MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 525 Three demands from lawmakers

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Chapter 525 The Three Requirements of Members

The former Duchy of Kanas was a peculiar country in the eastern part of Valeria. This is not only because the location is the only prairie in the eastern region, but even the title of Grand Duchy of Kanas is independent. If you are serious about it, the inheritance of Archduke Kannas is not based on his ancestry, but several grand tribes on the prairie fight against each other. The chief of the grand tribe that wins automatically becomes Archduke Kannas ... ..

In the past few hundred years, every time the inheritance of Archduke Kanners meant the coming of rain and blood on the prairie, but in the past sixty years, the two inheritances of Archduke Kanners were very peaceful and peaceful, not on the prairie. Make any waves. The reason is simple. Sixty years ago, a majestic figure finally appeared on the Prairie of Kanas. He was the chief of the Kermitau tribe, Jamie Ador Dorbach, Kermitor.

The chief, Jamiead Dorbachji Kermito, is said to have travelled with the caravan for more than half of the Vale continent when he was young, and later returned to the tribe to become the chief. He was the first large-scale tribal chief to introduce guns and cannons to equip hussars, and then used the power of guns and cannons to continuously annex small tribes, and eventually the Kermitau tribe developed into a large tribe. At the age of fifty-four, He successfully won the title of Archduke Kannas.

After becoming Archduke Kannas, the chief Jamiead Dorbachji Kermito changed the nomadic customs of the tribe, and began to choose the most dangerous places to build the Grand Duchy of Beaumaris to make his tribe's people used to settle and Planting life, and forming a caravan to trade with neighboring countries, make great efforts to better the Nasiri Kingdom, and send his son to the Nasiri Kingdom to study at the age of sixteen.

Chief Jamie Dordolj Kermiteau spent fourteen years in the seat of Archduke Kannas. In addition to building the Grand Duchy of Beaumaris and changing the customs of the life of the Kermito tribe, the rest Time is used to vigorously suppress the remaining large tribes on the prairie, so that these large tribes no longer have the ability to compete with the Kermitau tribe. Therefore, when he was dying, his son successfully inherited the position of Archduke Kannas, and no large tribe on the prairie had the strength and courage to fight for the title of Archduke Kannas.

The successor was the eldest son Bridul Dorbage Kermitau who went to the Nasiri Kingdom to study at the Royal Military Academy. He was also the second British lord of the Principality of Kanas. It is interesting that he attended the Royal Military Academy in the Nasser Kingdom, but what he did was more like a businessman. He spent twenty years vigorously developing the Beibu Gulf area, making it the most commercial seaport in the eastern region, and making Beibu Gulf area the source of gold and silver in the Principality of Kanas. Business tax alone is not less than Production revenue from two or three large gold mines.

The archduke of Bridur Dorbagh Kermitor was called Kermitor II. He also built a city on the coast of the Beibu Gulf, which is the capital of the northern Gulf region, Campastre. He spent most of his last time in this city of Campastre, and some even regarded it as the second capital of the Principality of Kanas. During the twenty-two years of his reign, before his death, Comido II also let his son inherit the throne of Archduke Kanus.

Although this successor to the Grand Prix of Kanners, that is, Kmiduo III did not have the ingenuity of his grandfather, nor was he as wise and decisive as his father, but in the evaluation of outsiders, he was also the master of control and controlled the entire Kannas prairie More than enough. The only mistake he made was that he should not have tied the Principality of Kannas to the broken ship of the Kingdom of Nasser, which led to the demise of the Principality now. He had to go into exile with his family to the Kingdom of Hicks.

It has been twenty-four years since the reign of Kermito III, and the brightest moment of highlight was in the First Eastern Regional War, desperately desperate, using all the last light cavalry of the Principality to assault Ovelas invading the Kannes prairie. The three field legions of the kingdom were nearly 200,000 horses, and they won in the end! Because of the victory of the Kannas steppe, the kingdom of Ovilas was unable to continue, and it had to sign a truce peace agreement with the kingdom of Nasiri and the Principality of Kannas, thus ending the first war in the eastern region.

