MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v6 Chapter 913 . Pingbu Qingyun test!

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Among the Wan Xianhai, most of the monks gathered in the same place as the ubiquitous big cities, and the bustling areas of the civilian areas rushed and the rich areas were busy...

However, the block outside the store is the place where the fairies and the eight ancient ancients exchange trades. After a long time, they are also unique. They have a prosperous state.

The street outside the store, the exit not far to the left, is the main road of the whole Xianshi. Although the streets of the two riders are not wide, it is forbidden to ride in addition to the main road. It is spacious enough for pedestrians.

Walking on the street outside the store, it is easy to hear the sound from the store.

"what is this……?"

"Isn't that a dream of three dreams?!"

"There is still that son, it seems to be...!?"

At first, there were only a few people, but they didn't think about it. In just seven or eight minutes, there were about ten people gathered outside the store.

The shop itself is not big, and the door is directly surrounded by a circle.

“What are they doing?” A young man in a black leather robes pushed the crowd away and looked intently inside.

"I don't know..." next to a burly man, he stretched his neck and glanced inside. "I have been listening here for a while, as if...there are people singing in the instrument, singing them, they The two squatted on the instrument."

"What's the trick!" The young man in a black leather gown observed carefully and calmly. "If I didn't guess wrong, both of them are practicing some kind of step." Law, at least the sacred step of the fairy step!"

"Step by step!?" There was a burst of exclamations behind.

"This is nature." The young man in the black leather robes pointed to the two humans on the dance machine. "Look at the white man, sometimes step by step to the beauty, is the figure very elusive?"

"It seems to be..." The brave man next to him exclaimed.

"Look again, is there a strange and elegant rhythm in the rhythm that they take every step of the way, especially pleasing to the eye?"

"Right right! I also have this feeling!" Behind it is also a young man, dressed in a strong suit, a row of chains of silver rings hanging on the shirt, it looks very chic, stand out, "but what is the doorway here?" ”

"If I didn't guess wrong, this should be the legendary rhyme." The young man in the black leather robes explained, "Like the mountains and rivers, the magic of creation, if these magical spells are deep-seated attacks, It will be in line with the avenue. You see, every step they take is like a change of stars. If you don't pay attention, do you feel that you have turned out a few figures?"

"It’s really...we sure!" The young man in the costumes applauded.

"That sings, always ‘Auntie presses a pressure’ and what is going on?!” asked the man next to him.

"Amount..." At this time, the young man in the black leather robe suddenly showed a difficult color. "This can make me stupid someone."

He thought for a while and said: "...but according to my analysis, this is more likely, should it be a special step-by-step?"

"Tell it well!" Just then, I saw that Yao Yao walked down from the dance machine, and his eyes were bright. "I have been thinking about it. What are the functions of these few sentences, only when you give some pointers, this is not the case." Maussington opened."

"What a mouthful!?" The crowd suddenly stunned. "But this...not the mouth!"

"Who said that it is not on the side!?" Yao Hao at this time, has been jumping on the dance machine for a long time, "You are optimistic!"

After all, I saw that he was scornful in his mouth: "Auntie presses a pressure! Auntie presses a pressure~!"

The footwork of the two feet also changes and jumps regularly with the rhythm. The mind is almost conditioned, and the arrows in the screen appear.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, I saw that Yao Yao was in front of them, and it seemed to be a deadly place, turning into three illusions!

In the eyes of everyone's horror, Yao Wei explained: "I don't want you to say that when I was chanting these words, my mind was involuntarily, and the corresponding steps were taken. This is definitely a slogan. No doubt!"

"This is not to say, at least the Xuanjie footwork?!" Next to a tall man, "How long have you been in this store? Can you use this effect?!"

At this time, I saw a gentleman who came to the front and came forward with a smile: "Do you want to try it? This is the latest ‘learning machine’ used by this son.”

"These learning machines can guide users to learn a set of exquisite footwork. Today, the store opens, all of them are a fairy crystal, you can buy five cents, one centimeter, you can use this set of instruments once, learn from them. Deep footwork."

"Isn't it said that if the conditions are met, can you unlock new content?" At this moment, Yao asked again.

"Of course." Lonely Cloud pointed to the screen and said, "When the arrow falls, if the corresponding footwork is only controlled by timing, rhythm and rhythm, this grid will flash silver, and if it is grasped Just right, it will shine purple!"

“A set of footwork will be completed after will enter the scoring stage.” At this time, the screen shows a row of rankings, “This is the basic condition for ranking and advanced.”

"Of course, our basic footwork is not limited to this one. It can be exchanged according to personal preferences. You can also contact other people for a comparison!"

"Also... can it still be like this?!" Yao's eyes immediately became sharp and stared at the tall and thin man next to him. "You! We haven't scored the game yet. Now let's borrow this instrument to try it out." How is it?!"

"Exactly! I just didn't have fun." The tall and thin man in the cloud dream three blame, "Oh, your dress, it should be everyone, but I just didn't lose to you!"


I only heard the music coming out of the store continuously, and then there was a burst of laughter: "Ha ha! Sure enough, my step is better, there is no comparison!?"

"Come on!" I saw the famous youth who screamed and jumped onto the dance machine.

The music rang, and on the feet of the two, it seemed that two electric motors were installed and could not stop!

Always... until dark.

"No, no more than!" There was a series of gasps in the store.

I saw Yao Yao standing alone on the Jiugong Terrace. The top of the head was red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The lights were shining, and everyone else looked at him with horror.

"He actually..."

"Unlock the new footwork so soon!?"

"My God, it's amazing!"

But not long after, suddenly came a burst of exclamation: "Well! Young master, today the college has a pacing test!"

"A few days ago, did you just finish the exam?!" Yao said with anger. "How can I test again?!"

"Don't ask! Go and go! This is the Pingbu Qingyun test held by the elders personally, otherwise it will be too late!"
