MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 200 servant

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  Chapter 200 Servant

  The process of passing through the door of space is ordinary, just like the feeling of passing through a door, but the two ends of the door are separated by an unknown number of light-years.

   As the experiencer, Lu Yu's first impression was that it looked like a random door brought out by a certain blue fat cat!

  Space technology has developed to a certain extent, and when it is reflected in reality, it can indeed reproduce the items in fantasy.

  And human beings are still pure laymen now, and the delta spaceships that have seen a little bit of knowledge have stopped sending messages to the Silver Star.

  After passing through the gate of space, as if he had been hit by a silence spell, he followed the Silver Star and flew towards that planet without saying a word.

  The speed of the two spacecraft quickly reached the orbit of the planet, and the images observed by the optical instruments were no different from before.

  In fact, if there is no system prompt, let Lu Yu know the progress of the task.

  He may not be sure whether the planet in front of him is the projection of a ninth-level civilization simulated by some kind of technology.

   But at this point, Lu Yu didn't hesitate any more, and directly let the Silver Star pass through the atmosphere.

  If it is an ordinary spacecraft, you must pay more or less attention to the speed when passing through the atmosphere.

  Because the material of the spacecraft restricts their speed when they rush into the atmosphere, because the faster the speed, the greater the heat generated by friction, which is why the small meteorites are directly disappearing into the atmosphere.

  But both the Silver Star and the triangular spaceship ignored this point. They didn't mean to control the speed at all, and let the planet's surface fall directly.

   Such unscrupulousness is thanks to the outer armor that makes up the two spaceships. Otherwise, it would be difficult for ordinary spaceships with poor materials to be so arrogant.

  A major tragedy in the history of human spaceflight—the Columbia incident.

  The 100-ton space shuttle began to land with its head up 40° and entered the earth's atmosphere. During the landing, the space shuttle was traveling at 27,000 kilometers per hour. The high-speed landing caused severe friction between the plane and the air, and directly caused the temperature of the wings to soar to 1400 degrees.

  Because of the lack of heat shield, the space shuttle could not withstand the high temperature. It exploded after reaching the critical point of temperature, and all 7 crew members were killed. The explosion point was 60 kilometers away from the ground, and a large number of debris formed after disintegration caused many accidents on the ground.

  A civilization with a high degree of material science is not as easy as the Silver Star, but it is still completely fine to break through the atmosphere with a single machine.

  Because the atmosphere has such characteristics, in the aerospace engineering of the early civilization, a large number of cargo spacecraft or space stations that have reached the end of their service life were destroyed by falling into the atmosphere.

  The cargo spacecraft is the main tool carried by the rockets that were launched frequently before Lu Yu left the earth

In the early days of manned spaceflight, the flight time of the spacecraft was not very long, maybe only a few days. The water, food and other materials carried in the manned spacecraft could meet the needs of astronauts for short-term spaceflight, and they were not needed at this time. cargo ship.

Later, with the appearance of the space station, the time spent by astronauts flying in outer space has increased significantly. From the first one or two days, a few days, to several months or even half a year, or one year, the materials carried by the manned spacecraft cannot be used. To meet the needs of astronauts living for such a long time, it is necessary to have a special spacecraft to transport supplies to resupply the astronauts.

  In addition, the flight orbits of these space stations are not very high, and they will still be affected by air resistance, so the orbits of the space stations will continue to decline. If the orbits are not adjusted, they will soon fall into the earth's atmosphere and burn up.

In order to meet the needs of astronauts for long-term space flight and to allow the space station to maintain a higher flight orbit, cargo spacecraft will be launched according to the actual situation, and food, water, fuel, extravehicular space suits, scientific instruments, etc. will be sent to the space station. materials to ensure the normal operation of the space station.

  For example, the replenishment of the International Space Station is mainly supplied by spacecraft such as Dong’s Progress spacecraft, while my country’s space station is supplied by the Tianzhou series of cargo spacecraft.

  Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft was the second type of cargo spacecraft in China at that time. The total weight of the entire cargo spacecraft reached 13.5 tons, the maximum cargo capacity reached 6.9 tons, and the time in orbit was no less than 1 year.