The above words were introduced by General Ablont who came to welcome Marshal Claude and Marshal Bolonick. For more than half a year, he sat in the Kanas prairie. When he was fine, he would capture the documents of the Principality of Kanas. The data turned upside down. He can't do anything about it, mainly because he wants to find some information about horse bandits who have disappeared without trace in these documents and see if they are horse bands disguised by nomads of any tribe ...

"The Principality of Kanners does not divide local counties. Because the grassland is too large, even if it is divided, the boundary cannot be remembered. Therefore, the Principality of Kanners is divided into four quarters and a large area. The most famous is the Beibu Gulf area, the harbour and the three This town is considered a commercial area. The second is the Grand Duchy of Beaumaris, the capital of the Principality, which is an agricultural planting area. The principal food base of the Principality is that it has three rivers that can be used for agricultural irrigation.

The third area is the hilly area of ​​Likumada, a mineral resource of the Principality of Kanas, but there is no gold, silver and copper mines, there are only three small and medium-sized iron mines and some stone mines, and a large open-air black stone mine, which is Lord, you say coal mine. The black stone produced here is of good quality and has very little smoke. The people of the Principality of Kanas use black stone powder and soil to stir and press into black stone cakes for cooking and heating.

The last quarter is Qingshan District, southwest of the prairie, which is relatively remote. It was a noble gift zone of the Principality of Kanas. I took two regiments to sweep it there, and found that the nobles of the principality there were ringing poorly, and the spoils seized were not worth 30,000 kronor. Is the backcountry. As for that large area, it means the Kanas prairie, as long as the long grass can be seen as the grassland area. "

General Albert Abram continued to point at the prairie and introduced him. Marshal Bolonick liked this endless grassland scenery. Horseshoe trampled half-foot-high weeds, as if walking on a huge green field. The velvet carpet is average. Zema trot around and came back and asked, "Where are we going? Grand Duchy of Beaumaris or Beibu Bay?"

General Ablont replied, "Of course it's Beibu Gulf, sunshine, beaches, food, and beautiful and sympathetic girls. Now is the best time to swim in the summer, and we can rest a few days at the beach. Waiting for the arrival of the Iron Armored Fleet. You know, the water here is blue, not like the water on the mainland of Nubia, it is dark red.

Although we know that the seawater is the same, there is a mineral in the mainland of Nubia that turns the seawater into red, but it feels completely different in the blue water and the dark red water. To me, this is just heaven. If there were no harassment from fly-like horse bandits from time to time, I really want to spend the rest of my life here ... "

"Is it as good as you say?" Claude said with a smile.

General Abrent swears by swearing: "Of course it is true. I did n’t know why it was that Camelot II stayed in Beibu Bay until he died after he built the city. None returned to the Grand Duchy of Beaumaris. Compared to the city of Campestre, the Grand Duchy of Beaumaris is more like a military fortress. The stone castle there is cold and dark and is not suitable for living at all. So I will also command The headquarters was arranged in Campestre, and a light riding camp was stationed at the Grand Duchy of Beaumaris ... "

Marshal Claude and Marshal Bolonick arrived in Camposite in the North Bay area on September 2 with General Alberto, and as General Alberto vigorously touted, Camposite did indeed It is a beautiful seaside city. There are special products from the countries of Valeria, as well as many special products from the colonies of the western coast of Nubia. The products of the two continents are here to buy and sell, which has made a booming ocean trade. Big city with very strong business atmosphere.

"This is indeed a good place." Claude admired, he liked the free business atmosphere here. The only thing that feels inadequate is that when the city was built, it did not anticipate future developments, and even the houses and dwellings in the entire city, as well as the road traffic construction, seemed narrow and small. Although it looked a bit delicate, it was not spacious enough, giving people a pattern. Small feeling.

