MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v6 Chapter 943 Do you want to stay! ?

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"I don't know too well." The middle-aged said, "It is said that the demons are so powerful that even a few elders of the upper ranks are not willing to confront them positively, so they intend to start from the side."

"Side on the side?"

"What else can it be? Who has no relatives and friends? It is said that Xuanfa is honored to go to the demon territory of the human world."

"What kind of magic weapon do you want to go to the human world?" The young man is even more strange. What happened to him today? A few high-ranking elders, what kind of magic weapon is the lower bound actually going back?

"Now people in the world do not know what other sinister things, even the magical law on the sacred have carried a fight, this matter is not a small thing, and so on, but you have to go out and talk." The middle-aged man whispered, "this thing Some are unusual and seem to be related to a supreme treasure in the human world."

"What to say?" The young man swayed arbitrarily. "This young master can be uninterested in these things."

Then I focused on the game in my hand.

The middle-aged man couldn’t help but wonder: "What is this in your hand?"

"This is a little gadget that has recently become popular in the city of Qiandengxian." The young boy is very interested in the authenticity. "It is quite interesting, and it seems to be able to understand people."

Then he opened a call to the communication jade: "Shut down."

Soon, the game was closed, and the communication jade also lost its bright color and became dull.

"You see, this is called 'artificial spirit' and can receive some simple commands."


At the same time... far away from the mainland of the Immortals, the Great Jin Dynasty, and the inaction.

In one of the rooms, only the light of the fascinator circulated, and Nalan Mingxue did not flow, and he was gazing seriously at the same time.

"How? Have you found any useful information?" She was surrounded by incompetent refiners.

"Miss Nalan." Just then, Li Haoran walked in. "You have all connected the voices of these handhelds in private. Is this too small?"

"And, such a big thing, you didn't even tell us?" Li Haoran was somewhat unhappy. "I hope that Miss Nalan will not bring the intriguing things of the clan family to our research room."

A message flashed through Nalan Ming's eyes, and Nalan Mingxue sounded coldly: "It is an extraordinary time, and what kind of person I am, Haoran brother did not know it long ago."

She seemed to shake her head indifferently: "Can't change."

"You-!" Li Haoran was also angry with her in the face.

When Nalan Mingxue answered Li Haoran, she was a little absent-minded, because her gaze suddenly stared at one of the messages, and her face changed slightly: "Let's see this!"

At this time, I only heard the few conversations in the courtyard of the Yi family, and almost completely passed through the ears!

"It is said that those demons are so powerful that even a few elders of the upper ranks are not willing to confront them positively, so they intend to start from the side." It is the voice of the middle-aged man!

"What else can it be? Who has no relatives and friends? It is said that Xuanfa is honored to go to the demon territory of the human world."

Li Haoran also forgot to blame at this time, his face suddenly changed suddenly: "The demon family... Xiaoyue!?"

"More than just a small moon..." Nalan Mingxue arms on the table, a pair of slender fingers, groping for a delicate chin, inferred, "Look like, they should have touched the nail at the boss, and they are going to play some Human means."

Li Haoran can't help but look a little dignified at this time: "How can this be good? Even if we face these immortals, there are some resistances, but even the predecessors, I am afraid that there is limited power, it is impossible to protect everyone. !"

"The power of the predecessor may not be as strong as we think." Nalan Ming snowed his temples, and some of them had a headache. "Otherwise, it will not be shot every time until the critical moment."

"These generations of mice!" Li Haoran couldn't help but bite his teeth. "The strength is not as good as people, and they will use these disgraceful means to become a fairy!"

After that, there was only one silence left around.

"They are despicable, what about the means of darkness?" Nalan Mingxue's tone is still plain. "History has always been written by the winner. I can guarantee that if the boss of this war is defeated, it will be drawn if it is not a hundred years old." Became the first evil demon in the world."

"The catastrophe caused by this battle will all be poured on this biggest demon."

She said: "Although I don't know the immortals who are above them, why do they stare at a small circle of people, but don't even think about it, this must hide great interests, and..."

"They also feel that these ants have begun to threaten them!" Nalan Mingxue said, "They feel the threat, so it is bound to kill the threat in the cradle!"

Li Haoran shrugged his shoulders: "I am just a refiner, so I have to pay so much? Or tell the boss quickly."


The boss of this time is still in the new store in the East China.

I saw that a few of the monarchs will be stationed in the 30-year-old, and sent a few elders to challenge each day. The boss is also upset, and he is afraid to change the tiger from the mountain and not fight. These old guys saw the machine very fast, and often did not wait for the appearance of the three scorpions, they have already smeared the soles of their feet.

The bosses who are trying to make it are not wanting to let the three squats ambush. After all, everyone in the "Feng Shen Bang" is a bright and upright fight, but there is no such thing.

At this moment, the boss suddenly received a message from Nalan Mingxue: "Be careful, they are just hiding their eyes and ears. The real purpose is... the Yaozu, the Elf Forest, the Tiantianyuan, the Liuyundao Palace, etc."

"..." The boss quickly replied, "Playing Yin?!"

"I am afraid." Soon, Fang Qi once again received a message from Nalan Mingxue. "What are you going to do now?"

"Half-edge city has to deal with nine secluded, the western continent has to deal with the gods, the eastern continent has to deal with the demon world, and the three-pronged approach, I am afraid that they also expected that you have a lack of skills, the power should be fast to the limit?" Nalan Mingxue "Their intention is to re-differentiate your strength."

"..." There was only a silence.

At this time, Fang Qi looked at the high-bearing stone in his hand. The conditions for using the stone must be 10% of his synchronized role in the practice room. Sancha is almost the limit of his time~www.novelbuddy. Com~Teacher level, for now, there are still some that are beyond reach.

Five advanced bearing stones, Yang Lan, Kong Xuan, Shi Tianjun, and Sancha, shared four pieces, and now only one piece remains.

A piece of stone carries a stone, but it has to solve the four sides.

I remembered the previous jokes against the Three Realms, and suddenly I felt a little ridiculous: "It’s difficult to ride a tiger..."

But think about it, how about it? Everyone now knows that he has a piece of treasure in his hand, staring at it and waiting to grab it.

"If there is no way..." Nalan Mingxue seems to be stating a fact, "I suggest you give up some people and make a choice."

"No!" the boss replied.

"Otherwise, what can you do?"

Just then, he suddenly thought of one person!

"Have you heard a single sentence? Only children can do multiple-choice questions." I saw the boss of the party hand out, "I have to!"

Nalan Mingxue: "..."


At the same time, on the Mount Shenghuang, I saw the Xuanfa Shangzun. In the Holy Palace, I took a few pieces of the town in the Holy Palace. I don’t know how many thousands of years of treasure, and I have a spring breeze.

"If this trip is smooth..." Xuan Fa Zun led several elders, smashed the clouds, crossed the vast sea, and went to the magic platform.

On the way, I suddenly saw that the light fluttered on a mountain and landed in the sky. I couldn’t help but wonder: "This mountain, how have you never seen it before?"

Falling into the clouds, curiously walked in and looked at it, singularly surprised, Song Yu at 4:8, evergreen, stone Phosphorus has not changed for thousands of years, and the end is a good mountain: "I don't know which mountain wild people live here?"

When I was about to explore it, I suddenly heard only one voice coming from behind: "Do you want to stay."

