MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 562 Death of McKid III

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Chapter 562 The Death of McKid III

Claude and King Avitelle I of the Kingdom of Breoit arrived in the city of Saint-Hiprian in Wang Jing at the end of October, and it had been ten days before the Storm Corps captured Wang Jing. In the past ten days, the news of the fall of Wang Jingsheng, the city of Hiprian of the Hicks Kingdom, has been spread to the nations of Valeo. It can be said that the news has stirred all countries concerned about the war. No one had expected that the kingdom of Hicks, the mighty northern hegemonic power, would fall so easily and suddenly ...

Marquis Blanchard, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Ovilas, was rushing to the Hicks Kingdom day and night, and now his heart was full of remorse. At the time, Claude made it clear that he would return to the Kingdom of the Kingdom to deal with the Hicks Kingdom, but Her Majesty Frederick I and his Prime Minister, as well as senior officers of the Kingdom Army Department, could not believe Claude's words. Everyone thinks Hicks Kingdom is not so easy to deal with.

On the contrary, Wang Ting was full of vigilance against Claude, the Marshal of the Kingdom who had committed the following offenses. After all, compared with Hicks Kingdom, the current Ovilas Kingdom seems to be easier to deal with. In the past two years, the Kingdom has devoted all its energy and funds to the economic recovery and restoration of the Kingdom's vitality, and has not paid attention to the building of arms. After learning that Claude restructured the Thunder Corps in the Beibu Bay and newly formed the Storm Corps, Wang Ting also immediately decided to form two standing corps to strengthen the defense force.

However, Frederick I and the court officials did not expect that this time, Crowd did indeed mobilize his forces to the Kanas Prairie in order to deal with the Hicks Kingdom. His successful plan to use sea offensive landing operations to attract the attention of the Hicks Kingdom, mobilized the entire country's military forces to the southern coastal zone, preparing to fight the landing attack of the Autonomous Leadership Area.

However, Claude concealed the sky and did not know when to persuade the Kingdom of Breot to join the anti-Hicks kingdom. Not only did the state road be opened, the empty hinterland of the Hicks Kingdom was exposed, but also troops were sent to help the Thunder and Storm Corps to carry out raids, captured Wang Jingsheng's Hiprian City, and wiped out the Hicks Iron Guard and Solem Standing Legion.

The fall of Wang Jingsheng's Hiprian City means that the overall situation of the Hicks Kingdom is set. Despite the fact that there are still six standing corps and eight newly formed corps in the southern coastal region of the Kingdom of Hicks, they have assembled heavily, but they have lost their logistical support and sources of military expenditure. The Hicks Kingdom reserve of armaments, supplies, ammunition and logistical resupply along the frontline coastal areas is simply not enough to keep so many legions up for two or three months.

This is related to the military system of the Kingdom of Hicks. In order to effectively control these corps, all logistics materials, weapons and equipment are stored in Wang Jingsheng Hiprian City, and the supply is basically only once every two or three months. Now that Wang Jingsheng's city of Hipprian has fallen, all these materials have fallen into the hands of the Overseas Autonomous Command. Even if they are collected locally, the eight counties in the south cannot provide so many food and grass materials needed by the Legion. Hunger can break them down. Hicks Corps.

In the Second Eastern World War that year, the kings of the Kingdom of Ovilas were occupied by the Alliance forces, but the troops of the Kingdom of Ovilas had taken all their military supplies before withdrawing from the capital, so they could continue to resist. Even if he flinched to the three counties in the southwest, he did not admit defeat. However, this time the Thunder Corps and Stormwind Corps of the Overseas Autonomous Leadership Area captured the Hicks King King Saint-Hiprian City, but all the people and supplies were arrested, even if the Hicks Kingdom is in the southern coastal zone. With more troops, the victory or defeat is also clear.

That's why Prime Minister Blanchard desperately rushed to the Hicks Kingdom. He needed to negotiate with Claude to win the qualification for the Kingdom of Ovilas in this battle. It is impossible to let the overseas autonomy take the lead and destroy the Hicks Kingdom. What will be the face of the Ovilas Kingdom as the sovereign state to govern the development of the Autonomous Military Command.

Even though Her Majesty King Frederick I and Prime Minister Blanchard knew very well, the overseas dominion had no big ambitions at the moment. But for the Kingdom of Ovilas, the Dominion Territory remains the kingdom's greatest threat. In particular, after the new formation of the Autonomous Leadership Region formed a third officially organized legion, said to be used to defend the storm corps in the Kanas prairie region, it is equivalent to the addition of an independent armed force in the eastern region.

If the Dominion Territory is alone to destroy the Hicks Kingdom of the Northern Territory, then the reputation of overseas dominions will be above the kingdom of Ovilas, and the countries of the Fareland will even choose to deal with overseas dominions and ignore Ovilas. Kingdom, this is beyond the tolerance of Frederick I and the Crown Princes. The mission accepted by Prime Minister Blanchard is to join the battle anyway. In short, it is necessary to take a share ...

