MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 3 childhood sweetheart...

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Yinyou never thought that there was a white lotus woman in the harem, so he didn't really think that Tong Jia saw him pitiful and asked Yinzhen to take good care of himself.

Who is Tong Jiashi? She is Kangxi's cousin, a famous concubine in history. Kangxi may not have love for her, but he must have respect and love for her. Kangxi's attitude towards her is different from other women. And she has no children under her knees, and she has long regarded Yinzhen as her own child. A mother always wants to have her own child.

Yinzhen taking care of other princes may be suspected by Kangxi of being scheming at a young age and forming cliques. But taking care of Yinyou, who has no power in his mother's family and is absolutely impossible to inherit the great rule, will only make Kangxi feel that Yinzhen is kind and caring for his younger brother.

People in the royal family are always ruthless, but they hope that other people will be affectionate. The psychology of emperors is sometimes so strange.

In the Qing Dynasty, only two meals were used, Yinyou thought somewhat comprehensibly, no wonder the high-ranking concubines in the harem always prepared snacks in the room, isn't it because they are afraid of being hungry?

At lunch, Tong Jiashi was seated with several older brothers. She glanced at Yinyou who was sitting next to Yinzhen. Although she was only over three years old, she was sitting in a well-behaved posture, without any mischievousness of a child. Nodding secretly in my heart, if it's this child, even if Yinzhen gets closer to him, it doesn't matter much.

No one was talking at the dinner table, Yinyou let the eunuchs around him serve his meal, and occasionally raised his eyes to look at the prince and the others. Although the prince was only ten years old, his words and deeds carried the unique dignity of the royal family, and his demeanor was elegant. It is pleasing to the eye.

There are many records of the wisdom of the crown prince in later generations, but some TV dramas always portray the prince as stupid as a pig. If you think about it, you will know that the prince taught by Kangxi himself cannot be stupid, or even smart. Otherwise, how could Kangxi love this prince for so many years, and even after the prince was abolished, he tried his best to reinstate the prince.

The third elder brother also carried his own demeanor, but compared to the prince, he lacked some dignity. Generally speaking, he was also a brilliant character.

Glancing at Yinzhen beside him, he was only six years old, with his back straight and straight, he didn't make any noise when eating, and his expression was very serious, which didn't compromise half of his elder brother's bearing, but for some reason, Yinyou just felt that This kind of Yinzhen is kind of cute.

Could it be because of Yinzhen's pretty face? Yinyou felt sincere contempt for judging people by their appearance.

After finishing the meal, Tong Jiashi personally wiped Yinzhen's face, the warmth in his eyes was not faked at all, Yinyou stood obediently aside, staring at a big western clock in the room in a daze.

The prince talked with Tong Jiashi for a while and then got up to leave. The third elder brother saw that the prince had left, so naturally he had no reason to stay and followed the prince.

Seeing that both of them had left, Yinyou naturally couldn't stay in Zhongcui Palace, so he got up and called Tong Jiashi, "Tong Erniang, it's time for Yinyou to leave too."

Tong Jiashi got up and pulled his hand to sit down, wiped his face with a fragrant handkerchief, "You child, you have no homework, what are you going back to do in a hurry, ask your fourth brother to take you to the house to play .”

Seeing the child's round face blushing, Tong Jiashi seemed a little embarrassed, but her eyes were shining brightly, "Didn't fourth brother have homework?"

Obviously wanting to play with Yinzhen, but still thinking about his brother's homework, he is indeed a good boy, the smile on Tong Jia's face became more gentle, he turned around and touched the top of Yinzhen's head, "Yinzhen, go."

Yinzhen looked at Tong Jiashi, then at the cute children beside him, and took the initiative to hold Yinyou's hand, "Seventh brother, I'll take you to play."

Yinyou glanced at his held hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, are good friends holding hands? It's really... boring for a six-year-old child to play with.

Yinzhen didn't know what Yinyou was thinking, he led Yinyou into his room, took out a few gadgets that children like, such as glass beads, emerald nine chains, and piled them all up in front of Yinyou , "These are for you to play with."

Yinyou looked at the things on the table, and thought with some emotion, this is the difference between the prince and the prince. In his room, there are only a few glazed beads at most, and there are several pieces of jade carvings among the things of the four princes Small animals, opals, in modern times, you can buy several houses in Beijing.

Seeing Yinyou not moving for a long time, Yinzhen's tone was a little cautious, "You don't like it?"

Yinyou came back to his senses, and hurriedly took out a Jiulianhuan from it, "Brother, how do you play this?" By the way, he attached a smiling face.

Yinzhen took Jiu Lianhuan, hesitated for a while, and then said, "You want to call me fourth brother, not brother." Seventh brother is still too young, if he calls himself brother in front of other brothers, he will definitely offend other brothers.

Then Yinzhen saw that the smile on the child's face, who was still happy at first, faded, but he still called "fourth brother" obediently. Seeing the child standing there awkwardly, Yinzhen, who was only six years old, somehow thought of the puppy who was just born, cute and pitiful.