The barracks were deployed outside the city, while Claude and Marshal Bolonick moved into the city's main house. While these three days before the Iron Armored Fleet arrived, Claude was busy holding promotion and gifting ceremonies in the temporary army. After all the commendable soldiers in the division's division were rewarded for promotion, this temporary division was disbanded and the troops reorganized into the Thunder's first and second divisions.

Two days later, General Beechklin and McJack brought the Third Division and the newly formed Fourth Division to the escort, and the family members of the officers and soldiers who joined the Fourth Division also rushed to Campastre. , Move into the camp that has been built. This time, the Iron Armored Fleet escorted all the members of the Overseas Dominion and the honorable nobles of the Kingdom. It also cooperated with the ocean transport fleet to bring a batch of armament supplies and sedge supplies to the Thunder Corps and the Rock Cloud Regiment. These Thunders will be transported when returning to sea. The family members of the officers and men of the Fourth Division settled in overseas autonomy.

Crowd was busy for two days and pushed the military affairs at hand to McJack and his younger brother. Then he and General Ablond dragged Marshal Bolonick and General Beechklin to Played on the beach for a day. As General Albert said, staying in the blue water is indeed more comfortable and pleasant than playing in the red water, and playing water is more enjoyable. Just as they were ready to turn around for dinner, a plume of blue smoke appeared in the distance, and the Iron Armored Fleet finally reached Beibu Gulf.

Claude suddenly found that his observation of human nature was not yet home.

Since Frederick I issued a decree on the capital on June 1, Claude has been pessimistic about the future of overseas dominions. He believes that human nature is inherently selfish. His Majesty used the conspiracy to seal hereditary family territories. Those members of the overseas dominion will surely be stunned by the big pie that fell from the sky, and they will surely take it out. The family went to the ranks to get a hereditary family land. Claude believes that the leaders of Frederick I and Wang Tingli who planned this conspiracy would think so ...

Compared with the overseas dominion, the Faroe continent is the center of this world. If these overseas self-governing lawmakers and the honorary nobles of the kingdom both obtained a hereditary family territory in the eastern region, then they would definitely concentrate on the development of this family territory. It turned out that when these members of Parliament and the honorable nobles of the kingdom were busy living their hereditary family territories, the overseas dominions lost these backbones and did not attack themselves. The transformation from overseas dominions to overseas kingdoms of the kingdom was not far away. Already.

This is the idea that Claude has always buried in his heart. He never believed that all the members of the overseas dominion would be selfless and consider the future of the dominion. The reason why he and General Bolognik did not go to select a family territory in advance was mainly to let the members of the overseas dominion know that he and those soldiers with military merits were willing to unite with them, warm up in groups, and acquire hereditary families. Territory grants itself no objection, but the opposition puts everything on hereditary family territory, thus ignoring the development prospects of overseas dominions.

It is just that Claude has forgotten the most critical and most important point. Being able to lead such a barren land in overseas jurisdictions, he can build a family business with his bare hands and become these overseas celebrities and powerful celebrities and powerful families. Dominion members of the Dominion, which is not an old man who is sly and thoughtful.

They had already decided on their trip to Beibu Gulf. Everyone in the hereditary family territory needed it, but the overseas self-governing territory was the fundamental place for everyone, and they must not give up. The most important thing is that the members of these overseas dominions are mostly civilians or businessmen. For them, compared with the industries and reputations of overseas dominions and business connections, hereditary family territories are not particularly important. .

This is actually a misunderstanding of civilian merchants and traditional aristocrats. For traditional aristocrats, obtaining a hereditary family territory is the most important thing, and it can be paid at any price. However, for the members of the overseas dominion, from the perspective and perspective of businessmen, they do not value the gains on the land, nor do they attach great importance to the power of the leaders to be confiscated. Compared to power, they value business interests and family reputation ...

