MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 72 Emperor's mind

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"Yo, fourth brother, can you see outside?" Yinyou stood beside a vase on the bookshelf, turned around and saw the scene outside the study beside a landscape painting.

"Well," Yinzhen glanced at him, buried his head and continued to look at the account book in his hand, but recalled the incident when he was accidentally overheard by the seventh brother when he was talking with his subordinates a few years ago. That time, the seventh brother didn't say anything, he didn't ask, but After that incident, he asked someone to remodel the study overnight.

"Then there are people coming outside, do you know?" Yinyou looked closer curiously, and he could see the corridor outside the door clearly in his vision, which is the only way to the study, which is better than letting a person guard outside the study, At least it won't give the visitor the feeling that the people in the study are talking about shady things.

As expected of someone who will be the emperor in the future, you can see his heart and means from a small place.

Thinking of what he had just said with Yinzhen, Yinyou became interested and asked: "We were talking just now, is anyone here?" Presumably if someone came, Yinzhen would not bring up Honghui's matter in front of him.

Without raising his head, Yinzhen said slowly, "No."

At noon, Hong Hui and Hong Shu also eat with them. Honghui is eight years old, four years older than Hongshu, perhaps because of the difference in the upbringing of their respective amas, eight-year-old Honghui is as serious as a little adult, while four-year-old Hongshu is still a little bun, walking Shaking here and there, but like all kinds of delicious gadgets.

As expected of Uncle Seven's son, Hong Hui thought, glancing at Hong Shu who was eating custard and smiling happily.

"Honghui, don't look around when eating," Yinzhen had already put down the bowl and chopsticks at this time, and scolded Honghui with a sullen face while washing his hands, scaring the child to put down the bowl and chopsticks too.

"I said what are you doing?" The host had already put down the bowl and chopsticks, but a certain guest was still eating happily. Yinyou took a pair of clean chopsticks and picked the crystal duck tongue into the Honghui bowl, smiling. Said: "Honghui, don't pay attention to you, Ama, the child is growing up, eat well. Now you put the chopsticks, how can Uncle Seven have the nerve to move them?"

"Oh," Hong Hui looked down at the duck tongue in the bowl, and then at Uncle Qi who was "sorry" moving his chopsticks but eating happily. He thought to himself, if there is Seventh Uncle's place, he doesn't have to be afraid of Ama's punishment.

After eating and carrying some good things, the father and son wandered out of Prince Yong's Mansion. The servants of the Prince's Mansion saw that their master came back with their elder brother, and each of them showed such a look.

"It seems that our master still loves Elder Brother the most," a servant sweeping the floor in the house said in a low voice, "On weekdays Li always takes Elder Brother out."

"What nonsense are you talking about? The master treats the second elder brother and the elder brother well, but the elder brother is older, so naturally he waits for the elder brother to go out. Don't talk nonsense. Our master has always treated people fairly. On the opposite side of Fujin, Fujin and the concubine Fujin has nothing to say." The gardener next to him glared at the boy who had spoken before, "Don't talk nonsense in the future, be careful if the manager hears it and kicks you out."

The sweeping boy shrank his neck, but he admired his master in his heart. There were only two side rooms in the majestic county prince's mansion. As far as he knew, even the sixth-rank guards of the county prince's house had three concubines. I heard that now Another concubine was brought into the room.

There is also a family member's family on the front street. I heard that a concubine died in the family, and she buried it hastily. I really don't treat people as human beings, but the master treats his servants very well, even Fujin is gentle and gentle, The people in the house have several sets of new clothes every season, and they can eat meat every day. The last time I went out to drink, I happened to meet a fellow villager who was working in another prince's house. But much more generous.


The prince was abolished twice, and Kangxi sacrificed to heaven again, and accused his ancestors. The two abolitions and two establishments are like a joke. It is of no use except to let these brothers fight each other.

Kangxi, who was in his fifties, suddenly became old, his hair at the temples gradually became frosty white, and the wrinkles at the corners of his brows and eyes gradually deepened. It seemed that his original pride and ambition suddenly disappeared, and he became more and more tired.

When Yinyou was summoned by Kangxi, he was enjoying the cool air in the yard. The early summer in the 45th year of Kangxi seemed to be extremely hot, which made him a little overwhelmed. The enthusiasm for innovation in the Ministry of Industry also disappeared due to the weather, and he was not at home on weekdays To enjoy the coolness in the shade of the trees in the yard is to go to Yinzhen's yard to reduce the heat.

Occasionally, I went to the imperfect Yuanmingyuan once or twice, looking at the beams and columns supported by the extremely beautifully carved white marble, but what I thought of was the dilapidated wall with only a few stones left on the grassland in the history books. The original curiosity gradually faded, so that I don't like to go to the Old Summer Palace that now belongs to the fourth elder brother.

Kangxi summoned Yinyou, whether he wanted to or not, he had to dress neatly and enter the palace, and entered the Qianqing Palace, where it was quiet, Kangxi sat by the chessboard, looking a little tired. There are several pieces of cooling ice in the house, so that the house is very cool.