  The recycling cost of this type of spacecraft is far greater than the manufacturing cost. From the moment of launch, the materials used to make it are not considered recyclable.

   And the spacecraft is indeed equipped with a lot of cutting-edge technology, it is impossible to allow it to be intercepted by other countries.

  The most trouble-free way to destroy it in low-earth orbit is to let it fall into the atmosphere!

  So Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft has completed all the scheduled tasks, evacuated from the core module assembly of the space station, and will then re-enter the Blue Star atmosphere under ground control and burn up in the atmosphere.

  Looking up at the starry sky at night, the meteors you see may not be meteoroids protruding from the atmosphere, or they may be the crystallization of human technology.

   But these have become a thing of the past. Now humans are already building space elevators, and a large number of spaceships that can be used repeatedly are no longer disposable items.

  Between the earth-moon system, the track like a meteor in the past is the flash of a high-power engine.

   It can be said that the spectacular meteor shower can be seen every night on the blue star!

  The calm lake is like a mirror reflecting the pure blue sky.

And when the two spaceships descended from the sky at high speed one after the other, when they were about to hit the water directly, the terrible inertia seemed to be wiped out directly. , magically stopped the car.

  Switch from high speed to quiet suspension in an instant.

  The delta spaceship following the water drop spaceship also appeared in this show-off technique.

  Even star-level civilizations will be surprised when they see it. When the two spaceships are suspended on the water surface, they don’t even cause the slightest waves on the water surface, which makes the two spaceships look like phantoms on the water surface.

   Just like that, the Silver Star and the delta spacecraft landed on this planet.

   "The gravity is 1.16 times that of Blue Star, and the atmospheric pressure is 1.27 times."

   "The volume fraction of various gases in air is as follows: Nitrogen 68.08%; Oxygen 23.95%; Argon 0.83%"

   Overall, the environment of this planet is very suitable for human survival.

   But Lu Yu looked at the sky through the image in virtual reality.

  White dwarfs have the brightness of the sun, but because of their small size, there are only white dots in the pure blue sky, and there are no traces of small neutron stars.

  A suitable planet for life is in such an extreme environment. As a Chinese, Lu Yu can't help feeling a little sorry. Wouldn't it be great if it could be used by humans for farming?

   You don’t even need to modify the atmosphere, you can get started directly!

   Such thoughts flashed quickly, and Lu Yu began to pay attention to another data.

   It stands to reason that in such an extreme environment, this planet has long been torn apart by gravity, but in fact it is intact in front of our eyes. Judging from the images captured by optics, all kinds of intelligent life forms live comfortably in it.

   This probably uses a space technology similar to the folding space atmosphere?

   It’s just that one is camouflage, and the other is protection against extreme environments.

  It's a pity that human beings are still too far away from space technology, occupying the folding space for so long in vain, but still haven't been able to produce any results.

   After confirming that it was a space technology that humans could not understand, Lu Yu simply gave up his attention in this regard.

  Looking back at the lake that landed, it is surrounded by mountains, trees are overgrown by the lake, and birds are constantly hovering in the sky.

  From a human point of view, this is a good scenic spot.

  【The Horn civilization, this should be an important base of an unknown civilization, right? 】

  【The planet is full of space orbits, and there are nodes buried in high dimensions...】

  【The space technology of your civilization is excellent, and you must find more things than us. 】

  I know a ghost!

  As a false advanced civilization, he can only see the scenery of great mountains and rivers, where can he find any space trajectory?

  So I can only continue to pretend to be a master without saying a word, and I don’t answer the delta spaceship. I just start to move the Silver Star and fly towards the lake.

  The speed quickly exceeded the speed of sound, and after a circle of air burst on the surface of the lake, this caused the lake to sway.

  In such an excellent environment, there is naturally no shortage of intelligent life forms.

  The arrival of the two spaceships naturally aroused the gaze of many intelligent races, and the triangular spaceship that was supposed to follow the Silver Star suddenly came to an abrupt stop.

   stopped on the shore of the lake, suspended above a group of amphibious intelligent life forms.

