MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 160 Sent

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  Chapter 160 sent

   "These devices seem to be the technological products of the pinnacle of the second-level civilization. How did this civilization sneak in here?"

   "And why don't we have any feedback from the observation instruments around the star system? How can a civilization that doesn't even master the speed of light travel quietly approaching the folding space."

   Zerg bitter masters finally discovered the truth that they seemed to be bullied, and the fruits of hard waiting were actually taken by the second-level civilization that came out of nowhere!

  They left the main civilization and stayed in a position where they could be attacked by a higher civilization at any time. Aren't they just thinking about fighting for it, getting the resources to advance to a higher civilization, and then flying away?

   Now it’s finally time for the expected harvest time, but as soon as they arrive at the scene, they immediately find traces of other civilizations! ?

  The space base they just started to build has just started, and they have no intention of hiding their level of technological civilization.

   This made the Zerg even more anxious.

  The original plan to repair the spaceship was no longer taken into account. The hatches opened, and the spaceships prepared for the folding space swarmed out.

If you keep zooming out the angle of view, you will find that the tiny spaceships that are at least one kilometer long are like mosquito swarms entrenched in low-lying areas in summer. The wrapped planet drilled in.

  However, most of the spaceships appeared from the other side as if passing through the phantom, and only a few spaceships seemed to successfully enter the folding space.

   After entering it, the space distortion will cut off the external communication in an instant.

  After the Zerg waited anxiously for half a month, according to the intelligent program carried by the spacecraft, the first batch of harvested space bubbles should return in a few days or so, but what they waited for was a spaceship with a perfect drop shape!

  It slowly emerged from the folded space, compared with the terrifying main battleship of the Zerg, it was like a weak cosmic dust.

"what is this?"

   "Is it a reconnaissance ship?? Is it a technical creation of that second-level civilization?"

   "Could it be that we were really preempted??"

  The Zerg that had already surrounded the planet discovered it immediately, and they were already anxious, they just wanted to destroy the suspected spaceship for investigation.

  Colorful beams of light burst out, and the high-energy beams of hundreds of thousands of spaceships were concentrated on this beautiful spaceship in an instant, and the high temperature of billions of degrees completely enveloped the water droplet.

  However, after the light dissipated, the Zerg saw an amazing scene.

  The drop of water was still intact, without any damage, and there was no trace of contamination on it.

   Something is wrong!

  At this moment, the Zerg who made the decision had the urge to collapse to the ground.

  What kind of material is this, even the high temperature of billions of degrees can't hurt it in the slightest? This is by no means a technological creation that can be created by a second-level civilization!

   Could it be that the creators of the folding space finally came to their senses and sent out the spaceship, so they delivered food to the door this time?

  If the water droplets in front of them rely on the energy shield to block the light beam, it can also give the Zerg some comfort. Because, the energy shield is at least something within the theoretical system of star-level civilization. But there is no energy shield around this thing at all, it has withstood billions of high-energy beams only by its own material!

  In the eyes of a star-level civilization, this is completely incredible black technology.

   This has completely surpassed their cognition, which means that there is an insurmountable gap in technology, which only occurs when facing advanced civilizations.

  Laser weapons are of course only one type of weapon, but it is obvious from this weapon that the gap between the two sides can be understood.

   "How is it possible!? How is it possible? The temperature of billions of degrees of the high-energy beam has not risen even a tiny bit?"

   "The outer armor of this spaceship still maintains absolute zero? This, how is this done?"

  Absolute zero, about minus 273.15 degrees, is the lowest temperature in all physical theories. Because the temperature of a substance depends on the movement of the molecules and atoms that make up the substance. At absolute zero, the molecules and atoms have stopped moving. Therefore, in the existing theoretical system, it is impossible to exist at a temperature lower than absolute zero. temperature.

But what is amazing is that the temperature upper limit of the big universe is extremely high. The high temperature of extreme celestial bodies is often as high as trillions of degrees, and the temperature at the critical point of the singularity explosion is even frighteningly high. According to the calculation of the Planck temperature, in this The temperature at the time node is the highest temperature in the universe, which is 140,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000°C.

