MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 44 Angry

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"Master, what's wrong with Seventh Brother?" Shuya saw that Seventh Brother was being carried by two young servants, blessing Yinzhen, so she looked worriedly at Yinyou who had lost her sobriety, and told the servant girl The son went to cook the hangover soup, and asked someone to fetch water.

"It's just drunk, don't worry about it," Yinzhen ordered the two servants to help him to his room, and then said to Shuya: "Go and take care of Honghui, Xiaoluzi will be busy with these things."

"Yes," Shu Ya slightly blessed her, and led the mother and maid back to her garden. Since the two got married, although they have been lukewarm, the master treated her well. Also pass her hand. Moreover, there were not many people in the backyard, and no one overtook her. It was a blessing to live like this for a lifetime.

When Yinzhen went back to the house, he saw that the servant was lifting Yinyou's outer robe, he waved his hand: "You all go down, just bring up the water, you don't need to worry about the rest."

"Hey," the boy withdrew, and the room became quiet again.

At this time Yinyou was very quiet, even if Yinzhen took off his clothes, he didn't move. When she took off her middle clothes, there was a knock on the door, and Yinzhen pulled the quilt over Yinyou's body, "Come in."

Two young servants came in with a large wooden barrel, followed by several eunuchs carrying water and maids carrying bath supplies.

When everything was ready, Yinzhen asked them to retreat, and then looked down at the sleeping person, because the drunken cheeks were red and looked a little more cute, reminding Yinzhen of the child who twisted the corner of his clothes back then.

Touching the hem of the jacket, he paused for a moment, then took it off without hesitation, dragged his trousers, and bent over to carry him into the tub. Although he really wanted to do the thing that he had thought about countless times in his mind, but looking at the sleeping person, he just washed his whole body for him in a regular manner.

Shoulders, back, waist, abdomen, he hesitated when he went down, he didn't know if any further movement would turn the persistence in his heart into green smoke, and then do something that he regretted.

The hand finally bypassed that place, slid to the thigh with good touch, scrubbed and scrubbed, and after washing, the back of the hand was inadvertently wiped out and took out the top. The thing seemed to move again, and the back of his hand was hot.

Withdrew his hand abruptly, carried him out of the bucket, quickly dried his whole body, put him back on the bed, and hurried out the door, only then did he feel that he was breathing normally. The dullness in the room made him dare not go back to the room for the time being, so he just called the servant to tidy up the room, and went to the side room to take a bath by himself.

Yinyou, who was lying on the bed, rubbed against the sheets unconsciously at this time, his face became more and more red, and he tossed for a long time before he calmed down again.

After bathing and changing into clean clothes, Yinzhen left the room. Seeing the small path outside, he asked, "Have you given Brother Seven the hangover soup?"

"Master, the slave saw that elder brother Seven was asleep, so he didn't let anyone disturb him. The hangover soup is still prepared at this time." Xiao Luzi knew that his master had always loved this younger brother, so he didn't dare to be careless.

"Forget it, let him sleep, and ask the kitchen to prepare stomach-nourishing soup, and let him drink it when Xiaoqi wakes up," Yinzhen said while walking towards the main room, took two steps, and turned around again , "Go to the study and ask someone to wait outside the main house. If Brother Qi wakes up, send someone to call for the master."

"Hey." Didn't you think about it everywhere?

Yinyou woke up in a daze, feeling cold somewhere under his body, and sat up suddenly awake, his face distorted into various shapes, he actually had nocturnal emission, let alone the nocturnal emission, he was still at the fourth brother's house, this How far is it going to be ashamed? In an instant, an alpaca crawled slowly through his mind, with a disdainful expression on his face.

Lying weakly on the bed, his old face was suddenly redder than when he was drunk.

When Yinzhen heard the servant in the mansion say that elder brother Qi was awake, he went back to the room, only to see that the person who had woken up was still lying on the bed. He walked to the bed and asked worriedly, "What's wrong, feeling uncomfortable?"

The lump on the bed moved, the corners of Yinyou's mouth moved, but Yinzhen didn't hear a word clearly, so he reached out and patted the bulging hill: "What are you talking about?"

"I want to change my pants," Yinyou said quickly and anxiously, his voice raised a lot.

Yinzhen was slightly stunned, and then bent his mouth: "Why, are you not used to wearing the clothes in my house?"

Yinyou looked at Yinzhen with a numb expression, roaring in a mess in his heart, how do you want me to speak, how can I be so affectionate?

Seeing that Yinyou's expression was not right, the smile on Yinzhen's face gradually dissipated, and hesitantly and seriously asked: "You...wetting the bed?"

"Crack!" The servant girls and servants guarding the outside heard the sound of bowls breaking from inside the room.

Xiao Luzi twitched the corners of his mouth, Qi Ye, you must have smashed the bowl of lotus leaf porridge, that bowl can be your favorite color, and it is worth several hundred taels of silver.

Yinyou, who changed his trousers, watched the servant girl come to tidy up the bed, his complexion changed again and again, and the teacup in his hand creaked.

Xiao Luzi came in with two bowls of blood swallow porridge, and seeing Brother Qi's complexion was not good-looking, he knew that Brother Qi was embarrassed, so he approached him with a smile, "Master Qi, this is what the master specially ordered to cook in the kitchen. Would you like to try the blood swallow porridge?" Qi Ye is not very old, and he was really angry when he encountered such a thing at his brother's place, but he didn't know what his master said, which made Qi Ye smash the bowl of lotus leaves in anger Porridge.

