions into the kingdom's savior and Hope, there must be an unspeakable purpose in it.

These senior officers of the Kingdom War Department spread out the topographic map of the Nasser Kingdom in front of Frederick I, and specifically analyzed and explained why it was impossible to defeat the Alliance army with the strength of the Thunder Corps and the Rock Corps, and it was even possible to defeat the enemy. When the army of 500,000 to 600,000 troops evacuated from the kingdom of Nasser. The new Prime Minister of the Kingdom, Marquis Blanchard, rushed into the royal court, and he excitedly waved a eagle eagle message in his hand: "His Majesty, Your Majesty, the kingdom of Nasseri is dead, long live the Thunder Army! Long live the Rock Army!"

The senior officers of Frederick I and the Kingdom War Department were stunned as the new Prime Minister Marquis Blanchard went mad before them, and after a while Frederick I asked in wonder: "Blankette, you are in What to celebrate? The kingdom of Nasseri is dead? "

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is absolutely true!" Prime Minister Blanchard exclaimed excitedly: "The Thunder and the Rock Corps won the Battle of Polyvicia, they destroyed more than 400,000 Alliance troops, The Supreme Commander Marshal Pillag Hieliot sent by Hicks Kingdom fled back to Hicks Kingdom with seventy to eighty thousand horses. The kingdom of Nasser officially declared its demise! This is a celebration worth celebrating Good days, my Majesty, we don't need to hear the name of this deadly enemy country anymore! "

The cheering Prime Minister Blanchard looked at the senior officers of the Kingdom Army Department, who was stunned, and asked a little puzzled: "What are you doing here? You should be the first to get the news? How do you look at your expressions? Would it be so weird? Haven't you received reports from the Thunder and the Rock?

A senior military officer asked awkwardly, "Master, where did you get this eagle eagle message, is this news accurate?"

Prime Minister Blanchard handed the hawk in his hand to the senior officer: "Look at it for yourself, this is the autographed signature of General Bolonik of the Rock Corps. He stated above that he had sent a report to the Kingdom Army half a month ago. He was still wondering when he received my eagle eagle's message. Why was there nothing moving in the kingdom? I was surprised to hear the news from the family business this time, and I sent the eagle eagle directly to ask him if the news was true .. .... "

General Bolognik confirmed that the news spread by the people of the capital was authentic and credible in this private hawk correspondence with the Prime Minister Marquis Blancarte. However, Bolognik did not describe the fighting process of the Battle of Polynesia, only mentioning that the Thunder Division and the Second Division of the Rock Corps under the command of Claude, General Beechklin and General Alberton destroyed the Alliance army More than 400,000 horses killed the Nasser Kingdom.

At the same time, General Bolognik mentioned in this letter that Claude ’s eagle eagle message sent to the Kingdom Army half a month ago had a detailed report on the Battle of Polynesia, and the Prime Minister can go to the Kingdom Army for information There are confirmed statistics on the casualties of the enemy and ours and statistics on the seizure of the spoils, and asked Wang Ting to send officials to the Royal City of Polynesia to take over the local administrative affairs of the Nasiri Kingdom ...

So Frederick I and Prime Minister Blanchard, as well as the senior officers of the Kingdom Army, came to the Kingdom Army, and after more than half an hour, they finally found the Thunder and Rock Corps in the abandoned document pile. Co-branded hawk sent a message. The above briefly describes the battle process of the Battle of Lower Polynesia. The general idea is that Crowd set a trap in the king city of the Nasser Kingdom to lure the Alliance troops into the city and fall into a trap. The Thunder Corps and the Rock Corps used ambush and artillery to engage in street fighting with the enemy, eventually eliminating more than 300,000 enemies who entered the city, and then counterattacking to capture the enemy's coalition camp, and won the battle ...

The letter also lists the more famous generals and senior officers of the killed and captured Alliance forces, as well as the amount of armaments, grain, and other crops captured in the Allied Army Camp. As for the property, Claude only mentioned the gold and silver reserves of nearly two million gold crowns, which were seized in the Treasury of the Kingdom of Nasseri in the King City. The treasures seized by Curry are forgotten ...

As for Claude's letter, Wang Ting dispatched officials to take over local administrative affairs as soon as possible. This is due, after all, the Thunder Corps and the Rock Corps belong to the overseas autonomous command zone, and the areas not occupied by the two regiments are returned. Jurisdiction of Overseas Dominion. This is the continent of Fareia, not the continent of Nubia, and the hands of overseas dominions are not here. In addition, throwing those tedious administrative affairs to Wang Ting, Claude can focus on the reorganization of the two legions and the processing of loot ...

