MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v6 Chapter 888 . Capture the people! ?

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At this time, the inaction of the Alliance, compared to the year, has already become magnificent and many times.

The ark has fallen with a pale blue light, and the figure of the monks and the other ones has come and gone. There are refiners from all over the world, come here to study, and there are various factions of various factions. Come here to visit.

As the closest monk alliance to Jiuhua City, they have gradually developed to a new height.

At this time, the boss of the party was sitting in the Chamber of Deputies, next to Li Haoran, and now the mainstay of the younger generation of the innocent refining division.

"What kind of things do you plan to get out?" The boss took a brand new jade jade that Li Haoran handed over, and the jade opened, and the clear projection image of the spell appeared at the top of the jade.

The size and position can be adjusted by yourself, but if the quality of the refining jade is too small, the projection will become unclear soon after it is enlarged.

"This is very simple." Nalan Mingxue, "The kind of game that is similar to the game in 'My Space', I plan to let the refiners make some simple exercises, with finished products and experience. After that, start with some more complicated ideas."

"For example, this..." I saw that Nalan Mingxue had come up with a jade jade. Through the translucent jade body, the inside of the jade was communicated, and there was a very complicated moment. There was a very small and extremely thin in the lower right corner. The jade sheets are stored. As the spiritual power moves, the faint aura gathers above the jade, and then condenses into a simple picture with a pixel style.

On the screen is a round funny ball, the funny ball turned over the side face, and took a bite of the beans next to it.

"Pac-Man." Apparently imitating the "My Space" game.

"Yeah...?" The boss was very surprised to see that the group of monks and martial artists played Pac-Man, and also played the game while listening to the game.


This time, Wan Xianhai.

Among the celestial seas, there are soaring smokes and numerous countless fairy islands.

Although not as versatile as the mortal, but under the development of the major clan for many years, there are also some prosperity.

The eight major clan, each with a fairy mountain, the fairy island gathers the cents.

Among the courts, Xianlou Yuyu, at this time, the magical method is respected, which is convenient for this jade fairy, overlooking the weather.

In the pavilion, it was the place where the Yi family taught the fairy tales. At this time, the practitioners were two or three, listening to the public, and the bells rang. When the children of the tribes came out, they came out of the cabinet.

"Hey! Today, my family of immortals, out of fame, who dare not bow down to the minister?! I want to learn less about the fairy law!? It is really a pile of things that are not used!" I saw one of the scornful sons, All the way out of the pavilion.

"What about that?!" Next to a triangular eye, the pale-looking son proudly said, "What is my identity? I am not honestly staying here, hey! Look at these things all day long, bored and bored!" These people in the family are also really stupid. We are born to be immortals. We have a very long life. We don’t have to have fun to send boring life. It’s all these annoying things.”

"Oh, brother, or today..." The scorned son slammed his hand and changed his face. "When you have a few together, go to Biluo Xianjing to play?"

"It's tired! Come and go, just a little trick!"

"That goes... Xianhai Golden Palace..."

"Roll! Rolling! Don't go! There are so many fairy sorcerers, but there is nothing for Grandpa to find some fun! The net knows what to do, and it is really alive to the dog!"



"We intend to make the same model as "King of Fighters" first, and follow the exploration plan of the Masters Union to sell these games to the outside world." Nalan Mingxue while planning his own plan, "The first step is not for sale. These jade jade, but come to the store we operate, buy the game currency, play a game currency once."

Although the main plan is a mobile game, after all, in the plan of Nalan Mingxue, a recharge problem is involved, so it is naturally impossible to start directly.

"Amount..." The boss thought about it, "Is this one?"

"Of course, we still have small games (arcade games) such as "Three Kingdoms War", "Journey to the West", "Fishing Daren", etc., but they are still in the production stage." Nalan Mingxue holds One piece of information said, "Do you want to see?"

"This..." The boss took over the information she handed over and said, "Slightly change it. This "Three Kingdoms Wars" can be changed into "The Battle of the Immortals", which describes the three kingdoms of Wei and Wu. The war between the "fishing people"..."

The boss thought for a while: "Well... changed to "Capture the Daren", which is more in line with the actual situation."

“Add another list of “Capture the Daren”...”


Obviously, Fang Bo has not had much time to play "God of War" recently, but these players can be different, especially the Elf Queen who only has no machine and can only watch.

I took another elf's sofa and sat down next to me.

The road to blasphemy is undoubtedly incomparably hard, and even the myriad monsters in the city of Athens are dangerous.

Under the guidance of the gods, Kratos also upgraded his power while completing the tasks they entrusted.

I saw the Medusa, the head of a snake in the middle of the hall, squatting and coming.

The double-edged hands of Kratos braved the fire of hell.

Powerful to unimaginable power, and the use of skills and combat skills that control these forces are what these players learned from Kratos.

I saw that St. Leighton operated Kratos, and the back of the back bowed slightly, and then the chain edge in the hand was thrown with lightning speed!

Almost as a ghost, the whispering, silently avoiding the attack, Medusa's eyes burst into a glaring light!

As we all know, the speed of light is incomparably fast, almost impossible to dodge, can only rely on pre-judgment.

Even in the difficulty of the human level, the difficulty of being reduced, the power of Kratos can only be petrified with a little resistance.

Almost in an instant, this holy player operated Kratos, a side flap, and fell to Medusa's visual corner.

As if to follow, the petrified light of Medusa is also coming!

Jumping forward, avoiding the petrochemical ray, flying over the top of his head.

But at this moment, the light swept up.


Kratos turned into a stone statue and fell smash!

"This magic is also strong!" Kellenberger swayed and shouted at the arm of the elf.

"Wow!! The magician seems to have already learned to learn this spell! Look and see! Several monsters have been petrified by him!"

"Ah-! My God--! Look at that person, are you meeting God of War!" Kellan Bell swayed the arm of the elven girl, Luo Lin, and saw her pointing direction. In the screen of the holy powerhouse, an incomparably huge giant god, with its innocent starry sky and his foot on the vast mountainous land, is leading his army and entering the city of Athens.

Turning around, I saw Luo Lin’s face looking like a murderer. On the screen, Kratos, who is playing, is dead and can’t die anymore.

At the same time, her arm was still shaking, and Kratos's double-edged arm was shaken in the screen, and the chain edge did not know which ghost place to throw.



And this time... Glowing the Kingdom of God.

"I heard that there are several devils in this world who can play." The female Valkyrie Isabela has a confident smile on her face. "I hope it is like a rumor!"

At this time, even St. Heins was also respectful: "The itinerary has been arranged. When will the adults leave?"

"It’s better to hit the sun than to choose the day, just take it now."

At this time, St. Duran, worshipped and said: "We are so devout, I hope I can be lucky, and I will pay tribute to God!"

"Okay! Come with me!"


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