MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 549 Death of the Chief

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Chapter 549 Death of the Chief

In the sense of the death of the chief of the Rusman kingdom, the colony of the Kingdom of Resnia, the death of Unemas Dia Modrigues was in a sense of death. He overestimated the value of his identity as a chief Confidently, at this stormy time in the colony, the colonial officials of the Kingdom of Rethnia will rely on his identity as the chief of war to appease the restless Rusmans, and thus embark on their own death.

In the hearts of the more than three million Rusmans in the colony of the Kingdom of Resnia, Unemas Dia Modrigues is the best chief. He was fair and kind. He used to confront a wronged Rusman servant woman with the immigrant employer of the Kingdom of Resnia, and he used sufficient evidence to admit defeat and apologize to the servant woman. This earned him a high degree of prestige, known by Rusmans as our godfather. Colonial local officials also paid tribute to him as a Rusman who knew the law and could abide by it.

Unemas Dia Modrigues has been the chief of the Rusmans for nearly three decades. He has heard thousands of events and rulings, but few people have tried his case and The ruling is ambiguous. During his nearly three decades in office, the Chief of the Generals, Unemas Diadia Modrigues, has promoted the basic knowledge education of the Rusmans, and has made changes to the traditional customs and laziness of the Rusmans. Unremitting efforts.

(Note: The chief chief here does not mean the chief of the tribe, but the meaning of the chief executive officer. Just like the judge, the final trial and ruling on the conflict between the Rusmans and the tribe.)

In the eyes of the spies of the Ministry of Information of the Overseas Autonomous Army, Chief Unemas Diadia Modrigues is the best banner to lead the Rusmans against the colonial rule of the Kingdom of Ressnia. What they didn't expect was that Chief Executive Unemas Dia Modrigues was not a radical nationalist. Instead he valued peace and disliked violence. Although he was also dissatisfied with the oppression and exploitation of the Rusmans by the colonists, he believed in the law and believed that peaceful resistance and the law of equality and justice would one day bring hope to the Rusmans ...

The only mistake that Chief Executive Unemas Dia Mordrigues had had was to accept the aid of the Autonomous Territory, and 15,000 new flare guns convinced the intelligence agents that the Rusmans would soon Like the Pamigars, they launched armed uprisings for national liberation and independence. It was not expected that the purpose of the Chieftain to accept these armament assistance was to allow the Rusmans to form self-defense forces to protect the Rusmans in the colonies from the flames of war caused by the armed uprising of the neighboring Pamigarians.

It was just that the four Hicks volunteer divisions moved too quickly. After destroying and defeating the three standing legions of the Kingdom of Resnia, they swept over half of the colony and handed over all the ransacked towns to the local. Rusman tribe to manage. Even if Chief Executive Unemas Dia Modricus strictly prohibits the Rusman tribes everywhere from participating in the war of the Hicks Volunteer Division and the colonists of the Kingdom of Resnia, there is always loneliness. The Rusman tribe took over the towns that had been plundered by the Hicks Volunteer Division ...

The headache Chief Unemas Dia Modrigues could only refuse the persuasion of his relatives and friends, and was unwilling to meet with the envoys sent by the Hicks Volunteer Division. He insisted on going to the colonial capital, Salat Castle, to meet with the colonial officials, hoping to explain the misunderstanding, indicating that what the Hicks Volunteer Corps claimed was to come to help the Rusmans achieve national liberation and independence at his invitation. The words of the founding nation are lies.

It is only that Chief Chief Unemas Dia Modrics overestimated the measures of the officials of the Kingdom of Resnia Colony, and did not expect the victory on the battlefield to affect him personally. Even though he said that the Rusman Self-Defense Forces were willing to fight the invasion of the Hicks Volunteer Corps with the colonial garrison and restore the peace of the colony, he was still greeted by the doubts and inspections of colonial officials. No colonial official was willing to believe him. if......

If, before the three legions of the Kingdom of Rethnia invaded the Pamigar National Republic, Chief Chief Unemas Dia Modrigues said so, perhaps colonial officials would believe that he might be encouraged while returning He will be issued a medal of friendship. But now that the three standing legions of the Kingdom of Resnia are completely destroyed, and only this small area is still in the hands of the colonial authorities, the colonial officials who heard these words were skeptical. The chief chief said that What's the intention? Do you want to combine things inside and out?

Some officials then raised the hope that Chief Executive Unemas Dia Modrigues would stop the aggressive Hicks Division from approaching. And asked the chief to help them, and ordered those Rusman tribes who had taken over the lost local towns to send local officials and kingdom immigrants trapped in the concentration camps to ensure their safety. As long as these two points are achieved, the colonial authorities will believe that the Rusmans did not rebel against the kingdom ...

The chief Chief, Unemas Dia Modrigues, did so, but the two Hicks Volunteer Divisions stopped the attack and confronted the few defenders in the capital's Salat castle. Get up without blocking the messengers travelling to each other, sending the chief's orders and request letters to towns and cities. Soon the people of the trapped towns trapped in the concentration camps were released and hurried to the Salat Castle in a humble carriage.