General Abbott held a large military parade in the city of Saint-Hiprian in Wangjing, welcoming the arrival of King Claude and King Brett Avitelle I. Claude found that Wang Jing ’s city defense facilities were complete. After asking about it, after the storm siege of Wang Jing, he found that the defense on the wall was insufficient. He originally thought what traps the garrison set and waited for the attack. It was later discovered that there was a real shortage of troops, so they attacked on all sides within half an hour and won the city walls and the exit of the twelve gates.

The real problem was the resistance they encountered after they stormed into the city. It took only five days for the Storm Legion to occupy the entire city, causing heavy casualties. The final defenders of King Hicks, Saint-Hiprian, gathered at the Royal Palace to resist the death. In the end, General Albert was ordered to use artillery to directly bombard the enemy's stronghold, destroying most of the Royal Palace. The remaining Hicks The garrison of the palace dropped its weapons and surrendered ...

"Where's McKid III?" Avitre I asked.

"Dead." General Albert shrugged. "Don't blame me, I want to catch it, but this old guy will not surrender. I can't let his soldiers go to death for nothing. I only Can order to bombard the old man's hiding palace with artillery. Later, when he cleaned the battlefield, he found half of his body. He was unlucky and the artillery fire did not explode to him, but a huge beam hit him in the middle of his waist, and he Divided into two halves ... "

This is how McKid III died ... The culprit that provoked the colonial wars of the Kingdom of Hicks and Ovilas was smashed to death by the beams of his palace. Unexpectedly ... Claude was a little bit lost. He had imagined countless meetings with the paranoid King of the Hicks Kingdom, and wanted to see for himself how frustrated he was after being captured by himself. I just didn't expect that he died in a surprising way ...

"Take us to see his body," said Crowder.

So General Ablent took them to the lobby of a stone-wood building presumably housed by a royal servant. This hall should be a canteen for the royal family's servants to eat together. The floor is very greasy and the walls are dirty. But now there are more than twenty coffins in the hall, and General Abbot said that the bodies of the dead and headed people in the Hicks Palace have been gathered here.

"Here are the bodies of three princes, two are the uncles of McKid III, and the eighth son of McKid III. There are no identities of the four bodies over there, but they all wear Hicks The kingdom's general uniform, two are major generals, one lieutenant general and one general. The old lady here is said to be the nurse of Makid III and was given the title of marquise. She was killed by artillery fire Around.

This little girl was the seventeenth daughter of McKid III. She died in the arms of the nurse, and died because a small shrapnel shot into her back. Fortunately, she died without pain. Damn old man, I really do n’t understand why he did n’t surrender, is it that the people around him are just dead? General Albert was very angry, especially this little princess who was only 13 or 14 years old. She had a bright future, but died because of her father's stubbornness.

Claude finally saw that the body of McKid III was stitched together. The body was covered with a dirty curtain, and it seemed to be cut from which curtain. If it weren't for the golden fringe that was exposed on the shoulder dress, it would look like an ordinary 50-year-old man. But the expression on McKid III's face was so stubborn that it seemed to be roaring. But Claude would rather believe that this was his painful expression when he was dying, because it was said that the prisoner who had been killed was the most guilty, and the cause of McKid III's death was actually similar to that of him.

"I came to the city of King Hiprian once in the 34-year-old year," said Avitre I, looking at the body of McKid III and falling into his memory. "That was the 540th anniversary of the founding of the Kingdom of Hicks. All The monarchs of the tributaries will gather in Wang Jing to congratulate the Hicks kingdom. At that time, McKid III was majestic and heroic, and he was not known for all time. Next, I am no exception ...

The next year he started a colonial war with you. We originally thought that the great Lion King would soon get the result he wanted. But what we didn't expect is that in our eyes the invincible Hicks Corps will behave so badly in this colonial war, you have been beaten by McKid III. The funeral of fourteen Hicks corps in this colonial war became a big joke we liked.

Even if the colonial war is over and the Kingdom of Hicks is defeated by your overseas autonomy, it will still be a giant and unrivaled giant in the eyes of our tributaries. McKid III, however, became like a tyrant and became increasingly arbitrary. Because of the defeat of the colonial war, he did not even celebrate the 550th anniversary of the founding of the country. Then in just five years, he more than doubled the supplies and tribute offered by our tributaries.

It wasn't until he intervened in the Second World War and was driven back by you that I came up with the idea of ​​finding an alliance with you to defeat the Hicks Kingdom and recapture the occupied territories. God of War, you did not let me down, I never dreamed that I would see the body of McKid III in front of me. Even if I die, when I see my grandpa, father and brothers, I can proudly tell them that the Hicks Kingdom fell at our feet ... "

Excited Avitelle I went to rest, and Claude and General Albert went to visit the medical center in the Hicks Palace. There are so many people here, there are wounded soldiers of the Storm Corps, and a small number of wounded people brought back by the Thunder Corps.

