MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 6 in the morning

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Chapter 6 Morning

Claude lives in the attic, his parents and a younger sister and a younger brother live on the third floor, while his older brother Albert Field lives on the second floor, and there is a reception room and a study room on the second floor. However, this study is shared by his father and his eldest brother. He usually wants to enter the study to find a few books and must ask for the consent of his father or big brother.

There are washrooms and bathrooms on the third and second floors. Claude basically goes to the second floor. After all, there are more people on the third floor.

On the second floor, Albert was satisfied with his chin coming out of the bathroom. He could see that he had just shaved his beard and was very satisfied with his craft.

"Good morning, Albert." Claude said hello.

Albert only glanced at Claude with his eyes, snorted and responded, and then went downstairs.

Claude did not care, went into the bathroom and began to brush his teeth.

The relationship between Albert and Claude is not so good. First, I look down on this younger brother. From the perspective of learning, Albert is the father’s pride. He is the first in the liberal arts from the White Deer. After graduating from the National High School, he was recommended to be the only secretary of the National Assembly, Sir Alex A. Fox, in Bailu Town.

(Note: Jazz is not an official title, but an honorary title. It is generally granted to those who contribute to the kingdom but fail to reach the level of the word. For example, all members of the National Assembly will be given the title of jazz. Of course, the jazz and the knight also Known as the alternate aristocracy, the vast majority of the aristocrats who later gave the word to the prince were born in both.)

Second, Albert has always been the heir to the Field family, and his relationship with his three younger siblings is not very close. Perhaps in the eyes of his future homeowner, these three younger siblings will be the opponents of the family property in the future, and now they are the burden of the family.

In a way, Albert is a perfect inheritor of Mr. Morsan's selfish and stingy character, but he is still young and does not know how to cover up. Unlike his father, Mr. Morsan, who can conceal selfishness and stinginess into a shrewd eye and meticulous attention, he did not learn the investment power of Mr. Morssan and understood that he had to put a good bait in fishing.

Perhaps the former owner of this body is still a bit afraid of his older brother, which is due to the scum of the school to look at the school. Now, Claude has no feeling for his famous big brother. Instead, he secretly revives the alienation of the two brothers. This just avoids the occurrence of the most fearful wearer incident.

Mr. Morssan, the head of the family, was busy with his business. He never cared about this second son, even during his serious illness. He even thundered because of his serious illness and angered him. The mother is a beloved, no matter what abnormal performance of the son is automatically blamed for the recovery of the disease, usually the most concerned is the little daughter and the youngest son, ignoring the abnormality after this secondary disease. As for the younger sister and the younger brother, because the young age is not very sensible, the performance of the passerby is still perfect in this respect.

On the first floor was the restaurant and kitchen. When Claude went downstairs, he saw his father and big brother sitting at the table, while his 12-year-old sister Angelina took the mother's breakfast from the kitchen and gave them Albert. I urged my sister to send the salt shaker and butter plate to him.

"Good morning, father." Claude said.

Mr. Morssan put down the "White Deer Morning" in his hand, frowned and looked at Claude, nodded slightly, then took the plate with the omelet in front of him, and slightly scattered the salt. Start enjoying it.

Albert hurriedly took his father's "White Lunar Morning" on the table and took it in front of him. He ate the buttered bread and watched it.

"White Deer Morning News" is the only town newspaper co-founded by several rich people in Bailu Town. They hope that this newspaper can be like the three newspapers issued by the county town, so that they can both be in both reputation and pockets. Get a big bumper harvest. It is a pity that although Bailu Town has registered more than 60,000 permanent residents, there are only a thousand customers who have paid for the order, which just meets the minimum survival requirement of this newspaper.

The newspapers that have been in office for three years are so dead and dead. In order to save costs, the newspapers have dismissed most of the reporters and editors. The main news comes from the reprinting of the county newspapers, so most of the contents published in this newspaper are yesterday’s county. The old news in the city newspaper, and the news happening in Bailu Town has only one page.

There are rumors that the few wealthy shareholders are looking for intentional takers, preferring to sell their newspaper shares at a loss. It is said that they have asked Mr. Morsang what he meant, but Mr. Morsan is still considering it.

Crowder entered the kitchen and saw his sister Angelina being using a small copper spoon to spoon the milk from a copper pot on the stove to a glass jug.

"Let me come, Anna." Claude took the copper pot and poured milk into the glass jug and asked the little Loli on the side: "Mom?"

"Blovik got up in the morning and was upset and lost his temper. Mom was scolding him." Angelina said.

Blovik is the youngest child in the family. He is only six years old this year, and Mr. Morsan is nearly fifty this year, which means that Mrs. Field gave birth to Blovik at the age of forty. In this era of production, such as life and death, it is not easy and extremely lucky. Therefore, the most loved by the Field couple is this little son, and even this little guy is petting and charming. It is simply a bully at home, what is there.

"Okay, Anna, go eat, you have to go to school after you have finished eating," Claude said, and then put the glass pot filled with milk on the table.

