MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 27 Sachet

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Yinyou didn't expect that it wasn't the eighth elder brother or the fifth elder brother who came to find him first, but the young thirteenth elder brother.

The thirteenth elder brother was dressed like a lucky boy, followed by two eunuchs, looking like a little adult, Yinyou couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Seventh Brother," Yinxiang was only seven years old, and Kangxi doted on him, so he was relatively innocent. He didn't see Yinyou secretly laughing at him in his heart, "Emiang asked me to go with you, there is a caretaker on the way."

"Yo, Shisan wants to take care of elder brother?" Yinyou tugged Shisan's pink cheeks, with a smile on his face, Shisan's status among the princes in the harem is not low, but Yinyou felt a little speechless It's strange, his ex-girlfriend in the previous life liked Qingchuan novels very much, and who among these elder brothers and sisters was more favored and studied more seriously than his graduation works. If he remembers correctly, his girlfriend once said thirteen foreheads Niang Zhang Jia was actually not very favored, and even the concubine was conferred the title of imperial concubine after her death, but now it is only the 32nd year of Kangxi, and Zhang Jia has been promoted to the title of noble concubine. However, it may be that his memory is wrong. After all these years, he is really not interested in which concubine is favored. Anyway, those beauties are not his own.

"Seventh brother, it hurts." Thirteen saved his face from the strange uncle, grabbed the corner of Yinyou's clothes, "Seventh brother, I want to tell fourth brother that you bullied me."

"Complaint?" Yinyou reached out and poked Shisan under the armpit, Shisan couldn't help laughing, Yinyou poked again, Shisan threw himself into Yinyou's arms with a smile, "Seventh brother, I'm wrong No, haha, I was wrong."

Worried about Shisan falling down, Yinyou stretched out one arm to hug him, poked Shisan's soft belly with the other paw, and grinned, "If you dare to complain, I will scratch you hard next time. "

The other eunuchs serving in the room were all sullen and giggling, only Thirteen was left screaming, "Brother Seven, I was wrong."

"I just said why the seventh brother's yard is so lively. It turns out that the seventh brother is bullying the thirteenth brother." The eighth brother stood at the door and glanced at Yinxiang who was rolling in Yinyou's arms with a smile on his face. "Ten What did third brother do to make seventh brother angry?"

Yinyou looked up and saw that the fifth elder brother was still standing behind the eighth elder brother. He let go of Thirteen, straightened his clothes, got up and slapped the two of them, "fifth elder brother, eighth younger brother."

Thirteen also twisted his body like a dumpling to say hello to his two elder brothers, and the fifth and eighth elder brothers returned their greetings again.

"It's getting late, let's go now," the fifth elder brother glanced at the three younger brothers, and spoke first as the elder brother.

Yinyou held Shisan's hand and nodded with a smile.

The eighth elder brother glanced at Yinxiang and the smile on Yinyou's face, and said, "I didn't expect the thirteenth brother to be earlier than us."

Thirteen nodded and said, "Because Master said, the early bird gets the worm."

"Oh," Brother Eight raised his eyebrows, "Then what is the bug that gets up early?"

Thirteen said to the eighth elder brother, "It doesn't matter if the bugs get up early or not, anyway, they will always be found by the birds and eaten."

Yinyou glanced at Shisan, then at the eighth elder brother, with a look of doubt, "Eighth brother, thirteenth brother, you don't eat bugs, there is no need to discuss this issue."

"Since Seventh Brother said so, it's better to obey my brother's orders than to be respectful," Eighth Brother said with a smile, "Bugs and birds are really not suitable for Seventh Brother."

Yin Xiang, who was led by Yin You, nodded and said seriously, "It's really not suitable for Seventh Brother." After finishing speaking, he swept Yin You's cheek with a kind of Seventh Brother's too innocent gaze.

The corner of Yinyou's mouth twitched slightly. Being looked at by a seven-year-old child with such eyes, he felt indescribably complicated. Thirteenth brother, you are ranked thirteenth, I don't want you to pretend to be 13th. You know, with your current skills, you have no chance of winning against Lao Ba. This brother is helping you, and you don't appreciate it. It's fine if you don't appreciate it, but you still have to sympathize with my IQ, it's really uncutable.

Horses are not allowed to ride freely in the capital, and the four brothers are not ordinary people, so they each got into the sedan chair and rushed to the fourth elder brother's house. Yinyou sat in the sedan chair, frowning tightly.

Judging by Eighth Prince's attitude, Shisan has now been marked as a princeling, the future Siye Party, and that unknown year of imprisonment.

Sure enough, the longer he stays here, the less he can treat these people indifferently, not to mention Thirteen, the child he watched grow up, he can finally understand why the fourth brother treats him so well, and he Looking at growing up, the feelings are always deeper. What's more, I have been clinging to my fourth brother since I was a child, and I have taken a lot of good things from him.

When I rushed to the fourth elder brother's house, there was a housekeeper waiting at the door, and when I saw Yinyou and his party, I rushed up to greet him, "My servant, please greet the fifth elder brother, the seventh elder brother, the eighth elder brother, and the thirteenth elder brother, please hurry up!" Please."

