MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 523 Cost of promotion to knighthood

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Chapter 523 Cost of Promotion

Claude really couldn't think of a way.

As the saying goes, human nature is selfish, such as seeing wealth for gain, seeing beauty for possession, eager to have power, to make oneself superior, this is the desire hidden in everyone's heart. It's just that a sober person can restrain his desires and work hard step by step to achieve success. Some people do not want to work hard, but they want to satisfy their own desires. As a result, they have gone astray, and in the end they have nothing to lose ...

General Bolognik proposed whether to let all the people in the Dominion who have obtained the title and conferred territories unite and consolidate the conferred territories into a piece of custody. This would be equivalent to allowing the overseas dominion to have an extra piece of land in Valeria enclave.

But Claude shook his head, which was simply not something he could do. If a member of an overseas dominion is named an honorary nobleman, he can become a hereditary nobleman of the kingdom after spending 300,000 kronor in the promotion of his rank, and he is not likely to have that after his majesty has sealed a family territory. Gao Awareness took over the family territory he had acquired.

On the contrary, he is likely to draw various resources from overseas dominions to build his family territory, because at that moment, the importance of his family territory has surpassed his identity and status in overseas dominions, that is The basis of his family's inheritance to future generations is nothing more appealing to him than a hereditary family territory.

Obviously, this scheme of granting hereditary feudal territories to feudal aristocracy is Yang Mo, and Yang Mo is often the hardest to crack. It will make people know that it is the pit that will jump in, or the kind of willingness. Just like Claude now, he knew very well that this plan would have a great impact on overseas dominions, but he was powerless. He can restrain himself, but he cannot influence other people's views ...

In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed, the plan to give hereditary nobles a hereditary feudal territory was raging in the kings. According to a report from the eagle eagle letter sent by the overseas dominion at Wangdu's office, Her Majesty Frederick I was said to have agreed to the plan submitted by Prime Minister Blanchard. The aristocratic parliament passed unanimously, but the National Assembly is still arguing, but there is not much difference between the number of people who agree and disagree ...

There is also news that Her Majesty is going to give all members of the National Assembly the title of Baron of Honor to the Kingdom. It seemed that Frederick I had made up his mind to implement this plan of granting the kingdom aristocratic territory. Quite simply, if all members of the National Assembly have become honorary barons of the kingdom, then for them, they only need to raise money to pay the baron fee to make themselves a hereditary baron of the kingdom, and they can also be from Frederick I. Obtain a hereditary clan territory, so they have no reason to oppose this plan.

The following days were a bit of a scorched busy feeling for General Claude and General Bolognik. Every day, a messenger sent by more than ten waves of the aristocracy of the Kingdom came to visit the two generals in the royal city of Polydivia. Many of the visitors were relatives of the kingdom ’s nobles who were family members, or brothers and sisters. They brought valuable gifts and smiles. All they asked was for the Thunder Corps to **** them to visit the Nasseri area and protect their people. Safety.

In fact, these people are standing for their own family, want to see the real situation in the Nasseri area, and choose a good family territory for their family. Although Claude and General Bolonick were annoyed, they reached out and did not smile. Besides, the families of these visitors are also very influential in Wangdu, and the contradiction between the power of overseas dominions and the old noble family of the kingdom is not on the bright side, and everyone remains polite.

After these visitors were willing to pay for the Thunder Corps soldiers as their temporary guard, Claude nodded and agreed to their request, sending a unit to **** these visitors' wandering in the Nasseri area. Claude is easier than General Bolognik. At least he won't have his elders rush to the royal city of Polynesia. He slaps by his ears every day and lets him pick a good place to be his family territory.

As expected by Claude, General Bolognik's father, despite his frail age, was escorted by two younger relatives at nearly seventy years of age and rushed from the king to Borive in a coach. The city of King West Asia also wants to choose a family territory. General Boronick's wives and children all live in Lanhu City, the capital of overseas dominions, but his relatives, parents and siblings still open farms on the outskirts of Wangdu.

After learning that General Bolognik would be granted the family territory, his parents who had been reluctant to be involved with him couldn't sit still. They wanted to let General Bolognik choose a family earlier. territory. His father, the old man who made Crowd very disgusted, taught General Bolognik in front of the two of them. What did General Bolognik continue to live in the overseas dominion? This family territory can let his brother help him fight Management.

In the end, Claude came forward and told the old man bluntly. Don't dream. As a member of the high-level overseas dominion, General Bolognik's family land will be entrusted to the overseas dominion to take charge of it. This is the dominion council. Decide. As for where to choose the family territory, the Dominion Council also has a unified arrangement, not his own decision. If General Bolognik disagrees, he will leave the Dominion ’s Executive Committee and manage his family territory by himself. In the future, the overseas Dominion will have nothing to do with him ...