Thanks to the education reform of Sterling IX, girls can also enter the national primary and secondary schools for education, even for civilian children, as long as they can afford tuition. In this regard, Mr. Morssan is very open-minded, he attaches great importance to the education of his children, even the youngest daughter let her go to school.

"Fill me up." Albert pointed to the glass in front of him.

"You are not without hands." Claude ignored him, stopped the little Lolita who wanted to go, and pulled the chair to let his sister sit down: "Don't ignore him, he really treats himself as a young master, you are His sister, not his maid, is not qualified to let you be his maid."

"What are you talking about?" Albert angered, dropping the newspaper and bread in his hand.

"What did you say clearly? Poor younger ears are so embarrassed, I am really worried about how you do the job of Sir Fox with the secretary, maybe you should go to the Temple of the Moon and ask the pastor to test your hearing problems... .."

Claude did not fear to look at him, but he did not hesitate to butter the bread.

Albert was so angry that he smoked and stood up: "You, you..."

"What are you? Ah, are you standing up and wanting to practice with me? I really admire your courage..." Crowder continued to ridicule without mercy.

After passing through Claude, the passer-by has been careful to maintain the impression of a child, which has surprised his parents, thinking that their children have finally become ignorant after passing this serious illness, even two younger brothers and sisters. His relationship has become very close. Only this big brother Albert, always sneer at Crowd, cross-nose his eyes and pick the bones in his eyes, and he can't see his eyes.

Once the parents were not at home, Crowder wanted to go into the study to find a few books. As a result, Albert found another way, and he did not agree. So my sister Angelina said a fair word, Albert was angry and angered and gave his sister a slap.

This slap angered Claude, and during the rest of his life, he rushed to fight with Albert. The two are four years old. From the point of view, Albert is still half a head, but Claude seems to be stronger. Originally I thought he would get them again beat, but I never thought that this Albert is a silver gun wax tip, a close on a loss, even a few Claude suffered a heavy blow to faint head into the fall On the sofa, he called for help, and he was blindfolded by Claude.

It seems that the former owner of this body is very talented in fighting, and the impressions in those memories are not to be beaten with other children. The traversal is more and more handy, and then can not control the big brother to become a pig.

Although the parents who were brought back for this matter scolded a meal, but Claude has never had the fear of his eldest brother, but has produced a sense of superiority. In the future, when the two brothers quarreled, they would always unconsciously show their fists. They said in a big mouth, but you are planning to see the true chapter under our hands.

At this time, Albert always retreats, and to be honest he has been scared by this younger brother, and calling his parents to intervene will only make him even more humiliating. Just like now, Albert sat down in dismay: "I don't know you like this barbarian..."

"Cough, cough..." Mr. Morsan could no longer pretend to turn a blind eye to the conflict between the two sons. Anyway, the boss looked down on the second child. The second child's disapproval of the drama has been performed at home many times. He taught two sons, but the effect is still the same. Whenever their brothers stay together, speech conflicts will occur in less than ten minutes.

"Your mother is getting old eggs today." Mr. Morssan said that he did not see another contradiction between the two brothers: "Give me a glass of milk, Claude."

Claude's lifting glass pot filled his father's cup with milk, and asked diligently: "Do you need to add honey? Father."

"No, milk is fresh and freshly cooked, and adding honey is too sweet, not good for teeth," Mr. Morssan said.

"I want to add honey." The little loli on the side doesn't care about the harm of honey to teeth.

"I remember to go to the mouth after eating breakfast, my father said yes, love sweet is not good for the teeth." Claude spoiled two small spoonfuls of honey in the milk of Xiao Loli.

Mr. Morsang shook his head. This time, since the birth of the serious illness, it was like changing someone. Not only did the grades go up, but he still likes to stay at home to read books. He doesn’t like it as much as he used to. A friend of the fox and friend went out to play and play, and he was also a favorite to his sister and younger brother. The only bad thing is that his relationship with his older brother has deteriorated. He wants to use his fists to teach his older brother a meal.

"Abel, your brother just said right, there are hands and feet, things you can do yourself, don't wait for others to serve." Mr. Morssan gave a rare lesson to his eldest son: "Your brother's The results are not as good as you, but at least he is like a brother, will take care of his sister, not as a servant."

For this eldest son, Mr. Morsan has always believed that he is his own pride. He has inherited his own ingenuity, so he will have such good results. After becoming the secretary of Sir Fox, his performance was also very good. He won the jazz letter and even boasted that Albert was brilliant in front of him.

It was only later that Mr. Morsan found that his eldest son seemed to be a little careful, valued the property, and had a bad relationship with the three younger siblings. Although he reminded the eldest son several times, Albert obviously did not listen to his advice, and his relationship with his brother Claude has become worse.

In fact, the deeper the contradiction between him and Claude, the more Claude likes to sway in front of him, just like looking for an opportunity to slap him again. Mr. Morsan is also helpless.

Read The Duke's Passion