It was the first time Yinyou came to Yinzhen's mansion, he entered the gate and looked around, the whole yard was tidy, and the whole mansion was solemnly decorated without looking deserted, which was quite in line with the status of Prince Yinzhen.

Before they entered the inner courtyard, Yinzhen had already come out, and led them to the theater garden on the west side, where Yiyi sang on the stage, and the prince and others had arrived.

After paying their respects, Yinyou and Shisan stood beside the fifth elder brother, watching the brothers politely squeeze each other, and expressed their silence firmly.

"Brother, why didn't you come with us?" Brother Jiu walked to Yinhu, glanced at Yinyou and Yinxiang, "I heard that fourth brother invited a famous opera troupe from our capital to sing, let's listen Listen." After speaking, Brother Nine and Brother Ten sat beside Brother Eight.

"Seventh brother, thirteenth brother," Yinzhen led the two to sit on the other side, and handed them a playbook, "If you like something, order it yourself."

Yinyou took the book and nodded, but he didn't mean anything. If he wanted to talk about opera, he would just say, "Sister Lin fell from the sky", and he didn't appreciate the others.

Seeing that Yinyou's Zhezi had nothing to do with it, Yinzhen didn't ask any more questions, and turned to deal with the other brothers.

The congratulatory gifts from the masters of the harem, the rewards from Kangxi, and the congratulatory gifts from various officials were continuously sent to Si Age's mansion, but the gifts from these officials were all similar, neither light nor heavy, without losing their status as ministers. It will not give people the illusion of party formation.

Today's banquet is just a matter between brothers, in the name of promoting the relationship between brothers, and other officials will not be so stupid as to hit the head of the gun.

Yinyou propped his head up, listening to the resentful singing on the stage, wishing he could fall asleep right away, it wasn't until Yinzhen mentioned eating that he managed to pull himself together.

Yinyou's move made several brothers laugh again.

Looking at Yinyou's still smiling face, Yinzhen slowly looked away.

After the meal, the brothers left one after another. Even Thirteen was sent back to the palace by Yinzhen because of his young age, and the other brothers were sent to the door one by one by Yinzhen.

Yinhu took his ninth and tenth brothers and left together. On his right was the silent Yinzhen. Thinking of the seventh brother who was still in the fourth brother's house, he smiled and said, "Seventh brother doesn't seem to like to listen to operas."

Yinzhen's brows twitched, and he arrived immediately, "Maybe."

"I don't know when Seventh Brother will return to the palace today. If it's past the forbidden time, do you need me to ask for leave for him?" Yinhu asked with a gentle smile.

Yinzhen raised his eyes and looked at Yinhu's smiling face, his expression remained unchanged, "Then I will trouble my eighth brother."

Yinhu still smiled like a spring breeze, "Doing such a small thing for Seventh Brother, why bother?"

Yinzhen said slowly, "As an elder brother, I should thank you for my younger brother."

Just as he walked out of the gate at this time, the eighth elder brother smiled and said, "Then the fourth brother will send it here. Please tell the seventh brother so that he doesn't have to worry about his homework. The younger brother will help him take notes."

Yinzhen returned a salute, "Eighth brother go slowly, ninth brother and tenth brother go slowly." Seeing the three of them getting into the sedan chair, Yinzhen turned around and went back to the mansion, the butler behind him hurriedly followed.

Back in his own yard, the person squatting by the flower garden had disappeared, Yinzhen frowned, and asked the boy cleaning the yard, "Where is Seventh Brother?"

"Master Hui, Brother Seven entered your house just now."

Others in the master's house do not dare to enter at will, even Gege, who was bestowed by the concubine Defei before, cannot enter the master's yard. But the seventh elder brother wanted to enter the master's house, and no one dared to stop him. Thinking of this, the boy shook his shoulders.

"Understood, you go down," Yinzhen walked into the house, the maid waiting at the door opened the curtain for him, Yinzhen couldn't help laughing when he entered the door.

Recently, the weather has warmed up, people tend to get sleepy after lunch, when Yinyou came to Yinzhen's territory, he didn't care much, took off his shoes and leaned on the soft couch outside, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Yinzhen went to the soft couch and sat down, shaking Yinyou's shoulders, "Seventh brother, wake up, don't sleep here, you will catch cold, sleep on my bed."

Sensing that someone was shaking him, Yinyou opened one eye with difficulty, "Fourth brother..." Then he took out a small object from his arms in a daze, stuffed it into Yinzhen's hand, and put the Putting his head on Yinzhen's knee, he fell asleep again.

It was actually a blessing sachet!

Yinzhen looked at the small sandalwood-flavored sachet in his hand, with some blessings embroidered on it. This kind of sachet is used to pray for blessings. Xiang, praying for the blessing of the Buddha, never thought that the seventh brother would give this to himself.

The sachet was bulging and limp, Yinzhen smiled, reached out and patted Yinyou's back, "Seventh Brother, did you ask for this specially for me?"

"Don't make noise," Yinyou twisted impatiently and muttered in a daze, "the temple in the palace is full of women, it's embarrassing."

The smile on the face of someone being yelled at couldn't be suppressed no matter what.

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