MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 37 The proud seventh elder brother

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"Li Dequan, what time is it?" Kangxi put down the memorial in his hand and looked at the sun outside the door.

"It's too late to return to the emperor," Li Dequan held a cup of hot tea and looked outside the door.

"It's not time." Kangxi glanced at the steaming hot tea, "The army going to the border should have set off at this time?"

Li Dequan said, "It's about this time. His Royal Highness is going to see him off. I'm afraid he will be returning to the palace soon."

Kangxi picked up the tea bowl, lifted the lid of the tea bowl but didn't drink it. After a long time, he put down the tea and sighed slowly, "Will that child blame me?"

Li Dequan knew in his heart who the Lord Long Live was talking about, and he also knew that no one could answer this question, and the Lord Long Live didn't need anyone to answer, so he buried his head even lower, and the entire imperial study room was so quiet that there was no sound.

Kangxi didn't expect to get an answer either, he rubbed his brow that was aching slightly, and slowly leaned on the back of the chair. He has been deliberately ignoring that child. As an Ama, he couldn't bear to see his child disabled. As an emperor, he didn't want to admit that he had a son who was born with a lameness. This made him think that he was not doing well enough. God was punishing him, so he rarely went to see that child except at palace banquets, and even his mother-in-law seldom favored him.

But this child behaves well and has survived well in this harem. Although he is a bit upright, he has never made a mistake. He could have made this child useless for the rest of his life, and let him be an idle county king or Baylor after a hundred years, but he never thought that this child wanted to be a general.

"That's all," he sighed, and put down his hands, his face showed no trace of fatigue, he was still the wise emperor, "passed on to serve in front of the imperial concubine."

"Hey," Li Dequan bowed and retreated, and raised his head slightly when he reached the door, only to see the tall emperor sitting on the chair carved with flying dragons with his back straight, with a cold look on his face.

Under the setting sun, Yinzhen stood on the palace road in the Forbidden City that was dyed red by fire, and slowly closed his eyes, as if recalling the serious appearance of his seventh brother who was a child holding his hand a few years ago.

"Go back," he opened his eyes, his voice was a little hoarse, the evening wind blew his robe feet, he looked up at the sunset in the west, "the days are long."

Xiao Luzi looked at the burning clouds that day inexplicably, followed behind his family, and walked out of the Forbidden City in step.

In the corner, Yinhu looked indifferently at the back of the departing Yinzhen, his light-colored robe was reflected red by the setting sun—

Most of the 10,000 soldiers brought by Fei Yanggu this time are the children of the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia. The peers did not have much welcome.

Yinyou is not stupid, he naturally understands the attitude of these people, but fortunately he was also a person who suffered hardships in his previous life, so it is not too difficult to eat, live and walk with these people. He didn't put on airs all the way, he did what he should do without hesitation, and didn't even say a word when he shouldn't do, and slowly made these soldiers treat him as an elder brother who had no real power. There is no attitude of exclusion.

Seeing this situation, Fei Yanggu, who was still a little worried that Brother Seven would not be able to integrate into the army, let it go with confidence. When he arrived at the border where he was stationed, the Seventh Brother, who he thought was useless, got along very well with some of the soldiers around him.

Although Yinyou said that he came to learn from Fei Yanggu's knowledge, no one dared to really let this elder brother do the work of an ordinary soldier, so he also arranged an independent camp for him, and even sent two small soldiers to come close Take care of him. Yinyou didn't refuse, it was necessary for his elder brother status, but he didn't need anyone to wait on him when he got up early every morning, and he didn't need anyone to call him, he consciously practiced with other soldiers.

He knew in his heart that in the army, strength sometimes had more say than the so-called status. If he wanted to get along well, he had to let these soldiers accept him first.

In the teaching field, most of the soldiers didn't know Yinyou, and the two sides sometimes fought each other, but the other side didn't show any mercy. Some people even joked about his lameness, but Yinyou didn't care. He followed these people to crawl in the water and roll in the mud. After a few days, he gradually became acquainted with some lower-level soldiers. "The lame boy".

