MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 591 The changing West Coast

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Chapter 591 The Changing West Coast

"Sorry, Your Excellency, we have not reached a purchase agreement with the Special Envoy of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands." General Mantwaite, head of the equipment department, and General Kendock, head of the military affairs department, stood in front of Crowd and reported to him. Got the bad news.

General Kant Walker, director of the Department of Military Affairs, added: "We tried to get this special envoy to purchase the second generation of ironclad warships, but he refused. Even if we told him that if he purchased the second generation of warships, the delivery period would be advanced. One year, after thinking about it, he rejected our proposal and insisted on purchasing all the first-generation iron armored warships ... "

"From his close officers, the Naval Intelligence Department was informed of this news. This time the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands sent a special envoy to purchase forty-eight ironclad warships, which was earmarked for diversion. So much money was paid and it was not given. The special envoy's additional funds allowed him to purchase several second-generation iron armored warships to try out the differences and effects of the battle with the first generation iron armored warships.

And the most important point is that the iron armored warships produced by our autonomous shipbuilding workshops do not contain artillery devices, leaving only the turret position on the deck. Therefore, in the eyes of the special envoy, these iron armored warships purchased and purchased will also have to install their own artillery, which has no effect on the enemy's iron armored warships, so it does not matter whether the first or second generation of iron armored warships. "

General Mantevit, the head of the equipment department, asked through the Naval Intelligence Agency some inside information about the procurement envoy from the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands, because the first and second generation iron armored warships were even large and heavy naval guns developed by the autonomous region. Unable to achieve the record of more than ten shells sinking another iron armored battleship, even if the target is a generation of iron armored battleships.

Only when the third-generation iron armored warship developed by the autonomous region was replaced with new guns and armor-piercing shells did it pose a lethal threat to the first and second generation of iron armored warships. However, several autonomous shipbuilding workshops in the Port of Wibator are now built in the autonomous command zone. All the second-generation iron armored warships produced and built do not include guns. After the construction is completed, the purchaser will drag them back to install artillery.

These are large or heavy bronze artillery guns loaded with black gunpowder firing solid projectiles on sailboats. The threat to the first and second generation armored warships is not very great. It is no wonder that the purchasing envoy of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands must have a generation of iron armored warships. Before the existing artillery can not ensure that these iron armored warships can be sunk, there is really no difference between the second generation of iron armored warships. Even speed, agility, and high resistance are useless, and double the price is the most uneconomical trade ...

"So this purchasing envoy insisted on a generation of ironclad warships, and the several workshops we set up at the Port of Wibator shipbuilding base were already full of warship orders from the Kingdom of Camanlein and the Principality of Rerioro. Isn't it possible to take orders for new ironclad warships this year? "Claude looked up." Isn't Port Vibatuo still expanding its shipbuilding workshops and building new docks? "

General Kant Walker, director of the Department of Military Affairs, replied: "The shipbuilding base at the Port of Wibator does have an expansion plan. It plans to add four shipbuilding workshops and build eight new docks within six months. However, this expansion plan will not be until at least April next year. It also takes a lot of time to complete the installation of various auxiliary shipbuilding engineering machinery, and it will be very good to be put into use before the first half of June next year.

The order from the purchasing envoy of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands was huge, and it was a pity that it was cancelled. They just insisted that as long as the first generation of iron armored warships, not the second generation of iron armored warships, otherwise we can deliver the second generation of iron armored warships in service to him after renovation. That would only require modification and refurbishment at Patras Naval Shipbuilding Base.

The problem now is that there is no schedule in the port of Wibator. The Patres naval shipbuilding base has refused to accept the obsolete generation of ironclad warships. The workshops and docks on their side have also stacked orders for new ships. . If this ironclad warship order from the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands is to be taken, construction will have to begin as soon as the second half of next year.

That's why we couldn't reach an agreement with the purchasing envoy of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. They asked us to start building the ordered armored warships immediately and deliver the first twelve armored warships half a year later. We could n’t do this. . No matter what, there is a first come, first come, we have to complete the order of the warships of the Kingdom of Kamanrian and the Principality of Rerioro. "

"In this case, then there is no need to drag on, just reject this order from the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. We don't need to make every effort for the forty-eight generations of armored warships." Crowder made a decision, then stood up, Walked to the wall, looked at the map of the West Coast colonies hanging on the wall, shook his head and laughed.

"I don't know what the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands will do next," Claude pointed at the two remaining colonies of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands on the map: "Without the ironclad warships, these two colonies are also very likely. Ca n’t keep it. When the order of the armored ships of the Kingdom of Camanlein and the Principality of Rerioro is completed, then the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands will have to worry that they will be blocked on the Fox Islands, unable to take care of the remaining two on the West Coast. Colonies.

