MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 9, is he a enchanting?

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Ding Hao eyebrows jumped wildly.

This moment, a very dangerous feeling, is hard to contain in his heart.

"Well? That red glimmer, is the so-called mysterious?"

"According to the memory of fusion, the human warriors of this world can master a supernatural force called Xuanqi, and use the mysterious spirit to consolidate the twelve meridians and one hundred and eight acupoints in the body as a cultivation method..."

"The red glimmer that just appeared on this man's body is the embodiment of Xuanli? However, this Song Jiannan's strength is general, I am afraid that even a martial arts scene has not arrived, the red light can only last for a moment, not enough. ”

Ding Hao thought sharply and judged the strength between each other.

"Little chop, today, I want you to die." Song Jiannan eyes, killing a big man.

He was like an emperor on the top, but he did not expect that in the slums, there was such a terrible freak hidden in it. Obviously, he did not cultivate any mysterious power, and even did not stimulate the mysterious seeds, but only by ** With strength, he flew a fist to the martial arts.

It is simply a shame.


"Small miscellaneous, let you die under the real sword." Song Jiannan Yin Yin smiled, killing the plane and shooting.

The voice did not fall, he pointed a sword, pinched out the sword, and made a starting hand.

At this moment, Song Jiannan's momentum of the whole person suddenly produced a huge change. An indescribable momentum spread slowly around him, and he could not help but create a kind of psychological pressure.

"Well? This is... good, interesting."

After Ding Hao slightly frowned, he suddenly smiled.

He took the opportunity to seize the rusted sword hilt, imitating Song Jiannan's moves, and the long sword was cited, making the same starting style.

An indescribable breath, also slowly spread out from Ding Hao's body, filled the air.

It is clear that he is imitating Song Jiannan, but the feeling for others, whether it is moves, swords, or momentum, Ding Hao is more than a few times better than Song Jiannan, as if on this hand, has been immersed for decades In the same way, the essence of the move will be revealed.

"Idiot, do you think that you can learn the sword by the cat? Haha, delusion, little chop, die for me!"

call out--!

The long sword was shocked, and the cold light was overflowing. Song Jiannan suddenly made a move.

His sword method, called "Cross-Fast Sword", is one of the low-level swordsmanship of the human rank.

The swordsmanship is unfolded, like a blast of wind and lightning, and it is lightning-fast. It is said that it can be practiced in the realm of Dacheng. It is possible to slash a piece of leaves into a neat and even ten-parts at a time, splashing water and not dripping.

"It's good."

Ding Haoxing recovered and became bright.

The rusted sword in his hand was shocked and suddenly pierced, and the moves were exactly the same as Song Jiannan.

Hey -!

Mars is shining.

The long sword and the rusted sword slammed together.

Every time Song Jiannan made a move, Ding Hao will make the same move in the next moment.

This kind of scene is so strange that it is extremely extreme. It is like a person practicing a sword in the mirror. The left and right figures are not the same.

Because of the cave's adventures and the metamorphosis of the powerful force, it can support the rust sword in Ding Hao's hands. Even if Song Jiannan's long sword has the bonus of Xuanqi strength, it will not fall into the wind when it hits.

In a twinkling of an eye, the two have already made dozens of moves.

In the small courtyard of the fence, the sword is swaying, the sword light suddenly disappears, and the metal screams.

Ten minutes later.

Song Jiannan’s face finally began to change.

"This is impossible! What is going on in the end? This little chop, how can he also [Cross Sword]? This is only the name of the disciple who asked Jian Jian, is qualified to master the sword, and, is he a beginner? How can you be so skilled in this set of swordsmanship, even... still above me?"

Song Jiannan is like a swallowed mouse, the more he is beaten, the more he is scared.

Ding Hao’s mastery of [Cross Sword] has become more and more familiar with the passage of time.

If the first time, Song Jiannan and Ding Haoping can be divided into autumn, then when the two people display the second time [Cross Sword], Ding Hao is far beyond the control of the skill level. Song Jiannan more than doubled, Jianguang is getting faster and faster, the sword is getting more and more sick, Song Jiannan has gradually been unable to keep up.

at last--


A crackling sound.

When the two swords intersect, Song Jiannan only feels a huge shock in his hand, his wrist is sour, and the long sword in his hand can no longer hold it.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Ding Hao did not stop, a backhand sword.

The rusted sword ridge was pumped three times in a row before Song Jiannan had not reacted.


This arrogant question asked Jianzong to be a disciple, the blood in his mouth splashed, and the whole person was drawn out like a rag.

Seeing such an amazing scene, Zhao Xingcheng and others watching the battle, watching the dead souls, such as being thundered, chilling.

"Oh... you dare to..."

Song Jiannan was so frustrated that he fell heavily on the ground, his face flushed, and he couldn’t help but spurt a blood in his mouth. He was so angry that he had to climb up and wanted to say a few words...

However, when he saw Ding Haojian's momentum, the moment a sword swung, it instantly smashed a piece of fallen leaves into neat pieces. It was like a duck that was caught in the neck, and his heart was shocked and inexplicable. said.

Ding Hao did not stop here.

He is immersed in the world of swords and continues to evolve the sword.

Soon, the whole person entered the state of the mysterious and mysterious Wujian.

The rust sword changed in his hands, like a group of red-red light, rolling around the body, suddenly disappeared, the sword wind whistling, cutting the air, it is amazing.

This is Ding Hao's third exhibition [Cross Sword].

But the Jianguang has reached the point where the naked eye is indistinguishable, like a red dragonfly, fascinated by Ding Hao's body. At the end, even the sound of the blade's broken air has been inaudible, leaving only a fascinating sword light.

This is the highest state of the "Cross-Sword" - the leaves are ten, and the drip does not enter.

This scene makes Song Jiannan lose his soul, just like seeing a ghost.

[Cross Sword] This is his proud sword.

Since entering Jianwen, he has been practicing hard for more than a year. Xuanqiu has not entered the country very much. However, this set of swordsmanship has reached the realm of entering the room. He tried to rely on this set of swordsmanship and raise his eyebrows. I took the word "name" on my head and became a formal foreigner.

Who knows that this ordinary boy in front of him is only the third time, and he is in the realm of Dacheng. Is he a enchanting person?

This kind of blow has made Song Jiannan resentful.

Hey -!

The red sword light instantly converges, and Ding Hao finally sets the sword.

He was hot and steaming with white steam. His body was as straight as a javelin. Although it was a ragged clothes, it seemed to emit an unsightly light.


Second more.

Seeking collections, seeking red tickets, seeking clicks, their various, today hit the first list of new books, at least five chapters updated, everyone burned.

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