MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 535 Analysis and response

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Chapter 535 Analysis and Response

"... From the current situation, the Kingdom of Hicks helped the so-called Kingdom of Nasseri and the exiled royal court of the Principality of Kanas, and for what purpose, for the time being, there is nothing for us. Threatening. No matter how loud it is, it will be thunder and light, and the only thing that can be performed is to send a small group of people to sneak in to enter the country, spy on intelligence and contact insurgents to incite civil unrest or anything, and it will not affect peace and stability in the entire eastern region ... ... "

General Scrie held a small wooden stick in his hand and pointed at the map on the wall. The conference room was filled with members of the parliament and senior officers of the two legions. This was the parliament of overseas dominions and officers' representatives held in Wangdu. In another conference, the topic of the conference was two bad news received just two days ago. As the representative of the autonomous region, General Scrie gave participants detailed analysis and explanations at the conference, so that they could understand the crisis facing the overseas autonomous region.

"The Hicks Kingdom ’s Sea King Fleet has been wiped out by our Dominion ’s Iron Armored Fleet, so it cannot mobilize large forces to carry out landing operations on the eastern coastal areas. In addition, during the war, the Hicks Kingdom could send a battle to Breo. The Kingdom of Uzbekistan and Mambamac leased a land road as a logistical supply channel to transport troops to the frontline. They can also let their remnants defeat and retreat along this land channel.

But now that the war is over, it is no longer possible for the Hicks Kingdom to mobilize large troops to lease an overland passage from the Kingdom of Bryot and Mambamac as a way to enter the Nasseri region. Because doing so would indicate that the Kingdom of Breot and the Kingdom of Mambamac also joined the array of the Kingdom of Hicks, proactively declared war on us and became invaders. And the Kingdom of Breot and the Kingdom of Menbamac will never participate in such a war that has nothing to do with them ...

Because there are two countries between our kingdom and the Hicks Kingdom, the land borders are not adjacent, and the Hicks Kingdom lost the only Neptune fleet at sea, so we do n’t have to worry about it picking up in the eastern region. Start war. No matter how it supports the kingdom of Nasiri and the exiled royal court of the Principality of Kanas, that is, the merchants hawker, earn a sip, show a sense of existence, and indicate that it is still the boss of the Eastern League of Nations.

As for what kind of reunification army that the Kingdom of Hicks helped the two exiled kings of the Kingdom of Nasseri and the Principality of Kanas, even if a small group of horses were sent over to make trouble, it could only be in the Nasseri area. It is well known that the Nasri region has been conferred on hereditary nobles by the king as hereditary family territories, so it is necessary to consider how to deal with these insurgents as well as those nobles in the territories. Their families are armed against these small stocks. The insurgents were more than enough.

And the concession territory that our overseas dominion obtained from His Majesty the King here is the coastal area of ​​Kanas Prairie Beibu Gulf. After the confession ceremony is over there, it will become another territory of our overseas dominion on the land of Valeria. The Autonomous Military Command has decided to send an Iron Armored Squadron to Beibu Gulf to protect the security of the territorial waters. So for our Dominion, the Hicks Kingdom is just an evil dog barking in a cage, and it doesn't threaten to ring again. "

After talking about Hicks Kingdom, General Scree called on his lieutenants and guards to replace the map on the wall with the map of the continent of Nubia. The next thing to explain is the prohibition of commerce issued by the colonies of the West Coast countries to overseas autonomous territories. Impact and adverse consequences.

With a small stick in his hand, General Scrie nodded the colonies on the West Coast nations on the map, and opened his mouth after the noisy conversation in the conference room stopped: "Compared with the Kingdom of Hicks, the Kingdom of Nasser and Kanas The Principality formed intelligence on the exile and the resurrection army. We believe that the joint statement issued by the colonies on the west coast of the mainland of Nubia is the biggest bad news for our overseas dominion. They imposed a ban on trade! "

The noisy discussion in the conference room sounded again, and a loud voice yelled, "Declaration of war! We declare war on them! They dared to expel our dominion businesses and merchants. This is discrimination against our dominion! We can absolutely "Break them down by force and ask them to sign an agreement so that we can trade freely on the West Coast!"

General Scree smiled bitterly. The owner of this voice probably was superstitious about the invincible fighting power of the overseas autonomous territories. The first thing that appeared in his mind was war, which used the war to open a way for the business of the overseas autonomous territories. Many people in the conference room echoed his views, cheering war loudly, war ...

The small wooden stick in his hand was slammed on the wall twice, suppressing the discussion in the conference room, and when everyone's emotions calmed down, General Scree shook his head: "Yesterday, the Executive Committee and the military region of the autonomous region have already After discussing this issue, it was concluded that we cannot declare war on the colonies of the West Coast countries.

This incident cannot be resolved by a war, because our autonomous military region does not have this time or the ability to win the war in a short period of time, and the longer the time is, the more disadvantageous it is to our overseas dominions. "

"Why?" A member of the parliament stood up and questioned loudly. He should be the one who had just advocated war against the colonies on the West Coast.

