MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 582 Bokal

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Chapter 582 The failed Bokal

Half a month later, Claude went to visit Patras Naval Shipbuilding Base. This time he stayed at the shipbuilding base for a month and a half, and had a close and friendly exchange with the ship design department and the power development center led by Master Bird. And held more than ten academic conferences, successfully launched the design of super-large passenger ships made of iron shells, ocean freight merchant ships, and large whaling ships. I received more than a dozen orders before the formation, and everyone was so happy that everyone knew that the construction profit of civil ships could be much higher than the armored warships ...

The horological design that Claude discussed with Master Bird privately also caused him to attach great importance to it. He believes that the development of chronological machinery such as timepieces will greatly improve the production level of precision instruments in overseas dominions. However, he delegated the development of the watch to his grandson, Marex, who believed that he was fully qualified for the development. Claude naturally would not keep his illegitimate child secret. He told Malex about all the clock knowledge that he could remember in his mind, and he drew several kinds of clocks, pocket watches, and watches.

In addition, Claude also discussed with Master Bird the possibility of establishing a polytechnic university, but was poured a cold water by Master Bird. Quite simply, the scientific and technological development of this Faslan world is based on the Alchemy Magic Rune. The rune mage who can do various experiments in the Alchemy Magic Rune is the main force to promote technological development. This can be called The above is a practical research-type technical magic system.

And, as Crowd asked, to build a university where ordinary people can learn these technologies is to knock down the magic building and rebuild a new building. It is not impossible, but The time and energy spent, as well as too much money, are not worth the money. Ordinary people don't understand the alchemy magic experiment. Even if they learn magic knowledge, they won't practice without magic. Everything is a waste.

For the simplest example, a rune mage can experiment in the Alchemy Magic Rune, be able to understand the changing process of test items, and understand the principle of the synthesis of two metals. There is no way for ordinary people to do alchemy magic experiments. To achieve the same experimental results is to re-establish a training and experiment system, so that they understand why two metals together become another brand-new metal. We need a new synthesis theory that can make people see it clearly. It also needs to be tested in reality. The cost is not a small amount ...

Claude was very clear what Master Byrd said about these words. This world is not without physics and chemical knowledge, but this knowledge is in the hands of a magician, called alchemy, and it is not a system and it does not communicate with each other. . Like Master Bird, he turned from a firearms master to the research of fire engines and steam engines, and then developed into various mechanical powers. Now he also turned to ship design. It can be said that he could change the research direction at will according to his hobby ...

This is also true of other runic magicians, and their apprenticeship methods are very similar. Either teach by hand or watch the teacher ’s alchemy magic experiment and then realize it by themselves. If you do n’t talk about it, it ’s often taught by the East and the West. Forget it, it ’s up to the magical apprentice to fail to learn. This type of education and efficiency are actually very backward and inefficient.

And even if these rune masters have any experience in magic experiments, they are still hiding and refuse to communicate with other magicians, which has largely caused the delay and stagnation of the technological level in this world. If it were not for the unexpected variable of the overseas dominion, Claude would find that in the more than two decades since his arrival, the world's technological level has actually not improved at all ...

However, since the kind of Polytechnic University in Claude's previous life could not be run, then it is not possible to run a magic college to train qualified rune masters for overseas dominions in batches. It is also a forum for exchange of rune masters for overseas dominions. Claude hoped that the rune masters of the overseas dominion could present their discovery and experimental principles in front of other magicians, and draw useful things from the results of other people's experiments to further promote the development of technology.

If such a magic academy can be established, the autonomous region can propose the establishment of a magician association, provide annual salary and welfare subsidies, run an alchemy academic journal to publish papers and give awards. Byrd's proposal to Claude was a bit confusing, but he still didn't like the academic exchanges between Rune Mage. After all, many mages regard their discoveries in the alchemy magic experiment as an opportunity for their own profit. It is really difficult to persuade them to give up this traditional habit ...

Master Bird finally stated that he could try to persuade rune mages who worked for overseas dominions. He has doubts about the establishment of a magic school. After all, the impression of magicians in the minds of ordinary people for centuries is evil, even if they are rune mages who serve overseas dominions, they are also hiding their own magicians. Identity, the alchemy magic experiment is also concealed and not conducted in public. It is difficult for him to imagine what kind of changes a public academy would create for overseas dominions and magicians ...

Byrd thinks again and again that Claude is too anxious. He doesn't think it would be a good thing to openly build a magic academy. Instead, he exposes those magician teachings and magic apprenticeships to the public. It is difficult to guarantee the personal safety of the teachers and students in this magic school if the opposition and the public's rejection are psychological. He thought that it would be better to secretly select and train magic apprentices, like the Academy of Magic, but to cover it under another name.

