MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 18 Emerging...

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The spring of the 31st year of Kangxi was another good season. When Yinyou was in school, he still sat next to Yinzhen. Sometimes the prince no longer came to Wuyizhai, but followed the emperor to handle government affairs. Looking at the fourth elder brother, fifth elder brother, and eighth elder brother in the room, he suddenly felt that the so-called nine sons seized the heir apparent, but it was actually a dispute between the eldest elder brother, the crown prince, the fourth elder brother, the eighth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother. In a contest, the one who strikes first will lose first. The first to lose is the elder brother, then the prince, third elder brother, eighth elder brother, and fourteenth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother is the most calm person, so he had the last laugh.

And the ones ranked above fourteen in history, except for the fifth elder brother and the twelfth elder brother, only my seventh elder brother ended up better, and the other brothers were all banned and killed.

Some people in history said that the fourth elder brother could not tolerate people, but he felt that for the stability of the Qing Dynasty after he became the throne, Yongzheng could not tolerate these brothers even if they could. These few people are not incompetent things, but tigers that are temporarily tied up. Once the rope is broken, there will be endless troubles.

People who stand up and talk always stand on a moral high ground and express their views easily. Only those who have experienced it will know how thrilling it is.

When Empress Xiaozhuang passed away in the twenty-sixth year of Kangxi, Yinyou was only seven years old. He remembered that this old man had given him many rewards, and made some people in the palace who looked down on him respect him very much. After spending some time with the queen mother, since the queen mother left, this elder brother has become more and more silent.

This elder brother is smart enough, because in the eyes of the harem, he is the great-grandson raised by the empress dowager, not the son of concubine Yi, so he has learned to be a low-key man, so that after Yongzheng registration, he is still An'an became a prince steadily, instead of being named Seth Hei by Yongzheng like his younger brother.

As the son of Kangxi, there are only two ways to go, one is to gamble, and the other is to endure. Lost the bet, miserable. I can't help it, it's also miserable.

Relying on the Qing palace dramas and historical dramas he watched in his previous life, the secret history of a certain prince, the secret history of a certain empress dowager, as well as a certain dynasty, a certain private interview with a certain incognito, Yinyou more or less knew some true or false history. Therefore, as a qualified traveler who is good at forbearance but too stupid, he chooses to endure.

Although there is a knife on the prefix of Ninja, but without this knife, it is obvious to show your heart to others.

Manchu is no longer a problem for Yinyou. He is glad that he has worn it early. If he wears it as a half-grown child, the Manchu is enough to kill him hundreds of times. Can you recognize what that is?

When it was time for lunch, Yinyou looked at the plates and bowls in front of him, and saw that the elder brother, who was the oldest present, picked up the chopsticks, and then moved them accordingly.

Most of the food on the table is northern style food, Yinyou began to think about the rice from his previous life, and when he builds a mansion, he must ask the people in the mansion to cook him a table of southern style food. Fortunately, he is a big man, if some southern soft girl wears it, how can he drink goat's milk and all kinds of meat.

After finishing the meal, Yinyou became sleepy and listened to the compliments of the elder brothers with his eyes closed. Who knew that the third elder brother changed the subject and suddenly turned to himself, "I heard that the seventh brother sometimes sleeps lately recently. In the courtyard of the fourth brother, the relationship between the fourth brother and the seventh brother really makes the third brother envious."

I envy your sister! Yinyou's drowsiness disappeared immediately, and he looked at the third elder brother blankly, "Huh?"

The third elder brother took a sip of tea, and said slowly, "A few days ago, Huang Ama told me to learn how to do things with my fourth brother. This winter, I am afraid that I will leave the palace to build a mansion. At that time, my fourth brother will have Fujin. Is it possible that the seventh brother is still disturbing?"

Hearing what the third elder brother said, the fourth elder brother raised his head to meet the third elder brother's gaze, "What's wrong with the older brother taking care of the younger brother? The third elder brother will have Fujin in the future, so don't you want to welcome a younger brother?"

Yinzhen's words were very straightforward, the smile on the third elder brother's face froze, and he said immediately, "Fourth younger brother is joking, as an older brother, he is naturally welcome."

