MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 152 panic

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  Chapter 152 Panic

   Lu Yu refused to bring these young ultra life forms with him at first.

   You can’t just take it with you, they are really a burden, and even Nemo’s leather case is a burden for the Silver Star.

  So in front of the antimatter shield, Lu Yu thought about whether to simply eject the Silver Star, and Nemo could also remotely control it by relying on the interspace communication system.

  Really, if they could be of any use, they wouldn't be of no use at all.

   "The data collection is almost done, and there are too many references for our research on antimatter shields!"

Professor Han reported the results to Lu Yu in the virtual reality, but he had to smile bitterly and said: "Base Zero will lose a group of scientists at the top level. Potentially destroying the entire planet."

  The scientific and technological development of civilization is gradual.

  A civilization that has not mastered the unified theory, even if it knows the existence of antimatter, what can it be used for?

They can't even produce and store antimatter in this way, just like Lu Yu already knew that the universe-level civilization needs to study the basic matter of the universe under the Planck constant, but he lacks the corresponding technology and research, and only the direction is far from enough !

  This is also the same as the development of science and technology is inseparable from material support!

  The reason why spaceships sailing in space cannot promote the development of science and technology is because no matter how advanced the conjecture is, it has to go through experiments again and again, otherwise computer simulation alone will never prove its authenticity!

  The rest of related technologies of human beings have not advanced enough, they have already known the antimatter and the grand unification formula in advance. This is a good thing, which means that human beings can avoid many detours and greatly speed up their technological progress.

  Thinking that the antimatter extraction project will be prepared at the forward base, Lu Yu can't help but think of a very interesting paradox.

  The total matter in the universe is conserved, which is doomed from the big bang.

  But for every gram of antimatter produced, when it undergoes annihilation reaction, it will take away 1 gram of positive matter.

  If things go on like this, doesn’t it mean that a gram of matter has disappeared from the universe?

  The restarters are so domineering in erasing all the ninth-level civilizations that want to be promoted to the universe-level civilization, not because they are worried that the matter will not return, causing the universe to become a completely open system!

  But judging from their ignorance of the massive use of antimatter by many star civilizations, antimatter will not cause the loss of matter.

  It means that in the process of the annihilation and annihilation of positive and antimatter, the total amount of matter is still conserved on the cosmic scale and the macroscopic time scale.

   Then the scientists at Base Zero put forward an interesting conjecture.

  For every gram of antimatter produced by civilization, one gram of positive matter will be harvested at the same time.

  One gram of antimatter and one gram of positive matter, the total mass of the two is exactly zero, so the process of making antimatter does not violate the law of conservation of mass and energy.

Moreover, antimatter cannot be preserved for a long time, and it will react with the ubiquitous positive matter in a very short time—no matter whether the positive matter that reacts with it is the positive matter associated with it, or the other places in the universe. Whether it is positive matter, in short, after it is manufactured, it will always react with other positive matter.

   This is just a conjecture based on conjectures. The reason why the human physics building is called dark clouds is because there are too many similar situations.

  But the road of science has not stopped, and these conjectures will eventually be confirmed or falsified.

   Lu Yu knew about the development of anti-matter very early, because he had already known the information through the hint of the black technology system.

  【Antimatter basic research +20】

  【150 bonus points】

   It was another rare credit, and Lu Yu felt that this folding space was not in vain!

  And there are more secrets about advanced civilization waiting for me in the antimatter shield. After I get it done, maybe the engine of the Silver Star may be available.

   But looking at the surrounding young super life forms who followed him to attack the shield, it was really difficult.

   Shall we let Nemo lead them back?

  But because of the recent energy crisis on the Silver Star, there is only one space jump left. It is impossible to let the leather case take this group of ultra life forms away for a certain distance, and then jump back by itself.

  And the Silver Star is not just an energy problem, even the propulsion system has been completely wiped out.

  That is to say...if the holster man's ejection is missing now, its athletic ability is not even as good as it was in the short-legged period.

  It's so pitiful! ?