  The highest temperature in the universe is 140 billion million million degrees Celsius, but the lowest temperature is only -273.15°C. The gap between the upper limit and the lower limit is so huge, in fact, it is entirely because the temperature itself is related to the speed of the molecular motion of matter. But the Zerg don't want to discuss these now, otherwise it may become their revolving door to the big universe before they are destroyed.

  The drop of water emerging from the folding space gave them enough shock.

   "Can we really resist its attack? Why don't we run away now?"

   "In the plan, isn't our core lair equipped with an escape device?"

   "Run, with advanced artificial intelligence, there may be a glimmer of life!"

  Almost decided to flee, suddenly, the Zerg noticed something unusual.

   Observed by precision instruments, after the attack of the high-energy beam, the speed of the water droplet began to increase, but the increase was very slow.

   It took more than 20 seconds for the flight speed to accelerate to 500 kilometers per second.

  At least in the cognition of the Zerg, this speed is by no means the speed of the creation of advanced civilizations!

  However, at such a speed, the water droplet crashed into the spaceship closest to it

  Infinite amounts of light and heat radiated out, as if suddenly another star appeared there. This ray of light at least illuminated a space with a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

   "Its regular cruising speed seems to be only 500 kilometers per second! It doesn't seem to have the ability to sail at high speed, otherwise, it would have come directly to kill us."

   "In terms of the technology to create such armor, this speed is extremely slow!"

   "Combined with the traces of the previous second-level civilization creation, is this a lucky second-level civilization that accidentally obtained a super-civilization creation?"

   "It appeared only to scare us, let us panic and leave, and then this second-level civilization will be able to monopolize the folding space!"

  But the next moment, this naive idea of ​​the Zerg was ruthlessly shattered.

   As if they noticed their thoughts, the speed of this water droplet suddenly increased from 500 kilometers per second to 5,000 kilometers per second! The whole process took almost less than one tenth of a second.

   Such an acceleration is difficult even for the materials of a star-level civilization!

  Even the best spaceship of the Zerg needs at least ten minutes to accelerate from rest to the highest speed, but the opponent's acceleration to 5,000 kilometers per second is almost instantaneous.

   This represents extremely powerful mobility.

   After accelerating to 5,000 kilometers per second, the water drop rushed to the front of the next ship almost instantly, pierced the bow of this unlucky spaceship, and flew out from the stern. In this less than one ten-thousandth of a second, this water droplet has completely penetrated it, destroying all the structures of the spaceship.

  In the next moment, the arc of the entire spaceship began to overflow uncontrollably, making the hull turn red, and then exploded.

   Immediately afterwards, another spaceship, and then another team of spaceships.

   In less than a dozen seconds, the spaceships orbiting the super-earth have been slaughtered, and the continuous invasion of the folding space has been forced to stop

   When the water droplet started killing the spaceship, the Zerg finally reacted.

  They quickly manipulated the remaining spaceships to disperse the distance. At the same time, all the high-firing live ammunition guns opened fire with full force, and a series of star-level civilization conventional weapons such as gravity bombs, mutual exclusion fields, and antimatter missiles were all poured out.

  Countless live ammunition attacks failed to slow down the movement of this water droplet. With its huge kinetic energy and speed as its lethal force, it was killing the spaceships of the First Fleet to its heart's content.

   This is a spaceship that took us hundreds of years to build!

   This is the new battleship we just mentioned with several space bubbles!

   The Zerg desperately looked at the feedback data from the central computer. The First Fleet could only survive the attack of the drop-shaped spaceship for 10 hours.

  Now, countless wreckages have been floating helplessly in space, floating around the huge metal spaceship. During the period, there will be some flashes, tiny explosions, etc., erupting from the wreckage. That's from parts that haven't destroyed all circuits.

  The drop of water is still intact in the wreckage that seems to fill the entire universe, and it is still completely smooth without any dust.

