MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v6 Chapter 779 The gods are all smashed!

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A Mozu said: "This person seems to be a spell like a foreign sound. Just like ‘Great Sounds,’ we don’t have such a defensive tactic, unless we’re personally.”



Nalan Hongwu and others.

"I always feel... someone is eavesdropping on our conversation." Blue ink said, "The signal that just changed, there is still, will it be gone for a while?"

"Is there any way to deal with it?" Zongwu asked.

"Of course!" Blue ink said, "When Fang Chengshan Dasheng and the brothers and sisters studied, there are many small magic tricks, see me show one!"

In the next moment, among the Chinese army, all the demons will all watch silent films.

After a while, even the silent movie is gone, directly black screen!

"...these mortals, what the **** is going on!?" A demon will growl.

This is almost the same day with the impression!


"The suffocation has retreated, and the Alliance of Monks has explored the structure of these magic objects and the sources of these magic objects in nearly ten ways, such as radar, sound waves, and celestial mirrors. It has been found that the aura of engulfing has a great part flowing to my figure. Everywhere." Blue ink is still studying.

"Unlike Andersen, even if energy is cut off, it should not be able to exert too much influence on the strength of the monsters. However, after discussing the monks and other monks, we found that after understanding this structure, we can secretly call this unit in its space. The huge energy, put out the thirty-six days of swordsmanship that the Shushan Jianpai used to descend the demon statue!"

"If this battle can be achieved, become a huge boost for you!"

At this time, when everyone looks at each other again, the eyes are filled with a confident light!

The swords of the demon lord... and still with such a huge energy.

Perhaps this time, they will use actual actions to tell their enemies, human wisdom... is endless!

Just like searching for weaknesses that are far more powerful than their powerful monsters, this time, they seem to have found a viable path!

This is what they have gained in the virtual world in countless times!

"If you are in danger, you need to wait for the squad to intercept the team!" Blue ink cautiously, "best..."

He pointed to the center of the map: "Always monitor the movements of this place!

"This is nature!"


Soon, the news of the jade will spread all the news to all the monks and warriors who entered the place.

The Aura Delivery Center and the 36-day Swordsmanship Program are all in full swing.

At this time, the other side sat on the cheekbone, and the face of the demon **** was also more and more cold.

Jiuyuan magic will definitely not be a junior warrior.

If he said that he had been underestimated, then at this moment, he has completely retracted his arrogance and re-examined these human beings.

In this way, the squad of the people, the surprise attack, is a top priority, and there is no limit.

Apart from the few people who went out to guard, at this time, he was left with a pair of deputies.

One is a sturdy and sturdy man, covered with a strange black stone demon, and the other, hanging upside down, sullen, dry, like a new dead corpse.

The demon who sat high on the cheekbone finally walked down from the sacral sacral seat that seemed to be eternal, and screamed in the sky, and instantly called the entire Jiuyuan space to vibrate!

At this moment, an abyss demon who was as dark as a strong iron rushed in from the outside.

Along with it, there was a **** person with **** eyes and low voices, like a demon-like guy from hell.

The three devils who were just about to leave were stunned and watched the two men with vigilance: "Who are you?!"

Is it difficult to be a family? ! But I have never seen this long!

I saw the demon who was bathed in blood and said: "Who am I?!? I am the king of increase! Strengthen the king! Open the king! Black iron is too king! Ask who I am?!"

"Crashing the mountain crack!" Above the giant sword, the lava falling from the spray is falling!


"You deal with the two next, and the one in the middle is handed over to us!" Just then, two more voices came.

I saw two teams of people, and they all killed here. Among them, the first one, five swords behind them, like a sword wing open; the other, the eyes are slightly, the sword in the hand, thunder like jade!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

At this time, I saw the horns of the horns and the demon gods, and they applauded: "I have to admire that I can find it in such a short period of time."

"But..." He showed his cool color. "What kind of confidence is it, let you dare to come to the Lord!"

Here, it is like a very wide underground space, the demon **** roars, the muscles of the body knots, the tomb, swollen, in a very short time, turned into a giant!

Its horns have already reached the top of this space, a huge body, and every step makes the ground tremble.

And its body is still getting bigger, actually the top of the entire space is completely open, the space is broken, an incomparably huge demon god, based on the back of the giant scorpion, stepping into the sea, the moment is the waves, the sky The sea water, like a cannonball, smashed the surrounding French ships.

Even the few remaining magnetic wind and thunder ships are riddled with crumbling.

It’s like smashing a horse's nest, the overwhelming magical soldier, flying out of the broken space, more than the last time, overwhelming!

"Kill! One does not stay!"

At this time, there are still people who can withstand such a terrible demon!

Exclamation, screams, almost in one piece! At this moment, this demon from the nine secluded, gave them the deepest fear in the heart!

Unbeatable, unmatchable!

Do not say that it is a mortal flesh, even if it is a giant magnetic ship, it is only the size of its palm, touch it!

"Today, I will know, and I will anger my price!"

But... at this time, I saw only the golden light of the demon god’s feet!

Concealed for thirty-six days, the aura is connected, like a star.

Then... just in the space underneath its feet, a sword is like a star rising!


The top of the sword is gathered, the endless sword light, in the sky turned into a huge incomparable Taiji two instruments!

Being called out of the huge incomparable aura also gathered in this sword array, human beings can not have such a huge spiritual power, but this sword array ... contains a wide range of aura, but far beyond humans!

A fierce drink, I saw a figure of the sword flying on the sky: "Well, etc., to draw a large aura of the heavens and the earth, to lead to aura imbalance, the surrounding aura is almost exhausted; but also to slaughter, to regard human life as a grass mustard, is it really my life? people!?"

The sky is flying, and it is like a sky-high sword.

Then, a force that even the gods feel the heart, gather in the sword array!

Numerous swords, like a flood of the sky, gather together, turned into a golden rainbow that goes through the sky, and descends from the sky!

"This is...what!?" At this moment, even the demon gods are full of horror!

He felt the feeling of death that has not been felt for countless years!

next moment! A huge golden light column, straight down! The golden light of the sky is like the mighty Tianwei, from the sea... sweeping the eight wild!


On the other side, the incomparably huge body of law, like the push of Jinshan, the collapse of the jade column, collapsed!

"Kill!" All the monks and warriors, along with the footsteps of Qitian Dasheng, killed the fierce gods who had never been able to climb.

"Retreat! All retreat!" Countless ethnic groups of immortals, in the shouting of the screaming, lost their helmets, and the wolf escaping back!

In their lives, perhaps there has never been such a moment.

And this day, it is also... Gods and devils are all in the human world!

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