MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 24 Get ill

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Yinyou seldom saw the fourth elder brother recently, and the fourth elder brother did not show up in Wuyizhai. He guessed that the fourth elder brother might have learned to do errands, so he didn't think much about it, but sometimes he got something and asked the servants below to give it to him. The fourth elder brother sent a copy to the yard.

"Master, Seventh Prince sent someone to bring over two fox fur collars," Xiaoluzi said, holding a collar made of dark brown and white fox fur in front of Yinzhen.

Yinzhen's eyes fell on the collar, and he took a while to look away, "Put your things away well." He reached out to pick up the warm teacup, but he didn't feel any warmth.

"Hey," Xiaoluzi saw his master's unsightly face, and hurriedly retreated, thinking with some headaches, is it because Brother Qi has made his master unhappy recently? Why hasn't the master asked about Brother Qi these days? He didn't know whether he should mention the matter that Brother Seven was coughing recently.

Just as Xiao Luzi left, Li Dequan, who delivered the imperial decree, arrived. Yinzhen knelt on the ground, listening to the imperial decree boasting that a strange woman was virtuous, virtuous, intelligent and quick-witted, without any joy on her face.

"...I love this" Li Dequan closed the imperial decree, looked at the expressionless fourth elder brother, and thought to himself, this fourth elder brother is really calm, even if the emperor gave him Fei Yanggu's daughter, he would not show his face. Half the score.

"My son..." Yinzhen put his head on the cold ground and covered up the emotions in his eyes. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, "Thank you, Emperor Amalong, long live, long live, long live." If Ama finds out his thoughts, then maybe soon there will be no seventh elder brother in the palace, or both fourth elder brother and seventh elder brother will be gone. He can only thank him, and he is grateful, because his future Fujin has a noble status, and this gift of marriage will be beneficial and harmless to him.

When he got up, there was a gleam of joy on his face, and Yinzhen stuffed a high-quality jade into Li Dequan's hand, "Thank you, Li Wenda."

Li Dequan did not refuse what the fourth elder brother gave him, but just said, "Congratulations to the fourth elder brother, the old slave will go to reply the emperor's order." After speaking, he saluted Yinzhen and left with a group of young eunuchs behind him.

Holding the bright yellow imperial decree in his hand, Yinzhen stared blankly at the door, his eyes lacking any enthusiasm. The palms are getting colder and colder.

"The slave congratulates the master," a group of slaves came forward to congratulate after receiving the news, Yinzhen regained his composure, looked at the court ladies and eunuchs kneeling outside the door, and uttered a word with a sullen face, "Reward!"

"Thank you, master," the servants retreated tactfully, and then another servant stepped forward to congratulate him, and finally there was silence in front of the door.

"Master, it's snowing outside, do you want to go to the House of Internal Affairs to get charcoal fire?" Xiao Luzi asked softly with his head buried in the doorway at some point.

"No need," Yinzhen rolled up the imperial decree, held it in his hand, and said calmly, "The Ministry of Internal Affairs will arrange these things on its own. I'm not a person who can't bear the slightest bit of hardship." In this moment, his expression has returned to normal, as if before The absent-mindedness does not exist.

"The servant made a mistake," Xiaoluzi accused.

"Go down," Yinzhen waved his hand, turned and went to the inner room.

Xiao Luzi felt a little puzzled, the emperor gave Fei Yanggu's aunt to his master, isn't that very good, why did the master look a little unhappy, could it be that the master has taken a fancy to other daughters?

He stretched out his hand and slapped himself, Xiao Luzi didn't dare to speculate any further, and turned around to do other things.

On the practice field, there are only five, seven, and eight elder brothers left. The fifth elder brother has always been reticent, the seventh elder brother is easy to get along with, and the eighth elder brother is gentle. The eunuchs who serve are much more relaxed.

But because the snow was getting heavier, the three elder brothers stopped practicing and went into the study to avoid the snow. Soon a **** brought an umbrella and a hand warmer, and the three elder brothers left Wuyizhai leisurely.