Unemas Dia Modriguez did not expect that after he fulfilled these two requirements, he was placed under house arrest by the colonial officials. All the officials who saw him and even the guards who cursed him cursed him. It was the kingdom's rebellion. Even his followers were beaten and expelled. Soon, he was left alone in a small stone house ...

With the increase in the number of immigrants and local officials returning from the various lost towns, soon the news that Chief of the General Unemas Diadia Mordriguez was imprisoned in the castle spread. Those who lost their property or even Beloved kingdom immigrants roared and demanded that the colonial authorities execute the rebellion of the largest Rusman. Because of their encounter, they completely believed that the Rusmans colluded with the Hicks Volunteer Division and set off a rebellion in the colony.

For more than two hundred years of colonial rule, between the immigrants of the Kingdom of Rusnia and the Rusmans, there was a natural line of racial discrimination. The noble are white immigrants, and the lowly are Rusmans. More or less in daily life, there are always incidents of Kingdom immigrants oppressing the Rusmans.

When the Hicks Volunteer Corps plundered the towns and held them in concentration camps and handed them over to Rusmans, many Russmen were also taking revenge or retaliating against these immigrants and their families. For example, the young wives and daughters of immigrant families are the favorite of Rusman's young ...

It is ridiculous that these immigrants from the Kingdom of Resniya did not hate the Hicks Volunteer Corps who plundered their property, which is likely to be white. Of course, the immigrants and their families were not harmed during the looting process.

In addition, all the officers and men of the Hicks Volunteer Division stated that they were mercenaries and that the Rusmans had paid a great price to invite them. The Rusmans hoped to emulate the Pamigar. Obtained national liberation and established the country ...

As for how much the Rusmans paid, the officers and men below them were not very clear, but the officers above were very satisfied. It is said that the agreement was reached with the chief of the Rusmans, and many tribal leaders and elders. Anyway, the officers above promised that every officer and soldier can make a fortune after completing the goal ...

So the hatred of the released Resne Kingdom immigrants was easily transferred to the Rusmans, who were tandem at the Salat castle, demanding severe punishment for the Rusmans, let alone the captive chief . When the young men joined the army enthusiastically, and even the white-haired old man wiped the musket to prepare his own hands to avenge the Rusmans, colonial officials could not restrain the angry public opinion.

Therefore, when the head of the Pamiral National Republic Tezsinger Nora Taganem faced the ambassador of the Overseas Autonomous Territory that came to plead guilty, saying that the Hicks Volunteer Division was not under his jurisdiction and had accepted With the words of the Russman's employment, the chieftain's life came to an end.

Chief Unemas Diadia Modriguez, who is said to be hanged, said to the prison officials in the colony: "Kill me, you cut off hope for peace."

But the jailed official rebuked angrily: "You, the rebellious leader, should have died long ago! You have been deceiving us with lies. If you are not rebellious, why do the Hicks mercenaries obey your orders! You Deceive us to say that we have no contact with the Hicks, but they give all the towns they captured to you Rusmans ... "

Chief Unemas Diya Modrigues smiled bitterly, closed his eyes and stopped talking after sighing, and let the executioner put a noose around his head. As the bell rang, the pedals under his feet opened, and the chief warrior, who was regarded as the godfather by the Russmans, was hanged on the gallows, accompanied by thunderous cheers and countless riss. The Nyan immigrants raised their fists in the air, they got a joy of revenge ...

Holy Light November 6303 The situation in the colonies of the West Coast countries was unusually weird. First was the Patriotic War of the Pamiral National Republic. The Pamigar of the three regiments resisted the offensive of a standing corps and a reserve corps of the Duchy of Vasilico. After more than two months of fighting, the Pamigar armed Turning to defense, the Vasilico Duchy's army has steadily retreated, and it has even counterattacked into the border line of the Vasilico Duchy.

The remaining army of the Duchy of Vasilico has not been able to compile a regiment. In the face of the aggressive and aggressive offensive of the Pamigar, the only thing they can do is to continuously adjust the local defense forces to join the frontline position defense battle. However, the rearward movement of troops and the emptiness of the local defense forces made the Scolo and Gist people in the colony eager to move. Many cities and towns have exploded with immigration and indigenous conflicts ...

Officials of the Duchy of Vasilico wanted to cry without tears. How could they not think that it was a battle to divide the colony of the Kingdom of Morosik. How could they become a defensive battle in their own duchy? Moreover, the Scoro and Gist people in the colony seemed to be responding to the armed uprising of the Parmiglians. To make matters worse, the colonial officials of the Duchy of Vasilico had to send a special envoy to the neighboring Opsaro city-state alliance colony to ask for rescue. .

When more than 300,000 troops from the five legions of the Kingdom of Resnia and the Duchy of Vasilico launched an attack, almost everyone who was concerned about the independence of the Pamidars thought that the war would soon end, and the new Papal The Miguel National Republic is about to perish. As a result, three months later, the Duchy of Vasilico changed from invasion to defense and had to ask other countries for support.

