MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 65 Sisi, you are a loyal dog

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The Babeile Mansion, which was originally full of people, suddenly became deserted. No official dared to visit Ba Prince, and even the princes who had intended to lean toward Ba Prince closed their doors one after another, pretending to be deaf to what was going on outside the window. attitude.

A few days later, Kangxi said in the court hall that he had dreamed of his ancestors and blamed himself for abolishing the prince. He also said that the prince's behavior was absurd because of people's interference, so he proposed to restore the prince.

Standing in the main hall, Yinyou heard the sound of seconding, calmly lifted the corner of his court robe, knelt down and said, "My minister seconded."

"Your Majesty, although the evidence for witchcraft is convincing, it is inappropriate for the second elder brother to act," Prince Yu said with the support of all the ministers, and immediately made Yinyou, who was kneeling beside him, confused water.

Although he is not proficient in history, Prince Yu Fuquan, as Kangxi's half-brother, is a capable man in the military.

Yinyou didn't know, but Yinzhen knew very well in his heart that his uncle had always favored Lao Ba, and now Lao Ba had the experience to win the position of crown prince, but was scolded by Kangxi instead. Now if the second brother becomes the crown prince again, I am afraid that the life of the eighth brother will not be easy. However, I didn't expect this uncle to be so dissatisfied with the second child, which is really interesting.

Sure enough, after Prince Yu Fuquan said this, Kangxi's face became unsightly, but he didn't need to get angry, but asked, "What does Prince Yu think?"

"I think that eighth elder brother Yinhu is young, but he is humble, intelligent and capable, and has a good character. In fact, he should be chosen by the prince." Fuquan lifted his robe and knelt down. After coughing twice, he said again, "Please, Your Majesty. Think twice."

"There is no need to discuss this matter any more, let's retreat." Kangxi said in a deep voice, got up and left.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" The courtier knelt on the ground anxiously, and stood up tremblingly until the emperor left.

Yinyou stood next to the princes, watching Fuquan coughing and standing up, with a look of despondency. Seeing this scene, Yinyou couldn't help thinking, fortunately, the eighth elder brother was ill and hadn't gone to court, otherwise he would be scolded by Kangxi again today.

The people in the main hall retreated in twos and threes, Yinyou followed Yinzhen, but was stopped by Prince Yu, and even Yinzhen stopped.

"I heard that there are a lot of things going on in the Ministry of Household Affairs. Let's get busy with the fourth elder brother. I have a chat with the seventh elder brother." Prince Yu has fought in the battlefield for many years, and he has an aura of authority without anger. It's just these few gentle words The words also brought a lot of momentum.

"In this case, Yinzhen will take a step back first, and the second uncle and the seventh brother will chat slowly." Yinzhen showed a trace of respect for Fuquan as usual, and walked away first.

Yinyou was beating in his heart. Usually, this Prince Yu never paid much attention to him. What kind of gift would he give every year? Could it be that he was hit by Kangxi, and he wanted to find a soft persimmon elder brother to find a place, and he couldn't bully Lao Tzu, so he came to teach his son a lesson?

Fuquan carefully looked at this nephew who he didn't think much of before. Among all the sons of Kangxi, he admired the eighth elder brother the most, followed by the fourth elder brother, the third elder brother, and the eldest elder brother. He has no achievements, although the generals in horseback archery and dispatching troops showed some ability in the battle with Galdan, but a person with such two feet is destined not to be a general.

He has always disliked the prince and hoped that the eighth elder brother would ascend to the position of crown prince, but the emperor preferred Yinfeng, who was not up to the mark. On the other hand, this seventh elder brother was usually quiet and close to the fourth son, but he didn't have many conflicts with the other princes. The only elder brother who had any conflicts was also put under house arrest because of witchcraft.

"Yinyou, how about going for a walk with Second Uncle?" Fuquan asked with a smile, with a morbid look on his face.

"It's my nephew's honor," Yinyou saluted, half a step behind Fuquan.

Fuquan noticed his little behavior, and remembered that when he was a little prince, because Er Niang's status was low, he was so cautious every day, "I heard that you are in charge of the Ministry of Industry, are you doing well?"

"The adults in the Ministry of Industry are all people with both ability and political integrity. Yinyou has learned a lot from them and benefited a lot from them." Yinyou didn't understand, what is the meaning of this famous prince in history?

When the two left the palace, Fu Quan walked straight forward without getting into the sedan chair or carriage, and Yin You didn't dare to neglect, so he had to obediently follow behind.

"This is the shop, the dim sum tea in it is very good, do you have breakfast, if not, come with me," Fuquan waved his hand, and brought Yinyou into a well-decorated shop.

Yinyou sat in a small room with Prince Yu, and there were straight snacks of various colors and two bowls of meat porridge that looked very good on the table. He murmured in his heart, this guy didn't go back to his mansion to eat, but ran out to eat, isn't this a fool?

The porridge tastes really good, although Yinyou used some porridge when he got up in the morning, and now he doesn't find it hard to swallow.

"I once heard the emperor say that you wanted to be a general when you were young, but do you still have this idea now?"

Yinyou was so frightened that he almost choked to death with a mouthful of porridge. He had never said this to Kangxi, but he never expected that it would actually reach Kangxi's ears. He put down the spoon, wiped the corner of his mouth and said, "It happened when I was young, Yinyou You Xiang knew it from himself, so the Ministry of Industry is also very good."

