MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 147 cover civilization with civilization

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  Chapter 147 Covering civilization with civilization

   Once upon a time, the silent starry sky made human beings proudly put forward the first batch of civilization theories in the universe.

  But even on the cosmic time scale that humans can predict, 13.8 billion years have passed.

  With such a span of timeline, coupled with the space range of the universe calculated in light years, it is not surprising that strange civilizations are born and strange things happen.

  The first batch of civilization theory, after Lu Yu opened the window for human beings to see the universe, countless evidences show that this is just a arrogant inference.

  The holy mountain in front of us, or the civilization that created this folding space, reached the ninth level of civilization as early as one billion years ago. Perhaps they are qualified to be called the first batch of civilizations.

   Continue to climb along the mediocre path of the holy mountain, and you will find that the surrounding scenery begins to blur. Going forward, there is a vast starry sky in front of you. A staircase made of pure light exudes a soft and faint light. It is nearly kilometers wide, and it keeps winding upwards, leading to the depths of the starry sky.

  The scene in front of him, there is a trace of weirdness in the splendor.

  In this staircase of light like a work of art, there is a terrifying technology. That is, the light of nothingness not only condenses into a solid body, but also has certain physical characteristics, allowing creatures to walk through the scenery like a starry sky on the stairs, and finally reach the end point pointed by this path—the Holy Spirit. the top of the mountain.

   It is not in the folded space, but connects itself with it with spatial technology.

  The top of the so-called holy mountain is actually in the supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy!

It is the undisputed absolute core of the entire galaxy. All stars, whether planets or stars, or star clusters, or gas clouds, are actually revolving around it. The so-called fourth cosmic speed is specially born according to it. theoretical data.

  It is like the king of a huge empire. Any powerful star, whether it is other black holes or other compact celestial bodies such as neutron stars, is nothing compared to it. All the matter within its gravitational range are its subjects, they all surrender in front of it and revolve around it.

  Even a star-level civilization cannot get too close to it.

  Its gravitational force is too strong. If it is too close to it, even the technology created using the grand unified theory will fail due to this extreme gravitational force and terrible space-time distortion.

   When the ladder comes here, there is suddenly a starry sky as a reference. There are aging giant stars everywhere, neutron stars, white dwarfs and other compact celestial bodies, and various interstellar dust clusters are also very common here.

  A large cluster of interstellar dust and gas with a total mass of tens of times the mass of the sun, if it is located elsewhere, under certain conditions, it will form a star that illuminates the universe.

   But it was in such a position that it lost such an opportunity forever.

   This cloud of gas is like a layer of mist painted with various colors, covering this giant black hole. They are accelerated by the black hole's terrifying gravitational force, and fall into the black hole while constantly rotating.

  The extremely high speed of motion means violent collisions. In such collisions, they gain extremely high energy to escape the gravitational field of the black hole, and finally form a spectacular jet that stretches for hundreds of light years.

   Everything here is extreme.

  Even on the light steps, you can feel the distortion that is getting closer and closer to the black hole, and what is amazing is that every step forward on the steps can span a considerable distance in light-years.

   This path with light as a ladder is itself a stable space channel. The position it finally leads to is at the critical point close to the event horizon of the black hole, where a one-dimensional horizontal line exists in a strange balance at this extreme position.

  It has no width, no height, that is to say, it does not occupy space at all, has no volume, no surface area, no mass, nothing, and only one point in three dimensions, expressing its way of existence.

   Such a state of existence is no different from non-existence.

   But it doesn't seem appropriate to say that it doesn't exist. It really lies across the event horizon of the black hole. If a civilization that has mastered space technology carefully observes it for tens of thousands of years, it may be able to sense its spatial fluctuation that almost fits the black hole.

  This thin line is actually a world, it is a one-dimensional world, and it is the limit of what a nine-level civilization that has mastered space technology can do.

  Three-dimensional space has three dimensions, which are length, width and height. A two-dimensional world has two dimensions, length and width, but no height. The body of the space creature is such an existence form. A one-dimensional world has only one dimension, length.

  If you want to go one step further, it is zero-dimensional, which has already involved the technology of universe-level civilization.

