MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 533 Compensation agreements and arms deals

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Chapter 533 Compensation Agreements and Arms Deals

The five giants of the Overseas Autonomous Leadership Area are meeting again.

This is the second day that Crowd led the Thunder Corps to the capital. Prime Minister Blanchard will, as promised, bring all the members of the parliament and the officers of Jinjue, as well as the deputies of the office of the capital and the disarmed guards. The brigades were sent to the camp of the Fourth Division of the Thunder. Claude refused to go to the court to meet King Frederick I, for which Prime Minister Blanchard expressed deep regret.

The party was attended by Speaker Bennett and Chairman Hendman, both of whom, like General Bolognik, remained unharmed for more than 20 days in prison. General Scree had scars on his face and a bandage on his left hand. Like most of the officer representatives of Jinjue, he suffered a lot. Because he refused some unreasonable demands, he was severely tortured two days before his arrest. Fortunately, the Prime Minister intervened early, so that his injuries did not worsen.

Claude dropped a folder in his hand on the conference table: "Let ’s take a look. This is a compensation agreement given to us by Her Majesty the King from Prime Minister Blanchard."

The folder was left in front of President Henderman. He picked it up and opened it, glanced at it with joy, and read it aloud: "Allowing the Minsheng Bank of China to open a branch in the Kingdom, it needs to be submitted to the National Bank each year. Management fee of 1 million kronor. As long as a deposit of 10 million kronor is deposited in the National Bank, low-value banknotes with a total value of less than 20 million kronor can be issued in the Kingdom. The banknote pattern must be reviewed by the Ministry of Finance Ratify ...

Allow the overseas self-governing railway commercial banks to jointly operate railway transportation business in the Kingdom of the Kingdom, start the Ovilas Royal Railway Operators Bank, occupy 40% of the shares with the land from the kingdom, and the financial power of manpower and technology with the overseas Sixty shares are used to construct and operate a railway transportation line covering the Kingdom. The total operation period is fifty years. After the 50-year period has expired, the Kingdom will finance the purchase of all shares.

The gift order is a 50% discount on the promotion fee and land selection fee for overseas dominions. Those injured in this conflict are exempted from land selection fees, in order to express the apology and royal resignation of the two kings and queens. Responsibility for your seriousness, once again I ask for your understanding ... "

"Sorry, Prime Minister Blanchard is a difficult negotiating opponent, and we only reached these three compensation agreements after a night of negotiation," said Crowder.

Speaker Bennett and Chairman Hendman are very happy. Speaker Bennett said excitedly: "It is amazing to reach these three agreements. At first, the Kingdom only allowed us to open an overseas people's livelihood bank in White Deer City. Now We can open branches in the capitals and towns of the various counties and counties in the Kingdom, which means that our banknotes can also be issued to the Kingdom. "

Claude drew a cigar from the cigar box on the table and lit it: "Actually, the kingdom has not suffered. Didn't we ask our overseas Minsheng Bank to pay a management fee of 1 million kronor a year? This is equivalent to the national The bank also opened another branch system. I remember that Viscount Goodich once mentioned that the total revenue of all branches opened by the National Bank in various local counties in the Kingdom for a year was less than one million kronor .. ....

In addition to searching for this management fee from overseas Minsheng Banks, the Kingdom Treasury Department's actual idea was to introduce our low denomination banknotes to replace metal physical currencies. After all, there is not much profit in casting these low-value metal physical currencies, and there is also the danger of loss. That's why Prime Minister Blanchard asked overseas Minsheng Bank to pay a deposit of 10 million kronor and issue a low face value banknote of 20 million kronor. Use our bank to try the kingdom's water. "

Hendman asked, "But the paper money written here is not the kind we issued in overseas dominions. Need to redesign a new currency pattern and anti-counterfeit logo?"

Claude nodded: "Yes, this kind of low denomination banknote issued in the Kingdom of the Kingdom needs to redesign the design and anti-counterfeiting logo. The chief of Blanchard should accordingly decide to use this banknote to replace the low denomination metal physical currency issued in the Kingdom However, this does not prevent the banknotes issued by our overseas dominions from circulating in the Kingdom. The only difference is that the National Bank of the Kingdom does not recognize the banknotes issued by our overseas dominions, only the newly issued banknotes. "

Speaker Bennett said freely: "It's okay, it doesn't matter if National Bank doesn't recognize the banknotes we issue. Our overseas Minsheng Bank will acknowledge it by itself. As long as we open the branches of the overseas Minsheng Bank to the local counties in the kingdom, I believe soon Can surpass National Bank and become the number one bank in the Kingdom of Ovilas. "

Henderman pointed to the second laugh on the document and said, "I did not expect that Wang Ting also lost this railway to our operation as compensation. This is enough sincerity. I remember that Wang Ting sent people in the first place. We asked our overseas dominions to hand over to them technically about railway construction and train production, saying that they support the construction of railways in the Kingdom, which was rejected by us. The second time was preparing to pay for railways and trains from us. Production technology, but they only offered 300,000 kronor, and we were driven back again ... "

General Scree laughed: "It seems they are also getting rid of it, knowing that railways and trains can be done without talking. Just like the railroad businesses we now have in the Dominion, we have obtained a lot of money in operation. Benefits, but every year, a large amount of money is invested in technological improvements. The locomotives are now the fifth generation of steam engines ...