Although General Bolognik's father was very angry that the Overseas Dominion Council had intervened in his own family territory, he was still not confused, knowing that General Bolognik relied on the Overseas Dominion to gain its status today, and even brought it to their family. The farm brings many benefits. So he didn't turn his face either, just knocked a sum of money from General Bolognik, and brought some precious gifts before he went gloomily to the king in a carriage.

General Bolognik was finally relieved and expressed his gratitude to Claude for his siege. Every family has a hard-to-read scripture. He knows that his parents do n’t like his second son, and even to clarify his relationship with him, he once declared in Wangdu Dengbao that he would sever blood relations with him, and scolded him as a kingdom. Rebellion. Of course, General Bolognik also understood that his parents were doing this to keep their family farm, and did not want to affect his relatives by what he did in the Dominion.

After the Overseas Autonomous Regional Command sent troops back to the Kingdom, after the Rock Corps achieved the victory in Ambrize County, his parents changed their claims and declared that he was the pride of their family. He asked him to give his family some support and took a lot of money from him.

Now for his sake, his parents and elder brothers are aggressively buying land around the farm while the neighbors are in a difficult situation, and are preparing to expand the family farm. Many of the neighbors who were forced to sell the land to them were afraid to speak. His parents and brothers' reputation was very poor in that area, but it was limited to his current status and status. Even local officials were unwilling to offend his parents and Brother, these situations were reported to General Bolonick by agents in Wangdu's office.

General Bolonick knew very well that if he had his parents in the family territory, then his parents would soon force him to turn this hereditary territory into the entire family territory, and then return Would like to let him take the title of his elder brother's son, and let the most precious grandson in his parents' eyes get the inheritance of the family territory ...

Don't think that this kind of thing will not happen. For the inheritance of family territories, more strange and shameless things happen in the homes of those nobles. If General Bolognik's wife and children remain in the overseas dominion, it should be fine. But after his parents and elders managed his hereditary territories, if General Bolognik's wife and children wanted to return to the family territories, there would be a lot of "accidents" waiting for them.

General Bolonick couldn't believe the character of his parents and elder brothers, otherwise he would not be sent to the Wangjia Military Academy by his parents when he was only twelve years old. Home once. When he grows up, he must report to the Kingdom Army, which is equivalent to selling him to the Kingdom Army. Unlike other impoverished students, their parents are in difficult circumstances. His parents are not without money, they just don't like him. When he was a child, Bolognik was really dumb.

Look at the children of the nobles who are wandering around in the Nasseri area, as well as the kings who are making a lot of noises because of this matter, and you will know how much this scheme to seal the noble hereditary family territories stirred up in the kingdom of Ovilas Waves. Even General Bolognik's old father wanted to intervene in it, and it is conceivable that the hereditary family territories were desired. This plan will inevitably go through the approval of the National Assembly.

The planning of Frederick I and the Marquis of Prime Minister Blanchard was very successful. At least His Majesty finally grasped a weapon to deal with the power of the old noble family in the kingdom. No kingdom aristocracy will now offend His Majesty, because the power to grant the clan territory is in his hands, and to obtain a satisfactory clan territory must be approved by His Majesty ...

It is ridiculous that when Sterling IX fought a civil war for six years before the hereditary territory of the aristocracy of the kingdom was cancelled, it was hoped that future generations would have the entire kingdom, not the order of the Ibnist plains. As a result, the British Lord of the Revival Kingdom did not expect that without hereditary clan territories, those established noble families would be able to shift their energies to the commercial monopoly of the Kingdom.

In the past hundred years, these old noble families have developed into economic giants that make the kingdom big. Even the military industry of the kingdom is in their hands. This is probably a blessing and an interdependence. Without the family territories, the aristocracy's homes also have fewer disputes. Most of them are more polite when they fight for the title of the homeowner. Some noble children who do not want to be the homeowner even give up the right to inherit the homeowner. A lot of money and joy are at ease ...

Now Frederick I ’s plan to sacrifice the kingdom ’s aristocratic family territories is a trick, which will allow him to easily gain power to govern. At the same time, it also allowed the old noble family forces to relax the restrictions on the royal court. They could also raise huge funds from these kingdoms and nobles to solve the financial crisis of the kingdom, and by the way, they could also add obstacles to overseas self-governing territories. This plan has to be admired by the five bodies, and there are many eyesight people like Claude, but they have to jump in knowing that there are pits.

Sometimes Crowder felt that it was all his fault. It would be good if he only drove the Alliance troops out of the kingdom. Why bother to recapture any new occupations, destroy the kingdom of Nasrily and the Principality of Kanas, and even let him now Fall into a dilemma. Of course, this is just what he thinks in his heart. He is very clear that there will be complications after he strikes a snake.

If the Alliance Army is really only driven out of the Kingdom, then the two legions of the Overseas Autonomous Command will stay at the Kingdom border and entangle with the Alliance Army. No one can bear the price of a bad battle like that for a few years. It is better to knock all the enemies out of the way like this one stick. Only in this way can the Thunder Army and the Rock Army deter enemies inside and outside.

