MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 172 Samsung in one

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  Chapter 172 Three Stars in One

  This special method of material collection has opened the eyes of human beings.

  A segment of lines combined to form a circle has the largest area. Similarly, a surface curled into a sphere has the largest volume.

  Those threads with nanometers as the unit are like a net of matter, turning a large nebula matter into the constituent matter of the star gate.

  Countless robots and mechanical equipment are busy on the ring like ants, and these smashed and quickly reassembled materials are transported and placed at the designated location.

   "The temperature in the center of the star gate has risen extremely!"

   "Oh my god! It reached hundreds of millions of degrees in a few tenths of a second?!"

In human cognition, a drastic temperature change inside the device within a very short period of time will seriously damage various materials and instruments, so even if it is a special material, the process of temperature increase must be very slow, even if it is a gravity bomb with a violent reaction. There must be a brewing and upgrading process.

  However, the speed at which the temperature of the Stargate raised broke the human perception of precision instruments. There was a burst of waves, and a spiral cold light could be seen in the deep darkness, extending continuously to the inside.

  And if you look at the back of the star gate, you will find that this spiral does not affect the space behind it at all, and all reactions stay on the side of the star gate, which is like a single-sided glass in space.

  The ring of the star gate keeps shrinking, and the reaction becomes more and more violent, but after it shrinks to tens of thousands of meters, the spiral cold light disappears, and the unknown starry sky belonging to the extremely distant place can be seen through the ring.

   The first thing I saw was an extremely dazzling variable star, its light almost occupied most of the unknown starry sky, suppressing the light of other stars.

  The so-called variable star, as the name suggests, is a star that can change its luminosity. There are such stars in the universe, their luminosity is not stable, but will suddenly change their luminosity at a certain moment.

  According to the origin and characteristics of light variation, variable stars are divided into three types, one is pulsating variable star, the second is eruptive variable star, and the third is multi-system variable star.

  The aging star undergoes a supernova explosion and becomes a neutron star or a black hole, which is an explosive variable star. In ancient China, a supernova explosion was observed, which created the famous Crab Nebula. The luminosity of that star increased by more than 100,000 times when the supernova exploded. In the sky at that time, in the night Sometimes there will be two moons. Its luminosity makes it visible even in daylight.

   Judging from the data fed back by the observation instrument of No. 7 in front of you, this is a standard explosive variable star. It's just that its critical point may still take tens of thousands of years to brew, and it won't be as lucky as Lu Yu once, hitting a supernova in a critical state.

"how is this possible?"

   "It took us hundreds of thousands of years to stabilize the three-star system, how could variable stars appear?"

   "The Horn civilization. It seems that there is something wrong with our wormhole transfer site."

   Regarding this, Lu Yu couldn't help but get a reflection coupon for himself. Could it be that he is really the disaster of the universe?

  But you can have accidents with your eighth-level civilization, so you can’t blame me, can you?

  What kind of weapon of causality did the restarter hang on me? ?

  Lu Yu is still thinking about it, but the delta spacecraft communication continues to come: "Will the Jiao civilization go to the transfer station with me? If you need your help, the Huan tribe is willing to give you a satisfactory reward!"

  【There is a small problem with the Samsung system in front of me, and there seems to be something hidden behind it. 】

  【Trigger system task mechanism. 】

  【During the mission, the point reward will be doubled】

  【Please select a task】

  Mission 1: The Glory of Three Stars

  The seemingly chaotic Three-Body Movement contains the mystery of the Grand Unification Theory. Can you understand and apply the Grand Unification Theory on a macro level?

  Observe them and perfect the grand unified theory.

  C-level rewards, based on the degree of perfection of the unified theory, the points will be settled.

  Task 2: Node Destruction

  This is a cosmic node. If you want to develop its function, even a civilization that has mastered space technology will have to work hard. It may contain some secrets of space technology. Can you gain anything from it?

   This seems to be the key to space technology, can you hold this key?

  B-level rewards, based on the degree of perfection of space theory, the points will be settled.

  Mission 3: The story behind

  The node in front of me is collapsing, but it seems that there is something worth exploring hidden behind it.

