MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 4, strong Ding Hao

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The reason for the fusion of memory allowed him to accept everything in this body without any sudden abruptness.

"Do not worry, I will, help you... No, help us, get my sister back."

Ding Hao clenched his fist and swears in his heart.

When the vows came out, the sadness and thoughts in my heart finally dispersed slowly.

The last subconscious of the former owner of this body disappeared.

From then on, there is only one Ding Hao that has passed through in this world.

I made a dinner indiscriminately and filled my stomach. Ding Hao started the next plan.

Want to find his sister Ding Keer, he must improve his strength.

In this world, there is no future for the meditation. Only by asking the sword sect, can we use the resources and experience of the sects to systematically cultivate the martial arts martial arts, and want to pass the test to formally ask the sect, the most important problem at present. It is to solve the shortcomings of this body's strength and weakness.

Therefore, he needs to go to a very dangerous place.

Collect an extremely precious herb.

I found some strong ropes in the house, then rolled up a few sheets and tied them into a rope. I felt that the length was almost the same. Ding Hao nodded, and put all the ropes up, kneeling on the left shoulder, and rusting the handle. The traced iron sword was behind him, pushed open the door and strode out.


At this point, the night is deep.

In the sky, the moon is full of stars, and a piece of silver yarn is sprinkled on the ground, revealing the cool beauty in the lonely.

Ding Hao looked at the direction and rushed toward the edge of the **** cliff.

In the twinkling of an eye, under the moonlight, the sturdy stone forest and the cliffs of the suffocating suffocation are already faint.

Today, it is less than fifteen days to ask for the sect of the Jianzong.

For Ding Hao, every minute is invaluable.

He must hurry to strengthen his strength.

However, there are people who, at this time, come to bother him -

"Hey, isn't this the Ding Hao who has the reputation of [Sword of the Sword]? How? Is it so hurried, do you have to go to the garbage dump to dig pig food?"

A harsh sarcasm sounded.

Under the clear moonlight, the four, five, and fourteen-year-old teenagers came out of the thorny stone forest with bad looks, and they blocked Ding Hao's way.

The past Ding Hao, because he was too stupid and stubborn, often did some stupid things, and was ridiculed by some good deeds as a ridiculous nickname, called [Sword of the Sword], meaning to ask the first day of the sword on the mountain. pig.

And these four or five teenagers, leisurely on weekdays, looking for trouble in the slums, often to bully Ding Hao.

Especially the black boy who is the leader.

His name is Zhao Xingcheng, and he is 13 years old. He is also a member of this slum.

Unlike Ding Hao, Zhao Xingcheng’s parents are alive and well, and they don’t have to work hard to support themselves. They are quite a bit of martial arts qualifications. Last year, they participated in the examination of Jianzong’s ancestors, and they passed it a little bit. Now they have been suffering for a year. Looking at the bottom of the day, it is not a problem to ask the swordsman this year.

Moreover, it is said that he was lucky enough to get to know a younger disciple who asked Jian Zong to get a set of exercises. He has a good practice and is arrogant. He is very savvy at a young age, and he is arrogant in the back hill slums. People dare to provoke.

If Ding Hao saw these people in the past, he would definitely circumvent it. If he was to open it, he would only be convinced that he would be unlucky, and he would definitely stop and let him fight.

But at this time, the same body is not the same soul.

Ding Hao saw that several people were directly made into the air, and they did not look at it.

At the foot of Ding Hao, he speeded up and ran wildly, bypassing five people and continuing to run toward the garbage cliff.

Zhao Xingcheng stunned, his face changed, and suddenly there was a hint of haze.

He thought that he was the leader of the teenagers in the slums. He used to be a blessing, but he did not expect that this idiot who was so scared that he could not even tell the words on weekdays, today became so bold, actually If you don’t give yourself a face, you won’t dare to go down and make a laugh. Instead, you will ignore yourself. It’s really unforgivable.

Zhao Xingcheng made a look.

The two teenagers around me screamed and rushed out, pulling Ding Hao from behind.

One of the black and strong teenagers, even more unwillingly kicked out from behind, kicked Ding Hao's leg.


Ding Hao looked cold and had roots under his feet and his shoulders swayed.

This is the figure of the "cloud" in the basic swordsmanship.

Ding Hao almost made it subconsciously.



I expected that the scene of playing Ding Hao’s rolling gourd did not appear. The two figures were more screaming than Ding Hao’s many youngsters. I still didn’t understand what happened. I only felt a huge force coming from, the arm drama. Pain, I fell out like a gourd.

Especially the black-footed boy, who fell even worse, squatting on the ground like a dead pig, can't get up.

This unexpected scene made everyone dumbfounded.

"Little hybrid, you are looking for death, even dare to hit people?" Zhao Xingcheng after a slight glimpse, suddenly felt a big loss, screaming in anger.

He was sullen and his feet slammed on the ground, screaming, and the figure smashed out like a cheetah. The backhand pulled out the long sword at the waist, and shook his hand, turning it into a cold man, toward Ding Hao. The arm is stabbed.

His sword is exactly what he learned from a newly-recognized disciple who asked Jian Jian, called "Viper Snake."

The trick is very incomparable, and the long sword is like a poisonous snake spray venom hunting, and there is no return, and the sizzling is abnormal.

Even if he made a reservation, regardless of his life and death, he would give a **** hole in Ding Hao’s body and take a good breath.

Anyway, Ding Hao is just an orphan who is no one to control, and he should die if he dies.

Just because I don’t agree with one word, I’m going to take this poisonous hand. It’s really heart-wrenching.

The other teenagers saw Zhao Xingcheng's shot and cheered loudly.

This sword does have some skill, which makes people feel cold.

Everyone seems to have seen the picture of Ding Hao’s tumbling for mercy...


Hey! ! !

I saw Ding Hao did not turn around, connected the three red mans but burst from his hands, and then the sound of the long sword hit the staggered sound.

Zhao Xingcheng still didn't understand what happened. He only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and then the palm of his hand was burning, the hilt was connected to the giant earthquake, the five fingers were sour, and the long sword could no longer hold, and flew out.

The next moment, a rusty iron sword, resisted Zhao Xingcheng's throat.

The cold touch, like the tentacles of the **** of death, caught his heart and made his body sweat like a nightmare.

The hilt of the rust sword is held in the hand of Ding Hao.

"If you provoke me again, you will kill you." Ding Hao said one word at a time.


On the list of new books, the brothers helped me, and we pointed to the sword.

As long as the new book is first placed today, the three knives ordered today, the knife will explode two more, and everyone will be burned.

A new blood journey begins, let us burn together!