MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 551 Rodex Bay Colony changing hands

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Chapter 551 Rodez Bay Colony Changing Hands

There is a saying in the Faroe continent that tells soldiers to hate the enemy in wartime, and it is about the war mode of firing rifles and firing in line, which made all the nations on the continent adopt large army formations. For example, a small team of twelve soldiers, a division of more than 30,000 and so on. However, the military expenditures for raising so many soldiers in peacetime are very burdensome for the national finances, so basically there are only two or three standing legions in each country. When wartime, recruit new recruits to form new legions.

Claude was telling the truth to General Chiklin, war mobilization was waged on the kingdom of Morosik, the kingdom of Ressna and Vasilico, and the Opsaro city-state alliance on the southern coast of Farales. Recruits are being recruited to form new legions. It's just that the first three countries are all mobilized for full war. The latter Opsaro City-state Alliance is only mobilized for combat readiness. It is only ready to recruit and form an army. After all, the war has not yet burned into their colonies.

Although the rest of the West Coast countries have not mobilized for combat readiness, they have also transported their local troops to the colonies. At the same time, they have strengthened the monitoring and management of the indigenous peoples in the colonies to avoid repeating the kingdoms of Morosík, Resnia, and Vasilico. The mistakes of the three unlucky countries of the Principality. It only takes at least half a year from recruiting new recruits to form an army, and then training and transporting them to the colonies. Therefore, General Beechklin does have about eight months of preparation time to deal with the four and half a million troops in these three countries. Attack ...

Claude called General Beechklin to return to his post on the top of the overseas self-governing territories, because the self-governing military area command is facing a difficult problem, that is, the military area is running out of money, and you must get some extra money. And Claude chose to wage war to rob a country's wealth, and there was no more money to buy and sell.

If the wildfire plan is not implemented, the autonomous military command zone will carry out a new military reform step by step, reduce the troop strength of the army and local guards, and pay military expenses to the military zone with overseas autonomous leaders. It is even more than two thousand in the overseas people's livelihood bank [ Penquge] Wanjin Kronor's capital reserves, which are all gray proceeds from the looting of the Nasiri Kingdom. As long as Claude doesn't toss, these funds will be enough for the Dominion Commander to comfortably live for more than a decade.

But people have no long-term concerns, and there must be near-term concerns. Claude is very aware of the current situation. The colonies of West Coast countries must be the back gardens and dumping markets of overseas dominions in order to ensure the economic development of overseas dominions in the future and decades to come. This has forced the Dominion Command to implement a wildfire plan as a way to train grassroots officers and senior commanders of the Dominion. Otherwise, let the soldiers sleep comfortably on the meritorious books, and then the elite troops will soon become inconspicuous goods, silver guns and wax gun heads.

What's more, the colonies of the West Coast countries have imposed business bans on overseas self-governing territories. This is simply the hostility of * red * naked * naked *. No wonder the self-governing congressmen have slogans of declaring war. Breaking people's wealth is like killing parents. We must know that overseas dominions have been selling the entire West Coast by means of smuggling of good-quality goods and cheap goods, and have ushered in the rapid development of the dominion's manufacturing industry. The West Coast colonial nations now ban the goods of overseas dominions from entering their colonial markets. This is simply a common hatred ...

It was just that Claude had never expected that a wildfire plan would cost so much. The military expenditure paid by the Dominion Command Area alone exceeded 12 million kronor. The cost of the formation of the two Hicks Volunteer Divisions was aided by arms and ammunition and armament supplies to the Pamidal and Rusmans, as well as to the Scoro and Gist people of the Vasilico Principality colony, and Follow-up armament support to the Pamigar National Republic and more.

In Crowder's impression, the implementation of the wildfire plan should be some weapons and ammunition from the autonomous region, and let these indigenous peoples form several armed squads and colonists to fight guerrillas. This is the most cost-effective for the autonomous region. It was just that the plans submitted by Colonel Bokal and senior staff of the military headquarters were all the same to help the indigenous peoples form a regular standing army, which made the wildfire plan's budget suddenly exceed the budget.

