MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 31 meet. false alarm

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Ulanara. The first time Shu Ya met Seventh Brother was when she went to pay her respects to Concubine De on the second day after they got married. According to rumors, that Seventh Brother who had a leg problem was wearing a light-colored robe with a jade belt around his waist and a piece of cloth hanging around his waist. Jade pendant, there are no other accessories, but the demeanor of the whole body will not make people think that he is shabby. Although lame. The way he walks is almost the same as that of ordinary people. There is a smile on the handsome face that has been opened. Looking at it from a distance, it gives people a sense of intimacy.

She admired secretly in her heart, it turned out to be such an outstanding character, no wonder the family Ama once said that this seventh elder brother was born with shortcomings, and his mother was not favored by the emperor, but he was never neglected by the emperor. A character who cannot be blamed.

"Greetings to the fourth brother and the fourth sister-in-law," Yinyou did not expect to meet Yinzhen and his Fujin in the Yonghe Palace. This Fujin looks dignified, but he is not glamorous. Character is still the most important, appearance is secondary.

Before Ulanara could speak in the future, Yinzhen beside her spoke first, "Why didn't you go to Wuyizhai today?"

"Today, the **** said that Erniang was unwell, so I took leave to take a look, and I also greeted De Erniang along the way." Yinyou glanced at Ulanara, "I just didn't expect to meet the fourth brother and the fourth brother." Sister-in-law." At this moment, the two probably just invited Kangxi and the Queen Mother to come over.

Yinzhen glanced at Ulanara, "Don't forget about your homework, you are not young now, and you should learn to do some errands in two years."

Ulanara was slightly surprised, the master was so serious about the seventh elder brother, planning for the seventh elder brother so early? She couldn't help but look at the seventh elder brother more. Hearing these reprimands, the other party didn't seem to be annoyed, and there was still a smile on his face.

"Fourth brother, don't be so serious, be careful to scare the fourth sister-in-law." Yinyou looked in the direction of the side hall of Yonghe Palace worriedly, "Then fourth brother, I will go to Er Niang's first, and I will treat you and De Er Niang." Talk to me and I'll bother you again."

"Come on," Yinzhen saw that he was absent-minded, so he didn't stop him, but let him go ahead, watching Yinyou disappear around the corner in a hurry, and then looked away.

"Master, this is Brother Seven, right?" Ulanara said. Shu Ya asked, "It's so brilliant." She looked at this seventh elder brother very comfortably.

"It's just a rogue monkey, what's so special about it?" The corners of his mouth were raised, and his face was slightly relaxed. When others praised Yinyou, he felt somewhat honored, and he spoke to Shu Ya in a milder tone, "You didn't look at his usual appearance."

Shu Ya knew that she was right in her praise, but she was secretly startled by the close relationship between the two of them. The mother of the seventh prince, Dai Jia, was from the Xianghuang Banner, but she had a son and lived in another concubine's side hall. Not being favored, the master treats such a powerless elder brother so well, which really surprises her. Thinking of this, she severely suppressed the thoughts in her heart, she is a girl, there is really no need to know too many things that she shouldn't know.

She smiled, "Looking at me, this Seventh Elder Brother is quite a good person."

Yinzhen looked at the direction Yinyou was leaving, and slowly lowered his eyelids, "He is indeed fine."

Shu Ya tilted her head to look at Yin Zhen, only seeing his usual indifference and no other expression.

After Yinyou arrived at the residence of Concubine Cheng, seeing that Concubine Cheng was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief. For this woman, he was half guilty and respectful, so he was extremely respectful in his words and deeds. Before speaking and doing things, he also took this woman into consideration. . After all, this is a woman who has given herself a second life, but is always worried about herself. He remembered that when he entered the school, the woman gave him the silver and gold melon seeds he had saved to teach him how to bribe his subordinates, and he felt sour.

The mother and son chatted for a while, and Yinyou figured that what Concubine De and the fourth elder brother should have said was about the same, so he got up and went to Concubine De.

"I see that Shu Ya is a sensible person." Concubine De withdrew a bracelet from her wrist, and put it on Shu Ya's wrist with her own hands, "This is not something expensive, just treat it as a gift from Er Niang to meet you."

Shu Ya clutched her bracelet, said to Concubine De Fushen, "Thank you, Er Niang." She gradually got a sense of this attitude towards her master.

"Your Majesty, Seventh Brother is here to greet you." A young **** came in and said.