The Wade Mountain Harbour Colony may be able to survive. It is already the only colony at the extreme north end of the West Coast, and further north is the Gobi Desert, with no vegetation. It is also separated from the colonies of the Principality of Fedro by nearly a hundred miles in the desert mounds. Their relations between the two countries have always been good. Without the intervention of other countries, this colony should be able to maintain. However, the Wade Mountain Harbor Colony has rich mineral resources and an excellent deep-water harbor. In the eyes of other colonial countries, it is also a big piece of fat, but I don't know who will be cheaper in the end.

In addition to this Weidesberg seaport colony, what remains of the Fox Islands United Kingdom is this colony of Port Russell next to the Opsaro City-State Alliance. With good luck, it was sandwiched between the Opsaro City-State Alliance and the Principality of Federow, unlike the colony of the neighboring Principality of Riorio, in the middle, which was directly occupied by the colonial authorities of the Principality of Riorio. However, this Port Russell colony is also in danger of being annexed by the Opsaro City-State Alliance, and once the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands loses another battle at sea ... "

The United Kingdom of the Fox Islands originally had four colonies on the west coast. The smallest Rodex Bay colony has been given to overseas dominions. The remaining three are located on the north, central and south ends of the west coast. The northernmost point is the Weedes Seaport Colony, both of which are mountainous hills and rich in mineral resources. It is a military industrial base that the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands is preparing to use to build and produce iron armored warships.

The central part is a colony in the plains, and it is also the colony with the most abundant agricultural products. However, it has now been occupied by the colonial authorities of the Principality of Rerioro. This colony is no longer available. The colony called Puerto Russell to the south is not far from the Pamigar National Republic. The two are separated only by the colony of the Duchy of Vasilico and the colony of the Opusaro City-States.

The colony of the Duchy of Vasilico is half-disabled, but the Opsaro city-state alliance is very happy. In front is the colony abandoned by the Duchy of Wasilico. Behind it is the colony of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands, where the armed forces are vulnerable. With the annexation of the colonies of the Duchy of Vasilico and the colony of Puerto Russell, the colony of the Opsaro city-state on the west coast could almost triple. It is only out of respect for the maritime power of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands that the colonial authorities of the Opsaro City-State Alliance have not acted ...

Failing to negotiate the production order of the ironclad warship with the autonomous region, the purchasing envoy of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands turned to the first commercial power machinery workshop of the autonomous region to place an order for sixty generations of marine steam power machinery and propeller spindle configuration. Three million kronor, equivalent to 50,000 kronor, a marine steam power mechanism and a propeller spindle configuration. After the approval of the Autonomous Military Command, the order was completed and the transaction was completed within three months.

The Naval Intelligence Department believes that the so-called purchase of iron armored warships in the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands is actually a guise. The real purpose is to purchase the steam power machinery and propeller spindle configuration of the ship in the autonomous region. This probably means that the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands has developed its own ironclad warships or imitated the black sail pirates, covered the sails with copper or iron armor, and modified the steam-powered machinery and propellers on board.

A month later, the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands sent a sailing warship sub-fleet to welcome six ocean-going armed transport ships loaded with twenty marine steam-powered machinery and propeller spindles to return to the Fox Islands off the southern coast of Valeria. . What they didn't expect was that they were ambushed by the sea fleet of the Kingdom of Camanlein and the Principality of Rerioro in the seas three hundred miles away from the Fox Islands ...

The Kingdom of Kamanryan has dispatched two cruise combat units, that is, twelve ironclad warships, of which two ironclad armoured transport ships loaded with blackstone coal are subtracted. The real battles are two generations of ironclad cruisers and eight generations of ironclads. Destroyer, ten iron armored warships. However, the Principality of Rerioro has not received the first batch of customized iron armored warships, only 12 ocean-going fast three-masted sail cruisers have been dispatched.

The United Kingdom of the Fox Islands is a sub-fleet of a sailing fleet, with eighteen three-tiered sailing ships (ie, five-masted three-tier artillery, and two sides of the battleship with forty-eight heavy-loaded artillery battleships) plus six armed oceans. Transport ships, as well as four ocean-going fast-masted sail cruisers, a total of 28 sail-ships, ten iron armored ships and twelve ocean-going fast cruisers against the Camanlein and Principality of the Rio Riolo Maritime Fleet ...

The result of this naval battle was the defeat of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. If not for the rescue fleet to come quickly, maybe these 28 sailing warships will sink to the bottom. From the point of view of the firepower of the fleet, the sail sub-fleet of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands has a comprehensive advantage.

However, the ten iron armored warships of the Kingdom of Kaman Ryan are not as side-hitting as the sailing warships when facing at sea. Instead, they use mechanical power to chase the tail of the sailing warships, throwing white phosphorous bombs and destroying the rudder rear compartment, so that the sailing warship has The firepower advantage cannot be used at all, or it is useless, it can only be a target at sea ...

