MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 96, Ding Hao appeared

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Boom, bomb, bomb, bomb...

Dark creatures, powerful dark creatures, boundless, flying in ten miles, rushing toward the imperial city. Say,

The mighty dark army, the power of darkness, permeates the sky.

The black gas continued to tumbling, as if there were giant beasts there, and there was a burst of black waves and waves, which greatly swallowed the trend of the imperial city!

At the same time, [Yi] has an action here too -

"Open the city gate!" I saw a slap in the hands of Yan Heng, a few ordinary soldiers, pulling the chain of the city gate, rotating back and forth.

"Chong, you can't let those monsters step into the Imperial City!"

"Without the inferior creatures of reason, how can I wait for the enemy of the soldiers, rush, kill him!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

As soon as the gate opened, the footsteps and the hooves rang, such as thunder and roar.

A row of iron riders, a branch of soldiers, a famous general, such as the tiger and lion rushed out of the imperial city at the same time, fierce and erect erected hundreds of meters away, like a tiger wolf crouching there, ready to rush to kill.

Hunting in the wind, the flag is floating in the army, and the flag is engraved with a line of conspicuous characters - the land of the Yi people, it is inviolable!

The eight characters, as if they were branded with blood, are extremely eye-catching, as if the purpose of the heavens, indicating that [禹界] is a place where no force can be touched!

Seeing the momentum of the [Yi], Ding Hao also learned from the side that these [Yi] people are not easily convinced, but a group of fierce and extremely united people.

Xing Wei, who is the head of the same family, can't help but feel that the [Yi people] will be stronger than the [Xiangyang] is not unreasonable!

As time passed, the atmosphere became more and more tense.

The sound of marching marches, such as the raging waves, is endless.

With the advent of the dark army, the scene of the [Yi] army, the scene is even more arrogant, the war will start at any time.

Both sides are like a wolf, and the eyes are bloodthirsty, and the war is endless.

The fierce atmosphere formed in the invisible, oppressing the void, went straight to the nine.

The heavens are shaking, the world is turbulent!

One is the aggressor and the other is the warrior who defends the home!

A terrifying battle is about to start!



Both sides, after a command, as the big stone fell to the lake, the scene is no longer calm!

The sound of rushing continues, and even the heavens are trembled.

Darkness and [Yi], two huge forces swarmed and instantly collided together!

A **** and fierce battle broke out in an instant!

In an instant, killing the sound!

There are countless swords and axe, and even the smashing belts collide with each other. The sound of metal collisions is like a firecracker, and a wave is higher than a wave!

The blood of the earth was red and the whole earth was dyed.

Both sides are red-eyed, face-to-face, shouting loudly, despite the blood in their bodies, they still slash the enemy regardless of their desperate intentions.


At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in this world: "Mu Tianyang, this time your heart of heaven and earth, I have to set!"

The sound is thunderous and resounds everywhere!

Then, a dark figure suddenly appeared in the heavens and the earth.

This person has a white face, a bright red color on his lips, a long eyebrow like a sword, a pair of dull eyes, a slender black line at the eyebrows, and it is a Ding!

This time, he did not hide himself, but to show people positively!

"Ding Wei, you want to win my heart of heaven and earth, you have to see if you have this ability!" Mu Tianyang's voice also spread, and then he also appeared in the battlefield...

"Can you escape this time?"

"You thief, I was framed by me last time, I will discuss this debt today!"

At the same time, Ding Hao, Xuan Tianzong also appeared.

"Ha ha ha, you have all come, well, let me have a good look at the "Sword Emperor", "White Emperor", "Xianzu" three giants to the "original world", how much power and me Counterbalance." Ding Wei did not seem to have many accidents about Ding Hao's appearance. Instead, he laughed and his attitude was extremely arrogant.

Is he prepared to deal with Ding Hao and their three?

"Hey, Ding Xiao children, you stink something, if you didn't use the avatar last time, do you think you can escape?" Evil moon heard his words and immediately retorted: "Now you dare to One enemy three, is it that after absorbing half of the heart of heaven and earth, what is wrong with the head?"

After that, it jumped off Ding Hao’s shoulder and said: "People are pets, kill him!"

In a word, it directly turned into a white shadow, and in the end, joined the war and strangled with the dark army.

In the chaotic battle group, you can faintly see a white giant shadow, and you are constantly scratching your left and right. Every shot will have many dark creatures killed.

"Although I got the heart of heaven and earth, I will become the master of this face sooner or later, but now I don't have much confidence in the three of you, so you can rest assured that I won't be alone..." Ding Wei said this. The side shows that at this time he is still very jealous of Ding Hao and the three of them, so his right hand waved out and made a crack in the void, then sneered: "Give me out!"

In the next moment, the crack in the void kept moving, the black air drifted out of it, and a strange laughter came out from it. Then there were two shadows of different sizes, and there were twenty high-level dark powers.

