MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v6 Chapter 894 . Magical rumors? ! Rolling all directions!

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"Even though the evil spirits behind you have taught you a few powerful spells..." Sophia held the staff and looked at the mortal magicians, sneer, "but if I don't give you the chance to use these spells at all, What can you do again?! Pick up your old tricks to resist?!"

Yes, even if they learn a few powerful spells, magic is a diversity. In their long life, they know countless excellent and powerful magic.

And they, these mortal magicians, delving into these "magic of Poseidon", "the wrath of Zeus" such a powerful magic, one is enough, under the gun, how can learn more magic.

Even if there is, it can't be the same level, can compete with the magic that she is playing, at most, it can only be some old tricks that are passed down in the human world.

Therefore, she has a million ways to deal with it!

The rules, energy, timing, etc. all come together. The so-called excellent combat skills are to achieve the best results with the lowest loss, with small beats and weak wins.

Powerful spells? Need it? As long as it is used properly, several small spells can easily make this group of mortals unable to touch her bristles.

She watched the magicians cast their spells, and the eyes were purely mocking. The spells she used, her intentions, these humans might not even understand them.


But... at this moment, she suddenly felt a faint light around these magicians, like ripples, scattered around the surroundings.


She suddenly felt that a strange force, as their magic spread around, was at this time...

It was almost possible to call everyone who had no power to shoot into the hedgehog's magic, and it was... completely uncontrollable by her, inexplicably bounced back in all directions!

You need to know... the thousands of needles that the gods have made, every one, she can control the flowing water, even if they encounter obstacles, they can easily pass through like a fish, or concentrate their forces and force them to penetrate!

However, she found that she had never encountered a situation she had thought before. She didn’t even feel that she had encountered a blockage, but she suddenly bounced off inexplicably!

"this is……!?"

"It is a distorted light wall!" Elf girl Sera, while protecting several priests and paladins to cast healing spells, exclaimed, "The ancient magic from the ancient golden magic kingdom!"

As mentioned before, there is a lot of ancient magic in The Soul of Darkness.

If the power of the gods may not be comparable to the twelve gods of Olympus, but ... many of the magic in "The Soul of Darkness" was born in an extremely ancient, era of the world.

"At the moment when the basic laws are distorted, all the phantoms will lose their direction. They can distort the light and bounce the spells." - The "revolving light wall" magic scroll is written with such an introduction.

"What kind of magic is this!? It can actually block my sacred torrents!" Sophia's face was slightly sinking. "The road to magic is also a matter of ignorance. I see how much you have resisted!"

"Judgement light gun!" is another instant magic, only to see her staff a little, a golden light gun, quickly condensed in front of her, mixed with the wind and thunder, tearing the air, electric light flint blasting !

The most terrifying thing is that after the light gun, a long string of light guns followed, a total of more than ten light guns, turned into a light gun.

The power in this light gun is condensed to the extreme, and then a strong defense, but also can be worn by the stone, not to mention the magic of the power to attack, to attack a little magic!

Such attacks are as thrilling as possible, and there is no time to display their unskilled "Poseidon's Wrath" and "The Wrath of Zeus". Nothing can resist, even if it is distorted, with their mana, It is also impossible to distort so many powerful and almost magical powers that condense into power!

It’s really not a powerful spell that is earth-shattering, but... Anyone with such a spell has only one desperate way, and there is no resistance or defense.

When the wisdom and skill of battle are combined... all defenses are illusory!

But at this moment, I saw that the light gun was almost at the top of the head of the ancient Xilu elders, only to see a wand in his hand.


The light flashed and disappeared instantly.

The speed is not fast or slow, just when the Sophia magic is old, it is a bit faster, Sophia can immediately control the magic steering, slow down a trace, the spot will be penetrated by the light gun.

The next moment, I saw the ground of the street, where the ancient elders of Xilu settled, like tofu, was penetrated through a deep black hole!

"This is...!!?" At this time, even Black Dragon Gustron exclaimed, "This is... "League of Legends", flashing extreme operations!"

In "League of Legends", some heroes use magic, big tricks, and defensive tower attacks. They are self-locking. No matter how they run, they can't escape the lock.

Therefore, this extreme skill has been derived!

"My God -!?" an elf exclaimed, "I don't deserve to be the master of the extraordinary master!"

The next moment, I saw the sher of the great elders of Shilu, the light blue magic light, condensed before his staff.

" Instant magic, crystal soul gun!?"

In the exclamation of the crowd, I saw only the magical energy of the blue, and instantly gathered together to be extremely solid, even... from the invisible magical energy, it became a solid magical crystal.

Then, this huge magical rifle, like a comet hitting the sun, flies toward Sophia in the sky!

"What!?" Sophia did not expect that her attack would be avoided, and the other side had the strength to fight back!

"So now?!" I saw her hand wand shaking, one hand in the air to imaginary, actually left and right to open the bow, while avoiding the other side of the magic, while one after another magic moment was released.

"The gods destroy magic, small meteorite rain!"

"The gods lock the magic, the thunder floats!"

"God lock magic floating devastating inflammation!"

"God step trial magic, star aurora!"

A series of magic, all are instant, and ... all reached the level of God!

"The meteorite rain range attack, the thunder and light, the floating devastating inflammation track, the star aurora can't defend, this set of combination magic, I see how you break!"

When the voice just fell, she saw that these magicians, once again lifted the staff!

"Chaos spell, hotbed residue!"

"Crystal locks magic, tracks the soul!"

"Chaos Locking Mantra, floating chaos!"

"Soul magic, soul rapids!"

"Miracle magic..."

At this moment, I saw all the magicians below waving the wand together, and the magical lights of different shapes and colors were lit up like stars.

Booming -!

Countless magics meet in the sky, blasting, like a smashing fireworks, earth-shattering, astounding, and even a lot, piercing the sly magic light curtain and directly blasting to Sophia.

The most important thing is... Sophia found out that these magical magical magic, chaos, dark spells, etc... Most of them, let alone resolve, she has never heard of it, can't read it!

She actually found that each time the opponent casts magic or even evades magic, it is as subtle as a textbook.

What is even more frightening is that she is a magical god, actually... in the magical rumor, completely crushed by a group of mortals!

At this moment, she stared at this scene, and her face finally revealed a shock that could not be concealed.

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