MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 557 Avitre I of the Kingdom of Breot

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Chapter 557 Avitre I of the Kingdom of Breot

Holy Light On February 28, 604, Claude took the iron-hulled cruiser St. Hugh Linde and arrived at the northern bay harbor of Kanas Prairie. General Scrie and General Albert had been waiting here for a long time, and the three met for a long time to embrace the greeting.

On February 29th, a military meeting was held at the military headquarters of the northern bay capital of Campastre. Claude announced the reorganization of the Thunder Corps. Nearly 150,000 horses of the Thunder Corps will follow the new military system. Reduction of the legion formation of four divisions to 90,000 horses. After the retired veterans with full military service retired, an additional 50,000 horsemen will join forces with eight local garrison groups stationed in the Eskilin and Rimodera regions to form the Stormwind Corps.

The Stormwind Legion is the third regular legion approved by the Overseas Dominion Council and included in the jurisdiction of the military region. It is mainly used for the station of the hereditary family lands in the coastal zone of the northern bay of Kanas Prairie. The various nomadic tribes on the prairie will also recruit new recruits from the nomads on the territory ...

According to Claude's idea, the defense of the overseas dominion is the responsibility of the Rock Army, and the rules of the territories on the Kannes Prairie are given to the Storm Corps. As for the Thunder Corps, it is the mobile armed forces of the overseas dominion. They keep attacking at any time and launch an active attack on the enemy at the first time. This is why the Overseas Dominion Council approved the establishment of a regular field army.

The rectified Thunder Corps was headed by Claude's younger lieutenant General Diavid, and another younger lieutenant General Belklin was the chief of staff. Admiral Abrent is responsible for the formation of the new Stormwind Corps, and for all local guards in the Kanas Prairie, Eskilin and Rimodera regions.

All rectification and reorganization tasks must be completed within four months, because during this four-month period, the ocean shipping fleet will transport the eight Hicks Homecoming Divisions from the Overseas Dominion to Beibu Gulf. After they arrive, Claude will formally implement the Hicks Kingdom Raiders plan and completely defeat this most stubborn enemy kingdom.

The officers who had accepted their respective tasks rose to salute and left the conference room, while Claude, General Scree and General Albert went to dinner together. Finally, General Albert took a few drinks Departed. Both Claude and General Scree breathed a sigh of relief and went to General Scree's residence to talk in secret in the study.

"Are you sure the king himself?" Crowder asked.

"Yes." General Scree nodded. "I checked his whereabouts. When he quietly arrived at Beibu Gulf to inspect us and meet with me privately, in his kingdom, he went to Wangzhuang for hunting. Every year At this time, he would go hunting in Wangzhuang, and he did not like to hold noble gatherings, which were all private activities. Because he said to the nobles and ministers, only in this season I will have a period of freedom, my God, let me be quiet Some, don't bother me ... "

Claude laughed. "This is a maverick king."

General Scree shook his head: "Otherwise, he is very clever. I suspect that he uses the excuse of hunting in Wangzhuang every year to get out of contact with the Minister of the Kingdom, making people think he is hunting, but in fact he is going out in private to investigate what is happening in the country So his kingdom has been developing well. Although it is a tributary of the Hicks Kingdom, it is the strongest. It has always been the stigma of the Hicks Kingdom. For the Hicks Kingdom, Breo Kingdom, this is a tributary country that they have never really conquered ... "

Claude looked at the map of the Breot Kingdom on the desk, a mountain country with only a third of the plains. The Breaux have always been known for their tenacity and courage. For two hundred years, they have waged seven wars with the Hicks Kingdom, only two wins and five losses. But Hicks Kingdom has never been able to truly destroy this mountain kingdom.

More than fifty years ago, King Monkoto I of the Kingdom of Breaux was still occupied by the Hicks army in the King City. He still led the Breaux to guerrillas in the mountains for three years, giving the Hicks heavy weight. The casualties eventually forced the Hicks to evacuate Wang Cheng, and reached an armistice peace agreement with Mankoto I. It was just that Mankoto I returned to the King City shortly afterwards, and died of drinking alcohol by mistake. Many people suspect that this was the assassination of the Hicks ...

The current King of the Breot Kingdom is Avitre I, the youngest grandson of Mancoto I. His father and three elder brothers died in the battle with the Kingdom of Hicks. That is the Kingdom of Breot In the last war with the Hicks Kingdom, the defeated Bryot Kingdom was forced to cede the coast to the Hicks Kingdom, making the Bryot Kingdom a landlocked country, losing two excellent seaports and large areas of the coastal zone. Plain territory.

Avitre I was on the throne of the Kingdom of Breot when he was born. At that time, he was only born half a year, but as the only remaining bloodline of Moncoto I, he was still ushered in as the new king. It is said that in order to protect his growth, several kingdom nobles donated their young children to impersonate him and let them appear on the royal court. The real Avitelli I was adopted by an old hunter family in the mountains and grew quietly.