  The one-dimensional world in front of me exists in an extreme environment. It seems that the alliance of conscious life forms collects microscopic particles hidden below the Planck length in such an extreme environment as a magnetar, in order to break through to the universe and civilization.

  But in fact, this one-dimensional world does not have any external intake of substances, but is desperately controlling its own spatial fluctuations.

  The civilization in it is more like animals desperately hiding themselves in caves in the wilderness where ferocious beasts are rampant. But they are already a ninth-level civilization, and there is almost no normal way to destroy them in the universe.

But this one-dimensional world just stays at the critical point of the black hole horizon, only the channel extending from the folded space, if you continue to stretch it from a high-dimensional perspective, you will find that it goes straight to the one-dimensional world like a thread .

  In this one-dimensional world, it is like a huge computer room with the scale of the world.

   The internal space in the one-dimensional world is almost occupied by various computing devices. Here, there are some large-scale computer devices like Optimus pillars everywhere, and countless lines are spread and connected in series here.

  Huge computing power passes through these millions of data channels, and the information carried is rolling in and out of the terminals of these computers—space bubbles.

   "What? Space No. 253 was actually killed by the created creation?"


   "We are not controlled weapons, shouldn't there be space barriers? Four-dimensional space barriers, is that a technology that can only be mastered by river system level civilizations?"

   "What the **** are the elders doing??"

  Although these space bubbles are constantly criticized, they can only be incompetent and furious on the computer terminal.

  They are more like being fixed in position, just like the one-dimensional world outside, they cannot move at all.

  Lu Yu couldn't figure it out before that a normally operating advanced civilization, even if the folding space is just a zoo-like entertainment venue, shouldn't be invaded by a star-level civilization, or even left by the plundered space.

  Normal advanced civilizations really shouldn’t let such a thing happen. One of their scout spaceships might be able to crush the entire fleet of star-level civilizations!

   But unfortunately, this ninth-level civilization living in a one-dimensional world is really not in a normal state.

  They call themselves the Wo tribe, and they reached the ninth level of civilization as early as one billion years ago.

   And the Wo tribe soon discovered two facts before them.

  First, the universe is so desolate, looking up from the birth galaxy to the big universe, there is no one who can communicate equally.

  Second, the super civilization that exists above the ninth level civilization.

  The first point can be known from observing the universe for a long time, and the second point can be verified from the supercreations of the spiral family all over the universe.

  So they began to expand outside the galaxy, and at the same time began to develop towards a universe-level civilization.

  A million light-years away from the galaxy, the Wo tribe was finally lucky enough to encounter two other nine-level civilizations. The technology of the three civilization races has reached the peak of the ninth level, and they are also beginning to develop towards the universe-level civilization.

  Millions of light-years, or even tens of millions of light-years of matter are at their disposal, and naturally an interstellar war will not break out due to resource issues.

  Because they were on the road to a higher civilization together, they naturally formed an alliance.

  With the efforts of their own race, they have been promoted to the ninth level of civilization, so naturally there is no need to doubt their scientific research ability.

  Even so, it took nearly tens of millions of years for the fusion-like cooperation of the three races to bypass the first hurdle of the restarters.

   And while the three races were celebrating their groundbreaking achievements, warnings from the Rebooters soon came.

  In the beginning, such a light warning was just alarmist talk to the three races that had seen the dawn of cosmic civilization.

   think it is just a kind of intimidating suppression of the latecomers by the advanced civilization.

  So instead of stopping, they picked up the pace.

   It is planned to complete the breakthrough of civilization before the arrival of the hidden cosmic civilization!

   Then came the second warning from the rebooters—logic locks for races!

  Basic science on the universe-level civilization is all locked from the thinking level, and from a cognitive point of view, the three races will never be aware of all theories about the universe-level civilization.

  It’s like a pen is clearly placed in front of your eyes, but even if you have seen it with your own eyes, touched it casually, or even reminded by others, you will not realize that there is a pen in front of you.

   Such a logical lock is almost equivalent to locking the hope of a civilization breaking through to a universe-level civilization.