   Are the things left by one civilization really the treasures of another civilization?

   Witness this story, and you may gain something.

  B-level rewards, the points are settled based on the completeness of the story.

  The system task in front of him popped up, which made Lu Yu happy.

  He was still short of points to restore the Silver Star, and was thinking about where to get some more points.

  However, even the neutron lifeform failed to make the system have tasks to pop up. Instead, the Huanzu in front of us triggered the system tasks?

  Anyway, it’s not a big deal to watch the excitement. Since it can’t hurt itself, but still has a chance to get points, Lu Yu also wondered what happened to make the important transfer station of the eighth-level civilization seem to be destroyed in one go?

   Not only do we get points, but the other party also has to thank us.

   There is no reason to refuse such a good thing.

   There was no rush to choose a mission, Lu Yu just agreed to the delta spaceship's request. The triangular spaceship, already anxious to the extreme, plunged into the star gate first.

   And the moment the triangular spaceship passed through, the entire stargate began to collapse by itself.

   Within an hour, it will disappear into this nebula, and the Silver Star will follow the footsteps of the delta spacecraft into the star gate.

  The process of passing through the star gate was extremely smooth. Although it was not comparable to the space jump, it only took a few hours for them to come to another galaxy.

   According to the Triangle Civilization, the destination is three million light years away from the pulsar, and it is a wormhole transfer station that the Huan tribe spent nearly 800,000 years building.

  With a star thirty times the sun, a neutron star and a white dwarf star, a three-star system can activate the cosmic nodes with a complex and huge gravitational environment.

  This involves the construction of cosmic nodes, which is almost a technology that can only be mastered by a ninth-level civilization.

   But now, the achievements of Huan civilization's hard work seem to be destroyed by unknown forces.

   Even though he was passing through the space channel, Lu Yu could still clearly observe the collapsing Samsung system.

   These three celestial bodies must be attracted by each other's gravitational force, which is the basic condition for the formation of a three-star system.

   Seeing the approaching trajectory of the white dwarf star and neutron star, No. 7 calculated its orbit. The conclusion is that the distance between the two before this... is not more than three million kilometers.

  The close distance of two extreme celestial bodies will allow the neutron star to continuously absorb high-density matter from the white dwarf, and as these matter accumulate, the quality of the neutron star will continue to increase.

  …..a neutron star, when the mass is enough, it can also collapse into a black hole!

   And these are just two celestial bodies in this three-star system, and the initial distance of the massive star is also very close to these two extreme celestial bodies!

  According to the analysis of classical physics and mechanics, this three-star system will inevitably collide together, and finally a massive black hole will be assembled!

  But according to the delta spacecraft, such a distance is deliberately set by the ring family, because only in such a calculated special gravitational environment can the operation of the cosmic nodes be maintained.

   That is to say, this three-star system is already in a delicate balance, and this balance is still maintained by external forces of civilization.

  In the universe, binary star systems and even multi-star systems are very common, but they are all slowly formed during the long evolution process, but the deliberately set three-star system like this is the ultimate manifestation of the grand unified theory.

   Otherwise, the complex and changeable gravitational environment could make the three celestial bodies fall out of control like they are now, and the three are rapidly drawing closer to each other!

  All scientists who are related to astrophysics also gathered together to watch this wonderful phenomenon that has been rarely seen for hundreds of millions of years through virtual reality.

  At this moment, what is shown on the virtual reality display is a very magnificent scene. This small white dwarf is about the size of a sesame seed in front of a huge star, but it has one-tenth the mass of the star. At this moment, it is hitting the star directly in a vertical orbit.

  If the two celestial bodies really collide together, it is certain that a violent event no less than a real supernova explosion will definitely occur at this ring family transfer station.

   But they are Samsung systems!

This white dwarf will pass only one million kilometers away from this massive star, and then rush straight to the distance, and then a neutron star with a greater mass, under their mutual gravitational attraction, and across the stars.

  Among the countless times of shocks and interlacing, a large amount of stellar matter was pulled and thrown away.