On this day, Fei Yanggu came to Yinyou's army tent, but he couldn't find him, so he asked the soldier guarding the tent, "Where is Seventh Elder Brother?"

"Back to the general, the seventh elder brother issued the bill at dawn these few days, and ordered no one to follow, so the subordinates don't know." As small soldiers, how dare they disobey the elder brother's order, since the elder brother told them not to follow, they Naturally wait obediently.

Fei Yanggu frowned. He thought this elder brother was a peace of mind, but he didn't expect that he would not look good within a few days after he came here. No matter how dissatisfied he was, it was not easy for him to flare up, so he could only order the soldiers to stick to their posts, turn around and leave.

Seeing his expression, Ma Sika, who was with Fei Yanggu, smiled and said, "General Nala, did you hear that there is a soldier who is good at riding and shooting beside Brother Qi?"

Fei Yanggu was stunned, "Little Bing, the one next to Brother Seven?" Why didn't he have an impression?

Ma Sika smiled but did not answer, and brought Fei Yanggu to a training ground, where soldiers practiced freely on weekdays. Before they approached, they heard continuous applause.

"Seventh boy, give him a shot."

"Arhan, can you do it, you won't just be beaten down by the lame boy!"

When he heard "Seven Boys", the corners of Fei Yangguben's mouth twitched, and when he heard "Lame Boy", his original serious face changed color, but Maska next to him smiled and pointed at the soldiers who surrounded him. Xiao Quan said, "General, why don't we take a closer look?"

Yinyou didn't know that two famous generals of the Qing Dynasty were walking towards him. At this time, he was being punched in the face by his opponent, and his face was distorted in pain. He wiped the place where he was beaten, and a tall and sizable opponent was tripped by him and fell to the ground. He turned over and pressed down, looking proudly at Arhan, who was pinned down by him, "How about it, little boy?" Grandpa has won, I am willing to bet and admit defeat, you go and run ten laps around the teaching field!"

The soldiers around shouted, "Run, run!"

"Run and run," Arhan lay on the ground panting, "then you have to let me go first."

Yinyou turned over and lay on the ground, looking at the blue sky, smiling smugly, a few soldiers behind him dragged him up from the ground, not helping, but dragging, this is the arrogance and rudeness of men in the army .

"Bah," Arhan spat out the sand, stretched out his hand and patted Yinyou's shoulder, and smiled honestly: "I can't see that your lame is still so powerful, no wonder you can protect Brother Qi closely, what else?" Don't say it, I'm convinced by Arhan!" As he spoke, he turned around and began to run in circles.

Hearing these soldiers, one lame on the left and one boy on the right, Fei Yanggu's complexion was very distorted, but when he saw the lame Seventh Brother with a sandy face and a bright smile on his face, he silently turned his face away and coughed dryly: "Lord Maska, let's go back to our camp."

"General!" When a soldier saw the two of them, he immediately stood up in a proper manner. Those who hooked their shoulders, those who scolded their mothers, and those who were fighting each other quickly stood in formation, so fast that Yinyou hadn't reacted yet.

Yinyou looked at the neat formation next to him, then looked at the empty surroundings, patted the dust off his body, and slapped Fei Yanggu and Ma Sika, "General Nala, General Ma Sika."

It stands to reason that Yinyou didn't need to salute the two generals at all, but this is a military camp, and he came out with the two generals to increase his knowledge, so the two of them could bear the salute.

Fei Yanggu and Ma Sika were not fools either, seeing this, they returned a salute, Ma Sika said: "Seventh brother is very skilled." But in his heart, he thought highly of Yinyou, people who respect others often also will be respected by others.

"Pa-ta!" The knives in the hands of several soldiers who had called Yinyou the lame boy fell to the ground, and their hearts were cold for a long time. They called a elder brother a lame, which was a serious crime of disrespect to the royal family.

