MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 122, fight

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The crowd gathered here, more or less looking at the front with fear. ...,

The distant horizon has a thick black cloud, where there is a red light spot, the eyes of dark creatures, in the darkness, as if it is a lamp, it looks very eye-catching.

At this moment, there is a voice in everyone's heart - the dark forces, to attack [Tianyuan City]!

"All the city is on guard!" I don't know when, [Pudaozhai] now the knife master Bingyu Rong has come to the city gate, and shouted, his face is extremely heavy.

Thousands of female swordsmen who were [drawing a knife] stood behind her with respect and respect, including the woman who saw three elders during the day.

The dark clouds are getting closer and closer, and the eyes of the crowd are 'attracted' by the dark army in the distance. Their eyes can already see the dark creatures that are flashing with bright red bloodthirsty and unusually moving.

Endless dark creatures, flying in the sky, wherever the clouds are scattered, the air becomes stagnant and oppressive.

These dark creatures are surrounded by black mist, like the evil spirits crawling out of the abyss. They are fierce, fierce, and embarrassing. Their eyes are bright red. If they are watered by blood, they will make a low noise from time to time, and they will be like a beast in a crouching. They must be swooped at any time, so that the first time they saw these dark creatures, their faces were white and their hands and feet trembled.

However, those who can stand here are all determined to be convinced, although some are scared, but after a few quick breaths, they quickly recover and prepare for everything.

"There are so many terrible energy fluctuations, these guys are in awesome, but even if this is the case, I will not let you destroy the place where I will raise me, even if I put my life on it!"

"Yes, the old [Pudao Zhai] has great kindness to me. Nowadays [Tianyuan City] is difficult, it is when I repay, I try my best to kill these monsters!"

"Hey, now I just try my new practice [Magnetic Boxing], monsters, become my sharpening stone, you will be my stepping stone to achieve the hegemony, famous world!"


The warriors standing on the wall of the city, each with a solemn expression, who are guarding the [Tianyuan City], and those who want to make a name for it, have different goals...

Some of the old, weak, sick, and disabled people who stayed in the city, just heard the dark forces attacking them, all of them were pale and white, hiding in the corner and shivering, while others were lying on the ground, and they were whispering in their mouths. Pray for God...

Time has gradually passed.

The atmosphere has become extremely tense!

At the same time, the dark army is getting closer.

In just a few minutes, let these people live as long as thousands of years.

Finally, the dark army came to [Tianyuan City].

But at this moment, the people of Tianyuan City are all looking awkward, even those who thought they could hone their own warriors, even the ice-speaking singer who is even the knife master, are so incomparable, and their bodies and minds are fierce.

When the dark army completely fell into their eyes, they discovered that the number of the other party had reached hundreds of thousands, the black pressure, and there were still a few breaths in the forefront. It is the strongest of the eternal realm.

In addition to these dark creatures, there are tens of thousands of Yu people, most of whom are in the realm of God, and some of them are cultivated to reach the real fairy.

"It’s terrible!" The crowd’s heart trembled, and the illusion of their imagination just now disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When they really faced this dark force, they knew what a terrible thing.

The other party’s enormous power, coupled with the eternal realm of the eternal realm, is more than one or two, but more than five, only how close to 100,000 fighting power [Tianyuan City] can withstand, still Not fighting, their hearts have cooled a lot, and the body does not tremble.

They understand very well that this terrible force, simply by the strength of their city, can't resist it, only the fate that was swallowed up.

"The number of enemies is so much, and there is the existence of eternal realm!" Bing Rong Mei gaze gaze forward, her heart trembles, her face is even pale, but she is also the leader of the knife and the leader here. When I knew that it was not a panic, I quickly calmed down and immediately told me: "I will immediately communicate to [White Suit], ask for support, fast..."

"Oh... yes, yes!" A female knifeman beside her, took a piece of fire from the storage bag, but there was a thin line underneath.

Pulling the line, the thing in the hands of the female knifeman, like an arrow, instantly came out of the hand, and a burst of fire in the void, directly to the rear.

Feeling the more flustered people around, Bingyu Rong knows what he should say at this time: "There are many other parties. As long as we support the arrival of the reinforcements, we will survive. Now our main goal is to delay. Go on..."

Bingyu Rong understood her situation on this side and decided quickly, but when she said this, the changes in the scene made her eclipse.

I saw it on the side of the dark army. When I saw the fire, the dark figure in the forefront was a wave of hands, and a dark energy, like a crystal, broke out from his hand.

The dark energy transforms in the void, as if it were tentacle-like, splitting hundreds of strands and directing every corner of Tianyuan City.

