MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 154 time round

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  Chapter 154 Time Convolution

"What a pity!"

   "It's just one step away from reaching the top of the holy mountain. I don't know if we can meet our ancestors?"

   "If you can see them, you must ask why the holy mountain has become like this!"

In the torrential rain, a group of ultra life forms rolled down the mountainside in embarrassment. In the space channel before, under Nemo's urging, they almost used nuclear explosions to activate their locomotor organs. At the moment the space channel collapsed, they Reluctantly returned to the folding space.

  The warriors who returned from their great journey, lying in the rain, ostentatiously expressed their views on the top of the holy mountain.

  These simple ultra life forms will not understand that the so-called top of the holy mountain is just a civilization that creates and controls them secretly.

  This experience will become a myth that belongs to tribes that are about to gather together and become civilization after countless times of embellishment and processing.

  Looking at the complete disappearance of the space passage, they imagined that the ultra life forms they had won suddenly lifted up Nemo who was standing still, and then threw them up again and again.

   "Nemo, our king!"

   "Stormborn, conqueror of the holy mountain, king of the united tribes, ruler of the mainland!"

This way of celebrating is similar to that of human beings, but Nemo seemed to be in a hurry. In fact, after the Silver Star left the body, the computing power that only relied on No. 7's cross-space transmission was still somewhat insufficient, so that Nemo's leather case was a little bit Sluggish feeling.

  But now, everyone is celebrating, and naturally no one will notice that the energy response in the leader they recognized has started to drop to be consistent with ordinary ultra life forms.

   Lu Yu, who was paying attention to the silver star falling into the black hole, suddenly froze, causing the virtual reality to switch back to Nemo's perspective.

  Because in front of Lu Yu's eyes, prompts from the black technology system kept popping up.

  【Promote basic physics, get 3 points reward points. 】

  【Promote the principle of mechanics and get 2 reward points. 】

  ? ?

  Looking at the inexplicable extra points, this is where Lu Yu was deeply puzzled.

Basic physics is already very difficult for human beings to add points. It can’t just fall into a black hole and immediately let the scientists on the blue star make some breakthroughs. Obviously, this is not added by the blue star humans. Fraction.

   Tracing back to the source, it turned out to be when these young ultra life forms threw Nemo up.

   This is intriguing.

  Why the system didn’t show it when teaching nuclear physics knowledge in the tribe before, but it only came out now, it’s really surprising.

  Black Technology Realization System: This system is dedicated to improving the level of the civilization where the host is located. By any means, the host can improve the science and technology of the civilization where he belongs, and he can get points rewards, which can be exchanged for all imaginable black technology products.

   This is the most primitive system setting. Lu Yu was once afraid that he would be judged as a space human by the system because he wandered in the universe for too long, and thus no longer enjoy the points that Blue Star humans can get from the development of science and technology.

   Judging from later experience, Blue Star human beings advanced in science and technology, and Lu Yu also received point rewards, so he temporarily let go of this worry.

  But now... Even these super life races can give themselves extra points! ?

   Could it be that I have never understood how to use the system?

  Lu Yu put the black hole observation aside, he was keenly aware of this special discovery, which might speed up his restoration project of the Silver Star.

   Perhaps a long time ago, Lu Yu made a mistake about the affiliation. It wasn't that Lu Yu still belonged to humans, but that the Blue Star humans had become a vassal civilization of him, a space human, according to the system's judgment.

  When the knowledge of physics was popularized in the tribe before, at that time the person in charge of the entire super life race was not Nemo, but Kabo. After experiencing the Holy Mountain incident, the elite ultra life forms of the older generation passed away, and the ultra life forms of the younger generation recognized Nemo's leadership position. Only this leather case of Lu Yu became the master of the entire ethnic group. Only then can this super life race be regarded as a vassal civilization.

  According to the rules of the black technology system, Lu Yu will only be given extra points at this time.

   I didn't expect... There are unexpected gains!

  So, this is the real way to play the black technology system?