"I send my regards to Huang Ama." The knees kneeling on the ground were chilly and painful. It was obviously summer, and Yinyou inexplicably felt a little chill on his back, and the sweat from his palms was also icy cold.

"Get up, play a game with me," Kangxi pointed to the chessboard, but his eyes did not fall on Yinyou, and there was no trace of joy or anger in his expression.

Yinyou's heart is getting more and more uneasy, which is a little different from when Kangxi asked him to play chess in the past, as for the difference, Yinyou can't tell. He obediently sat down on the edge of the chessboard, Kangxi still held the white pieces, while he held the black pieces.

"Click", Kangxi's first son was placed in the Tianyuan position. This kind of undisguised imperial aura made Yinyou's forehead sweat. He played chess with Kangxi many times, but Kangxi had never Whichever time the chess piece falls on this place at the first step.

Leaving the sweat-stained sunspots in the corner, Yinyou hardly dared to look into Kangxi's eyes.

"It's said that you can know a person by watching chess, but I think this kind of saying is useless," Kangxi said casually, but the next move blocked Yinyou's way, "Xiaoqi, your chess skills are really terrible , but doing things is better than this chess skill."

"Yuemo is because my son is not good at this way." Seeing that his way was blocked, Yinyou had to abandon his son and choose another way. "My son is a lazy person, so I never insist on doing things. My son has a responsibility to the emperor Ama." teach."

"Sometimes I think all my sons can do it, but sometimes I want all my sons to be mediocre." This time Kangxi did not block Yinyou's life, but let it go, "Ama is not easy to do, the emperor Ama is even more difficult."

Thinking that this person might be heartbroken because of his favorite sons fighting one by one, Yinyou also felt a little complicated, so he could only say: "Huang Ama, my sons and ministers have heard such a saying from the people that children and grandchildren have their own rights. Children and grandchildren, it is enough for an Ama'er mother to educate her children, but it is not up to the parents to decide what the children are like."

Kangxi raised his eyelids and looked at this son who didn't like to fight, as if he didn't expect him to say such straightforward words. I always thought that this son was unwilling to get involved in right and wrong, but now in one sentence, it is clearly stated that he knows about the fight between brothers.

Dare to say such blunt words to yourself, do you really think you won't get angry, or is this son really stupid?

"You said you never persisted in doing things?" After playing for a while, the black pieces on the chessboard had been killed, and Kangxi's voice was clear and cold, "Then I hope you will remember this sentence."

Yinyou was startled secretly, couldn't help but looked up at Kangxi, only saw a trace of coldness in the other's eyes, he felt cold, put down the chess pieces, got up and knelt in front of Kangxi, "I would like to listen to Huang Ama's teaching. "

Is it teaching rather than will?

Kangxi looked coldly at the young man kneeling in front of him, because his head was buried, his white and slender neck was exposed, as if he could wring it off as long as he stretched out his hand. He played with the chess pieces in his hand, "Get up, I didn't say anything important, so don't be so panicky."

"Yes, Huang Ama." Yinyou stood up, looking at the lifeless chess game in front of him, the panic in his heart did not increase but decreased.

After Yinyou got up, Kangxi kept silent, and Yinyou didn't dare to ask, until his sunspots lost in a mess and there was no way out.

"What do you think of your brothers?"

Kangxi's words were like thunder, and Yinyou was so frightened that he couldn't even sit still, but seeing Kangxi's expression, he didn't dare to kneel again, but said: "Huhuang Ama, they each have their strengths and weaknesses. My son has nowhere to comment."

"Your words are reasonable," Kangxi nodded slowly, and swept all the pieces on the chessboard aside, "Let's play another game."

Yinyou, who was confused by Kangxi's actions, had no choice but to continue playing chess with Kangxi for no reason. Fortunately, this time, he went to Tianyuan without taking the first step. out of water.

"The boss is reckless, the second is perverted, the third lacks courage, the fifth has no intention of political affairs, the eighth is too thoughtful, the ten is straightforward, and the other princes are too young. Tell me, what can I do with these people?"

Yinyou wished that he would pass out now, only three of the top ten princes were not mentioned, the imprisoned old nine, the disabled himself, and Yinzhen who was strict in doing things, Kangxi... What do you mean?

"If you are an emperor, you must avoid having partiality. If your heart is biased, you will inevitably be subjective when dealing with government affairs. This is not a blessing for the common people in the world. To be an emperor, it is better to be ruthless. Yinzhen is only a little bit short , Xiaoqi, do you know what is wrong with him?"


A few sunspots fell on the ground, bouncing around with indescribable joy, but the room was full of dullness.

The author has something to say: See the children's shoes here, please believe that I am my real mother =. =

In the Qing Dynasty, there was a requirement for the number of concubines for main wives, but concubines are basically on the same level as playthings, and there seems to be no limit on the number. If there are no heirs, the concubine of the prince will not be included in the jade certificate, and the concubine of the noble will not be included in the genealogy. From "Female Ring", we can see how low the status of women is, and the three obediences and four virtues are simply an excuse for men to enslave women. Sure enough, discriminating against women or something, the most bastard! ╭(╯^╰)╮PS: Some bugs have been changed in the last chapter, which does not affect reading.

Read The Duke's Passion