The three legions of the Kingdom of Resniya have been wiped out, and even the colonies have been swept over half of the territory by four Hicks volunteer divisions. Then the operation that was invisible to onlookers happened, and the two Hicks Volunteer Divisions confronted the defenders of the colony of the Kingdom of Resnia, apparently occupying an advantage but no longer attacking. While the other two Hicks volunteer divisions suddenly launched an attack on the leading Fox colony in the United Kingdom of Fox Islands ...

After capturing the Rodex Bay Colony, the two Hicks Volunteers launched an offensive against the Rocky Mountain State of the Overseas Dominion, defeated a local defense group, and plundered three gold mining bases. The Overseas Autonomous Regional Command was furious when it heard the news. It dispatched the Third Division of the Rock to go north. After fierce fighting, it suffered great casualties before defeating the two Hicks Volunteer Divisions and occupying the Rodex Bay Colony.

Therefore, the situation on the West Coast in November was that the Rodex Bay Colony in the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands became the new occupation of the overseas dominion. The angered overseas autonomous region sent envoys to confess the Pamilgar National Republic. The Volkswagen Division has ended its employment relationship with the Pamigar and is now a Rusman mercenary in the colony of the Kingdom of Resnia ...

This situation is very similar to the Hicks prisoners who were released by the self-governing overseas territories. When these Hicks prisoners accepted the Pamigar employment group to form a volunteer division, they again possessed the armed Hicks. Unwilling, resentful of the defeat of the colonial war that year, took the opportunity to launch a provocative attack on overseas dominions.

However, the autonomous region's military force was more powerful. It defeated two Hicks Volunteers with one enemy and two divisions with a third division of the rock. It also captured the Rodex Bay colony, but it was said that the casualties were a little large.

Therefore, the autonomous region announced the urgent dispatch of the First and Second Divisions of the Rocks stationed in the Nasseri region of eastern Faria to return to the overseas dominion to strengthen the dominance of the dominion, to resist attacks by secret enemies, and to stabilize the hearts of the overseas dominions.

In addition, according to the news from the colony of the Kingdom of Resnia, the two Hicks volunteer divisions that launched a provocative attack on overseas dominions did not get any cheap. Only fifty thousand or sixty thousand returned only a few thousand. Hicks volunteered to join the first and second divisions to fill in the vacancies caused by casualties. In other words, Hicks's 3rd and 4th divisions are inexplicable like this ...

Just after the confusing war between the autonomous region and the Hicks Volunteer Corps has ended, the officials of the Kingdom of the Resnya colony did not know what was going crazy, and will take the initiative to host the Rusmans who are hostages to the castle of Salat. Chief Warner Unemas Dia Mordigus was sentenced to death and was hanged on a gallows. The news spread that all Rusmans were enraged, they were assembled, they were waving their weapons, and they marched towards Salat castle.

The death of Chief Executive Unemas Dia Modricus really opened the curtain of the Rusman rebellion in the colony of the Kingdom of Riesnia. As the four Hicks Volunteers swept more than half of the colony, the Rusmans had not really participated in the armed uprisings against the colonists.

Rusmans in various regions did not take the initiative to attack kingdom immigrants in those towns, and even continued to work in the homes of those immigrants. After accepting the transfer of the Hicks to their town, they still treated the immigrants and officials in the concentration camps. Although there have been many retaliatory actions against immigrants and local officials in the Kingdom of Resnia, they are few and not fatal after all ...

When receiving a letter from the Chief of the Unimédia Diamodrigues asking for the release of Kingdom immigrants who were held in concentration camps, these Rusmans did not hesitate to execute the order. The distant road even prepared carriages and other transportation means for these migrants. Unfortunately, what they didn't expect was that their good intentions were not well reported, and the chief was hanged on the gallows by colonial officials of the Kingdom of Resnia.

For all Rusmans, the death of the chieftain was unforgivable, because he took the initiative to go to Salat castle. According to Rusmans' tradition, he was a guest, but the master caught him. He was also hanged in public on a gallows. This is the biggest insult to the Rusman nation, and the blood debt must be repaid with blood, which is also one of the Rusman traditions.

So the colony of the Kingdom of Rethnia ushered in the last days. Even if two thousand or thirty thousand kingdoms of immigrants were armed, they still could not resist the recklessness of the Rusmans with the help of two Hicks volunteer divisions. attack. In the next three or four months, the colony of the Kingdom of Resnia will be filled with blood and blood. Almost all the immigrant men and the weak in the Kingdom of Resnia will be beheaded. Only young women will be left to become Rusmans. *** ......

Only a few immigrants from the Kingdom of Resnia who had been sheltered by the Hicks Volunteer Corps fled to birth. One of them was a brother and sister who went through this cruel period. The sister later became a famous writer. She wrote A classic masterpiece, The Age of Killing, unveiled this scarlet chapter in history ...