Fuquan knew what Yinyou meant by "self-knowledge", he held the spoon in his hand and continued to ask, "I heard that kid Yinzhen likes you very much?"

The speaker is not interested in the listener, and Yinyou's eyelids twitched when he heard the word "like". Fourth brother eats snacks and wants some toys, but fortunately fourth brother is a caring young brother, so I got a lot of good things."

"It's not easy to make Yinzhen's desolate temperament treat you well." Fuquan put down his spoon, as if he had almost finished eating, "This is also the fate between brothers."

"Fourth brother has always treated his younger brothers well," Yinyou was not sure what Fuquan was thinking, so he had to do Tai Chi with a smile.

"I don't agree with that, he's not so kind to that boy Yinhu," Fuquan shook his head, and said the words as if he was joking.

Yinyou's heart was agitated, and he said immediately: "Didn't the elder brother take care of the eighth brother when he was young, so the fourth brother took care of me." He secretly guessed, maybe Fuquan didn't like Yinzhen's standing in Fuli's second place. He only said this about the crown prince, Yinzhen is shrewd, so he chose the upright self that was rumored in the palace?

Seeing that there was still a smile on Yinyou's face, Fuquan's tone remained unchanged, "Do you have to share responsibility for taking care of your younger brother? What's the reason for this?"

Are you finding fault with yourself?

Yinyou silently looked down at the lotus leaf pearl bag in front of him, and suddenly realized the connotation of "you can be shot while lying down", "Second uncle really knows how to joke, but whoever has time can take care of it, let alone our own There are a lot of people waiting around me, so it’s really tiring for my brothers to take care of them. It’s just that I like to pester my brothers for some novel gadgets. At that time, I was young and ignorant. Make fun of me, otherwise I will really lose face."

"The emperor did say that his seventh elder brother is a **** who likes to eat." Fuquan's expression suddenly eased a lot, and he got up and gathered his robe, "Come on, it's getting late, you go and work on yourself." I don't want you to gossip with me, an old man."

"Second Uncle, what are you talking about? It's also a pleasure for Yinyou to talk to you and talk about the past. Why do you say whether to accompany you or not?" Yinyou smiled harmlessly and purely, but he said so As he spoke, he followed Fuquan's movements and stood up.

"Your eighth brother is not in good health these days, you just go and talk to him, I can't talk much with you young children," Fuquan laughed, and then walked out, Yinyou followed him wisely , took out his purse to pay the money, bowed and bowed to send the famous Qing prince away, and then returned to the Ministry of Industry in a daze. By the way, what is the intention of this man?

"Since the second uncle asked you to visit your sick younger brother, you should go too," Yinzhen said while blocking Yinyou's road with chess pieces, "Since you are going to the eighth younger brother's house, take it for me too." Go for the gift, the household department is busy these few days, so I won't visit him."

Yinyou looked at his messy pile of chess pieces on the chessboard, pushed his hands to disrupt the whole chessboard, and lay down on the chessboard shamelessly, "I can't play this thing anymore, it's really boring. I'm just worried, what about Huang Ama?" ..."

"As an elder brother, he just cares about his younger brother who is seriously ill," Yinzhen said with a smile when he saw Yinyou's rascal appearance, "We support the second elder brother, what's wrong with simply visiting the sick younger brother, why don't you invite the fifth younger brother tomorrow, The tenth brother, the thirteenth brother, and the fourteenth brother go to see it together, and if the third brother has time, we can make an appointment together."

It was only then that Yinyou understood what Yinzhen meant, and there was only one thought in his mind, how many twists and turns did these pure and unadulterated royal children have in their brains, it really hit the uncle's self-confidence too much.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Yinyou didn't speak, Yinzhen stretched out his hand and tugged at his cheek, couldn't help but bent down and kissed his lips, and said with a soft smile, "You don't want to go?"

"No," patted Yinzhen's face that was originally ice but now smiling like a flower, "I'm just feeling sorry for my life."

"But will fifth brother go?" Yinyou was very skeptical.

Yinzhen was slapped away, and he simply put his arms around Yinyou's waist, "The fifth brother never likes to offend people, and if the brothers go tomorrow, if he doesn't go, I'm afraid he will offend the eighth, not to mention..." Lao Ba has fallen down now, who knows if he will get up again someday?

The itchy feeling in his waist made Yinyou twist his waist, then reached out and continued to pat the paw on his waist, but the other party remained still, he gave up fighting with the paw, frowned and sighed, "I understand." He will go, and Yinzhen will not go either. He feels that he chooses to ignore the twists and turns in the middle. He has no chance to become a smart person in this life, so he admits defeat calmly.

However, his admitting defeat does not mean that he has one more claw on his waist, and he even dared to make an inch and poke underneath.

"Crack!" Slapping the back of a certain paw heavily, Yinyou stood up, and gracefully flicked the non-existing dust on the robe, "Fourth brother, your paw is itchy, I can help you cure it. "

Yinzhen covered his hands, and shrank back obediently.

"Humph," Yinzhen raised his eyebrows in satisfaction, "I'm going back, by the way, the dim sum I used just now tastes good, remember to find time to borrow the cook to teach the people in my house." After finishing speaking, he staggered away opened.

Yinzhen touched the back of his reddish hand, looking at the pastries on the table, feeling a little worried, the ones that the seventh brother likes, should I teach them all?

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