  If I can support thousands of civilizations that have already vassalized me to a star-level civilization, wouldn’t it be possible for me to squeeze the points of the system hard?

  π could not have thought of this. He set up a system with such a settlement point system, which means that he himself supports Lu Yu's wool-grabbing behavior.

   But why?

  Cultivate civilization in the universe, so that the starry sky will become less cold and lonely?

  Are you kidding me? If the restarters had such a civilization, would they ruthlessly erase the ninth-level civilizations one after another?

   And the purpose behind supporting Lu Yu in supporting civilization must be the purpose of their own sealing...

  Lu Yu didn't want to think about it, he just put the coffin boards on these old guys, and it will take 100 million years to cheat the corpses.

  If I was still alive at that time, I am afraid that the logic of thinking is completely different from what it is now, so why think so much!

   There is one more way to earn points, and I can repair the Silver Star faster and rush back to Blue Star!

   And after killing such an unknown fleet, if you still have a lot of points, then it would be great to be a Lulaemon.

  Looking at Nemo's vision, Lu Yu stood on the mountainside of the holy mountain and looked towards the dark green deep ocean.

  The organization has decided, you will be the **** ruthless person of the super life race!

  Start with universal education!

  Quickly transform from a primitive tribe to a modern civilization that masters the technology of Orbiting Blue Star!


  When this special situation drew Lu Yu's attention, it could not change the fact that the Silver Star was falling into the black hole following the civilization base.

  The properties of a black hole are determined by three factors, namely mass, charge and angular momentum. All black holes in the universe have enormous mass and angular momentum, and negligible charge.

The mass and angular momentum of the central black hole in front of you are even more terrifying. When the Wo civilization base exhibits the property of mass, the angular momentum pulls the entire base to deflect the angle, and the huge gravitational force generated by the mass is instantly close to the base. into the field of vision.

  The event horizon of a black hole surrounds a single point, known as a singularity. The event horizon is a perfect sphere and is the dividing line between whether light can escape the gravity of a black hole. Once past the event horizon, any matter will be gone forever. Outside the event horizon, gravity works in the usual way. Space is warped by the black hole's massive mass, causing everything around it to accelerate towards the singularity at the center of the black hole.

  Once falling into it, no matter what form the matter will exist in the event horizon, they will never be able to break through the event horizon and return to the large universe, because their theoretical space distance has reached an infinite distance.

   At the moment of going to eternal death, the Wo clan remained silent, completely ignoring Lu Yu's signal of trying to communicate.

  The stress response of this group of civilization members is too strong!

  But in fact, in the universe, the Wo tribe still has dozens of [observation windows] like folding spaces, and there are one to several civilization members distributed in these [observation windows].

  Perhaps their crazy idea is to drag Lu Yu, who seems to be the restarter, to bury him in the black hole together, so that the scattered civilization members can also rebuild civilization.

   But no matter which one, it was just Lu Yu's curiosity that made the Silver Star stay.

  If you kill someone more, you will be able to jump and leave as early as when you ascend the dimension.

  In fact, not only Lu Yu, the scientists at Base Zero are also very interested in the interior of extreme celestial bodies like black holes.

  According to human speculation, in addition to the matter that has shrunk to the singular point in the black hole, there is still a large part of space within the scope of the event horizon.

  It is just because of the terrible gravitational force that distorts the light and this part of the space, making it impossible for the big universe to observe what exists in this space.

   is matter?

   is energy?

   Or nothing?

  And what kind of form does the singularity of a black hole exist?

   Is there any similarity with the singularity explosion at the origin of the universe?

  There are too many conjectures and hypotheses, and although humans had full confidence in the Silver Star before, no one can guarantee that the space jump of the Silver Star will still work normally after entering the black hole.

   But as soon as Lu Yu came, especially after experiencing the infighting among the restarters, the space jump of the Silver Star was beyond doubt.

  No. 7 controls the Silver Star to calmly fall into the civilization base. The distortion of space is very violent, and the speed of the event horizon will grow far beyond expectations.