The Wo tribe chose to give up, but the two races other than the Wo tribe never gave up. They used an exhaustive method, with the attitude that they could almost calculate the ultimate answer of the universe. After evaporating the mass of galaxies, this Both races seem to be on the verge of finding a way around the logic lock.


   Then they were wiped out before the eyes of the Wo.

  All information, all existence, and all technology have been wiped clean.

  The Wo people can only deduce from those relics, the blank and incomplete data in the central computer—there were two nine-level civilizations that were like one.

This brutal and unreasonable method directly frightened the surviving Wo people. This is crushing from the level of civilization, just like a star-level civilization driving its star-like main battleship to the mother of a planetary-level civilization. star.

  No need to do anything, it is as if the planetary level civilization can directly collapse.

  The power possessed by the restarter is so unreasonable for a ninth-level civilization.

   Since then, the Wo tribe has never dared to take a step towards a cosmic civilization. Even because of the collective disappearance of their former allies, the entire race has a stress response.

  They changed from open to closed, and after covering up the traces of their own civilization one by one, the whole group even hid at the critical point of the event horizon of the black hole.

  The greater the gravitational force, the greater the time warp.

   At the critical point of the event horizon, the flow of time here is already slow to an outrageous level for the outside world.

   Maybe a second has passed here, but a thousand years have passed in the big universe.

  Civilization exists here, and it is no different from locking one's own technology and waiting for the universe-level doomsday to destroy oneself.

   Another seed of a universe-level civilization has been killed to such an extent

  Well, it can only be said that it is the heinous crime of the restarter again!

  However, this kind of autistic and suicidal behavior will naturally cause the members of the civilization to rebound over time. In a civilization, there are always people who yearn for the stars and the sea, instead of keeping one foot on the edge of the abyss.

  Use civilization to cover up civilization, and use civilization to cover up civilization.

  When a member of civilization shouts such a slogan, it is doomed to split the Wo clan.

  Even at the ninth level of civilization, the thinking of members has evolved to a level that is incomprehensible to humans, but when faced with irreconcilable conflicts, this primitive and efficient method is still used when it is necessary to use physical means to solve them.

  The result is naturally that the reformists are even better.

  But it belongs to the strange state of winning, but not completely winning.

  The main body of the Wo tribe is still hidden in the black hole, and the restarters who may end them appear on alert. At the same time, a window is opened in the big universe, and some special life is regenerated as a cover.

  These special lives generated by the ninth-level civilization will establish a civilization on the so-called home star, and this civilization... is just to cover up the traces of another civilization observing the big universe.

   Folding space is not a zoo, but an observation window!

  These special lives will inevitably have the Wo tribe controlling their life gates, and when it comes to special lives like Kabo, they will be inserted into the core position!

  However, in the hundreds of millions of years, they have no room for progress at the basic science level, and they have only made some progress in space application technology. The long period of self-isolation, the blockade of logic-locked theories involving universe-level civilizations, and the civil strife affecting the entire civilization inevitably lead to the decline of civilization.

   As time went by, this decline continued to plague the Wo people, and they even thought that this was the next round of attacks on them by restarters with inexplicable means.

  The more panicked the more panicked, the more extreme the extreme.

   The special creatures in the observation window are becoming more and more unnatural, more and more like... a weapon that can directly exert its power after implanting the Wo core.

   Now that a billion years have passed, they have never seen the restarters from the beginning to the end, but they have been forced to such a point by the restarters.

   Lu Yu's announcement to the whole universe, they naturally also received it, but for the civilization that has been deeply hurt, can just a few words rekindle their pursuit of a universe-level civilization?

  If there was such an attachment, it would have been wiped out along with the two brother civilizations long ago!

   Civilization will not decline to the present, and even the technology to maintain the observation window cannot be reproduced.

   They will not be afraid of the restarters, even the invading star-level civilizations dare not kill them with one hand, for fear that they will be exposed in the big universe, and the restarters will notice themselves again.

  Maybe for civilization, the decline may not start with technology, but the collapse of thought is the beginning of decline and introversion for a civilization.

  And now...Kabo is coming on the stairs, will it sound the death knell of civilization, or will it wake up this civilization that has fallen asleep for a billion?

  (end of this chapter)

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