"We have injured more than 14,000 people in the city." General Albert said with a heavy heart: "Almost reimbursed a division of our Stormwind Corps. King Hicks King St. Cyprien and our last occupation The Naples Kingdom of Borisia is very different. Although the Nacerie Kingdom is the enemy of our Ovilas Kingdom, the residents of the Naples Kingdom have no sense of resistance. But here it is different, even Now that we have occupied the city, there are still many Hicks who are resisting, secretly hitting the cold gun of our patrol ... "

"How did you handle these things?" Claude asked, and he also felt some headaches, how to say that Hicks Kingdom is also a power of northern hegemony. The residents of Wang Jingli have a high patriotism, a strong sense of resistance, and are not afraid of occupation Wang Jing's storm corps, such as urban guerrilla warfare will be difficult no matter who is the occupier.

General Albert shrugged: "What can I do, nothing more than tooth for tooth, blood for blood, and the arrested protesters hanged to the side of the road immediately as a warning. But the Hicks residents here did not cooperate very much, we Only a small number of protesters can be caught, and most of them have fled under the cover of the residents here ... "

Claude thought for a moment: "Let ’s let General Driwick bring four Hicks Returning Divisions into Wang Jing for security tasks. First, go from house to house to search for firearms and other weapons and ammunition. You must not let the residents of the city hold them. There are shooting weapons and inspection of these sheltered spaces in the basement of the residents to prevent the possibility of future attacks on our officers and men.

We can search through the residential areas one by one until we clean up the entire Wang Jing. After the city's inventory is completed, we can conduct an inventory of the entire Wangjing area. All the rebels deal with it as we did in the Nasser Kingdom, find a place to imprison them, and wait until the situation stabilizes before making plans.

We may stay here for a year or two and eliminate the dangers early to ensure the safety of the soldiers. In a sense, we are now in an enemy country and we are all enemies. But don't forget that we still have eight Hicks Returning Divisions, they are our most effective helpers. Maybe they can't help us destroy the standing legion of the Hicks Kingdom, but they are very suitable to deal with these resistance ... "

"Then how will we dispose of the Hicks Kingdom in the future and make it the vassal territory of our overseas dominion?" General Albert asked.

Claude shook his head, a little helpless: "To be honest, I don't know what to do now. The original plan was to defeat the Hicks Kingdom, persecute McKid III with our Kingdom, and the Overseas Autonomous Region to sign a truce peace agreement. . Then our autonomous command area took a big deal from the Hicks Kingdom, and immigrated the relatives of the eight Hicks Returning Division officers and soldiers to the overseas self-government. Not up till now.

But now that McKid III is dead and the Hicks kingdom has no heads, who should we ask to sign this truce peace agreement? If McKid III is still alive, we can still force him to order the six standing legions of the southern coastal zone to surrender, and now we can only prepare to destroy them. I want to wait for us to first check Wang Jing and the rebels in Wang Jing area, and then think about what to do in the future ... "

General Ablont said with shame: "Blame me, and ordered the shelling to destroy the palace, and let the old man of McKid III die ..."

"I don't blame you, it has nothing to do with you!" Claude interrupted General Albert's words: "You're right, the life of our self-governing region commander is much more precious than this dead old man, and he can't catch this dead for alive. The old man let our soldiers die for nothing.

And with this dead old man's paranoid character, even if we are caught alive, there is a great possibility that he will not be willing to cooperate with us, it is better to die clean like this. Otherwise, maybe you and I will be humiliated by him. He is a king. If we do n’t want to be a king killer, we can only endure insults by him. It ’s really good to think that you are dead. .... "

General Albert smiled: "Actually, you are right. I admit that the artillery was ordered because the dead old man has been cursing us. I persuaded to descend for a long time, and the dead old man hid in the palace and fired. There are nearly a hundred guards in it. We launched four charges and wanted to rush into the palace for hand-to-hand combat, but all were repelled by intensive firepower.

At that time, the road leading to the gates and corridors of the palace was covered with the bodies and wounded of our generals, and nearly a hundred people had been killed or injured. I persuaded the people inside to surrender, but the dead old man yelled and provoked us, saying how many we died. When I was angry, I ordered artillery bombardment. After destroying more than half of the palace, the surviving guards surrendered. All the weapons they took were revolvers and revolver rifles. No wonder the firepower is similar to us. "

Claude had seen the half-destroyed palace, and indeed, as General Albert said, except human shells, he could only approach by human life. The palace is made of stone and wood, with granite on the outside, and hiding in it is like a fortress. Outside the palace are low flower beds and meadows, which can not cover the attacking soldiers physically. The process of rushing across the field is equivalent to being the target of the guards in the palace, even if Claude commanded him here, he would order the use of artillery.

"Okay. This afternoon, General Driwick ’s four Hicks Homecoming Divisions will be able to reach Wang Jing. You can discuss with him at night and start an inventory of Wang Jing tomorrow. I am responsible for directing the Thunder Corps and two Bryot Mountain Corps, against the standing legions of the Hicks Kingdoms in the south and the eight newly formed legions, "said Crowder.

Read The Duke's Passion