   It can be seen that these amphibious intelligent life forms are very similar to the platypus on the blue star. One of them was frightened by the sudden appearance of the triangular spaceship and hid in the water. Some bold individuals are looking up at this unknown visitor carefully.

  The Silver Star quickly turned back and was suspended at the same altitude as the triangular spaceship.

   "Is there any problem with the intelligent life forms of this race?"

   Lu Yu asked No. 7 with some doubts: "I remember that the main intelligent race of the Huan Clan is also an amphibious life, right? Can't it just be emotional?"

   Before No. 7 could analyze the result, the delta spaceship sent the answer.

  【Corner civilization... The gene sequence of the race below matches an important data in our civilization database. 】

  【That is the data left behind when members of our civilization completely recorded their genetic information for the first time】

  【The intelligent life form below... Theoretically, it is the Huanzu, the original Huanzu! 】

   This truth made Lu Yu stunned, and then suddenly thought of the strange request of the unknown civilization on the Guangqiao!

   At the beginning, it is convenient to invite your own intelligent life forms to meet!

  Many human experts originally analyzed it as some kind of civilized habit, but now they see that they want to scan and record the genetic information of the living body as soon as they meet, and then reproduce it here?

   With this idea, Lu Yu asked No. 7 to quickly match the effects observed in the past few days.

   It is known that this unknown civilization also attacked a planet-level civilization and a star-level civilization before destroying the ring civilization.

  Lu Yu collected the appearances of the two races from the residual influence of these two civilizations.

   Following this targeted match, Lu Yu soon discovered that there were actually two intelligent races on this planet that matched them!

   This leads to a very interesting conclusion!

  This unknown civilization actually reproduced the members of the civilization that it destroyed, and then imprisoned it on this strange religious planet? ?

  This can no longer be described by performance art!

  Evaluated from a human point of view, this unknown civilization can be called a pervert.

  The triangular spaceship may have also discovered the truth, but Lu Yu obviously did not feel the same about the evil taste of unknown civilizations.

  Just like human beings eat beef, if aliens who look like cows come to Blue Star in the future, will they be indignant at these creatures that are only genetically similar and similar in appearance?

   In the end, civilizations are different, ways of thinking are different, the universe is so big, full of strange things, and everything is there.

  After discovering this, Lu Yu no longer had any interest in continuing to visit this planet. a farm.

  It’s just a farm with a level 9 civilization.

  【The story behind it +1%】

  The system prompt that popped up seemed to convince Lu Yu of the answer even more.

Without continuing to stay, Lu Yu let the Silver Star fly towards a magnificent building facing the lake, and it was built on the top of a mountain, and the mountain was flattened as a foundation, and a building with a height of 300 meters should not be built on a high mountain. That's right.

  It is like a tower, a tower that pierces the sky, and the surrounding mountains are in such an architectural style.

   Lu Yu didn't bother to pay attention to the experts. He directly let the Silver Star come to the most magnificent tower.

  Get the story of the unknown civilization, collect the points for repairing the Silver Star as soon as possible, his purpose is so simple and pure.

And when the Silver Star floated in front of this majestic tower, the huge main building slowly unfolded, extending to both sides like a piece of cloth, then, the cloth slowly stretched out, and finally flattened completely, and just Between this stretch and contraction, the mountain peak supporting the tower has disappeared.

All of this is like magic, as if a clever magician wrapped a basketball with a piece of cloth, then shook the cloth, and then unfolded it, so the basketball disappeared. I don't know where I went.

   Not just the tower in front of you, but all the towers on the mountain peaks surrounding the lake unfold in an instant.

  The Silver Star and all the substances in the entire lake were wrapped in it. At this moment, they were like foam in marbles.

  【Unknown civilization, activated a space node! 】

  【What does this mean, can you finally help yourself? 】

  【Corner Civilization, you don’t need to worry about us, if you destroy this base after evacuating, it’s considered as…】

  Before the triangular spaceship that served as an explanation of the situation came, a large group of extremely vague things emerged from the space that had become wonderful.

  Unfamiliar civilization, please excuse me.

   Now standing before you is a servant.

  A master who serves everything in the universe, the eternal master of time, the servant of the restarter who controls the promotion of all civilizations...

  (end of this chapter)

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