Yinyou took over the topic and said, "The third brother and the fourth brother are about to receive errands." He glanced at the two of them enviously, and then looked at the fifth and eighth brothers sitting across from each other, "Fifth brother, eighth brother Brother, do you think this is the third brother and the fourth brother deliberately making us greedy?"

The fifth elder brother laughed lightly when he heard the words, "Seventh brother's words make sense."

The eighth elder brother also showed a warm smile, "Fifth and seventh brothers, don't envy the two elder brothers, and the younger brother is at the bottom." He glanced at the fourth elder brother who was sitting next to Yinyou. The fourth elder brother is only fifteen years old at the end of the year Now, Huang Ama is going to let the fourth brother and the third elder brother learn how to do things together. It seems that Huang Ama loves the fourth brother a lot.

Only after the prince received an errand could he really get in touch with the officials and make contributions. It was no wonder that the third elder brother put on his elder brother's profile at this time, took a sip of tea, and the eighth elder brother did not lose half of his smile.

Yinyou trembled slightly, these princes, out of the three sentences, two and a half have other meanings, he is under a lot of pressure.

Yinzhen noticed Yinyou's move and frowned slightly. After the elder brothers went out and began to walk to the study, Yinzhen asked, "Seventh brother, do you feel cold?"

Yinyou shook his head doubtfully, "It's not cold."

"Huh?" Yinzhen glanced up and down Yinyou's body to confirm the thickness of his clothes, "At ordinary times, pay more attention to your body. Put on more clothes in the morning."

Yinyou nodded, then looked up at the warm sun in the sky in confusion, is it cold today?

"Fourth brother, seventh brother, standing outside the study door to talk about the weather?" Eighth elder brother stood behind the two with a smile on his face, wearing a moon white robe, making him look as gentle as jade.

"No, we are studying the relationship between profile and the thick bottom of the clothes, the eighth brother is also interested?" Yinyou asked with a smile.

The eighth elder brother lowered his eyes and smiled lightly, "If there is time, the eighth brother would like to have a long talk with the seventh brother."

Yinyou laughed twice and didn't answer.

Yinzhen's eyes turned cold, and he said, "You two brothers, go in and study." Then he let Yinyou walk in front of him without any trace, and he walked in front of the eighth elder brother.

The smile on the corner of Eighth Brother's mouth never faded away.

Brothers are still studying hard and making progress every day. Of course, Yinyou has no chance to meet any show girls, and other brothers have no such chances. One is because the brothers are busy studying, and the other is because after the primary selection of show girls, they were left behind. Everyone should stay where they should stay, and running around is a moral disadvantage, and this is not just a matter of needing to be branded.

The Manchurian, Han and Eight Banners all pay attention to women's boudoir reputation. Once your daughter's family is marked with a lack of virtue, you can only choose to be with the green light.

In fact, Yinyou also wants to meet Xiunu once in a while, and see their beauty. It would be even better if he could meet two soft girls. Unfortunately, the rules of the royal family are too strict, and my elder brother will not short-circuit the place where Xiunu lives. Run, and his wretched hopes were dashed.

I can't see the beauties, so I have to obediently read books and practice riding and shooting.

Yinyou rode on the horse, drew the bow to the full, let go, and the arrow flew out with a whizzing sound, hitting the red heart again, and he smiled with satisfaction.

"Seventh Brother's arrow is so accurate," Eighth Brother rode to the right of Yinyou, and also drew the bow. After hearing a sound, the arrow stabbed firmly on the red heart.

"The eighth brother is also very good," Yinyou tilted his head and smiled at the eighth elder brother.

The eighth elder brother looked at the smile on Yinyou's face, and there was a smile in his eyes.

Not far away, Yin Zhen lowered the bow that was originally raised, looked at the direction of Eighth Prince and Yin You with a sinking face, slowly raised his hand, fully drew the bow, and the arrow flew out.

When the arrow was inserted into the archery target, the master in charge of Yinzhen's riding and archery pulled out the arrow with his hand, only to find that the arrow had been deeply inserted into the archery target...

Read The Duke's Passion