MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 587 Trivia

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Chapter 587 A Pile Of Trivia

On December 13, the ocean shipping fleet again transported Hicks to the Dominion Overseas. Only this time there were more than 90,000 people in the entire Thunder Corps. According to the arrangements of the Autonomous Military Command, the soldiers of the Thunder Corps will have a three-month holiday so that they can reunite with their families, and then go to the end of March next year. The Pamigar National Republic is stationed.

But soon Claude personally issued a military order, asking the four divisions of the Thunder Corps to go to the four states of the Overseas Dominion, Arturas, Tirsim, Mormari, and Robustor. The state was stationed, and the Corps headquarters was stationed at the Lanhu City camp in Amphiston. The Rock Corps troops originally stationed in these four states were sent to Bering Ghana, Cromwell, Port Wibator and Rocky Mountain states, and the headquarters of the Legion went to Lanhu City ...

In this way, the nine states of the overseas dominion, with the exception of Amphiston, each state has a division of officers and soldiers stationed. The combined forces of the two corps headquarters are almost equal to the strength of one division, and all units have been deployed. So just after the New Year's Eve, on January 10, 607, in the Holy Light, the Dominion Council together with the Dominion Command issued an order to severely crack down on organized organized crime in the local community.

This New Year is not very good for many people in overseas dominions. Generally speaking, local administrative offices in various places will not start normal operations until the 15th of the New Year. But this time before the 10th of the New Year, all local administrative public officials received notifications, asking them to go to another local town to perform official duties, cooperate with the troops of the Autonomous Leadership Command to carry out severe operations, and put the status of this official duties on the official assessment list. .

For the official hats on the head, gray and black, these hidden incomes, even local temperate local administrative public officials have to obediently follow suit. They just handle cases remotely. This is a long-established example, and it is an administrative public official in all local cities and towns. They are mobilized, not specifically for individuals. So no one will doubt anything, at most it is a few words that are full of food, and come up with such an idea that everyone will have a bad New Year ...

It was only when these local administrative public officials arrived at their destination that they discovered that it was a heavily guarded barracks. Before they settled down, investigators who claimed to be the Dominion Investigation Bureau came to the door and took away some of them, saying they wanted to understand the crimes of their local triad organizations, but those who were taken away never did. Did not return.

It is not surprising that administrative public officials in other places can only secretly rejoice that they have not colluded with underworld organizations, because these people who are taken away are closely related to their own local underworld, even he himself is an underworld Organize one of them. At this time, everyone already knew about the crackdown, then the suffering of these guys is the inevitable result ...

With the crackdown, some administrative public officials were taken away and did not return. It is said that these people secretly colluded with or worked for local triad organizations. There are more and more members of the underworld who have been arrested, and the more they have confessed, those who have been concealed have also been confessed, and some have also provided physical evidence such as the signature of the ledger dividends. It is understood that most of the local administrative public officials have colluded with each other or used each other ...

As each state has its own Thunder Corps or a division of the Rock Corps, and all roads are blocked, the crackdown on all local cities and towns has been carried out. The arrests of members of local underworld organizations were led by local defensive forces, and most of them arrested one. The bosses of the underworld organizations who have been notified by the dark line are also able to run today and tomorrow, and the entire place has been blocked. If they want to escape, they will escape without leaving the hidden lines they have handed over.

There are also some gangsters who are going to fight to death. They gather their staff to resist, and bring a certain amount of casualties to those who arrest them. But no matter how resisted, they couldn't resist the light infantry field artillery brought by the officers and soldiers of the two legions. The remaining two or three guns left the corpses or the captives. After all, no matter how aggressive the underworld organizations can't resist the biggest violent gang of the regular army ...

The progress and gains of the assault operations in various places were quickly summarized, and they arrived at the assault command headquarters set up in the Autonomous Military Command Area through the eagle eagle message. According to the reports of the officers and men on duty, there was very little collusion between the responsible chiefs of local defense forces and local triad organizations, and there were only four or five cases in nine states.

It is true that the patrol police departments in various cities and towns share the same situation. It is known that more than one-third of the violent action plan reports to the local triad organizations. It is conceivable that the patrol police department needs a major rectification and removal. The executive member of the Dominion Patrol Affairs Commissioner Zazorak was angry and felt ashamed ...

However, the successful arrest of members of the underworld organizations does not mean the end of the crackdown. The next thing is the rectification and inspection of the entire government of overseas autonomous territories. All local administrative public officials who have been dispatched to other places to deal with hard-hitting operations must be investigated. Those corrupt officials who have clear evidence are taken away directly, waiting for them to be sentenced to prisoners and the whole family to serve in prisons. Undeserved happiness now all comes at a price.

This time, Marshal Bolonick was determined to rectify the issue of governing overseas dominions. By mid-February, the entire crackdown had entered a late stage of sweeping. At this time, many members of the parliament had come to intercede for those arrested with insidious relations. It was just that General Bolognik refused and rebuked these parliamentarians for a meal, and told them very clearly that these arrested people were damaging the cornerstones of the Dominion, and to tell them that parliament was digging a corner of their home. The wall fell down without knowing it ...