"Look at the map, here is the West Coast ..." General Scrie clicked on the map of the West Coast with a small wooden stick: "You can see from the map that the entire West Coast colonies are four times larger than our overseas dominions. Their colonies have gone deeper inland, and they have been developed nearly 100 years earlier than our overseas colonies. No matter from the perspective of the population, properties and development scale of the colonies, they are more perfect than us. "

General Scrie's words are very true. The earliest colony of the mainland of Nubia was on the west coast, where it was called a land with nectar flowing in the sun. The land was broad and rich in products. The southern continent where the overseas dominion was located was a desolate and barren land at that time. Sterling X of Ovilas Kingdom sent the colonial army to the southern continent because of inability to intervene on the west coast. After more than 60 years of continuous development Only now has the overseas dominion.

"Over the past two hundred years, the colonies of the West Coast countries have undergone several wars and annexed each other, and finally formed the current pattern. Here are the colonies of the eight countries in the southern part of Valeria. The former northern coastal countries have been squeezed out of the West Coast, only from the East Coast. And Hokuriku Snowfield to find a few barren places to establish their colonies. This is why the Hicks Kingdom provoked us a colonial war that year, it hopes to obtain its own colonies from our southern continent.

Today, the West Coast has been the exclusive colony of eight countries in the southern part of Valeria. The peace on the West Coast has enabled the West Coast to achieve great economic and social development. But fortunately, the eight southern countries have adopted the blood transfusion economic policy on their colonies on the west coast. Just like our previous kingdoms, they suppressed the economic and industrial development of the colonies and regarded the colonies as a resource exporter. And the dumping ground of domestic products.

Why are the goods and commodities produced by our overseas dominions dumped throughout the West Coast colonies? Very simple reason, good quality and low price, quality assurance. Instead of dumping high-quality goods from their own countries into their colonies, as in the eight southern countries. Due to the implementation of the trade monopoly policy of the eight countries, the people of their colonies can only choose these high-quality products and endure the treatment of being squeezed by the merchants of their own countries because they have no choice.

But all this changed after the smuggling of goods and commodities produced by our overseas dominions into the colonies of the West Coast countries. Even if the local governments of the colonies of the West Coast countries banned smuggling activities, the people in the colonies would choose to buy the goods and goods produced by our Dominion. As a result, the goods exported from the eight southern countries to their colonies have become unsaleable goods and cannot be sold. That is, we moved their cheese.

Thanks to the reason why our overseas self-governing leadership defeated the Hicks kingdom and won the colonial war, the colonial governments of the eight countries on the west coast did not dare to use force against our overseas self-government. They only expressed strong protests and demanded that we stop the smuggling activities of the colonies on the west coast. We rejected their request, and we told them at the time that we believed in the freedom of commerce and trade, and that others came to purchase. We could not help but do this business, and we could not control where the goods were shipped.

Two years ago, two-thirds of the goods produced by our overseas dominion were smuggled and sold to the West Coast colonies. Last year, due to the kingdom's war, sales decreased, but half of the production was shipped to the West Coast by smugglers. It is worth noting that the low denomination banknotes issued by the overseas Minsheng Bank of our autonomous territory also have nearly 10 million kronor in circulation in the West Coast colonies ...

The people of the West Coast colonies use our paper currency to avoid the commercial taxes that need to be paid to the colonial governments. Because the colonial governments of various countries do not recognize our banknotes, but the people of these colonies can take the banknotes to the freely convertible businesses established by our Dominion businessmen in the eight West Coast colonies. I think this may be the reason why the colonial governments of the eight nations expelled the businesses legally run by our self-governing businessmen ... "

The member who asked why he did not declare war interrupted General Scrie: "We know these things, but this should not be an excuse for our Dominion not to declare war on them! If we dispatch the Thunder and Rock Corps, and our armor With the fleet, then the maritime smuggling blockade of the eight-nation West Coast colonies will cease to exist, and their colonial garrison will be defeated. In the end, we can only open the door to welcome us to trade with them freely! "

"You think everything is too simple!" General Scree was helpless. "We declare war on the eight west coast colonies, but we do not mean that we declare war on the west coast eight colonies. Declaring war, do you understand? Just as the Hicks kingdom provoked this colonial war, the kingdom sent us Rangers to reinforce it, and eventually made us into the Thunder and the Rock Corps.

The total area of ​​the eight west coast colonies is four times that of our overseas dominions, and the total population exceeds 60 million. Although most of them are mixed-blood indigenous people, the colonies of the southern eight countries have allowed these mixed-blood indigenous peoples to recognize their colonial countries as the motherland. This is many times stronger than the Nikancha people here do not know. If we declare war on them, they will be regarded as invaders, and they will also take up arms to resist our attack.