Concubine De revealed a smile on her face when she heard this, "Let Xiao Qi in quickly." After finishing speaking, she patted the back of Shu Ya's hand, "This Xiao Qi is filial, and he is close to Lao Si, he will be indispensable in the future Eat and drink at the fourth man's house."

Shu Ya now understands that Concubine De probably also likes this seventh elder brother, this seventh elder brother seems to be really cute. She smiled and continued, "My daughter-in-law has also heard that elder brother Qi is a blessed one."

"De'eriang, you're making fun of me again," Yinyou said after coming in to concubine De'er, "De'eriang, if I don't come, are you going to tell the fourth sister-in-law to take me from the fourth brother's house in the future?" The boss drove me out and didn't let me go to the fourth brother's house to beg for food? This makes my son very sad."

"Look at this mouth," Concubine De's smile deepened, "I think about the food in your fourth brother's house every day, no wonder Long Live Lord said you are a foodie, I see, Long Live Lord is right." After that, the **** moved an embroidered stool to Yinzhen's side for Yinyou to sit on.

After Yinyou sat down, he stretched out his hand and tugged at Yinzhen's sleeve, complaining, "Fourth Brother, remember to leave me a back door in the future, if Fourth Sister-in-law doesn't let me in, I'll sneak over here."

Seeing this, Shu Ya also laughed out loud, "Brother Seven is coming, I just serve good wine and good food, how dare I stop you."

"Look, it's not that I don't dare, it's not that I don't want to," Yinyou hummed, "Sister-in-law Si, I actually eat very little, so don't be afraid of me coming."

The masters and slaves in the room laughed when they heard this, and Yinzhen turned his head to look at Yinyou, "I won't stop you."

When Yinyou met Shang Yinzhen's eyes, he felt that they were full of seriousness, and felt a little uncomfortable, so he quickly looked away, "Fourth brother said this, but it must be counted."

The corner of Yinzhen's mouth curled up, "Of course it counts." If you want, it's fine even if you come to the house every day, but I'm afraid that after you know what I'm thinking, even the fourth elder brother's house will go around.

These four words seemed to ring in Yinyou's ears. He was a little puzzled. He always felt that there was something wrong with the fourth brother this morning. Could this be the difference between men before and after marriage?

Concubine De tested the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and waved her hand, "Xiaoqi, when you have Fujin, let's see how your Fujin can stand your mouth?"

Hearing this sentence, Yinzhen felt a pain in his heart, and from the corner of his eyes, he unconsciously looked at the people around him, only to see Yinyou's indifferent expression, "It's okay if Fujin dislikes it, as long as the fourth brother doesn't dislike it, I will be there when the time comes Eat and drink at the Fourth Brother's house." After speaking, he tilted his head and smiled at Yinzhen, "How about it, Fourth Brother?"

The smile on Yinzhen's face became more obvious, "Okay." Since you delivered it yourself, how could I push you away?

Yinyou naturally didn't know that his behavior of eating and drinking would forcibly break his future straight Kangzhuang Avenue into a mountain road with eighteen bends. At this time, he smiled proudly at Concubine De, "Mother De'er, if you make fun of me, I'll go to the fourth brother's house to eat and drink, to see if you don't feel bad."

"Oh, who does Xiao Qi want to eat and drink again?" The majestic voice from outside the door made everyone who was sitting in the room stand up and greeted him one after another.

Kangxi walked into the house and saw that the fourth child and his family were still there, so he sat down at the head of the room after avoiding the ceremony of the whole room, "I listened from a distance and listened to what Xiao Qi said about eating and drinking. Why, which brother is there?" Got your fancy?"

Yinyou didn't expect Kangxi to hear what he said to make Concubine De happy. He thought sadly that he might not be able to take off his reputation as a foodie. Have a meal."

"Fourth, don't spoil him," Kangxi seemed to be in a good mood.

Yinzhen replied, "Seventh brother always knows how to measure."

Kangxi smiled and said, "Fourth brother, you are protecting him." After speaking, he glanced at Yinyou, "I heard that your mother is sick?"

"Tired Empress Ama is concerned, Er Niang is fine, the imperial doctor has come to see her, and she said she will be fine after two days of care," Yinyou didn't know where Kangxi heard the news, so he had to answer honestly .

"Well," Kangxi nodded, gave some tonics to Concubine Cheng, and then said, "Concubine Cheng is sick, Concubine De should take care."

"Sister and concubine love the same sisters, and concubine thanked Lord Long Live on behalf of sister." Concubine De did have a good impression of concubine Cheng.