Of course, there are also effects. At least the Pamigars have achieved independence and established a country. Although the Rusmans are still fighting against each other for power, at least they have not been at odds with the colonists of the Kingdom of Resnia. There is no reconciliation. It's possible. But this way, the autonomous region must guarantee the existence of the Pamigar National Republic, because this will become the target of other indigenous colonial nations in other countries to follow ...

Less than two days after General Beechklin had talked with Claude, he left Lanhu City. He would personally go to the West Coast front to conduct inspections and watch the facts about the armed forces of the Pamigar. It was not until the First and Second Divisions of the Rock arrived at the Overseas Dominion that they would reorganize and rebuild the Rock. Claude had to stay in the headquarters of the military area to continue his busy business, and he would not go to the kingdom until the beginning of the next spring.

Claude now holds exactly one year's financial settlement documents of the military region. The dazzling red letter on the report is the funds that have been spent to implement the wildfire plan. The third batch of military assistance and funds allocated to the Pamigaran National Republic totaled nearly three million crowns. Fortunately, Pamigar's pensions do not need to be paid by the autonomous region, otherwise 170,000 casualties could empty the old base of the autonomous region ...

The Overseas Minsheng Bank also has a reserve fund of nearly 10 million kronor in the autonomous region. The military expenditure allocated by the autonomous region council next year is still sufficient. Coupled with the reorganization and reduction of the troop establishment, military salaries and welfare subsidies can also be saved. Hundreds of thousands of kronor. I just do n’t know how much funding for the wildfire plan will need to be paid next year. Although the assistance to the indigenous nations is considered a loan, depending on the situation in recent years, it is likely to be unpaid ...

In addition, although the financial gains of overseas dominions are increasing every year, if the special funding support is requested next year, the dominion councils will not be able to provide them. The previous year, the Dominion Council paid out 30 million kronor in cash from Her Majesty the King for the hereditary family territory of the kingdom ’s nobles along the Kansas Prairie Coastal Northern Gulf. It also owed 15 million kronor Of weapons and ship purchase costs ...

Speaking of which, this overseas autonomy conglomerate with the kingdom's arms trade has earned 8 million kronor, but no cash has been seen. Because these 400,000 new rifles and 30 million new bullets, as well as 16 iron armored warships are used to compensate for more than 24 million kroner's promotion fee and land selection fee. There is no need to pay a kronor over there.

The Dominion Council issued a 15 million kronor note to the headquarters of the military region, and allocated two million kronor to four shipbuilding workshops as a budget for the reconstruction of the armored warship. As for the construction of sixteen newest ironclad warships to replace the six million old kronor for the sixteen old warships to be delivered to the Kingdom Admiralty, the autonomous region commanded the advance.

In the next few years, the Dominion Leadership Area does not need to ask the Dominion Leadership Council to increase special military expenditures, because the Assembly has no money. Most of the proceeds will be used to develop the Beibu Gulf Territory, where the balance of payments can only be maintained after two or three years. At present, overseas autonomous territories need to be continuously transfused to give them unified planning and development ... ..

"Report, His Excellency Marshal, the Special Envoy of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands has requested to meet with you ..." the new Lieutenant Captain Fahselin came in to report.

"He hasn't left yet?" Claude thought for a moment and said, "Invite him to come in and tell him I only give him ten minutes ..."

The envoy of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands arrived in Lanhu City half a month ago. The purpose of his visit was to recover the Rodkes Bay colony from overseas autonomy. Interestingly, however, the envoy also wanted an empty-glove white wolf. None of his pennies asked the overseas dominion to return the Rodkes Bay colony to the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands.

It turned out that he failed to achieve his goal. Neither the members of the Dominion of the Dominion of Parliament nor the senior generals of the military region could agree to this unreasonable request. Claude had met with the special envoy and gave the special envoy ’s autonomous region commandment the final bottom line of the Rodex Bay colony.