Between the shackles, the entire city is wrapped inside.

[Tianyuan City] At this moment, it is like being surrounded by a huge bird cage!

Dark array!

It is a dark array!

At the same time, it penetrated the void and the fire that went straight away seemed to be caught by an invisible hand. It stopped in the void. After the dark power in the center made a sneer, the fire slammed into a powder. The wind is drifting.

Communication was cut off by the dark array!

This also means that even if [White Clothes] reacts, the reinforcements will not arrive for the time being!

This situation makes all the warriors of [Tianyuan City] horrified, like a dead gray, as if the next day is coming to see the end of the day...

The dark army is here.

There are a total of five people here, to achieve the eternal realm, one of them even reaches the eternal middle.

This time, I want to take away the Tianyuan City by destroying it, or else I will not send so many top powers.

The head of the man named Si Yongyong was the leader who led the dark army.

He is eight feet tall and has a very strong body. His eyes are open and stunned. He is flashing with fierceness. He is naked and naked, and a necklace made of human fingers is hanging from his neck. It is pure and flawless, full of explosiveness. There is a huge white bone axe behind the power. The whole person, like the **** of war, is a fierce existence that cannot be easily provoked.

Si Yiyong looked coldly at the bottom, as if he was telling something that was not worth mentioning. The voice was indifferent: "There is a force called [Pudao Zhai], and the four of you went together to quickly win the city. Waiting for us to go to other places, now our actions are too many others, and we need to seize a lot of power as soon as possible. Otherwise, when Ding Hao adults come to this land, we will all suffer..."

"Know!" The four people behind him heard the words, and at the same time they all shrank their heads. They seemed to think of something terrible. They nodded, and they showed their gaze, and they looked down.

At the same time, the four men stepped out of the footsteps and pointed to [Tianyuan City]. The figure was like electricity, the ghosts were abnormal, and there was a gust of wind, and the whistling was not so fast. The speed was extremely fast, and people could not capture it at all.

At this time, those dark creatures, roaring out, like a black waterfall, poured down and rushed to [Tianyuan City].

Including those of the Yu people, under the direction of Si Yiyong's eyes, keep up.

"Array method!" Bingyu Rong saw this, immediately ordered the people in the city to carry out the moat.

The power of a tyrannical ban, suddenly filled with openness, a huge beam of light rising from the sky, intertwined, connected, sketching a strange figure, but also connected into a powerful array.

On the side of the dark army, the first person saw this sneer, and when the arm trembled, a fierce dark force erupted, and the momentum was pressing, and the black light lingered, forming a dark dragon in the void, screaming and clawing.

The magic dragon went straight to the battle, a strong vibration, and the dazzling light hit the human eye.

"Breaking!" The man spit out a word, the same as the law of the day, the seemingly powerful moat in the blink of an eye, like a confetti, was scratched by the dragon, and even the rest was not enough, straightforward [Tianyuan City].

But in the next moment, a knife shot!

It is the ice language Rong who is the master of the knife!

I saw her hand pointing straight into the sky, Yu Rong is full of frost.

The formation method was broken, although it was expected, but so quickly, it really surprised the people of Tianyuan City, including Bingyu Rong!

Knife light said that it was too late, and had hit the dragon.

The sorrowful screams, such as the ignited fireworks, burst into a dazzling light in the sky.

The dark army went on its way, and the first person was speeding up, and there was no change in his appearance, like a meteor, falling straight down.

"Chong!" Bingyu Rong sees this, the pupil is condensed, dare not stop, immediately screamed, and the female knifeman behind the [Pudaozhai], and many scattered repairs, all rushed to the sky.

Even if you know that the other side is very powerful, even if they are very likely to fall, but they need to wait in the same place to die, it is something that can't be done, even if it is dead, it will be worthwhile to die.

Therefore, many warriors are worried about their own feelings. They seem to have been born and died, and desperately rushed to the clouds to meet each other.


Before reaching the enemy side, Bingyu Rong took the lead and waved, and a dazzling light flashed out, forming a three-meter-long giant knife, holding a handle, and a sharp knife rushed into the air. It is very different from her temperament, but it is so eye-catching.

A horrible drink spit out from her mouth, and suddenly a terrible killing came. The giant knife in her hand, the arrogance of the tyrant, spit out, very terrible.

The giant knife is like a mad dragon, and it is straight to the forefront of an eternal realm.


The body has recovered a little and will resume normal updates tomorrow. I will work **** multiple codewords and strive for more every day. Thank you for your support.

Read The Duke's Passion