For these high-ranking officers of the Kingdom War Department, the found eagle eagle message was a slap in their faces. Earlier, they vowed in front of Frederick I that the Thunder and the Rock Corps would inevitably fail. As a result, most of the annihilated Alliance troops sent by their losers and the news of the destruction of the Nasser Kingdom lay in the Army. The Ministry was dusted for half a month. If it wasn't for the Prime Minister Marquis Blancarte who heard the wind deliberately sent a message to General Bolognik, maybe it would continue to be silent.

If it is discovered later, then the face of the Kingdom War Department will be bigger. Is it that the eyes of these senior officers who have not looked at Frederick I are full of doubt? Perhaps the seeds of distrust have been planted in His Majesty's heart. Anyway, from the beginning of the debt war, the judgments and predictions of these senior officers of the Kingdom Army Department have repeatedly made mistakes, and they are rarely accurate, especially this time, it is too ridiculous. Even the triumph of victory was left aside as a lie ...

The senior army officer had to find a scapegoat, but the officer on duty that day, the major who received the letter from the eagle, was not timid, but made a fallacy in front of Frederick I. He believes that he is not wrong, because he concluded that this good news is a lie because he heard more words in the Army Department that were not optimistic about the two regiments of the Overseas Autonomous Region, and it was exactly these words Senior officers.

In order to prove that their views are correct, these senior officers also conducted multiple sandbox combat exercises in the Army Department. The conclusion was that the Thunder and the Rock Corps would lose at least half of their strength, and they would be looted from the Nasser Kingdom. Flee. The Alliance ’s army will also suffer roughly one-third of the casualties. In the future, the two overseas regiments will need to be in the newly occupied territory, while the kingdom ’s Red Dragon Army and Griffon ’s Army will face a confrontation at the border between the two countries and the Alliance ’s army. This deadlock will continue until Until the Kingdom and the Alliance resume truce negotiations and sign a peace agreement ...

It is that these senior officers of the Kingdom Army Department have instilled too much negative information about the Thunder Corps and the Rock Corps, and expressed too many pessimistic views. Therefore, the major officer on duty was preconceived. Naturally, this victory report was a lie. . So many predecessors said that the two regiments of the Overseas Dominion could not win, so this good news must be false.

Feeling a little strange, Frederick I asked, "So don't you have your own judgment? As a soldier, you should have your own opinions. Moreover, such a good news is difficult to counterfeit in the war, and such a counterfeit is impossible. Should there be training in military schools? "

What surprised Frederick I was that the major officer responded frankly: "Your Majesty, I have not attended a military academy. I belong to the Adrichino family. My father forced him to come to the Army Department of the Kingdom. He said that I In the War Department, as long as we obey the teachings of our predecessors, it will naturally flow all the way. Like my current military post and mission, they have already been arranged ... "

The Adrichino family, which is part of the old noble family in the Kingdom of Ovilas. The Telenas manufacturing workshop in all four major military industries in the kingdom is led by the Adrichino family. The Guard Corps has great power.

The face of Frederick I was very blue, and an aristocratic child who had never attended a military academy won the rank of the official major as soon as he entered the Kingdom Army. This is a joke. Ignore even the most basic regulations for the promotion of the personnel of the Kingdom Army. This is simply why this is so. No wonder how big an omission can be.

A senior military officer hurried forward to explain: "His Majesty, although Major Adrichino has not attended a military academy, he is a talented student of literature at the Cleveland Institute of Art. We are civilian officers and concise specifications for improving the communication text. Only then recruited him to the army and granted the rank of major, without violating any military order regulations ... "

"I remember the appointment of special recruits and civilian officers. The highest rank is only the rank of Captain ..." Frederick I looked at the senior officer who justified it coldly for a while, and then he just popped out of his mouth. Then, turn around and leave.

The Prime Minister Marquis Blanchard watched the farce in front of him and could not say anything, but sighed and chased it up ...

On December 28, Wang Ting's bird of prey arrived at the Royal City of Polynesia. The letter appoints Claude as interim governor of the Nasseri region, in charge of all military and political affairs. Until the New Year's Eve, Wang Ting reconvened on January 15th of the new year to discuss the candidates for the head of the Nasseri area, and then he would go to Polynesia to exchange with Claude. As for the achievements of the Thunder Corps and the Rock Corps, they will also be announced at the first meeting of the New Year ...

But before receiving this eagle eagle message, Claude had just received a eagle eagle message from General Albert. After a 17-day march, he led a temporary division to the Grand Duchy of Beaumaris, the capital of the Principality of Kanas. It's just a pity that Grand Duke Kanners has packed up his belongings with his family and people who are loyal to a Qingqi regiment, as well as some principalities of the Principality, who are said to have taken refuge by boat to the Duchy of Hicks.

General Albert and the Temporary Division fled, and had to occupy a few towns in Beibu Gulf before sending a hawk letter to Claude.

The Principality of Kanas also perished ...

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