   Sure enough, the space jump that can be recharged once in 3 hours is the real god!

  Recalling the happy time of wanton jumping in the past, Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh that only the lost things can make people feel good.

  Host: Lu Yu

   Points: 3308

  Mission: 【Looking at the Deep Space】

  Currently own black technology products: [Silver Star (modified)] [Lunch Box] [Space Suit (modified)]

  Looking at another increase in points, Lu Yu decided to catch the fat sheep in the holy mountain and squeeze them together!

  Look, the space bubbles are so generously poured on the earth, maybe they really got space technology from this strange advanced civilization?

  Then human digesting space technology and skyrocketing points can bring the Silver Star back to its peak!

  Seeing that these super beings really wanted to stay and die together, Lu Yu had no choice but to take them with him as if he had brought the atmosphere group, tearfully leading them to gather fat sheep.

  Since the experimental data is no longer needed, let's make a quick decision.

  With the Silver Star, Nemo smoothly switched to the dark matter energy supply, and under the subtle control of No. 7, he broke through the shield in front of him in one fell swoop.

   "Oh my god! Nemo's attack is more powerful than all our previous attacks combined. This easily broke the shield!"

   "When he blocked the self-destruction of the Holy Mountain Warrior for us before, I realized that Nemo's strength may not be at the same level as ours! Maybe he has already formed an anti-matter organ?!"

  The atmosphere group members consciously assumed their roles.

  Lu Yu controlled Nemo's body and entered the mountainside first. What he saw was the scene of another holy mountain warrior's self-explosion. The surrounding molten material had cooled down, and everywhere was like magma erupting from a volcano.

   Just scanned randomly for a moment, the high temperature and pressure made it impossible to find any traces here, and the explosion also made the mountainside a mess.

   Fortunately, footprints can still be seen on the road leading to the top of the holy mountain, which means that Capo and the others have successfully defeated the intercepted holy mountain warriors, but from the sparse footprints, it can be seen that their sacrifice is definitely not small.

  They all come from the tribe of young super life forms, some of them are even their direct blood relatives. From these clues, we can see the result, and the atmosphere group that was still lamenting Nemo's amazing strength suddenly became much quieter.

   "I hope they understand that it is by no means a spring outing-style advance. If you go forward, no one may come back!"

   Lu Yu ignored them and walked directly towards the mountain.

  The ultra life forms who fell silent, looked at each other without saying a word, they still chose to follow, none of them chose to stay because of fear.

  With their moving speed, they soon came to the bridge of light that divides the virtual and the real.

   After taking a few steps, you have already crossed into the starry sky.

  In Base Zero, many scientists are amazed by this space technology.

  Humanity's cognition of space technology currently only stays in space distortion, because the known gravity will affect time and space, and the most common and easily observable phenomenon is space-time distortion.

  With the in-depth study of civilization on the unified theory, the extended research on the four basic forces and the expanded application methods will be involved in the space field bit by bit.

  This process will gradually discover the hidden laws with the development of civilization, but human beings seem to be completely opposite.

  With Lu Yu as the window to observe the universe, human beings can see too many strange phenomena on the blue star.

  Although the technology of this space channel is not even half-understood at present, human beings have formed observations on its existence.

  The observation of the development of human science is an important part of it. Isn’t the role of the particle collider to observe the particle structure?

  So, simply knowing and observing has already played an irreplaceable reference role for science.

  The technology contained in the space channel leading to deep space in front of me, the energy required, and the conjecture derived from it, may bear fruit in the space technology mastered by humans after many years.

  The so-called insiders watch the doorway, and laymen watch the fun.

  The ultra life forms of the atmosphere group made sharp comments on this Bridge of Light.

   "What kind of bridge is this? It looks translucent? It doesn't look solid at all!"

   "I think so too. Why is this thing built on the holy mountain? We haven't seen it at the foot of the mountain!"

   Regarding this, Lu Yu just wanted to move forward, and couldn't explain it to this group of super beings who had never seen the real starry sky.