"Well," Kangxi lifted the topic, and didn't intend to go to the side hall to be a concubine. After taking a sip of tea, he said slowly, "How old is Xiao Qi this year?"

"Returning to Emperor Ama, my son is almost fourteen (empty Yinyou was puzzled by Kangxi's strange question, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Fourteen, not too young anymore." Kangxi put down his teacup, which landed on the table with a thud, "I remember that Xiao Qi is two years younger than Lao Si?"

"Yes," Yinyou became more and more terrified the more he heard it, could it be that Kangxi wanted to give him a marriage? !

"The fourth brother is working in the household department now. Since the two of you have always been close, Xiaoqi can follow the fourth brother to the household department to see how things are done, so he can learn more in the future." After Kangxi finished speaking, he did not continue. , turning the subject, "Can Xiaoqi's chess skills improve?"

Yinyou suppressed the surprise in his heart, and replied with a bitter face, "Huang Ama, my son is a stinky chess basket, I'm afraid there is no way to save it." But the hand hidden in the sleeve cage was tightened.

Generally, elder brother only went to Liubu to learn to do things when he was fifteen years old. What did Kangxi mean when he said that he had a close relationship with Yinzhen? Is it a compliment, or a warning? He let himself have a look, but he didn't mean to let himself intervene in the household department. Could it be that... he was going to hand over the household department to Yinzhen, and asked himself to learn from Yinzhen, in order to increase Yinzhen's weight? !

Right now, the big brother party and the princeling party should be fighting fiercely in the court, but Kangxi's move is to use Yinzhen to distract the attention of these two factions? ! His heart skipped a beat, even though he knew that Yinzhen was the future Yongzheng, he still couldn't help worrying about Yinzhen at this moment.

Moreover, the Qing Dynasty had always meant that the six departments should be handed over to the prince's management. With his own identity, the elder brother who was in charge of the six departments must not be able to turn to him. But even if the elder brother is in charge of the six departments, at least after the conferment of Baylor, the fourth elder brother has no title now. What does it mean for Kangxi to put him in the position of the hidden head of the household department? ! What's the point of asking myself, who is only fourteen years old, to go to the household department to have a look? !

I just hope... the crown prince didn't mean to be suspicious of Yinzhen.

"The fourth brother's chess skills are pretty good," Kangxi said with a smile, "You should learn from your fourth brother, and don't just think about how to eat and drink at your fourth brother's house all day long."

Hearing these words, Yinyou's whole body was already in cold sweat, but his face still had a simple and honest look, "The prince's brother, the third brother can't go there either?" Whatever you mean, I don't understand it at all.

"When did I tell you not to go?" Kangxi's eyes widened, "I told you to make progress. If you make progress, I will give you a few good dishes." After finishing speaking, he felt angry and funny, "You all The little **** who always thinks about eating."

"The emperor's grandmother also said that it is a blessing for the ministers to eat," Yinyou shrank his neck, looking guilty.

Kangxi was not annoyed by Yinyou's words, but just waved his hands and said, "Go away, I have a conversation with your De'eniang, you go and learn how to play chess well, next time you play chess with me and regret it, I will let you go!" You don't need food for two days."

Yinyou took advantage of the trend and got out, followed by Yinzhen and Sifujin.

Yinzhen said to Sifu Jin, "Go back first, my seventh brother and I still have things to do."

"Yes," Sifu Jin blessed Fushen, and was supported by others to leave.

Yinyou said with emotion, "The fourth sister-in-law looks very virtuous, fourth brother, you are blessed."

Yinzhen stretched out his hand to shake Yinyou's wrist, and pulled Yinyou's gaze away from Shu Ya, "Let's go." He looked back at the gate of Yonghe Palace, all his emotions were submerged under those black pupils.

Yinyou withdrew his gaze and followed Yinzhen, "Where did you go?"

Yinzhen paused, "Household Department." Everyone said, don't speculate on the holy meaning, but as a prince, if you really don't speculate on the meaning behind those words, you may have already been rejected.

Huang Ama wanted to increase the stakes for the prince, but even Xiao Qi was involved. He turned his head to look at the young man obediently following him, and said, "Seventh brother."

"Huh?" Yinyou looked up at him.

"Don't worry," he reached out and patted Yinyou's shoulder lightly, then retracted his hand with a wooden face, "I'm here."

Yinyou was startled, then slowly nodded, "Yes."

Not far away, falling flowers do not distinguish between you and me, and there are still petals entwining you and me in mid-air, which amazes the eyes of the world.

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