"From now on, when it's just the two of us, you call me brother, and if there are others, you call me fourth brother." The six-year-old felt distressed and wanted the child to call him brother, so he teased the child. Hand, put two opals into the child's hand, "This is for you, don't be sad."

Yinyou put the opal into the small pouch hanging on his body, reached out and hugged Yinzhen's soft body, with a big smile on his face, "Brother." Well, a six-year-old child is soft when hugged, It's really comfortable, and now the Emperor Yongzheng hasn't advocated frugality. Taking this opportunity, it's not too shameful to get two cat's-eye stones by showing off cuteness. What about elder brother?

Yinzhen also showed a smile on his face, the seventh brother is so cute, his small body seems to have this milk fragrance, like a white and soft bun.

But Yinzhen didn't know that this white and soft bun looked cute, but it was actually stuffed with black sesame seeds.

Ming Ruo was ordered by Tong Jia to see how the two children got along. When she opened the door with a plate of snacks, she saw the seventh elder brother writing something with a brush while the fourth elder brother Standing behind Seventh Brother, he is earnestly guiding.

Ming Ruo approached with the snacks, put the snacks on the table and said, "Fourth elder brother, seventh elder brother, use some snacks." She looked at the table and saw several white papers written crookedly. The word "Yinzhen" lacks strokes and strokes. If you don't look carefully, you may not be able to tell what it is.

Seeing Mingruo, Yinzhen patted Yinyou's head like a grown-up, "Seventh brother, do you want some snacks?"

Yinyou put down the brush and glanced at the sky outside. It should be about midnight now. According to the elder brother's work and rest time in the Qing Dynasty, it would be appropriate to have snacks at this time. He raised his head and smiled at Yinzhen, nodded obediently, "I want to eat." He touched his head, at this time he was still young and hadn't shaved his head, and when he was able to go to school, he might have to shave his head half bald up. The aesthetics of the people of the Qing Dynasty is really incomprehensible, half of the head is bare, it is uglier than the whole bald head.

Mingruo asked the little **** waiting outside to fetch water for the two elder brothers to wash their hands, and then quietly exited the door. She couldn't help but look back when she went out, just in time to see the seventh elder brother took a piece Dim Sum raised his hand high to feed Si Age.

Seeing this, Ming Ruo withdrew her gaze, with a smile on her face.

When Yinyou returned to the South No. 3 Institute, it was almost time to light the lanterns, and he was still holding a Jiulianhuan given to him by Yinzhen in his hand. The **** Fuduo beside him stuffed some golden melon seeds for the little **** who was ordered by the imperial concubine to send Yinyou back together, this **** is also a member of the imperial concubine's palace, how dare they neglect.

The **** did not refuse, said a few auspicious words, gave Yinyou a thousand blows and returned to Zhongcui Palace.

Seeing Yinyou's return, the palace lady Yunzhu hurriedly asked the people below to wash Yinyou's face and hands, waited for him to sleep, then lightly extinguished the candle and retreated out.

Yinyou remembers watching some TV dramas of the Qing Dynasty in his previous life, and the maids and eunuchs around his brothers would always make irresponsible remarks. Only now did I realize that slaves, no matter what their master does, they can’t ask or look at it. Talkative slaves are not qualified to serve their masters in the harem. Therefore, TV dramas without standards are not good for the development of the audience's IQ.

Yinyou turned over on the bed, bowed and held his slightly deformed left foot. There are still more than twenty years before the crown prince is deposed. Went to see Hades.

He is not afraid of death, but wants to live more. Whether it is the crown prince, the fourth elder brother, or the eighth elder brother, he will not interfere in the ninth son's seizure of the heir, but he has to make plans for himself and for the concubine. He has occupied the body of the concubine's son, so he has to fulfill the responsibility of being a son of man.

Now he can't make his son more expensive than his mother, but after he divides the mansion, he must let his concubine's mother be more precious than his son. This woman who entered the palace as a concubine since she was more than ten years old was not favored by Kangxi all her life, and she was not promoted to concubine until the fifty-seventh year of Kangxi. She entered the palace in the best years of a woman's life, and wasted her life, but she only got an inconspicuous title.

Then in this life, even for this woman, he must be an elder brother who Kangxi loves but will not become a thorn in the eyes of all the brothers.

Touching the slightly cool back of his feet, Yinyou smiled slightly. In this life, he was very glad that he had a disease on his feet, otherwise many things would not be so simple.

In the Zhongcui Palace, Yinzhen got up to put away the book after reviewing the homework that will be randomly checked tomorrow. When he picked up the "Four Books", he saw the paper pressed under the book. He took it out and looked. written word.

The names of himself and his seventh brother were written messily on it. Looking at the crooked characters, Yin Zhen showed a faint smile on his face, and then folded the crumpled paper and put it in "Shan Hai Jing" In the middle, Yinzhen thought very proudly that when the seventh brother grows up, he must take out this word and laugh at him.

In the days that followed, Yinzhen sometimes went to see Yinyou in Nansan Institute after school, and Yinyou occasionally went to Zhongcui Palace to look for Yinzhen. New Year's Eve is approaching, and the Forbidden City has begun to snow heavily.

Read The Duke's Passion