   But as they got deeper and deeper, the stars were like light spots floating on both sides of the Black Sea. When they walked into it, they didn't know up and down, only front and back.

   The first time you see such a beautiful scenery, you will definitely be impressed, but this still didn't slow down the pace of this group of people.

  For the young ultra life forms, they took this inexplicable road leading to the top of the holy mountain just to follow Nemo.

   And Lu Yu controlled Nemo, moving forward quickly!

  Finally, like the previous super life, it came to the central black hole!

  Super life forms that have not established a scientific concept do not know the horror of the extreme celestial body in front of them, but Lu Yu knows what kind of power this terrifying gravitational source that dominates the galaxy has!

  At such a distance, if there is no space channel, these ultra life forms may have been captured by the gravitational field, and what awaits them is to be torn into pieces and fall into the horizon!

   But the space channel seems to have come to an end here, and Lu Yu couldn't take another step forward no matter how far he went.

  The one-dimensional world that is almost integrated with the black hole cannot be observed by the current instrument on the Silver Star, but the space channel points here, which means that there is a high probability that the civilization behind the holy mountain is also hiding here, but...the door is closed now.

  In the virtual reality, the Q version villain of No. 7 pops up a query window: "It seems that there is no way, do you want to go back to the original way?"

   "It's all here, and I'm always a bit unwilling to retreat easily."

"Since we have come all the way here, we still haven't been able to see the previous wave of ultra life forms, which means that they may have reached the top of the so-called holy mountain, which aroused the vigilance of higher civilizations, and that's why we have no way forward. "

  Lu Yu controlled Nemo to open his palm, and directly ejected the Silver Star into the space channel where he couldn't go any further!

  Lu Yu had to admit that he was part of a gamble. If he failed, he would have to waste a space jump before returning to the body of the man in the leather jacket. But as always, good luck made him bet right!

   That's why the Silver Star squeezed into the one-dimensional world that was still closed under the attention of the members of the Wo tribe.

  It was the [pets] rebellion just now, and now what kind of aircraft is squeezed in? ?

  The one-dimensional world created by the power of civilization, is it possible for rotten fish and shrimp to break in at will?

   Civilization members of the Wo tribe are apparently so broken for the first time in a billion years of autism!

  A stream of protons hit the first layer of armor of the Silver Star at a speed extremely close to the speed of light.

   At the moment of the impact, the atoms fixed by the black technology instantly became shattered. At the impact site, a black hole with an atomic mass appeared out of thin air.

  The black hole lost its own mass instantly through Hawking radiation, and disappeared after emitting a burst of gamma rays. But the neatly arranged atomic structure of the first layer of armor has already been broken.

   A series of reactions took place where Lu Yu could not see. With the destruction of the first atom, the second atom also fell into an extremely unstable state, the force holding it began to weaken, and the motion of the electrons began to accelerate.

  As the motion of electrons accelerates, its temperature increases, from near absolute zero to much higher than absolute zero.

  This means that the absolutely static physical state has moved again, it is the third atom, the fourth atom, until the 10,000th, the 100,000,000th...

  Eventually, all the atoms that make up the drop-shaped outer shell, the electron motion is intensified. It could no longer maintain its stable state, so a crack appeared in its extremely clean shell.

  In the war of advanced civilizations, the battlefield in the microcosm is also crucial!

   The last time the Silver Star's first layer of armor was shattered was when it collided with a super-civilized creation!

  Now the Wo tribe is defending weapons in the one-dimensional world, successfully restraining the first layer of armor of strong interaction force.

  However... this is only the first layer of armor on the Silver Star, and there are three layers behind the armor that is stronger than it!

  So when the first crack appeared in the perfect water droplet shape of the Silver Star, the members of the Wau civilization thought that this intruder was nothing more than that, and it seemed that they only needed more force to crush the craft.

  However, as time passed, a scene that terrified them appeared.

   Whatever you do, the Silver Star just quietly floats in this bizarre one-dimensional world, and there is nothing it can do.

  Real panic has spread among the members of the Vo civilization!

  (end of this chapter)