Until the ten years before the birth of Avitre I, the young sons of the kingdom nobles who pretended to appear on the royal court all died. But the nobles of the Kingdom of Breot eventually waited for the adulthood of Avitre I, returned to the royal court and became the king of the kingdom. Now he has been in charge of the Kingdom of Breot for 34 years.

In the past thirty-four years, the Kingdom of Breot has no war with the Kingdom of Hicks. Externally, as a vassal state, the Hicks Kingdom sometimes issued very demanding requirements, but it was still managed by Avitre I to make it impossible, so that the Hicks Kingdom could not find an excuse for criticizing the Kingdom of Breaux. Internally, Avitre I made great efforts to urge the kingdom aristocracy to reduce the burden on the civilians in the territory, greatly increase the strength of the Kingdom of Breot, and treat the Kingdom of Hicks differently.

In the eleven tributaries surrounding the Hicks Kingdom, the northern hegemon of the Northern Territory of Valeya, the Kingdom of Breot ranked first. In the thirty-four years of his administration, Avitele I was honored as a wise king by the Breaux. However, this wise king has a quirk. In July and August of each year, the old hunter who likes to return to his childhood is in a hunting house on the mountain, and brings two or three servants to accompany him like a hunter. Hunting in the mountains ...

This habit was persuaded by many kingdom aristocrats, but Avitre I was arbitrary in this regard. He said that he was the son of Dashan, and the old hunter taught him all the Breot hunting skills, and he had to practice it every year in order to be the true king of all Breots.

Therefore, in July and August of each year, when the Breots are asked where their king is, the Breots will point to the mountains. Our king should hunt in the old forest in the mountains. Avitelli I also had a nickname, and was called the hunter. This does not mean how many prey he hit, but that he likes hunting so much, and is king ...

At the end of July last year, when General Scrie went to inspect the construction work of the territory, he was stopped by the middle-aged man who claimed to be King Avitele I of the Kingdom of Breot. The middle-aged person directly lost his family crest and golden seal to prove to General Scrie to verify his identity. The only requirement was to keep his appearance secret.

General Scrie immediately asked him to get on his carriage and return to his home to have a long talk with the Avitre I. The visit of Avitre I was very simple. I wanted to find out whether the overseas dominions had attacked the Hicks kingdom, because the Hicks and Ovilas kingdoms, and the overseas dominions were still in a state of war.

Avitre I hoped that if the overseas dominions were to attack the Hicks Kingdom, the Kingdom of Breot could help, and at least four legions could be dispatched. However, he hoped to obtain military assistance from overseas dominions. In the last war between the Kingdom of Breot and Hicks, the Kingdom of Breot was defeated. Not only did it cede the coastal zone, but even the kingdom's military industry was plundered by the Hicks Kingdom, and even weapons and equipment fell behind the Hicks Kingdom ...

After Avitelli I left in a hurry, General Scrie wrote the report about the meeting between the two, and he did not dare to use the hawk to send a letter, for fear of leaking it. Instead, he sent his lieutenant to take a special trip back to the overseas dominion in an armored warship, and handed the confidential document to Claude. Only then did Claude decide to attack Hicks Kingdom and destroy the enemy country.

"Now we can send someone to contact him and let him do some combat preparation. Is his token for you still there?" Crowder asked.

General Scree opened the drawer and took an arc-shaped gold hook: "That's it, the outside edge of the palm mirror. As long as he meets his palm mirror, he knows who we sent to contact him. There is also a secret word, that is, bargaining, and finally it is correct to buy his camera. If the other party has to buy this outer gold hook back, it indicates an unexpected situation ... "

The so-called palm mirror refers to the mirror that is as large as the palm of the hand. The aristocrat uses it to modify the instrument, and the small mirror that women use to make up. There are mirrors made of crystal and glass. The rich and noble used gold and silver, the noble lady used jade jewelry, and the civilian maids used copper, iron, bamboo and wood to decorate the outer edge and bottom of the mirror.

Claude picked up the golden hook mirror and looked at the outer edge, and found that it was carried down vigorously. It seems that Avitelle I could not find any tokens at all, and he could only give the outer edge of the palm mirror that he carried with him. Come down, so that in the future, I can really find a fake.

"Send more secret agents to see if the sentiment of the anti-Hicks kingdom of the Breot Kingdom is serious. Although you sent someone to understand the details of this Avitre I, he felt that he really cooperated with us. But after all Regarding the life and death of our overseas dominion generals, we have to be cautious ... "Crowd frowned and wondered.

"You can also send scouts in the army to test." General Scree said.

Claude shook his head: "No, the soldiers can still be easily seen when they change their casual clothes. Your businessmen's secret agents are rather inconspicuous. I have ordered Colonel Bokal of the Ministry of Intelligence to come next month and be responsible for liaison later He will be responsible for Avitelli I. "

General Scrie nodded: "Okay, I will send someone to connect with Avitre I to understand his needs. After Colonel Bokal arrives, I will introduce him to Avitre I and follow up with him. . "

General Scrie knew Colonel Bokal when he was in charge of the headquarters of the military region overseas. Naturally, he knew that he and Claude were close friends. Claude believed in Colonel Bokal. At the same time, with the figure of Colonel Bokal, no one would regard him as a soldier, but this was his best disguise. However, Colonel Bokal was really a genius in intelligence and made a lot of contributions to the self-governing leadership.

