MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v6 Chapter 920 The system upgrade task is completed! "Feng Shen Bang" is open!

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According to the rumors of the rumors, in this newly opened "Shangxian Street Hall", the Tianzizi finally invited the ancient celestial machine to have a sacred soul, and it was strong, and even six times, finally in the store. Zhou Tianyi's computer calculator, won the game, winning nearly six thousand ink Yunxian crystals from this store, and passed it into a series of stories.

Some people say that the "Shangxian Street Hall" went bankrupt and closed down. Some people saw the old shophouses on the streets. Some people said that the calculations were counted on the day, but they were strong, and they were also badly hurt. At least for a long time, it is impossible to calculate.

At this time, I saw the proofing time in the store. I was alone in the cloud, Nalan Hongwu, Zongwu and so on. I was carrying a large bag of ink and crystals. You look at me, I look at you, my face is black: Old ghost, how do I feel that this store is open for a few more months, we can buy it on the top of Mount Shenghuang..."

"……I feel so too."

"Now the fame is almost out." Lonely Yunyun still holds a planning book written by Nalan Mingxue. "According to the plan, now it is time to push the game? With these funds, the establishment of a regional network is also easy."

“Well, let’s go buy this street, some of them are warehouses, and some can be a ‘special store’ that the boss said.”

And just when a few people talked...

In the darkness, two pairs of eyes, staring at the innumerable fairy crystals in the store.

"Do we want to..." A voice is cold and authentic.

"Let's move your brains!" Another voice warned, "There is a strong man who can sit on the back of the computer. You think you can escape after you start!" Even the ancient eight clan is now With the mainstay of solicitation, we are still less envious of this drowning, and gone! This sale can not be done."

At this time, when the boss looked at the task, he almost didn't jump up: "It's only 6 percent off!? What's the situation!?"


After a while.

Wanxianhai, Shangxian Street Hall.

I have just entered the store today, and I saw a small display area in the store, with a piece of strange white jade, the back of the white jade, also marked with a rotten apple.

Apple, of course he knows, and his eyes are blind.

"Store, what is this?" he asked strangely.

"This is, the learning machine in the palm!"

"So a small piece, what can it learn?!" The teachings are even more strange. "Right, the store, my previous proposal, these instruments... are you selling them?"

He obviously cares more about these instruments.

"Ask your question." Lonely stopped Yundao. "Those instruments are not sold for the time being, but these instruments are part of the goods that the store is trying to sell. The first batch is only 10,000 pieces. ""

“What is the role of this?” He took a piece of the lesson and looked around.

I saw the Lonely Cloud pick up one, open it, there is a "Journey" icon with a golden dragon as the bottom, and a game icon with the word "Dream".

"Look, there are two learning programs here, one is the ‘Journey’ learning program, and the other is the ‘Fantasy Westward Journey’ learning program.”

"The former will cost a little more. Let's take a look at this ‘Fantasy Westward Journey’ learning program.” I saw him open the icon of “Dream” and created a character. Immediately, a delicate humanoid virtual image emerged in midair.

"When you look at these, meridians, skill demonstrations, and skills to learn, the magical handprints, curses, and aura's running routes are all here. After the cultivation is completed, you can perform virtual battles with those who also have this learning machine. Can play against the monsters virtually, have a variety of learning methods such as running a ring, have a variety of virtual combat exercises such as national war, deepen the impression of spells, moves, and work, and consolidate learning."

"This..." The eyes of the teachings were brightened. "In this case, I don’t want to have a student like this on the mountain of the Holy Mountain!?"

He followed a disciple: "Yao Yao, you guys have to try."


One day later, the boss of the party woke up.

Hey! System upgrade task completed

Mission Description: As a really good boss, try to make money!

Mission Reward: TV drama package

Do you receive a mission reward?

“Is it finished?!” Fang Qi felt that he had opened a few small meetings this month, and then played a game. The cultivation room practiced for a while, how was it completed? !

“So fast?!” The boss can’t wait to “get it!”

Soon, I saw a golden gift bag that appeared in front of Fang Qi.

The gift bag opens, and an artifact treasures straight into the sky!

It seems that even the system of the store did not cover up the light. Su Tianqi and others who had just planned to enter the store this morning, all felt that the world was suddenly shocked.

"Mythical TV series is activated!"

"Get the magic weapon and hit the whip."

Su Tianqi quickly rushed to the store and screamed: "Boss!? What happened today?! Is it the list?"

Take a closer look, I saw a small blackboard in the store, a series of games, movies, etc. were erased, leaving only three big characters: Fengshen!

“Really out –!?”

沧澜城店 I saw the elf queen Kailan Bell standing in front of a few elves, hands on hips, a serious and authentic: "That is now said ah, after so long this spicy chicken boss still Didn't launch the gods list, when the boss really wants to go out, we will not look at it first, let the boss rush for a while."

"I heard no!"

"Hear it!"

"Hey! This is almost the same!" With his own hard work, live broadcast of various skills, finally have a certain authority in these hand-removed party elves, Kailan Bell face joy.

Just then, I don’t know who in the store shouted: "It’s out!"

"Oh--! I want to see!"

"Lorline waits for me!"

"You slow down -!"

I swam into the store like a bee.

In less than a second, there was no more elf in front of Kailan Bell.

"!" Kelly Bell was so angry and angry, "How are you doing this!"

"Fast! It’s too late to take up the position!" I don't know who shouted.

"Wait! Leave me a position -!" Kellan Bell rushed straight into the store, his eyelids slammed into a no-man's position and was about to open the chair and sit down.

I saw the boss holding a bucket of noodles and sitting on it, in one go!

"Today...there may be a bit of a scarcity position." Fang Boss calmly opened his mouth while sipping his noodles. "If you don't have a position, wait a minute."

Kelly Bell's pretty face was so angry that he stared at the noodles in the hateful boss's hand, as if he would grab it in the next moment and cover it on the head of the spicy chicken boss!

"Ah, ah, ah!!" I didn't feel it, I was dying!

At this time, only on the screen of the boss, a magnificent chime sounded and started...

Read The Duke's Passion