General Scrie bluntly told Claude and others that what they were most worried about during the trip was that the two legionnaires first obtained the family territory from His Majesty. In that case, the political alliance of the autonomous territorial assembly and the military region will cause contradictions and distrust, and everyone cannot unite and there is no way to bargain with His Majesty. Until we got ashore and found that you hadn't obtained hereditary clan territory from your Majesty, everyone was relieved.

Claude can also be regarded as relieved, and everyone has this consciousness, which is no better. Instead, General Ablont was very interested in what General Scree said about his bargaining with His Majesty. General Scree said that the members of the Dominion had calculated a bill when they were on board, and considered that they had been promoted from baron to hereditary It takes 300,000 kroner, and it costs another 100,000 land selection fee to obtain a family land, which is not a good deal, so I hope your Majesty can make a double discount.

Although each member of the Overseas Dominion has a net worth of 400,000 kronor, but considering that there are 112 members in the entire Dominion, plus those who have already obtained honorable noble status, then His Majesty and Wang Ting can obtain from them No one was able to calm down when he seized a huge amount of funds of more than 40 million kronor.

Everyone felt that they had worked hard for more than half of their lives and handed over to His Majesty and Wang Ting in exchange for a piece of territory that they did n’t know how many years to return to, and everyone felt uncomfortable. Especially after acquiring this internship family territory, you also need to invest in the territory, and it will definitely cost a lot. So everyone agreed on the boat that if Her Majesty refused to make a half-fold, then everyone would refuse the seal of the family territory and wear the title of Baron of Honor of the Kingdom.

It is a trivial matter for Her Majesty that a person refuses to jealously refuse to grant a seal, and it can be ignored. However, if all the members of the Dominion and the honorary nobles of the Kingdom did this, that would be a big deal. No matter how to make a double discount, it is also a huge sum of more than 20 million kronor. I believe that if His Majesty does not agree, he will sleep upset. Anyway, overseas dominions are on the mainland of Nubia, and Her Majesty and Wang Ting can't lose a hair of the members of parliament if they want revenge.

As businessmen and property owners, parliamentarians are concerned about what the territory has produced, or whether they can build any workshops, rather than thinking about how to squeeze the last copper coin from the people. This is how they think differently from traditional nobles. local.

With a hereditary family territory in the eastern region, lawmakers also need to consider security issues. It's not that you won't have to worry about acquiring a hereditary clan territory. Territory wars and mismanagement between the nobles of the clan and the loss of this hereditary clan territory are common occurrences. Therefore, the lawmakers hope that all hereditary family territories can be sealed in an area and form an alliance to ensure the security of all family territories.

"Let's talk about your specific requirements." Claude was curious about what the MPs thought.

Speaker Bennett raised the wine glass with his one-handed hand, and drank the fruit wine in one sip. Then he said, "We have three requirements. One is to hope that Your Majesty will be able to grant all of our overseas self-governing lands the right to grant hereditary families. Territory people ’s territories are arranged in one area so that everyone can watch and help each other. The second is that all costs are at least discounted, otherwise we refuse to grant the territories, do not promote the title or choose the land. Finally, we need the territories A seaport that facilitates our contacts and exchanges with overseas dominions ... "

Claude shook his head: "It's a pity that at present there is no seaport in the Nasseri area and an area sufficient to accommodate the hereditary family territories conferred by the owners of overseas dominions, and they have been taken over by other nobles in the kingdom."

According to statistics, the 678 territories nobles that have been conferred by the kingdom now occupy a third of the total area of ​​the Nasseri region, but their territories are scattered in 28 local counties, occupying All are good places. If you want to arrange all the conferred territories of overseas autonomous territories together, this is really difficult to achieve. At least you have to relocate a dozen aristocrats who have occupied the land before they can make room.

Speaker Bennett looked at the charming bay view outside the window and thoughtfully said, "Actually, I think it's also very good here ..."

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