Seeing that Crowd had been staring at the map of the Kingdom of Breot and Hicks on the table, General Scree asked curiously, "How are you going to attack Hicks? It is difficult to land from sea, and even casualties will occur. It ’s very big. The spies I sent told me when they returned from the Hicks Kingdom that after the Neptune fleet was wiped out by our ambush, they have been vigorously strengthening the defense facilities of the coastal zone and the five harbor towns. Even if we just use The Armored Fleet launches an attack and will also run into blood in front of the copper wall and iron wall set by the Hicks Kingdom ... "

Claude laughed: "What a copper wall and iron wall, maybe the Hicks Kingdom is bragging. Their Neptune fleet is gone, and the defense facilities on land are not impossible for our armored fleet. A moving target? "

[Vertex Novel] "Even if it is a target, it must be able to be hit by the Iron Armored Fleet!" Said General Scree, looking for a roll of maps from a nearby socket, and opened it on the desk: "This It is the defensive arrangement of the Hicks Kingdom coastal area and five seaport towns. It was drawn by my spies based on memory. Perhaps now the Hicks have added new defensive facilities ...

The northern waters of Valeo mainland have always been known for its high winds and waves. The coastal areas are mostly mudflats and cliffs. The five seaports of the Hicks Kingdom are basically surrounded by cliffs. Only when these sea-facing cliffs block the wind and waves at sea, the harbour inside will be calm and calm, and become a harbor on which ships can rest.

The current Hicks Kingdom has used a lot of labor to add a lot of guns to these cliffs facing the open sea, and to block the waterways entering the harbour. Only our agents have seen more than fifty of them on record. They are high on the ground and occupy a geographical advantage. I asked General Murray that within the range of our naval guns, we couldn't attack these turrets located at high altitudes, because our naval guns did not have this firing height ...

This is also the first line of defense. The second line of defense is those Hicks who fiddled with the waterway entering the harbour. They used huge rocks and wooden stakes, and the sunken ship reduced the width of the waterway into the harbour, leaving only one. A watercourse where two sea boats bend in parallel. If there is no guide boat guidance for the first time entering the port, it is very easy to hit the rocks and crash. Even if you remember the waterway, you must slow down when you travel, which is simply setting up the aiming targets for the turrets on both sides.

The third line of defense is on the quay land of the harbour. Thick artillery walls and tall trenches were built to isolate the entire landing area of ​​the quay. In this way, even if our armored fleet breaks through the restrictions of coastal cliff turrets and watercourses and sends landing troops to the shore, these landing troops will have to forcibly attack these dock artillery walls and fences. Only by breaking through these blockades can they be temporarily secured and rested. .

But now, five of the eight standing regiments of the Hicks Kingdom are arranged near the seaport city. Basically, there is a standing army team behind a seaport city. As soon as they get news of the seaport being attacked and attacked, they will immediately reinforce the seaport cities to launch a counterattack, destroy our landing forces or expel the sea ... "

Claude smiled bitterly, well, this is indeed a copper-walled defense. Even if the armored warships of the Autonomous Leadership Region, the new rifle is ahead of the Hicks army, the combat power is also a lot higher than the Hicks army. It is indeed worth the trouble to launch a landing attack from the sea. Offset the advantages of the Thunder.

"Actually, I don't think the Kingdom of Breaux has played such a big role for us." General Scrie continued: "Even if Avitele I took four legions to attack the Hicks Kingdom, he would not be able to defend the Hicks Kingdom The forces shifted from the coastal zone to the eastern border. The three standing corps in their country were enough to withstand the attack of the four Breots' corps. At the same time, several reserve corps could be formed to join the battlefield.

If we are unable to land at a certain seaport on the Hicks Coast, and break through the enemy ’s blockade and the army of the Kingdom of Breot to form a two-sided attack, then we are likely to end in this war. The Hicks Kingdom's native operations, regardless of the collection of troop strength, casualties, and replenishment of logistical materials, also have obvious advantages in mobilizing troops. And even if we occupy a seaport, we will arrive one by one in the troop transportation ...

If they can't meet the four legions of the Breoit kingdom as soon as possible, then I suspect they won't last long. The Hicks Kingdom will defeat them first, drive them back to China, and then focus their forces on us, and we will be caught in a lone war.

By the way, I almost forgot that there is still the biggest trouble. Avitre I asked for military assistance, otherwise he would not have the weapons and armament to equip the four legions. Now there are only two armaments in the Kingdom of Breot. Standing Legion. The Kingdom of Breoit has no coastal zone. Its northern border is the Kingdom of Hicks and its eastern border is the Kingdom of Menbamac. We have no way to transport weapons and armaments to the Kingdom of Breaot ... "

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