   Around the event horizon, space is severely distorted, and multiple images of the outer universe can begin to be seen. When passing through the event horizon, not only can you still see the outer universe, but you can also see a part of the universe inside the event horizon. As matter inevitably falls into the singularity, the light hitting the Argentine Stellar will be blueshifted and then redshifted again.

   Inside the event horizon, matter that begins to disintegrate is always in motion. Space is also in constant motion, like a moving walkway, carrying all matter towards the singularity. The speed at which matter falls to the singularity is beyond imagination. Even if it accelerates in the opposite direction to the singularity with infinite force at this time, it will still fall to the singularity.

Light from objects outside the event horizon will still encounter the Argent Stewart from all directions, but inside the event horizon, only a portion of these objects can be seen because not all of the light carrying this information is captured by the black hole into the event horizon , If you look at the big universe from the event horizon, with the incomplete information, the whole universe will also look full of holes.

  From this moment on, all the physical rules of the big universe will be invalid here!

  The foundation that technology can rely on collapsed, and the civilization base quickly fell to the singularity while rapidly disintegrating, and disappeared forever in this universe.

   And the Silver Star is just suspended in the horizon so quietly, and I don’t know how the civilizations trying to drag it into the horizon will feel when they see this scene before their thinking collapses?


   "Quick! Quick!"

   "Is this what the universe looked like before the Big Bang, when all the laws of physics didn't exist?"

   "Can we use this to deduce the reason for the birth of physical laws, and use this to calculate the framework and model of the universe?"

   "After all, before the big bang, before time, space, and all rules were formed, as long as you move a little bit, the constants of the universe will be changed in the future. This may be the truth of the universe beyond physics!"

   "Ahh! It's a pity that any equipment manufactured by our technology cannot exist in this space, otherwise it will collapse immediately..."

   The scientists at Base Zero are completely crazy. For them, everything in front of them seems to hide the ultimate truth of the universe.

   And Lu Yu finally switched back from the virtual reality on the other side of the folding space. He withdrew from the virtual reality, and joined hands with No. 7 to watch everything in the black hole in front of him in the living area.

  This is even rarer than those traditional beauties.

  That being the case, it is even more important to appreciate it with the beauties.

  However, as the scientists thought, perhaps only the Rubik's Cube in the Silver Star can survive the outside environment, and even the space bubbles made by the Wo tribe can't withstand the terrifying gravity outside.

   Not to mention placing any observation instruments outside the Silver Star to collect data properly.

  But just seeing, just observing the bizarre scene in front of you can already analyze something.

  One-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional all flash back within the event horizon.

  This is the collapse of information, the remnants of information engraved on the gravitational coefficient, and all substances no longer exist.

  Behind it is a universe that seems to be riddled with holes, and some strange images have begun to appear in the gravitational abyss below the Silver Star.

  The Civilization Base fell into the horizon again from the dividing line of the horizon. Of course, the Silver Star did not appear again this time.

This strange phenomenon immediately attracted everyone's attention, because the civilization base should have been disintegrating long ago, and was pulled into the singularity by the terrifying gravitational force. Fall into it?

  And as time went by, this horrifying thing happened repeatedly.

   Civilization bases fall from outside the horizon to inside the horizon again and again, and then disintegrate towards the singularity.

  However, it can be observed that the civilization base is getting dilapidated every time.

   It’s just that time seems to be falling into the black hole singularity in the reciprocating cycle of the civilization base, until the entropy value of the civilization base reaches the highest point, and it becomes a chaotic dimension under the Silver Star?

  The black hole uses Hawking radiation to evaporate its own mass in the large universe, and then swallows and digests the matter in the way of time circle inside the event horizon?

  Time is always going forward in the big universe, but in a black hole, time is a circle that keeps turning back to the origin?

Do not!

  Time seems to be moving forward in a single cosmic epoch, but in the Poincaré regression-style cosmic cycle, time is also in constant rotation...

   Could it be that the big universe we live in is also a black hole?

  The horizon is the scope of this universe?

  (end of this chapter)

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