That was when the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands paid a ransom of two million kronor, and the Dominion Territory returned the colony of Rodex Bay to the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. There is also a condition that the Autonomous Territory requires a garrison in the Rodkes Bay Colony to guard against threats from the Rusman territory to overseas self-governing territories.

The ransom of two million gold crowns has been reduced by Claude's preferential price. As for the garrison, it cannot be avoided. As Crowd said to the envoy last time, the Rodex Bay Colony is a chicken-like existence for the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands, but it is a strategic place for the Rocky Mountain States of the Overseas Dominion. If the enemy occupied the Rodex Bay Colony, they could attack the Rocky Mountain State from both east and north.

In order to avoid once again the terrible losses caused by the enemy's raids like the two Hicks Volunteer Divisions, the Autonomous Territory must be stationed in the Rodex Bay Colony. Of course, this garrison is also good for the colony. At least the residents of Rodex Bay City will not be robbed of their belongings by those wicked Hicks mercenaries, as they did last time. The Third Division of Panshi provided them with food and drink for free ...

The request made by the Dominion Territory is simple: a ransom of two million kronor can be delivered to the colony to the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. Then there was the garrison. Because it had a protective effect on the Rodex Bay colony, the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands was required to pay a nominal small protection fee every year. Not much, 50,000 kroner was enough, the cost was very little, only enough. Used to pay welfare benefits for garrison generals.

By the way, there is one more thing, that is, more than 5,000 residents of Rodex Bay City have been following the Third Division of Rock and Roll for nothing. The United Kingdom of the Fox Islands should pay a fee to the Third Division of Rock. Thanks to the Third Division of Panshi for rescue these residents and support them to this day. This cost should be 500,000 kronor. After all, the Third Division of the Rocks battled to recapture the Rodex Bay Colony and the two Hix divisions, killing nearly 10,000 officers and men.

These demands made by Claude to the Special Envoy of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands are very reasonable, and it can even be said that they have given great face. But the special envoy was still supportive and refused to promise. Claude said that the Hicks Kingdom had spent five million gold Keppun leased the Rodkes Bay colony for five years, and now the Autonomous Military Command only requires a ransom of two million gold crowns .... ..

The envoy said at the time that he could not be the Lord, and that he had to send a letter to the kingdom, which could only be decided after the King and the five Grand Duke negotiated. As a result, five days later, General Iquique, the head of the Third Division of the Rock Division, stationed in the colony of Rodex Bay, sent a message from the Eagle, saying that a sailing ship sub-fleet of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands entered the Rodex Bay Anchor, note that he said that he would host a feast on the fleet deck and the residents of the city to comfort the more than 5,000 robbed United Kingdom immigrants.

Of course General Iquique agrees that this is humanitarian and common sense. As a result, the bay was very lively that night. The decks of more than forty sailing ships were brightly lit, singing and dancing were endless, and the noise remained quiet until the middle of the night.

Then at dawn the next day, the sentries of the Third Division of the Rock discovered that the more than forty sailing ships in the bay had taken the more than 5,000 residents without trace, leaving only a few dozen on the beach. The servants of Nikancha ...

Obviously, the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands abandoned the Rodex Bay colony, and even the rescue costs and food and drink costs of more than 5,000 residents did not want to make out, so a dark trick took away more than 5,000 United Kingdom immigrants . This is not unexpected by Claude, because a Rhodes Bay colony brings less than 20,000 kronor a year to the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands, and has few specialties and gold and silver mineral resources. It is not a pity to lose the development of.

At that time, the Hicks Kingdom was a great prodigy. The Rodkes Bay Colony was leased to continue the colonial war with overseas dominions. As a result, the five-year rent spent 5 million gold kroner shields, which is 2.5 million gold kronor. The United Kingdom of the Fox Islands has made a fortune.

