MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v6 Chapter 886 The beginning of the gods!

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Unlike most of the previous games, in the "God of War" began to divide the three difficulty of simple, human, and God.

This is inevitable, after all... The enemies in "God of War" are real gods, and they are not the little gods, but the famous Olympus twelve gods.

In the past games, except for the dark souls that they have no customs clearance now, there are very few battles that exceed the peak of the human ranks. Even if there is... like a heavy building, it is also pressing down the strength to fight against Sedum at the human limit.

In "God of War", under the restoration of the system, the difficulty has undoubtedly reached an extreme. If there is no hierarchical level to reduce the difficulty, this level of enemy, for many players may be a lifetime that can not survive .

In addition, as a myth, "God of War" is different from the core elements of "The Soul of Darkness", plus "The Soul of the Darkness" can't pass the online help, friendly help (with reward mechanism) and even multi-person cooperation. God of War can not be achieved, so the system version of "God of War" is inevitable to open the difficulty of choice.


At this time, Elf Queen Kelly Bell, while eating potato chips, watched several players have entered the game.

Even a few holy steps have been discussed for a long time: "Or... the second difficulty..."

I was scared by the dark soul, and I quickly chose the difficulty level to enter the game.

Then the opening story, the story returned to the opening three weeks before the scene.

The players came to the game with all sorts of doubts and a sense of epic.

In the dark and vast sea, the storms and the huge waves are rolling, as if there are any terrible monsters, making waves in the depths of the sea.

It has been knocked over the giant boats on the coast, filled with monsters from the underworld.

Although it is near the shore, the sea beneath the cliff is unfathomable. Suddenly, a terrible monster skull with no big friends appears in front of you!

It is a huge snake head, like a snake like a dragon. What is even more terrifying is that in the deep seabed, I don’t know how many huge snakes are tied together. That is - a monster that exists only in mythology, nine heads. Snake Xu La!

In other words, from the beginning, the weakest players have to face are mythological monsters!

"what is this--!?"

"This person wants to play such a big monster!" Elf Queen Melanie Bell, while eating potato chips, looked amazed.

Let's not talk about the problem of flying. In such a stormy sea, a human being, to fight against such a terrible sea monster, will definitely die.

What's more, its true body has not yet fully emerged from the sea.

The few holy powers who are playing the game, playing the highest **** level difficulty is just a minute before the start, it is already extremely thrilling, the hard scales, almost no weapons can start.

The Blade of Chaos is created in the most evil abyss of Hades.

The protagonist of "God of War", Kratos, used this kind of double-edged sword. Several Saint-level players, even if they were in their hands, could feel the terrible power everywhere.

However, such a slashing blade obviously cannot cause too much damage to the nine-headed sea snake in front of it.

Even if he tried his best, he would only repel one of his heads.

"My God... How can I play such a big BOSS when I come up!" Elf Queen Melanie Bell was surprised behind. "Is this possible?"

At this time, Kratos can't beat it, but don't forget, at this time, the identity of Kratos is still a soldier who assists the gods, selling for the gods, that is, standing behind him. , is the twelve gods of Olympus!

After repelling a head of Xudra, he finally came to the depths of this huge sea ship. A dazzling blue light like the sea lit up, a huge infinite face of the gods appeared on everyone. In front of you.

Almost all of them are involuntarily shocked!

Even if it is only a virtual shadow, you can feel the vast power of God behind this illusion through this illusion, which is the common worship of all people who live on the sea - Poseidon !

"Poseidon is an adult." Kratos maintains the respect he deserves.

The blue face is like a sea of ​​water, from which you can see the boundless ocean.

"Kretos, you must complete another mission before you arrive in Athens."

"This sea monster Xudela has threatened my waters for a long time. You are martial arts, but you still need help. You need... the power of God!"

"Accept this power."

In the next moment, the whole world has become illusory, and the heavens and the earth seem to have all turned into a vast sea. In the rushing power of the vastness, a terrible **** of thunder descends from the sky, but like a dragon snake, wanders around Kratos. The whole body makes him the whole person, like a **** of thunder, bathed in the thunder.

It follows the ancient rules, turns into the wrath of the gods, and turns everything around it into ashes. This is the magic given by Poseidon, the magic of Poseidon!

"This magic...!?" Not only is Kelly Bell's eyes straight on the magic, but even St. Leighton and others are simply stupid.

Nothing is different from the birth of "The Soul of Darkness". Now playing this "God of War", they feel that they can directly destroy the land!

"Magic..." World Master Hematon was dancing, and his eyes flashed with a sigh of enthusiasm. "I feel the power of magic... This is magic!! Is this the magic of 'God'?" !"

"When the old man is familiar with this magical magic! The old man thinks..." Hematon operated Kratos, his face showing an unprecedented domineering.

In fact, it is true that to play Xu Ladra a small head must be dodgy, cautious, now encounter unavoidable attacks, all can directly display the wrath of Poseidon!

Yes, a little human, with such a mythical level of monsters just hard!

"The old man thinks... the old man is already invincible!" He laughed this game... refreshing! It’s so cool! ”

I saw that he gradually became familiar with the application of Poseidon's wrath, the huge sea snake, the head was fiercely biting down, almost at the same time, the thunder like a dragon, the terrible power, to the gods The form, like the wrath of God, blasts around!

Xu Da's huge head, not only could not break through this power, but was defeated by the number of sharp fangs, almost even those sharp fangs collapsed!

"Ha ha ha ha -!" suddenly burst into laughter, if the reality learns this magic, still not...

The queen of the elves, Kelan Bell, is eclipsed, which is too powerful!

Hematon and other holy powerhouses laughed while playing: "With such power, who else can stop me in this world!"

"There is no difficulty in this game. I will open the level of difficulty in the future!"

"Yes, that is! I am still the first person to adjust the difficulty level... This kind of power, playing this little monster, playing like, easy!"

At this moment, in the storm, I saw a supreme god, and gradually appeared in front of my eyes.

"Kretos, your next mission, kill the Ares."

"Okay, this is not simple..."

"...hey?" The moment was quiet.

Poseidon, the **** of the sea... Ares, the **** of war... How do you listen to this name and look like it...?

"Who do you say kill?!"



The next chapter is more at night.

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