With the support of Claude, Marshal Bolognik is not afraid that these parliamentarians will be angry and angry. As a matter of fact, the members of the Dominion are allied in their interests, and they each have shares in the monopoly industries of the Dominion, such as the two giant industries of railway companies and tobacco factories. Privately there are shipbuilding workshops, brewing industry, paper industry, mineral industry, etc., which are all lucrative industries.

Members of parliament are the ruling class of the self-governing territories. After getting enough income, they think more about the local fame and the reputation of the family. The affection is due to relatives or family pressure. After being rejected and reprimanded by Marshal Bolonique, they immediately expressed their support for the government administration rectification and inspection work, and published articles in the newspapers of the autonomous territory, praising the severe action and the government inspection ...

They are all human beings, and Marshal Bolonick couldn't wait for any member of parliament to commit confusion. He arrested his relatives and related parties to confront the Executive Committee, and asked the Executive Committee to kill chickens and monkeys and cancel his membership. It is a pity that no one gave him this opportunity. Being a member of the parliament means being among the ruling class of the dominion. No one would give up this jealous position in order to alienate his family and make a big mistake, and become the enemy of Marshal Bolonick and Claude.

The hard-fighting operations and government inspections that ended at the end of February left the entire overseas autonomous territory with a large gap in administrative public officials, with almost three-quarters of public officials lacking. The administrative offices of many local cities and towns can even be described as paralyzed. However, due to the recent crackdown, the local security situation is fairly good. The patrol police department is not as uncomfortable as imagined. After the inspection, half of the staff are still working, which can maintain the most basic social order.

Marshal Bolonick, while leading the members of the Executive Committee's inspection agencies to hold civil service exams in local towns, urged Claude to get the list of veterans this year as soon as possible. He was going to select outstanding veterans from the veterans to fill vacancies in the civil service. For a while, both the Executive Committee and the headquarters of the military region were busy. Fortunately, Claude did not forget to order rotation replacements for the officers and men of the Thunder Corps who had ended the severe fight. Otherwise, it would be necessary to make trouble ...

The most important task of the Holy Light Autonomous Region in March 607 is to honor the rewards. Most of the rich profits collected by the Raiders of the Hicks Kingdom have been shipped back to the overseas dominions, and they need to be cashed to give the officers and soldiers the rewards they deserve. This not only refers to the officers and soldiers of the Thunder Corps, the Storm Corps, and the eight Hicks Returning Divisions, but the proportion of distribution is reduced according to the performance of the battlefield and the achievement rate of the battle.

Generally speaking, if the soldiers of the Hicks Homecoming Division can receive ten kronor cash rewards, one soldier of the Storm Legion can receive twenty to twenty-eight kronor, and one soldier of the Thunder Corps can Get 35 to 40 gold kronor rewards, because the rules of reward distribution are announced on the wall of the barracks, which army group will be assigned more rewards in the battles experienced by them ...

In late March, the ocean carrier fleet once again arrived at the overseas dominion, and General Murray sent a report to General Claude to General Claude. At present, General's Stormwind Corps is stationed in Port Karakal, which the Kingdom of Breot rents to the Autonomous Territory. Now the rest of them are the Stormwind Corps, eight Hicks Returning Divisions and five to six hundred thousand Greeks. The Army was immigrants.

After the ocean shipping fleet has made two more trips and returned the eight Hicks Homecoming Divisions and military immigrants to the Overseas Dominion, the rest of Port Patkala are the Stormwind Corps and the captives of the Hundreds of Hicks Kingdom. Already. According to the plan, the Storm Corps only needs to retain a division of more than 18,000 men and troops to stay in Port Patkala, and then leave 30,000 and 40 thousand young and captives responsible for reclaiming the wasteland outside Port Patkala. The remaining three divisions will The selected captives were all escorted to the Kansas Prairie Northern Bay Territory ...

General Albert said in the report that the departure of the Thunder Corps made the situation in the Kingdom of Hicks somewhat unsettled. Anyway, the archduke of the Northland has formally formed a family armed group, and it is said that there are four standing corps. The defending army forces also continued armed conflicts with the Grand Duke of the Sunset River occupying Wang Jing, and small-scale crossfires often occurred. As for the SS and the Front that lead the way, they are killing each other and annexing each other's territory. The first one to fight ...

Let's put it this way, it is that the three largest forces of the Hicks Kingdom have not formally launched a war, but a small shrimp like the National Front has jumped the most. It seems that they want to wait until the troops of the autonomous region have actually withdrawn before starting war, so as to avoid the fact that when the trilateral forces are incapable of fighting, the troops of the autonomous region will suddenly appear behind and give a fatal blow, then they are really finished.