The noble children and emissaries of each family walked around the Nasseri region for two months, and after coming to their hearts, they came to the royal city of Polydivia again, thanking Claude and General Bolognik for dispatch. After the protection of the troops, they set off on their way back to the capital. At this time, Viscount Don Bagiro came again as the special envoy of Wang Ting. This time his purpose was to promote all military officers and award awards to the commanding officers of the Overseas Autonomous Command.

To Claude's surprise, Frederick I and the Royal Court were very magnanimous in the promotion and award of the two legionnaires. Both Claude and General Bolognik were promoted to Marshal of the Kingdom, General Albert, General Beachklin, General Scri to General of the Kingdom, Belklin of the Thunder Corps, Murriet, and Diavid. , Major Generals of the four kingdoms of McJack and the four majors of the Rock Legion were promoted to the rank of general of the kingdom. In addition, 22 colonels in the two legions were also promoted to Major-General of the Kingdom this time.

Mr. Weberon's son, Colonel Derwick, was also promoted to the rank of major general, which also fulfilled his dream of being a general in his childhood. Marshal Claude and Marshal Bolonique could only look at each other with a bitter smile, which is simply a general wholesale. After this promotion, the military establishment reform must be carried out. Otherwise, two generals in the overseas autonomous command zone will not be able to accommodate so many generals, unless a local garrison also arranges a major general to lead ...

The promotion of the military rank is normal. After all, this time the Thunder Army and the Rock Army made a national destruction and unified the entire eastern part of the mainland for the kingdom. Just for the money rewards of the two legionnaires, Viscount Don Bagilo expressed his regret that he would have to wait another two or three months. At that time, Wang Ting would have the money to send out, and I hope everyone will be more patient.

Finally, Frederick I conferred the title of a meritorious officer. Claude was originally a hereditary baron, and this time he was conferred a hereditary Count. General Bolognik was originally the Viscount III, but this time he was conferred a hereditary Viscount, only one rank lower than Claude. While General Scree, General Abbott and General Beechklin were originally Barons III, this time they were all conferred hereditary barons. It seems that His Majesty was also embarrassed to let the five giants of the Autonomous Regional Command pay the promotion fee for the baron, and simply gave it to hereditary baron.

Claude feels very funny. This time, the title of Frederick I was a little bit like sitting in a row. Even General Scrie, who has not been involved in the kingdom, also has sufficient grain and ammunition because of the logistics resources. Hereditary knighthood in the name of active supply. In addition to the five giants of the Autonomous Military Command, nineteen senior officers of the two legions that had previously received the Baron of Honor, such as Berklin, McJack and others, were promoted from Baron of Honor to Baron III, and there were 47 others. Meritorious soldiers were awarded honorary titles, ranging from barons to honorary counts based on military merit ...

Then Viscount Don Bagilo told Claude and others that, since His Majesty granted the baron honor to all members of the National Assembly, for the sake of fairness, he also granted the members of the Overseas Dominion Parliament with Kingdom Honor. The baron's title, which had previously won the honorary title, was automatically promoted to the first level. For example, Sir Bennett and Mr. Wyberon, who were originally Barons of Honor, were promoted to Viscount Honors this time ...

Well, it seems that Your Majesty is not willing to let go of even a member of the Overseas Dominion, knowing that they have money, so only to give everyone a chance to obtain family territory. Claude doesn't need to know or know how much the parliamentarians of the Overseas Dominion would welcome and appreciate the decision of Frederick I. Ded will inevitably hollow out his family and be promoted to hereditary knighthood, thus obtaining a hereditary family territory. It can be said that the wealth accumulated by these parliamentarians after decades of hard work in overseas dominions will soon become a bag of their Majesty.

"How exactly is the cost of the promotion of that title?" Asked the nobles of the new kingdom concerned by the representative of General Bolognik.

"That's it," Viscount Don Bagillo had long been prepared to wave his own secretary, and pulled out a document from the briefcase he carried with him: "If it is an honor baron, then start with a baron of honor, Need to pay 10,000 kronor to be promoted to the viscount honor, and then promote from the viscount to the honorary count. A promotion fee of 40,000 kronor is required. The promotion from the Duke of Honor to Baron III requires 50,000 kronor.

In other words, the promotion from Baron of Honor to Baron III incurs a promotion fee of 150,000 Kronor. If Baron III is to be promoted to Viscount III, it is also necessary to pay a promotion fee of 10,000 kronor, and then proceed in this way, it is also necessary to pay 150,000 kronor to be promoted to hereditary baron. Then from the Baron of Honor to the Baron of Hereditary, it takes a total of 300,000 Krona for the promotion of the Baron to obtain a hereditary family land conferred by Her Majesty ... "

Claude wanted to scold his mother. If these parliamentarians in the overseas dominion all want to obtain a hereditary family land, then the promotion fee is set. A total of 112 members of the Overseas Dominion, Frederick I was able to easily pluck huge funds of nearly 30 million kronor from their pockets ...

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