  The capital ship that it passed by has been scratched with a terrible scar. This spaceship, which is about the size of Saturn, is not as strong as it used to suppress the binary star system. It is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of the water droplets.

   "Is this an advanced civilized spaceship that folds space?"

   "It's over, it's over!"

   "We are greedy for other people's space bubbles, and they can shoot us all to death with a backhand!"

  The Zerg in the core nest realized that the droplet spaceship hadn't accelerated before, but it was just like a giant playing with ants, making the ants think they could escape the giant's fingers, which gave them a slight hope.

   Now, if they let the core lair out of the main spaceship, they will be directly killed by the droplet spaceship in an instant!

  Kinetic energy weapons were almost eliminated by the space war when the energy shield came out, but who would have thought that they would be severely slapped in the face by this kinetic energy weapon in this corner of the universe.

   Now, the water drop ship has become a state of silent suspension again.

  Even if its size is tens of millions of times larger, the Zerg main spaceship no longer dares to make any moves.

  The whole state is - not daring to move! Don't dare to move!

  Where is the pride of having a high civilization come and eat me after being so angry just now?

   The Zerg First Fleet came, got angry, and then sent it.

   On the other hand, to review the Zerg spaceship invasion from Lu Yu's perspective, it is necessary to turn back the time to half a month ago.

  Actually, during this period of time, Lu Yu was honestly enjoying his leisure time.

   It's not that he doesn't think about the earth, but that the Silver Star is in a broken state, and he really doesn't support him to continue living the life he used to jump through space at will.

  Then they can only stay in this folding space and gain points by imparting knowledge to super creatures.

  Different from the civilization system that humans have already established, although super creatures have strangely powerful combat capabilities, they are backward in civilization and technology.

  As long as it is a systematic technology, if it is taught to these ultra life forms with extremely developed brains, they can quickly get points.

  They are simply the best leeks under the system points system... No, they should be the best vassal civilization.

   And Lu Yu doesn't need to worry about the teaching problem, as long as the cross-space communication is connected, he and No. 7 can enjoy the living area.

   So much so that when the Zerg spaceship invaded, Lu Yu was even connected to the virtual reality of the earth, beating up other poor players with many companions.


   "A large number of unknown spaceships have invaded the folding space!"

  In the false dome, a large group of drones are unscrupulously studying the distorted space.

  Unfortunately, the technology is too different. During this period of time, the scientists at Base Zero failed to establish any conjectures about space.

  It's like before the enlightenment of human science and technology, people obviously lived in the air, but they didn't know that the air was composed of multiple gases.

  The phenomenon of space distortion is clearly in front of us, but lacking tools and related cognition, scientists have nothing to do with the space distortion in front of us.

   In the end, the conditions are not allowed, otherwise some scientists even want to persuade Lu Yu to light a gravity bomb on this false sky, to provide some new reference data for observation experiments.

   But right now, points are the most important thing, and we can't take the risk of being discovered by these ultra life forms.

  But just today, these drone swarms who are still studying space distortion in the sky are the first to discover those Zerg spaceships.

  They are all standard spaceships, only about one kilometer in length, but the design is obviously specially adjusted according to the environment in the folding space.

  These spaceships were invading from various positions in the sky, but quickly gathered together. They seemed to deliberately avoid the location of the invaders' base, and fell rapidly to the outside of the continent where Lu Yu was below.

  The purpose of these spaceships is very strong—to drive out all the creatures that can be found, and then recover the space bubbles that may exist in their cores.

  These highly intelligent spaceships pursue the efficiency of the mechanism.

   Top it off with a high-strength shield, then slice through with a high-energy beam weapon.

  Once there is damage, it will drag the prey to self-destruct, and exchange the cold machinery for the living beings with hot blood.

   On this day, the ultra life forms of the Lu Yu tribe saw the stars falling like rain, which was a harbinger of disaster in the tribe's legend.

  But the strange beasts on the earth and the super life forms on other continents were caught in a **** storm.

  (end of this chapter)

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