Without our participation, the Kingdom would have to reinvest a lot of money to research and develop steam locomotives. But now that I'm running with us, I don't know how much money and time have been saved. Now that Wang Ting only needs to pay for the land, he can get a railway line covering the whole kingdom. He can also get 40% of the net income from our hands in the next 50 years. This is really a very cost-effective protocol. "

"Prime Minister Blanchard is a smart man. He knows how to cooperate and share, and how to make each other profitable." Claude spit out a cigarette slowly. "We have calculated that the Kingdom will build a railway line covering all local counties. At least, it can get more than 3 million kronor per year. And this railway line covering the local counties of the kingdom has a total investment of about 20 million kronor, not including the land acquisition required to build the railway.

Prime Minister Blancarte said that the previous construction of railway lines and the operation of railway commercial banks were in the hands of those aristocratic families. However, because of their dispute over the amount of shares and investment, they could not obtain the production technology of railways and trains from overseas dominions, and even the plan to build the kingdom's domestic railway line has always existed only on paper.

Now the attention of these aristocratic families has shifted to the hereditary family territories that they have acquired, and Wang Ting has regained the dominance of railway construction, and this railway cooperation agreement can be reached with our autonomous territory. If there is sufficient labor, we can build several operational railways within two years, and while operating, we can build railway lines covering the local counties in the Kingdom within seven or eight years.

With an investment of 20 million yuan in railway construction funds, I estimate that it will take 15 to 20 years to recover the total investment cost, and the remaining 30 years will be net income. Therefore, I recommend that the 20 million kronor railway construction fund be raised by the overseas Minsheng Bank by issuing bonds. This railway construction bond can be transferred, or it can hold dividends every year, and it can also be passed on to its children and grandchildren. After the 50-year operating period is reached, it can be sold to the Kingdom to get back the capital and interest. "

"Good idea." Speaker Bennett applauded: "Marshal Claude made a good suggestion. I mean to set the face value of this bond to one hundred kronor for the people of our overseas dominion to subscribe. It is stipulated that a household can only subscribe for one bond, which is credited to the bank account of the head of the household, and the annual dividends and income are credited to this account. And we, the members of the congress and nobles, should not touch this bond. How do you say? , I think it ’s time for the people of our Dominion to get some dividends from the war. When we eat meat, we should also let others have some soup ... "

One hundred kronor denomination bonds and 20 million kronor worth of railway construction funds can benefit 200,000 households of self-governing self-governing territories, which is of great help in consolidating the hearts of the people. Today, the economic development of overseas autonomous territories is growing rapidly, and the people's lives are getting richer. Families with savings of more than one hundred crowns can be found everywhere. Depositing gold coins in the bank only earns a meager interest, but buying this railway bond will probably double the hundred crowns in ten years.

Crowd knew that Speaker Bennett's proposal was mainly to appease the people of the Dominion. After all, all members of the Overseas Autonomous Leadership Council have become honorary nobles of the kingdom. As long as they pay the promotion fee and land selection fee, they can obtain a hereditary family land in the eastern part of Valeria.

If the news spreads to overseas dominions, it will make the people of the dominion feel abandoned, and even if they are used by those who are interested, there will be slapsticks and storms calling for the re-election of the members of the dominion. Therefore, we must let some interests go out to reassure the people, indicating that even if these parliamentarians became hereditary nobles of the kingdom, they did not forget the interests of the autonomous people. The railway bond is the best choice at present. One hundred kronor can benefit 200,000 households ...

Everyone in the room skipped the topic of the railway without a word, acquiescing to the proposal of Speaker Bennett. Next is the last compensation agreement. The 50% discount on the Jinjue fee and the land selection fee is already a 50% discount on the seal order. With the exception of those Kingdom aristocrats with Sterling family ancestry and a few who have made great contributions to the Kingdom, that is, they have strongly promoted His Royal Highness Prince Frederic to the throne as the nobles of the Kingdom. The lowest discount is known.

In addition, parliamentarians and representatives of Jinjue officers who were injured for various reasons after the clash that night were exempted from land selection fees. Even General Scrian smiled and said that he had been tortured and wounded, but because of this he had reduced the land selection fee of 200,000 kronor, which was really worth the beating. The wounded members of the parliament and the officers expressed their great satisfaction with the sincere apology of the King and Her Majesty ...

Speaker Bennett and President Hendman were also satisfied with the discount offered by Her Majesty the King and the treatment of the injured. As Prime Minister Blanchard revealed to Claude, the aristocratic ministers who had been the royal court resolutely opposed parliamentarians and military officers of Jinjue to enjoy the same preferential treatment as theirs. As a result, the royal guards were dispatched by Her Majesty the Queen. After arresting MPs and representatives of military officials from overseas dominions, and removing the huge sum of 30 million kronor, and closing Wangdu's office, all the murmurs on the court of Wang disappeared ...