As for the establishment of the Dominion Magician Association, Master Byrd thinks that this is a good thing. Those rune mages will be happy to join, and how to say this is also a recognition of their identity for the Dominion, plus the high annual salary and Welfare subsidies, no rune mage will refuse such invitations.

The only difficulty is to persuade them to come up with their own experimental findings, but this can be solved with a heavy reward. Just like there are technical problems that cannot be solved by the autonomous region or the shipbuilding base, you can ask the rune masters in these associations for help, who solves the problem or the bonus ...

Some things were really impatient, and Crowder heard Master Bird's words and found that he was really too anxious. In fact, the rune mages who work for the autonomous region now work well with the autonomous region. It is now the Dominion Command that grants these rune mages directly to let them experiment with alchemy magic to get results. The more than 400 technologies that need to be kept secret at the shipbuilding base that General Beechklin said at a military conference last time are all like this. In fact, this is also an alternative bounty, but the capital waste is relatively large.

Back in Lanhu City, it was the first time for General Bokal to report to Claude. This time he came to report to Claude about his contact with Eriksson's Blacksail Pirates. The so-called hot face and cold **** is the current situation of Bokal. He was planning for Eriksson, but Eriksson did not blindly agree with Claude's request because of his friendship when he was a teenager. Instead, he proposed a series of lion-like opening conditions to the Dominion Territory on behalf of the Black Sail Pirates. For example, the six iron armored warships were delivered first, and then six were delivered after completion.

"How did you tell him?" Claude asked. "Did you tell him the reasons why our Dominion Navy could not shoot?"

Bokal nodded somewhat discouraged. In the past two months or so, he had contacted Eriksson many times, and wrote only six letters. At the beginning, Eriksson's reply was still very exciting, expressing his willingness to cooperate with the Dominion Commander's Army, and to join the Dominion Navy's Iron Armored Fleet to attack the United Kingdom's Naval Fleet in the Fox Islands, by the way to plunder.

However, after discovering that he had misunderstood, Bokal quickly wrote again to tell him that it was not his Blacksail Pirates and the Dominion Navy ’s Iron Armored Fleet, but that Blacksail Pirates independently assumed the task of attack. It was also time for the six Iron Armored Warships. Pay him. As soon as this second letter passed, Eriksson's attitude cooled down. He asked Bokal whether the autonomous region and Claude were not pleasing to his black sail pirates, so he deliberately set a trap. Let them die?

Bokal could only write to Erikson again, telling him that Claude had no such meaning, this time it was an opportunity he had won for Eriksen and the Blacksail Pirates. Only after proactively attacking the naval fleet of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands and demonstrating the strength and determination of the Blacksail Pirates, will the autonomous region consider considering Eriksson's Blacksail Pirates as the object of support and cooperation. For Sen, it is indeed the best opportunity.

Then Eriksson wrote back and asked Bokal to make it clear why he thought it was an opportunity on Blacksail Island? In his opinion, leading his own Black Sail Pirate to attack the naval fleet of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands was purely death-seeking. Unless the Dominion Navy first borrowed a dozen or twenty iron armored warships, then he could confidently launch an attack on the Navy fleet of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands ...

In order to convince Eriksson, Bokal had to disclose some intelligence and inside information of the military meeting, so that Eriksson knew the real reason for him, mainly to make the Blacksail Pirates and the Dominion Commander good, and also to meet Erie Xen received the wish of the armored warship. Only after Eriksson learned of the inside story, the lion opened his mouth and asked the autonomous region to provide six iron armored warships and then six more. He did not guarantee that the attack would be completed. He could only guarantee that the Blacksail Pirate would initiate an attack. At the same time, the autonomous region must also pay millions of kronor worth of armaments and supplies as the pension cost for the black sail pirates ...

Bokal went on to write two more letters in an effort to persuade Eriksson, but Eriksson clung to the conditions he offered in his reply. Bokal found that this task was not so good. He could not agree with Erikson's request on behalf of the autonomous region, and had to come to Claude to return to life, admitting that he had failed to win the Black Sail Pirates and Erikson.

Claude didn't get the slightest anger, instead he laughed, got up and went to the wine cabinet to get a bottle of fruit wine, and filled Bokal. Then told Bokal that he had expected Bokal to fail. To be honest, in the matter of Eriksson and Blacksail Pirates, Bokal was confused by his instincts and judging by his childhood friendship, and behaved neither like a businessman nor a soldier.

If Bokal keeps the savvy of the businessman, he should have discovered that Eriksson and him communicated not for the friendship of adolescents, but to inquire about some autonomous region information from him. At the same time, Bokal has become the spokesperson of the Blacksail Pirates in the Dominion Territory. With the identity of Bokal, in the Dominion, it is easy to purchase some armament materials and goods that need to be monitored. Eriksson knows that he can't move Bokal in terms of money or status, and can only rely on friendship to win Bokal ...