Of the twenty marine steam-powered machinery and propeller spindle configurations carried by the six ocean-going armed transport ships, only three were left, and only one ocean-going armed transport ship survived the rescue. The remaining five ocean-going armed transport ships were all sunk, and the seventeen power units and propeller spindle configurations carried on them were all undersea. This huge loss caused the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands to send a special envoy to the overseas dominion again. This time they waved a bank draft to purchase twelve second-generation iron armored warships, which were completed and delivered after six months ...

The second generation of iron armored battleships is twice as expensive as the first generation of iron armored battleships. The total amount of twelve second generation iron armored battleships is 3.6 million kronor. General Murray embarrassedly dispatched twelve second-generation iron armored warships from the fleet to the naval shipbuilding base for refurbishment and transformation, ready to be delivered to the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands six months later. Here, we have placed an order for twelve new fourth-generation iron armored warships with Master Byrd's Ship Design Center ...

When the Kingdom of Camanlein and the Principality of the Sea of ​​Riorio Ambush ambush the Sailboat Fleet of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands and the news of the victory reached the West Coast, the Opsaro City-State Alliance finally united the neighboring Fox Islands. The kingdom's Port Russell colony went down. The Opsaro City-State Alliance sent a legion to occupy the Port Russell colony, and another three ocean-going ships were set aside for the officials and family members of the colonial authorities in the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands.

As for the northernmost coast of the West Coast, the Weeds Harbour colony has become the only remaining colony on the West Coast in the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. In order to preserve this colony, the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands specifically asked for the Principality of Fellowship, which had a good relationship, to send troops to guard the Dessand Seaport Colony. Only when the Principality of Fedro hesitated again and again and finally decided to send a troops of the local guard regiment to see it, only to find that the Wade Mountain Harbor colony had been occupied by the black sail pirates silently.

To blame, we can only blame the Wade Mountain Harbour colony. It is too far north. Even the borderline of the neighboring Principality of Federow is over a hundred kilometers away from it. If there is not a good deep-water harbor, Maybe it will also be a colony abandoned by the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. Fortunately, this colony has abundant mineral resources, which effectively fills the lack of mineral resources of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands as an archipelago country.

For more than a century, the Weedes Seaport Colony has been the largest mineral resource collection site in the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. They implemented two systems here. The mine on the mountain was a slave system. Through various channels, slaves were purchased from other colonies or pirate gangs to become slaves to mine resources for the kingdom. The Yamashita harbour is a normal colonial system, with towns, governors, and immigrants ...

To be honest, the Weeds Seaport Colony should be the largest colony on the west coast of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands, but because it is located at the northern end, it is very remote, and because of the hills and mountains everywhere, it does not favor immigrants from the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. For more than a century, only two or three towns have been established around the harbour below the mountain, with less than 50,000 migrants.

It wasn't until the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands decided to build the Wedds Mountain Harbour Colony into a military shipbuilding base capable of producing iron armored warships. It was here that a large number of immigrants and their families arrived, began to build shipbuilding workshops, set up laboratories and the like. Because of the existence of four powerful sailing fleets at sea, the authorities of the Weeds Mountain Harbour Colony never dreamed of being attacked by pirates.

Then the Wade Mountain Harbor colony was suddenly attacked by a dozen pirate gangs led by Blacksail Pirates. More than a hundred warships of a sailing fleet that had just arrived in the harbor to prepare for a carnival night were not robbed by pirates. It was burned into ashes. The United Kingdom of the Fox Islands is inexplicably missing a sailing fleet.

Immediately after, the Black Sail Pirate swept through the remaining facilities in the harbor, various mechanical equipment and armaments in the warehouse, the metal shells of six iron armored warships, and shipbuilding experts and technicians recruited by the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. Rune mage, all fell into the hands of the black sail pirates. It can be said that the black sail pirates returned from the Weidsberg seaport colony ...

Then came the remaining three sailing fleets of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. The United Kingdom of the Fox Islands did not find the culprit to attack them until one of their sailing fleets met Blacksail Island in the Nubari waters and fought a defeated naval battle.

Soon the black sail pirate's iron armored warship once again attacked the wealthiest colony in the central west coast of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. It once again overwhelmed a sail fleet and plundered coastal towns, letting the world understand that the iron armored warship replaced the sail warship. The trend is irreversible.

At this critical moment, instead of helping the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands deal with Blacksail Pirates, the Kingdoms of Carman Ryan and the Principality of Rerioro fell to the ground, a colony that captured the Kingdom of Resnia, and a central annexation of the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands. colony. Forced the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands to ignore Blacksail Pirates and turn their heads against these two enemy nations.

In this way, the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands left the colony of the Weeds Seaport that was attacked by the black sail pirates behind, and it was not until after the Opsaro City-States Alliance had colonized the port of Russell that they remembered another Wede. Colony of Mount Hill. But then I found out that I do n’t know when the black sail pirates came back with a carbine, and the Wade Mountain Harbour colony has fallen into the hands of the pirates ...