These 20 high-level dark strong men, men and women, are of different ages, but they are all eternal middle-level existence!

In addition to the big army underneath, Ding Hao actually brought such a huge horrible force!

Ten of them, Ding Hao recognized it.

It was during the Fountain of Darkness, where the ten dark powers who guarded the law were there.

For the first two dark powers, it is a middle-aged person who has a few inches of length and long hair. This face is square and square, and there is a pair of tiger eyes. There is a strong momentum of anger and self-improvement, and it is repaired to achieve the eternal gossip!

The other one is a beautiful woman who looks like a 23-year-old woman. She is dressed in a palace dress, her skin is like snow, fat, buttocks and breasts. She has a pair of watery peach eyes, and the autumn waves flow between the people. It’s also an eternal gossip!

The two men are named Millennium, and the woman's 隗水姬!

"Adults!" Twenty people squatted in front of Ding Hao, and screamed in unison. When Ding Wei waved, he stood up and twenty eyes fell on Ding Hao.

"Give me two people over there, at any cost, to win the heart of heaven and earth..." Ding Wei pointed to Mu Tianyang and Xuantianzong, and the faint eyes flashed a stern color.

"Yes!" Twenty figures were shot at the same time, pointing to Mu Tianyang and Xuan Tianzong.

"Ding Wei will hand it over to you!" Mu Tianyang smashed the cold mang, and then slammed the next sentence, the long sword whistling out, leaving a phantom like a real shadow, rushing to twenty dark Strong.

Xuan Tianzong has no words, and he grows out directly, and together with Mu Tianyang, confronts 20 dark figures.

Millennial with nine companions, staring at Xuan Tianzong.

The same is true of drowning.

"Xuan Tianzong surrendered your part of the "Heart of Heaven and Earth", maybe I will give you a happy." Millennial voice cold road.

Xuan Tianzong did not answer.

"Since you don't know each other, then give me a death!" Thousands of black hair linger, muscles like a mountain bulge, suddenly skyrocketing to five or six meters, full of explosive power, the body also emerges a black armor , a black spear.

At the same time, the nine people behind him also changed, the body skyrocketed like a giant, and the black spear appeared in his hand.

"Kill!" A burst of drink, thousands of strides out, and the other nine people to kill Xuan Tianzong.

Xuan Tianzong also stepped out, the right fist directly bombarded the air, resolved the attack of the Millennium, and attacked them at the same time.

A terrifying battle will unfold!

I saw there, the eleven figures kept flashing, and they kept colliding, and the force of collision was like a wave of light, and they circled out in a circle.

The sound of the explosion is constantly!


"Giggle, little handsome guy, handing over the heart of the heavens to the slaves, or else, the slaves will be shot, but it is not good!" The water is so funny, the voice is very charming: "If you hand over, maybe you can beg Ding Hao adults let you go, let you become a slave man, even if you want to sing songs every night, oh..."

The crystal 眸 眸 眸 浑 浑 浑 浑 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 隗 浑 隗 隗 隗 隗 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑

But responding to her is a sword light!

"Oh, you are really naughty. If this is the case, you can't blame the slaves!" The water smashed the smoldering sword, and after a smile, a group of black air lingered in her exquisite body. On the top, it turned into a black ribbon, and then the belt fluttered, and the other nine people attacked Mu Tianyang at the same time.

Mu Tianyang still looks like this. The white robe is blowing, holding a long sword, and drawing out the sword light. If the white **** of war comes to the world, there is no pity and jealousy, and it is killed with ten fascinating women.


"My cousin, [Sword of the Emperor], huh, huh, we met again!" Ding 瞳 mouth twitched, such as the devil's smile, it is chilling.

Ding Hao looked at him and said calmly: "Why do you need to say more, you and I will fight, and you must end up fighting!"

His left hand flashed and gradually formed into a knife shape. The magic knife appeared, and the right hand shot cold. After a flash of light flashed, the rust sword appeared in his palm.

"Really, you and I don't need to say anything more!" Ding Xiao sneered, turned into a black lightning, and fired out.

At the same time, the word killing spit out, and the black light flashed in the dim pupil, and the direct light came out. The black light suddenly wore the void, like the streamer lightning, the emptiness of the sky, the space, leaving a crack.

The black light is like a thunder, and the dark power filled with it is even more terrifying.

As Ding Hao’s long-standing affliction, Ding’s strength is naturally beyond doubt. Ding Hao has never sneaked on him, and he will never be half-hearted.

Looking at the black light coming from the front, Ding Hao looked indifferent, his hands were slightly moving, the swords were left and right, the light of the sword was intertwined, and the horrible sword and sword were shot at the same time.

A burst of popping sounds, the void burst, and it cracked like a crack in the spider web, but soon the laws of the heavens and the earth surged, and the cracks disappeared quickly, and the black light from Ding Hao also Then dissipated.

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