Do you think that the 200,000 troops of the two regiments in our overseas autonomous command zone can wipe out the entire West Coast colony in a short time? It would not be possible without more than five years. And even if we defeat the colonial garrison in these eight countries, we do not have so many troops in various occupations to maintain local order. Unless we do general mobilization of overseas dominions and recruit more than one million troops, this will be possible.

Do you understand what it means to recruit millions? That will be a very large-scale regional war. Can our overseas autonomy afford the price of this regional war? Unfortunately, we ca n’t afford it, and we do n’t have the capital. Because the enemy we are facing is not a colony of the eight nations on the west coast, but also eight nations off the southern coast of Valrea. They will continue to reinforce their colonies and may even send troops to attack our overseas dominions.

By then, our Dominion will be left alone. You also know the situation in the Kingdom of the Kingdom. Not only can it not provide us with support, but it is also very likely to sever relations with our overseas dominion. Because it can't afford the diplomatic pressure of the eight southern countries, and what it needs most now is time to rest and recover. Therefore, we cannot take the risk of declaring war on the West Coast colonies because of the ban on trade. "

This time General Scrin was very straightforward. What he said was that the overseas dominion could not fight this battle, nor did it have the financial and material resources and combat power to fight it. The questioning member stood there thinking for a long time, still a little unconvinced, and wanted to say something, but was immediately dragged down by the people around him and sat down.

"Who is he?" Claude asked Mr. Weberon next to him.

"Old Berman's son, Andelos Joyst. This guy has good luck. Last year he replaced Old Berman's parliamentary position, and this year he mixed up with a hereditary baron of the kingdom. Seventeen daily necessities workshops were opened in the state of Fuston. Most of the goods produced were smuggled and sold to the West Coast G8 colonies. This time the West Coast G8 colony ’s ban on trade has the greatest impact on their families ... Mr. is very clear about the details of these members.

Claude laughed. "No wonder he was so excited, shouting to declare war ..."

The former General Scree was still speaking: "... Although the West Coast Eight Colonies issued a ban on trade to our overseas dominions, as long as there is a profit, smuggling cannot be prohibited. Our Dominion Executive Committee took out There are two countermeasures. The first is to implement armed freight on smuggling caravans and open up new smuggling channels to ensure that they will not be easily arrested by the garrison in various colonies. At least they have the ability to escape and resist ..... .

Secondly, within the next three years, our overseas dominion will vigorously develop the hermitage of Kanas Prairie Beibu Bay, which belongs to our dominion, and it will become a new commercial transaction center on our mainland. Specialties and commodity goods from the two continents will converge here to become the largest commercial free trade market, allowing businessmen from all countries to come here to buy their favorite commodity goods and then ship them back to their respective regions for sale.

The Executive Committee believes that this place will soon become a new economic growth point for overseas dominions. Even if the economic losses caused by the ban on trade in the West Coast Eight Colonies will be quickly compensated from the commercial free trade market here Therefore, we need a little patience and time. While developing this autonomous territory, the Executive Committee will also send personnel to the West Coast colonies to negotiate and ask them to lift the ban as soon as possible. "

"Are you going back to the Dominion this time?" Mr. Weberon asked.

"Yes." Claude nodded. "The Thunder and Rock Corps are now dragged here and cannot be adjusted. The West Coast's ban on our Dominion must be lifted as soon as possible, or it will have a very adverse impact on the Dominion's economy. . Now our foreign rhetoric is to shift the direction of investment and develop the territory of Beibu Gulf, but secretly we must give a profound lesson to the West Coast colonies ...

They chose a very good time to attack us this time. The strength of our two major military regiments was dragged in the eastern region, and the Iron Armored Fleet also scored to dismantle the harbour here to maintain maritime security. Therefore, the eight-nation colonies on the west coast jointly issued a ban on smuggling and strengthened the sea embargo to expel our businesses because of this time, we ca n’t help them. However, the West Coast colonies have become the largest place for the sale of goods and goods in our Dominion and we must not give up. "

"However, there is only one division of the Rock Corps remaining in the Dominion, and there are twelve local garrison regiments. The strength is small. Is it possible to transfer one or two divisions back from here?" Mr. Wilbur asked with some worry.

Claude laughed: "I didn't go back to fight this time, but I wanted to see if there was a way to resolve this ban without moving soldiers. The autonomous region has been fighting in the kingdom for two years, and it should be rested. I am also prepared to reduce some military forces to reduce the military expenditures of the self-governing territories. And not all problems must be solved by force. Believe my judgment, the eight-nation colonies on the west coast do not want to have war with our overseas self-governing territories. "

"I hope so ..." Mr. Weberon asked again, "Marshal Bolonick returned to the Dominion this time?"

"Yes, he will go back to civil affairs and act as parliament's administrative affairs in the absence of Master Bennett. As for the development of the Beibu Gulf Territory, the Autonomous Territory will replace General Scree and General Beechlin with General Abbott stayed here, believing that they could maintain the law and order of Kanas Prairie, "Claude replied.

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