Especially after the news that the Thunder Corps was marching toward the capital, the noble ministers of Wang Ting messed up, and some people began to accuse others that they should not discriminate against MPs and honorable nobles of overseas autonomous territories, and they should be given the same preferential treatment. Some royal court noble ministers simply took time off to leave the capital to avoid deteriorating the situation and spread to themselves, while some honorable nobles who roamed the royal capital helped spread the rumors and accused the king of doing wrong ...

To be honest, without Queen Kristi's reckless instructions that led to the conflict between the palace guards and the representatives of overseas dominions, Her Majesty did not have any excuse to give them discounts and concessions. Instead, this conflict has allowed both parties to step down. His Majesty the King compensates with discounts and concessions, and the members of the Overseas Dominion are also glad that they did not play the role of injustice and received a half discount ...

Claude could only laugh bitterly in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't really use his power to fight in the capital. Even these injured MPs and officers of Jinjue can forget their conflicts with Queen Christie and forget about themselves. He was harmed by the beatings of the palace guards, satisfied with the compensation made by His Majesty the King, and there was no reason for Claude to stand up for them and retaliate against the King and Queen ... ..

Just like last night, Mrs. Maria visited Crowd's camp overnight. Claude knew what Mrs. Maria was doing, she just came to intercede for her daughter. And Mrs. Maria also knows the weight of Claude now, holds the military power of overseas dominions alone, and the field marshals of the victorious kingdom have the ability to influence or destroy the entire kingdom.

No one had expected that a pair of masters and apprentices who had met in the small town of White Deer would have such an ups and downs. The identity of the two seemed to have been reversed. At that time, Mrs. Maria was the noble lady that Claude looked up to, the righteous sister of the first King Sterling. And now Mrs. Maria is the queen's mother, her identity has not changed much.

But Crowd grew from an ignorant teenager to an invincible commander. He could even determine the future of the Kingdom of Ovilas and the survival of the Sterling royal family. The teacher and the apprentice met again, but did not mention that Claude led the Thunder Corps to Wangdu, but only recalled the scene when they met in Bailu Town.

Mrs. Maria was very concerned about the situation of Claude's sister Anna. When she heard that she was an adult mother, she couldn't help sighing that time had passed too fast. That sensible little girl now became a mother. She sighed that she made a mess of people. Originally, she wanted to treat Anna as her disciple, and even wanted Anna to be her daughter-in-law, but her baby boy messed up everything.

Mrs. Maria did not mention her daughter, Queen Christie, or plead with Claude or anything. She just left a thick notebook before leaving, and told Claude to give it to his sister. Anna. This thick notebook records the experience and research reports of Madam Maria as a senior pharmacist in pharmacy, which can be said to be invaluable.

Claude was unable to tell Mrs. Maria that her sister had long been deflected by him, from a junior pharmacist to an arms research expert. Mrs. Maria said that her sister Anna was the most talented pharmacist she had ever seen, so she left her the notebook that recorded her life-long research, and hoped that Anna would go further in pharmacy ... ..

Since these injured parliamentarians and officer representatives had no intention to hold Queen Christie accountable, Claude naturally skipped it. Instead of looking at the monk's face and looking at the Buddha's face, it was in the face of Mrs. Maria that Crowd would let Queen Christie this time.

President Henderman calculated with his eyes closed for a while, and frowned, "Even if Her Majesty gave us a 50% discount and the land selection fee for those injured delegates was waived, but we 30 million King Krona is still not enough to pay everyone's promotion fee and land selection fee. I estimated that we still have a difference of 17 million King Krona ... "

"Otherwise, we will say that we have no money. It's just 30 million kronor. Love or not, let them give us a few more discounts ..." Speaker Bennett wanted to play rogue.

Claude was laughed with anger: "Turn this page open, and Prime Minister Blanchard wrote two more requests later, letting the Autonomous Territory provide the kingdom with a new rifle and an iron armoured fleet. That's a difference of 16.4 million kronor. It should be noted that these two requirements were agreed by our Marshal Bolognik ... "

Marshal Bolonique, who had been silent, suddenly blushed: "Yes, I agreed. Now the Kingdom's military industry has produced the same new rifle as ours, and several shipbuilding workshops have joined forces for iron armor The development of battleships has also made great progress. However, the prices they reported to the Kingdom Army Department were too outrageous, a new rifle cost 45 kroner, and a bullet required a silver tower. An iron armored warship The asking price is 680,000 kronor.

I think that instead of letting the kingdom's military industry, which is under the influence of the old aristocratic family, earn this arms money, it is better for us to earn money overseas. So I agreed to the request of Her Majesty the King and Prime Minister Blanchard, and our Overseas Dominion provided 400,000 new rifles and 40 million new bullets to the Kingdom Army. Then we will build an iron armored fleet of sixteen iron armored warships for the kingdom. This transaction we can use to justify the remaining 10 million lacking Jinjue fee and land selection fee ... . "

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