"General Maska praised you a lot," Yinyou looked at the neat army behind him, "every soldier brother present worked harder than Yinyou, Yinyou only took advantage of his skill and agility, if he went to the battlefield, he might not be as good as him." Anyone who is on the field." In his mind, these people are fighting with their lives, eating the simplest food, but rushing to the front when they go to the battlefield, and my elder brother, hiding in the rear protected by them, Nowhere can compare to them.

Just like those people's soldiers in the previous life, they used their bodies to stop the flood, and used their lives to rescue and rescue disasters. They may not be the most educated and qualified people, but they are indeed worthy of his respect. .

Yinyou clasped his fists at the soldiers and said, "In the past few days, Yinyou hasn't told you who you are, so I ask you to be sorry. Everyone here is a good son of our Qing Dynasty. No one is an elder brother or a soldier here. , we are all good brothers who guarded the border of the Qing Dynasty. It’s just that Yinyou is young, so I ask you brothers not to show mercy when practicing, and please forgive Yinyou for concealing the crime.”

This remark reassured the soldier who was originally worried about his crime of disrespect, and he also had a lot of good feelings for this elder brother in his heart.

Fei Yanggu, who was standing by the side, vaguely understood why the Holy Majesty sent this elder brother to the border, and also understood why the fourth elder brother had a good relationship with this elder brother. This unknown seventh elder brother liked these soldiers deep in his heart, and he also put himself in the position of a junior.

In the next few days, the soldiers got along with Yinyou a little cautiously. After a long time, although these people still called Yinyou the seventh elder brother, they were merciless in the training field. He smiled generously.

Yinyou gradually adapted to the life in the military camp. Although it was much harder than the life in the palace, he felt a sense of pride, which was probably the feeling brought by the army.

And the biggest general, General Fei Yanggu, didn't express any dissatisfaction with Brother Seven's behavior of "not doing his job properly", so Yinyou's life in the army continued so beautifully and harmoniously.

In the Qianqing Palace, Kangxi opened a booklet from the border, and a smile gradually appeared on his face, "Okay, very good." Fei Yanggu wrote the words and deeds of the seventh elder brother in the booklet, which made Kangxi very satisfied .

Yinzhen, who was sitting at the bottom, glanced at the happy expression on Kangxi's face, but dared not ask.

"Fourth brother, it seems that Yinyou is up to date." Kangxi handed the booklet to Li Dequan, gesturing him to hand it over to Yinzhen, "I know you have a deep relationship with brother Xiaoqi, look at what mess he has been up to lately. "Although he said nonsense, the smile on his face and the appreciation in his eyes were not concealed at all.

Yinzhen took the booklet with both hands, although he was anxious, he didn't dare to look at it carefully. He glanced at it and saw that Brother Qi and the soldiers were fighting for food in the same pot. After running dozens of laps with the stone in his arms, and other funny and distressing behaviors, Yinzhen returned the booklet to Li Dequan, and said to Kangxi: "Seventh brother shares weal and woe with soldiers, my son I am ashamed to be inferior to my younger brother."

"You didn't go to the barracks again, what a shame you are." Kangxi was in a good mood and took a sip of tea, "Okay, okay, you step back, but I heard that Xiaoqi asked someone to deliver a letter to you, go back and have a look stop."

"Your servant is retiring." After hearing this, Yinzhen quickened his pace of returning home after leaving Qianqing Palace.

Kangxi took out an ordinary letter from under the booklet, put down the teacup in his hand, took out the letter paper, and said with a smile: "After two months in the army, Lao Qi's handwriting has become more vigorous, which is very good."

Taking advantage of this situation, Li Dequan exchanged a cup of hot tea for Kangxi, took a look at the smile on Kangxi's face, and understood in his heart that the performance of this seventh elder brother in the army probably pleased the Lord Long Live.