MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v6 Chapter 891 What magic are you using? !

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"what happened?!"

"what's the situation?!"

In the Yucheng store, a large group of people could not help but look at it.

"What happened!?" The clerk Merlin also looked out through the store door. He saw the outside of the store, surrounded by densely packed soldiers, priests, and the atmosphere of his body. Everyone is extremely sultry!

Not to mention the one who was surrounded by several cardinals and walked into the door.

"You... you are not...!?"

"St. Duran!?" Merlin changed.

The holy order of the Arbitration Temple can be different from the ordinary holy steps, and the combat power is absolutely inconsistent with the ordinary holy steps.

For thousands of years, the soldiers who have resisted the Arbitration Temple have given countless **** lessons - their true strength will always be much stronger than their order!

Even the real strong among them can communicate with God and bring the grace of God to the mortal world.

The most advanced spells and combat techniques taught by their owners, when they show them all in front of the world, they can have the strength beyond the peak of the holy step. Such strength is called —— Demi god!

It is precisely because of this that the beliefs led by the Arbitration Temple have always represented the peak of the entire Western Continent!

Followed by, the face of many people in the store, also changed.

Seeing such a situation, St. Duran was very satisfied and spread his hand, as if he was bathed in the holy light: "The person who knows the time is Junjie, God has already squinted the land, the old era is about to In the past, new glory is coming!"

"Now I represent the great and compassionate God, giving you a chance to re-select, you...?"

"No... what did you say?!" At this moment, St. Duran's words were interrupted by the guardian Sword Wilson. "You said... our empire is no longer there?"

"This is of course!" St. Duran slowly walked out of the store door, an old face with a very proud look, as if to introduce to everyone, a great legend to be born, "from now on, not only So, I think, from now on, there is no need for all the countries of this continent to exist, because... everyone is a nation's people! They are all... God's people!"

"That's so much...!" The guardian of the sword, St. Wilson, said coldly, "You haven't told us, there is God!"

St. Duran suddenly glanced and immediately watched him laugh: "You haven't seen it yet?!"

"What do you see?!" A group of people stared at him.

"Looking..." He slowly retreated to the center of the street, in front of everyone, as if the person was sacred, the heavens and the earth seemed to darken with his heart, and then a golden skylight shone from the clouds. A huge force is overwhelming.

An invisible force, slowly put it in the air, the power of the shackles, so that everything around you becomes restless...


"Oh my God--!"

"This power is more than the peak of the Holy Order... Is it...!?"

Even St. Hines, who lives above the sky dragon, looks down and bows slightly.

The powerhouses of countless Glow Legions are all showing their envy and admiration, and the screams of exclamation and surprise are endless.

In the end, all of them gathered into a tsunami-like shout: "Congratulations to Saint Duran for entering the semi-deity!"

"Feeling this power!? Now, in front of you, I am God!" St. Duran is at the top, overlooking the players who have just come out of the store, loud.

Next to St. Hines nodded: "Lord Duran, Li Wei is almost the same, then..."

He sneered at everyone: "I want to enjoy the glory of God forever. Now I turn around and burn this store behind you! As for the unwilling..."


Above the sky at this time, the most suspended temple in the sky, suspended in the air.

Two goddess officers dressed in white temple skirts stood on the side.

The Valkyrie Isabella is dressed in a red and black armor, with a holy sword shining in the glory of her hand, inserted in the ground in front of her, staring at the scene, the cold voice said: "You think... they Will it fall?"

"I know the time person is Junjie, the grown-up." A female gods officer next to her has not known how many years she has served her. "Before the great martial arts gods, there are several devils coming in the area, but the grass is mustard, I think they know what to do." select!"


Her words have not been finished, I saw Juggernaut Wilson first flying in the air.

Then the second, third, fourth... a large group of elves, magicians, orcs, etc., all slowly fly in the air, like a scorpio in these glorious legions and several powerful half In front of God!

"You...what do you want?!" St. Hines and St. Duran are all angry.

St. Duran’s flash of light in his hand instantly turned into an incomparable force, condensing in his palm: “You... find death! This is the miraculous magical 'God of the Wrath' recently awarded by the Valkyrie! ”

St. Duran’s eyes are full of murderousness, and the golden brilliance in his hands instantly converges with the energy of the palm of his hand into a terrible golden thunder snake: “Although I only learned less than 10% of the fire, it’s enough to deal with you. It!"

But just in the next moment...

He saw Adolf, the white robe mage of the Chenxi Imperial Sorcerer Association, soaring!

The wind is He even saw... the endless ocean, the roar of the sea!

"The aggression is so eloquent, and it has broken through more than 20 cities in my empire. The defenders and the people have suffered countless deaths and injuries. Now they dare to speak out in front of us. It’s too deceiving!" Adolf said loudly, "This is the old society." The magic, the wrath of Poseidon! Although only one of the mysterious mysteries is seen, it is enough to deal with you!"

"Jokes, the ants who have just arrived at the holy order! What the **** is the wrath of Seydong!" St. Duran sneered with a grin, and for a moment, the arc was like a raging dragon, soaring, toward Adolf. It’s everywhere!

Suddenly, in the shackles of the drowning of everything, a thunderstorm, cut through the void! At this moment, everyone present, as if they saw the distant sea, a terrible giant god, footed in the sea, overhead starry sky, fury and raging!

Thunder and cross, the power of a violent Thunder, instantly swept out of Adolf's body as a storm, just in the blink of an eye...

The huge energy of the two sides does not give each other, but... Gradually, the golden thunder seems to have a trace of disorder!

Then, suddenly burst open!

The golden glory of the hustle and bustle, together with the blue-light thunder like the tsunami, rolled back and returned!

St. Duran was the first to bear the brunt, as if he had been hammered by a giant hammer! The complexion turned white and almost fell from the sky!

" is it possible?!" St. Duran pointed his finger at Adolf with a trembling voice. "What magic do you use?!"

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