There is a saying called Water Drop Stone Piercing. With years of communication, Eriksson finally made Bokal blind his precise businessman eyes because of friendship and imagined Eriksson as a simple friend in his childhood. Of course, for so many years, through the bison firm hosted by Bokal ’s father, Blacksail Pirates did not worry about Bokal, whether it was purchasing materials or selling stolen goods, which also made Bokal more trusted by Eriksson. Come.

As a trader unqualified, as a soldier, Bokal's performance is also very bad. As Claude said, as a soldier, you will not believe the promise of a pirate. Just like Eriksson is also a young partner of Claude, even if the Dominion Territory has not had any conflict with Eriksson's Blacksail Pirates, for Claude, he will still be against Eriksson. The black sail pirates remain vigilant, regardless of whether he is his teenage buddy.

Bokal had a lot of trust in Eriksson, for which he hesitated to argue with Claude to speak for Eriksson and the Blacksail Pirates. Just when Claude gave him a chance, he hit a closed door with Eriksson. Claude gave him a clear analysis. Eriksson's communication with him cost little. Instead, he could learn the movement of the Dominion from him, which could be regarded as a source of information. So Eriksson is happy to keep friendship with Bokal, and the letter is endless.

But when Bokal demanded that Eriksson lead the Blacksail Pirates to attack the Navy fleet of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands, Erickson must consider the cost. He is the leader of the black sail pirates. If he maintains the friendship with Bokal to damage the power of the black sail pirates, he will inevitably reject the friendship. The law of pirates is to respect the strong. This strong not only refers to the strength of the individual, but also to the strength of the pirate gang that he leads. For the sake of friendship to damage his own strength, the position of his pirate leader cannot be maintained.

Claude comforted Bokal. It is a good thing to see the true face of Eriksson through such a thing. This is always better than Eriksson's request for Bokal to do things that are detrimental to the interests of the autonomous region. He asked Bokal to put the matter down, and then he would follow Claude's visit to the Pamigar National Republic. Claude hoped that during his visit, Bokal could put his mind on the colony of the Duchy of Vasilico and learn how the two indigenous peoples, the Skorean and the Gist, had experienced armed conflict ... ..

The implementation of the first step of the wildfire plan can be said to be a two-half success. The success is that the autonomous territory occupied the Rodex Bay colony in the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands, and at the same time promoted the independence of the Pomigals in the Kingdom of Morosik. The first indigenous nation state on the West Coast, and twice defeated three colonial nations such as the Kingdom of Morosí and expeditionary forces sent to the land of Nubia to recover the colonies.

Failing was the indigenous national liberation movement in the second colony of the Kingdom of Ressna and the colony of the Duchy of Vasilico. The Rusmans in the second colony of the Resne Kingdom became a loose sand after their chief was killed by the colonial bureau. Although the colonists were expelled in the name of the revenge of the chieftain, at the same time they were killing immigrant innocent white people in the colony. In order to fight for the rights, the various large tribes fought against each other and messed up.

Under the strong bombardment of the Autonomous Leadership Area, they also united in the war against the invasion of the three colonial expeditionary forces, but after the war, they began to fight between the tribes. Even if the autonomous region came forward and helped them establish a Rusman Chief Alliance, this was useless. It was just a title on the bright side. In its country, there were still seven tribes fighting, and no one was convinced by anyone. Take a good one. Country messed up ...

Finally, the colony of the Duchy of Vasilico, which caused a headache for the autonomous region. Originally, according to the plan, after the establishment of the Pamigar National Republic, they sent troops to help the two indigenous peoples, the Scolo and the Gist people in the colony of the Duchy of Vasilico, to liberate and imitate the Pamigar to establish an independent country. Of course, the Scolo and Gistians also worked hard to launch an uprising against the colonials of the Duchy of Vasilico.

The uprising went smoothly, or the insurrection would work. The garrison in the Duchy of Vasilico could not completely suppress the armed uprising initiated by these two indigenous peoples. They had to send someone to the neighboring Opsaro city-state alliance colony for help. . Just when the situation was good, as a result, the insurgents of the two indigenous peoples, the Skoros and the Gist, clashed, and the conflict turned into a war, and then developed into a genocidal war between the two indigenous peoples. .....

Now the two indigenous peoples of the Duchy of Vasilico can no longer afford any armed uprisings, expelling the colonists, national liberation and independence. The two sides fought fiercely, and the hatred between the two communities became more and more fierce. Whether it was the invasion of the Expeditionary Forces or the armed forces of the Pamigar National Republic to help them resist, they all knew that the battle between the two communities was going to take place. .....

Read The Duke's Passion