After the fifth elder brother parted ways, only Yinyou and eighth elder brother were left, followed by two servants, and it was very quiet for a while, except for the occasional sound of Yinyou coughing.

On the way, he got the news that the emperor pointed out Fei Yanggu's daughter to the fourth elder brother, and Yinyou thought to himself, it really is the same as what was recorded in history, the fourth elder brother's Fujin is Fei Yanggu's daughter, a woman from the Nala family.

Seeing Yinyou's head buried, Eighth Brother asked, "Seventh Brother, what are you thinking?"

Yinyou stretched out his hands to catch a few snowflakes, and tilted his head to smile at Yinhu, only to realize that the umbrella blocked their expressions, so he smiled and blew the snowflakes off his hands, "I was thinking that we should add more clothes."

"Is Seventh Brother worried that I'll catch the cold?" Yinhu's voice was gentle and comfortable, sounding very comfortable.

Now that the other party said that, Yinyou naturally responded, "Well, ahem."

"Brother Qi is so worried about me, why don't you know how to take care of your body? It's cold today, and you haven't been in good health these past few days, so you shouldn't have come." Yinhu said with some concern in his tone, "Brother Qi tomorrow. You should take leave, remember to call the imperial doctor when you go back."

"It's just a cough, it's just a minor ailment." No matter in the previous life or in this life, Yinyou has never taken cough, a small cold, to heart. Basically, he can put it off and can't put it off.

Yinhu smiled helplessly, he turned his head to look, and could only see Yinyou's white and slender hands holding the hand warmer, the delicate knuckles set off against the dark copper heater, it was indescribably beautiful , and with an indescribable taste, people can't help but take a second look.

"Seventh brother should pay more attention." The eighth elder brother also knew that Yinyou would not listen to his persuasion, and when he parted ways with Yinyou, he thought about asking the slave to bring some medicine to the seventh brother.

Not long after Yinyou returned to his yard, a servant of Eighth Prince sent some medicine. After he thanked him, he went to bed early because of the cold weather.

I don't know if it's because the weather has changed too much, or because Yinyou suddenly became weak, because the next morning, Yinyou found that his head was heavy and his limbs were weak. Yes, some went to report to the emperor, and some went to tell the concubine Cheng. Yinyou, who was lying on the bed, really wanted to tell them that rubbing their body with spirits to reduce their fever was much more useful than running around.

Thinking about messy things in his mind, Yinyou fell asleep in a daze.

When Kangxi arrived, the imperial physician had already arrived, and he was not afraid of being offended by the imperial physician. After entering the room, he ignored the imperial physician's courtesy and asked directly, "How is Seventh Elder Brother?"

The imperial doctor took the pulse and got up and replied, "Back to the Lord Long Live, the seventh brother has been a little weak these days, and he may have suffered from the cold last night, so today is serious. Please don't worry, the Lord Long Live, the seventh brother will be fine ,"

Kangxi looked at the servants in the room with deep eyes, "How do you serve your master, you don't even know that the master has been sick for several days."

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty," the servants in a room knelt down one after another, kowtowing non-stop.

"Get the **** out of here, and I'll punish you after Brother Seven recovers from his illness!" Kangxi suppressed his anger and looked at Yinyou's sweaty head and flushed face, "Doctor Wang, You have to take a good look at Elder Gu Qi's body these few days, elder brother Qi is well, I will reward you a lot."

"Your servant must do his best," Imperial Physician Wang shook his hands, knowing in his heart that if something happened to Seventh Brother, his old life would probably be gone.

After Kangxi left, Concubine Cheng also came to see him. Seeing that Yinyou was still sleeping, she left uneasy. When Yinyou woke up, it was already late afternoon, and Yunzhu next to him saw that he was awake, so she hurriedly got up to carry it. When the medicine came, he waited for Yinyou to drink it.

"Does Huang Ama and Erniang know?" Yinyou let Yunzhu wipe the corners of his mouth for him, leaning against the head of the bed with his whole body sore and asking, his voice a little hoarse.