What General Albert meant was to ask whether Claude really had only one division of the Stormwind Corps stationed in Port Patkara? He felt that it would be better to leave the entire Storm Legion here. This would be a threat to the three forces of the Hicks Kingdom. Perhaps this battle could not be fought. General Abrent feared that the three major divisions of the Hicks Kingdom would affect the construction and development of Port Karakala ...

Claude could only shake his head and write to General Albert the letter. In his letter, he told General Abrent that he would resolutely implement the plans established by the autonomous region. Hicks Kingdom's three major separatist forces are good to fight. Only when they are at war, Port Karakla can rest assured. The longer they play, the more they will rely on the blood transfusion of the Autonomous Military Command. By then, the port of Patkara will truly develop and become another development market blessing for the Autonomous Territory ...

General Albert was a pure soldier. He saw the enemy's first thought is how to destroy the enemy to protect his people, rather than using these enemies to achieve any purpose. Claude and the Autonomous Leadership Area hope that the three major divisions of the Hicks Kingdom will be able to fight out a few years of civil war. The Autonomous Leadership Area will help the weak and the strong by the side, not let any power perish, and maintain the balance of the three parties. The Hicks Realm really lost hope of reunification, and may be able to split into three small countries ...

After finishing his reply to General Abbott, I received a report from Lieutenant Major Major Fahselin, and the Pamigar National Republic sent a special envoy. They came to urge the Autonomous Regional Command to dispatch the Thunder Corps as soon as possible to complete the task. Duties of allies. Anyway, the Pamigars accepted the suggestion of the autonomous region and actively reduced the strength of the two standing legions of the republic. This time, they felt that they were all naked and had no defense forces. At first sight, the Thunder Corps that had reached the autonomous region had not yet In the past, I sent a special envoy urgently to urge ...

Claude could only apologize helplessly, because the sudden mission delayed the officers and men of the Thunder Corps, and now only makes up for a month's vacation. Claude hoped that the Special Envoy of the Pamigarans would be considerate, and for another month, the Thunder Corps would gather in late April to station in the Pamigar National Republic.

In this month, Claude can guarantee that the Pamigar National Republic will not be attacked by the enemy, which is more confident. Because the Autonomous Territory has allied with the Pamigars and dispatched elite trump troops, the news of the Thunder Corps stationing in the Pamigar National Republic has long been spread in the colonies of the West Coast countries. No one could think of sending his colonial garrison to attack the Pamigarians, which led to reprisals by the autonomous region.

Fortunately, with the exception of the Thunder Corps, which required a month's delay to travel to the Pamigar National Republic, the military assistance given to the Pamigars by other autonomous regions was on schedule. Armament materials such as teaching officers and musket weapons have been dispatched to the past, so the envoy Palmigart had nothing to worry about but to say.

A month had passed, and the First Division of the Thunder Corps had boarded the ship and set off for Port Flimz, a seaport city leased by the Pamigarians to the Autonomous Region. The special envoy of the Pamigar also returned with the ship, and thanked Claude desperately before leaving. Claude promised him to deploy four divisions of the Thunder Corps in place at a rate of one division a month.

However, the Thunder Corps headquarters will take half a year to set off. Because of the retired and recruited recruits, these recruits occupy most of the two direct teaching corps of the Legion Headquarters. They need to complete the half-year intensive training mission of the recruits before they can leave for the Pamigar National Republic.

After finishing all these trivia, Claude was looking for a time to take two days off, and General Boquear came. The purpose of his visit was to ask for money, and the reason for asking for money was full and justified. He said that the Security Bureau is responsible for the entire overseas autonomous territory, and the Investigation Bureau is also responsible for the entire overseas autonomous territory. Only the intelligence bureau he is in charge of is facing the entire country of the Faroe continent. With such a large scope, why is the funding just the same as that of the Security Bureau and the Investigation Bureau?

Claude told General Bokal with a wry smile that the biggest difference between the Intelligence Service and the Security and Investigation Bureau is its autonomy. This autonomy can be expressed in the collection and use of commercial information. For example, in the name of a commercial bank, they can swing in and out of the countries of the Fareland continent, and they can successfully deploy agents to the capitals and key cities of various kingdoms. As for this business, The revenues are autonomous ...

In short, in addition to the appropriation of superiors, the intelligence bureau can also find extra money on its own. This is why the intelligence bureau has the largest coverage, but the funding for the establishment is the same as that of the security bureau and the investigation bureau. Claude believes that General Bolognik and his struggle with the formation of the Intelligence Agency, might as well set up a caravan or, in the name of the business, organize goods and manpower to travel to the Vale continent to do business and spy on the intelligence. It's better to have insufficient funds.

General Bokal suddenly realized that he was about to leave the office and was stopped by Claude. Claude told Bokal that it was better to come by chance. In the past two days, I happened to have received a cash draft of more than one million kronor from Marshal Bolonik. This was the harvest of the corrupt officials after the crackdown and investigation of the officials, and the total was three million. Kronor, the autonomous leader has divided more than one million and can invest in the business of the intelligence agency .....