MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v6 Chapter 882 This matter is bound to be ... and the void plan!

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"What is this!?" An elf picked up a bag of candy with fruit on the table, "Durian flavored sugar?"

"This painting seems to be fruit!" Sera said cheerfully. "The fruity taste should be delicious!"

These elves are especially fond of fruit.

Su Tianyi took the food box that was similar to the package of the spicy strip in the store: "What is this? Is it spicy tofu?"

Jiang Xiaoyue took a bag of seaweed and said, "I haven't seen this yet, but it looks like it's delicious. Let me eat this first."

"Wow-!" A few elves are a little excited. They used to sell their snacks in these stores, but they never only tasted it!

Today I was hit by such a good opportunity, I can taste the food that other people can't taste.

You must know that these snacks are not sold in the store. If you pass this village, you will not have this store. You can't eat it later!

At this time, even the people around the store cast an envious look.

"Then I will open it!" Su Tianyi was pleased.

"I am also open!" Sera and other elves also picked up a candy.

They have opened their own snacks.

"I have already eaten!" At this time, I saw that Jiang Xiaoyue had taken out a small bag of seaweed, tearing open the package, and a few pieces of seaweed were stuffed into the small mouth, but still bite a small mouth.

A small face with a puff, his face changed instantly.

Then, a strange smell of halogen, mixed with an indescribable stench, intertwined, spread out...

It's like opening a Pandora's Box!

The rest area of ​​the store is like throwing a biochemical bomb, and a few elves are soaked in their faces.

"this is……!?"


"Ah-!呸呸呸呸呸呸呸呸呸呸呸呸...!" Jiang Xiaoyue also suffered a small face, the pungent spicy taste, "water... I want to drink water!"

Forcefully fan the pink tongue and quickly went to the water to drink.

"Good smell--!" Sera also squeezed her nose, feeling that she was suffocating!

Su Tianqi was also stunned and stunned, and while covering the lid with difficulty, his face was green.

When I turned around, I saw people around the entire store, all of them quit more than ten feet, and licked their noses. The eyes that these people had envied before were all transformed into like ghosts, feeling... these people what happened! ? How do you feel... This group of people is gathering SHI! ?


Different from them, solitary clouds, Zongwu, Dianchi real people and even the demon woman Ningbi and other figures, such as the lords, elders, and chiefs, have more natural exercises.

After all, the boss only manages to open the store, the players just play, these people do not worry, then no one cares.

At this time, Ningbi was still supervising the prisoners of Half City and interrogating the captives from Wanxianhai and Jiuyou.

Other sovereigns and elders are also discussing follow-up matters, and even... even on the western side of the mainland, representatives are also represented.


And Wan Xianhai, at this time, not to mention, the magical method of respect, not to mention that in the elders of the Elders, even in the strength of the elders of all ethnic groups are ranked in the forefront.

Even if he personally slammed the wounds and wounded the troops, the impact was not only in the entire Wanxianhai, but also in the entire heavens.

Almost at the same time, nine quiet.

The leader of the Jiuyuan Demon will be the leader of the ninth sorcerer. In the army.

Wan Xianhai, among the family, is fascinated by the magical method. At this moment, his eyes are slightly stunned, and the cold condensation condenses into the distance: "Just want to do it, you will encounter a monster with a sharp face!? The monster of strength, is it... the magic of the nine secluded side...!? What are they doing?!"

In the nine secluded, several times, the Jiuyuan Devil was seriously injured in this moment, and also dragged the wounded body, squatting in a magnificent hall, and there was a gloomy voice in the huge boundless darkness in front of him. When Els arrived in the human world, he suffered an ambush...and those human strengths... far beyond your imagination? Could it be the ambush on the other side of the heavens...?"

The magical law respects: "There is something wrong with this matter. Let's take it for granted. When we report it, the investigation will understand, and then we will make a decision."

In the nine secluded: "There must be a catty in this matter! If the soldiers are defeated, let me remember, first check the origins of the people who are in the world, and then try to make up for it!"

"Report -!" Just then, Wan Xianhai and Jiuyou.

"The outside has just been sent back to the two prisoners, saying... said to be the Alliance of Generations and Masters!"

"What?!" Both sides of the two sides sank, "Bring it over!"

I saw two captives below, and said: "They said... said... the claws stretched too long, come one, interrupt one!"

"We never provoke war, but if we are going to fight, we will do our best!"

Both sides, face-on-time!

"Crazy! It’s crazy!"

"What to do, on the statue!?" Wan Xianhai, a fairy,

Although I don’t have to think about it, I know who the other person is...

"But I always feel... there is something stinking here!"


The temple of the gods, the **** of the five-light god, also looked at the new news in the temple: "There has been news in the court."

"Don't move?" The **** of glow sits on his throne, and he can't see any emotions on his face. He said, "I'm afraid even they doubt it... What is the action of Jiu Lianfang?"

"First talk to them, redeem the captives! Give them some benefits, stabilize them, and wait until the truth is found..." He laughed. "It’s a good abacus. After the facts are fully checked, this person, I am afraid. Also be a new battlefield with Jiuyou!"


"Upper respect, that side of the human world... also asked us to clear the void squad..."

"The void of the thunder world ...?" fascinating sneer ~ ~ joke! They said that this world has been generated for many years, and now it is not so good to clear itself. Are they not very capable? Let them pass and pass, can't pass, then we can't blame us! ”

The people of Wanxianhai have a blood sacrifice on the Devil's Desk. Although the price of the lower bounds is large, it is not completely impossible.

"These human beings think they are tyrannical, how can we compare with us!"


At this time, there is no way to do.

On the vast Douglas Square, there are several highly advanced rafts.

Between the monks' alliance and the various warriors, the Holy Power has begun to appear, and the "Void Plan" has also begun to be included in the itinerary.

In the hands of the Taoist refiner, Yuyangzi, holding a jade in his hand, the jade in the "Diablo 2" different world portal, "StarCraft" leaping technology, "League of Legends" Nether creature, "Sword Qi Xia Chuan 4, Qionghua Paifeisheng plan, etc., have been put on the focus.

Some are already researched and have some results, such as Diablo transmission technology, "League of Legends" virtual energy.

And some are completely ignorant, such as "StarCraft" leapfrog technology.

A group of people are surrounded: "Let's study these first..."

For these monks, this is a great plan, but it seems... now, there are still some heavy responsibilities.



The next chapter will be added at night...

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