  The macroscopic jet stream turns this place into a scorching world. Where is there any trace of civilization?

  If this is really the transfer station of the Huanzu, then they seem to have abandoned this place suddenly, and then let the three celestial bodies that have worked so hard to maintain the balance collide with each other, and then completely destroyed this place.

  In human observation, the star has changed from a standard shape close to a spherical shape to an elliptical shape.

  One end of it began to become sharper and taller, pointing directly at the white dwarfs and neutron stars approaching at high speed on both sides.

  After the distance between the two was shortened a bit, the gravitational force from the white dwarf and neutron star was finally completely stronger than the gravitational force of this star. The Roche limit actually happened on a massive star!

  The stellar matter is no longer sprinkled, but sucked into the white dwarf and neutron star in a spiral shape.

During the falling process, due to the rapid increase in speed, they collided and rubbed each other, and gained a lot of energy, and extremely intense rays began to burst out, entraining a large amount of matter along the poles of the two extreme celestial bodies , was sprayed out, stretching tens of millions of kilometers away.

   What's more frightening is that the two extreme celestial bodies that are constantly devouring the star's matter are also swayed by the star's gravity at the same time. The frequency of their orbiting each other is getting faster and faster, and gradually their orbits begin to show signs of coincidence!

   Collision Appears!

  Three celestial bodies collided together!

  It looks like a giant star devoured the neutron star and white dwarf, but the star is actually the one that was smashed and disintegrated!

In the silent flash in the universe, the gravitational force suddenly increased, and it was suddenly so strong that it pressed the electrons in the atoms of the material into the nucleus, and combined with the protons to become neutrons. However, this material structure is not Not the end.

  With the combination of the neutron star and the white dwarf, the gravitational strength of the neutron star will be further enhanced, until the neutron degeneracy pressure can no longer support its own stable structure.

  At this point, it is inevitable to continue to collapse, and the abyss of the black hole is ahead, but now there is no force that can stop it from sliding down.

  The massive star even contributed to the flames, and its continuous supply of matter made the collision point finally cross the critical value!

   There is no longer any force that can fight against its own gravity. No matter how much matter there is, it will eventually reduce the volume to an infinitesimal size, but within the boundary of the event horizon, the gravitational force is infinite.

  This black hole, with a neutron star as its body, began to crazily devour the mass of stars and white dwarfs as soon as it appeared.

  The speed at which a black hole devours matter is not infinite, and this speed is related to the mass of the black hole.

  Obviously, with the mass of this nascent black hole, there is no way for it to devour the matter of these two celestial bodies in a very short time.

But its strong gravitational force will pull these substances close to itself at a very high speed, and then rotate around itself. During the rotation, these massive substances collide with each other, and some substances will gain enough energy to travel Touching the two poles of the black hole, escape from this gravitational field, forming a jet.

  The strong energy explosion continued, completely submerging the transfer station of the Huanzu.

  Stargate is still a step behind!

  When the Silver Star flew out of the space channel, a planet in front of it was collapsing!

  It used to be a planet in this three-star system, but its stratigraphic structure was affected by the gravity of the black hole, and its plate structure immediately broke under the huge force, like a broken mirror.

  Breaked plates imply strong geological activity. On this planet, there are countless cracks, each of which is at least hundreds of kilometers long and tens of kilometers deep. The sky is falling apart and the earth is turned upside down. The high mountains were directly flattened, and on the plains, countless peaks rose abruptly. These peaks even rose into the air, breaking free from the planet's gravity.

  If the blue star is captured by the gravity of the black hole at this distance, then its fate will not be better than this planet.

  Those planetary substances rushed into the torrent of matter, and then continued to accelerate with the jet flow, and then turned into a nebula that spread hundreds of light years.

  This is a scene of the evolution of celestial bodies in the universe, and it also demonstrates the most magnificent and purest aesthetics of extreme celestial bodies.

  This spectacular scene made all human scientists stunned in virtual reality for a long time.

  But someone must have been indifferent to this scene. The triangular spaceship plunged into the diffuse jet as if helpless, and then retreated helplessly, like a dog that lost its home.

  (end of this chapter)

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