Seeing the ambiguous smile on Xiaoluzi's face, Yinyou knew that Xiaoluzi knew about it too. Thinking of the boy and maid who were cleaning the bed just now, his complexion changed again, and then he said with a hard voice: "Put it down." Bar."

Xiao Luzi put down the tray with a smile, put the porridge in front of Yinyou, and then took his master's portion again. He took a look at Yinzhen's face, and then backed out.

Looking at the inclusive smile on Yinzhen's face, Yinyou felt that it was not right for him to take anger at Yinzhen for no reason. After all, he was a man of dozens of years old, and he still angered a young man who was less than twenty years old. , It's really unreasonable.

After adjusting my mood, I said awkwardly: "This porridge tastes pretty good."

Yinzhen knows Yinyou's temperament, even if he becomes angry from embarrassment, he will quickly figure out right from wrong. This temperament makes him love and hate at the same time. See. As an older brother, I am always conflicted psychologically. As an elder brother who likes his younger brother, this feeling is even more contradictory.

The feeling on the back of the hand when bathing for Yinyou suddenly flashed in his mind, Yinzhen's hand holding the silver spoon tightened, and quickly buried his head in a sip of porridge to hide the unbearable thoughts in his heart: "If you like it, I will come to the house later Come on, I'll let the cook do it for you, and after you divide the mansion, it's fine to send the cook who made the blood swallow porridge to your house."

"That can't be done. It costs a lot of money to make a bowl of blood swallow porridge. I'll come to your fourth brother for a while." Yinyou buried his head in another mouthful, and after swallowing, he smiled proudly: "Fortunately, Huang Ama Thinking that I like to run to you, fourth brother, even the house is so close, it's cheaper for me."

Yinzhen smiled wryly, this time back in the capital, Huang Ama treated the seventh brother a lot better, but thinking of the woman who will live in Yinyou's mansion in the near future, I feel bad after all, "You are always thinking about my mansion. This is something." It would be good if you always remember to think about it in the future.

"If you don't miss fourth brother, who do you miss?" Yinyou opened his eyes wide and said it as a matter of course, "I'm embarrassed to ask for the good things from Erniang."

After hearing this, Yin Zhen's complexion improved a lot. Among these brothers, he was different in his heart after all.

The lights in Qianqing Palace were still on at the time of Hai, Kangxi finished approving a book, and drank a sip of nourishing tea: "I heard that a few grown-up elder brothers have a drink together outside today?"

Li Dequan replied with a smile: "Long Live Lord, that's exactly the case."

Kangxi's complexion didn't show much joy because of the gathering of the brothers, and even his tone of voice didn't change a bit: "Well, he has grown up. Has Lao Qi returned to the palace yet?"

Li Dequan bowed and replied: "The servant heard that the seventh elder brother was drunk, so he rested at the fourth elder brother's residence."

"It's always good for the fourth to treat the seventh," Kangxi picked up a booklet, and circled a name with a cinnabar pen, "Let him go, control this child..." The cinnabar pen paused slightly, but didn't say any more .

Li Dequan bowed slightly again.

"Seventh elder brother's marriage date will be set in the middle of next month," Kangxi said suddenly, "You ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to handle this matter carefully."

"Hey," Li Dequan knelt down and accepted the order.

In the early morning of the second day, Yinyou and Yinzhen went to the court together. Although the walking posture was not elegant, the ministers of the court treated him very politely, and looked at him like a hero on the battlefield.

Yinyou stood on the right side of the fifth elder brother. He peeked at the straight-backed elder brother and the prince, and put the weight of his whole body on his right leg. As a disabled person, he had to compare his standing with other brothers. He is stressed.

As a member of the household department, Yinyou doesn't have many things to do. Yinzhen is responsible for major matters, and the servant of the household department is in charge of minor matters. Small matters are handled by other officials. He just needs to show up on time and don't make trouble.

Moreover, the recording method here is different from that of later generations. The recording method is very complicated, but it is not so easy to cheat. After all, the difference between changing the font and subtracting a stroke is very big.

Thinking of a rumor about Yongzheng's succession in later generations, saying that the ten was changed to Yu, Yinyou felt very funny. He didn't know that simplified characters had been spread in Kangxi's later years.

There are good reasons for Kangxi to pass the throne to the fourth elder brother. The first three have made mistakes, and the following ones are either too young and unsteady, or their mother’s status is too low, or they are not conspicuous enough, and the fourth elder brother is raised by Tong Jia’s side. , Kangxi has always attached great importance to the fourth elder brother, and the fourth elder brother's ability to handle affairs is obvious to all. Fourteen is not as good as the fourth elder brother in this regard.

The so-called transfer of the throne to the fourteenth elder brother is simply nonsense, and the passing of the throne to the eighth elder brother is even more absurd. Since Kangxi reprimanded the eighth elder brother for his mother's low status in front of the courtiers and treated him coldly for several years, how could it be possible to pass on the position to the eighth elder brother? give him?

Yinyou was sitting in the household department drinking tea, admiring the working status of Yinzhen and the officials, and almost didn't hold the scripture book in his hand to show that he was very leisurely.

This leisurely state finally disappeared without a trace after he returned to his elder brother and received the order to get married next month. As an uncle with a light taste, how could he be interested in a teenage yellow-haired girl?

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