It is said that the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands originally wanted to sell the Rodex Bay Colony to the Kingdom of Hicks, and quoted a sky-high price of 20 million gold kroner shields. It was just that although McKid III was a loser, he did not give up the money. He chose to rent a million Kipun a year for five years at a stretch.

As a result, the Hicks Kingdom was beaten up, the expeditionary force composed of eleven standing corps was annihilated, and the colonial war completely failed. Even the last two years of the lease of the Rodex Bay Colony were occupied by the troops of the Autonomous Command. A big joke from the West Coast colonies.

The Autonomous Military Command now requires a ransom of 2 million kronor, a garrison protection fee of 50,000 kroner per year, and a remuneration of 500,000 kronor to the soldiers of the Third Division of the Rock for the rescue of more than 5,000 residents. Although reasonable, For the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands, it was unacceptable, and it was simply abandoning the colony.

Crowd did not expect that the special envoy of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands would remain in overseas autonomy until now. He thought that the sailing sub-fleet had secretly taken away more than 5,000 residents. This special envoy should also be flashing. What's more, even the salvation of salvation and the cost of eating and drinking are taken away without paying a greeting or calling. It is a shameful thing to say, how come there is a face to ask to meet with yourself?

Soon the envoy of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands reappeared in Claude's office. Crowd did not show him a good look, and remained somber. It was the envoy who saluted Claude with all his demeanor and meticulousness, showing the noble style.

"Your country has done a great job, so you have taken away more than 5,000 immigrants from your kingdom. It seems that you don't want to pay a golden crown to your life-saving beneficiaries, do you?" Claude frowned. Said.

The Special Envoy bowed slightly: "Dear Marshal, It is not that the country does not want to pay your army, but it is unable to pay. In recent years, the country has suffered natural disasters, people ’s livelihoods, and economic difficulties, and it is really impossible to pay what your army wants. For the huge money, there is no alternative but to leave. "

Claude shrugged and talked nonsense. I haven't heard of any disaster in the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands in the past few years. According to the information sent last year about the eight colonial nations in southern Farea, the Fox Islands ’potatoes have been harvested. The people joyously gathered to celebrate: "So you don't want the Rodex Bay Colony?"

"Yes, after thinking about it, only by transferring this colony to your army will you be able to repay the salvation of the immigrants from the country." The special envoy took out several documents from the document bag around him and handed them over.

Crowd took a look, but it was a transfer document proof of the Roddes Bay Colony, which said that the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands volunteered to hand over the Roddes Bay Colony on the west coast of the mainland of Nubia to the overseas self-made collar in return. The salvation grace of the autonomous region to its immigrants in the kingdom.

The documentary proof has been signed with the name of the King of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands and stamped with the Kingdom Seal. If you look closely, you can also tell that the king's signature and seal were affixed to the blank document in advance, and the handwriting on it was later written.

Claude laughed and dropped the documentary proof on the table: "This is not needed in the Autonomous Territory, Mr. Special Envoy. Please don't forget that our soldiers paid the price of nearly 10,000 casualties before mercenaries from Hicks. He seized the Rodex Bay colony and rescued the immigrants of your kingdom. It was not the surrender of this colony from your hand.

Compared to these transfer certificates, I prefer that you pay the ransom and pay the protection fee to us. The overseas dominions do not care about such a small piece of territory ... "

The envoy was surprised, and Claude's response was unexpected, and he quickly said, "Hello Marshal, these documents only show the sincerity of our kingdom. I am here on behalf of our kingdom to discuss military operations with your army. A cooperative project, our kingdom hopes to introduce the technology of your army to build iron armored warships ... "

Claude shook his head: "Pay the ransom, protection fee, and 500,000 kronor in payment before your country can discuss with our autonomous region military cooperation on the purchase of ironclad warships to introduce construction technology, or else Nothing to talk about. Come here and send Mr. Special Envoy out ... "

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