"Return to master, the emperor and concubine Cheng have both visited you today, and you have not woken up, so you left first." Yunzhu put the empty bowl aside, and said with lingering fear, "Master, can you take the slaves this time?" Terrified."

Yinyou forced a smile, "Ask someone to tell Huang Ama and Emiang that I'm awake."

"Master, don't worry, Eunuch Fuduo has already called his servants to go, you should rest well, don't be too useless," Yunzhu saw Yinyou's face was pale, how could she dare to let Yinyou talk more, and carefully put the quilt on Yinyou Pulled on the body, "Why don't you sleep a little longer, master?"

"No need, my whole body hurts from sleeping," Yinyou leaned against the head of the bed, enduring the feeling of dizziness in his head, and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

A **** who entered the room thought that Yinyou was still asleep, so he walked up to Yunzhu quietly and said, "Aunt Yunzhu, the fifth elder brother and the eighth elder brother are here."

Yinyou opened his eyes and said, "Two elder brothers please come in."

"Hey," the little **** saw that Yinyou was awake, saluted and retreated.

After the fifth elder brother and the eighth elder brother entered the door, they saw Yinyou who was sitting on the bed as pale as paper, and the eighth elder brother couldn't help but asked, "Seventh elder brother, how are you?"

"It's okay, I just got some wind and cold." Yinyou pulled out a smile, "Fifth brother, eighth brother, don't get too close, lest I get sick to you."

Hearing the words, fifth elder brother walked to the bed and said, "What nonsense did you say?" He stretched out his hand to straighten the corner of the quilt, "Seventh brother, take good care of your illness, don't worry about the rest, what the master said these days, fifth elder brother Write it down for you, and I will tell you when you are well."

"Thank you fifth brother." Yinyou wanted to sit up straight and bow to Yinqi, but was held down by Yinqi, "Seventh brother, there is no need for so many greetings between you and me."

Eighth elder brother followed to the bedside, looked at Yinyou's bloodless face, "Seventh brother, you must remember to take medicine and pay attention to your body, younger brother hopes that you will recover soon."

Yinyou smiled when he heard the words, "I understand, eighth brother."

Brother Ba couldn't help but reach out and touch Yinyou's forehead, his hand was terribly hot, he frowned slightly, and looked at Yunzhu beside him, "Your master, can you use the medicine?"

"Brother Ba, I've already used it," Yunzhu replied with a blessing, "Master also just woke up, so he drank the medicine."

The eighth elder brother reluctantly felt relieved, and looked at Yinyou worriedly.

Yinyou was still ill, fifth elder brother and eighth elder brother should not stay too long, so as not to disturb his rest, after saying a few words of comfort, the two left together. But before leaving, Brother Ba looked back at Yinyou on the bed again, the worry in his eyes did not seem to be fake.

Then the elder brother, the crown prince, the third elder brother, and even the ninth elder brother, the tenth elder brother, the twelfth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, the concubine De and some concubines were given medicines to nourish their bodies.

At night, Xiao Luzi waited on the fourth elder brother to change his clothes. Seeing that the fourth elder brother looked normal, he said hesitantly, "Today, the seventh elder brother's yard is really lively, and even Long Live has gone."

Yinzhen's complexion changed slightly, "What happened?"

Xiao Luzi saw the worried expression on the fourth elder brother's face, so he calmed down and said, "I heard that the seventh elder brother was ill, and even called the imperial doctor. He fell asleep for several hours before waking up."

"Why didn't you tell the Lord earlier?" Yinyou asked while buckling his belt, "What did the imperial doctor say?"

Xiao Luzi apologized, "It's my slave's negligence. I heard from the imperial doctor that I got a cold." When he finished speaking, Yin Zhen had already straightened his clothes and walked to the door.

"Let's go and have a look," Yinzhen strode out the door, in such a hurry that he didn't even care about the snow falling outside.

Seeing that it was too late to get an umbrella, Xiao Luzi had no choice but to carry a lantern and follow.

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