MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 8 summer...

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When going to Zhongcui Palace, Tong Jia's complexion was not very good. He heard that she just had a cold. Looking at this pale woman, Yinyou knew in her heart that this woman didn't have many days to live.

After finishing his meal, he stood aside, watching Tong Jiashi bent down to straighten Yinzhen's clothes, and hurriedly looked away to hide the emotion in his eyes. Regardless of whether Tong Jiashi's love for Yinzhen is out of sincerity or because she needs a son to be with her, there is no doubt that she is good to Yinzhen. Brother is really much better, and even his status in the palace is much higher than that of eighth elder brother.

After leaving the Zhongcui Palace, the crown prince naturally walked first, and Yinyou walked silently among the brothers, and could not help but think about Yinzhen's future life.

He looked up at the sun hanging in the sky, the glare of the sun made his eyes a little sour, and a hand stretched out to cover his eyes.

"Don't look at it like that, it will hurt your eyes."

Yinyou turned his head to look at the nine-year-old boy. There is still a long way to go before he becomes an emperor. When Tong Jiashi is gone, who will accompany him on the journey?

Reaching out to hold Yinzhen's wrist, Yinyou smiled, "It's okay."

Looking at Yinyou's smiling face, Yinzhen couldn't help but also curled the corners of his mouth.

In the twenty-seventh year of Kangxi's reign, the eldest elder brother Yinyi left the palace to build a mansion, and the fourteenth elder brother was born in Yonghe Palace. The emperor was very pleased with him and gave him the name Yinzhen.

In the autumn of the twenty-seventh year of Kangxi, the imperial concubine Tong Jia was seriously ill. The emperor was very worried and ordered the imperial physician to treat her with all her heart.

In the summer of the twenty-eighth year of Kangxi, Tong Jia's condition became more and more serious. The emperor visited Zhongcui Palace many times, and later pitied her for being seriously ill and moved her to Kunning Palace, but everyone in the harem knew that the imperial concubine was dying.

Under the candlelight, Yinyou wrote a large Chinese character for longevity on the paper. Although it lacked a bit of character, it was still neat. He glanced at the word, sighed secretly, put down the pen, and threw the paper to Fuduo In his hand, "Take it and burn it to the Lord."

It is already June of the twenty-eighth year of Kangxi. If he remembers correctly, Mrs. Tong Jia died on the tenth day of July in the twenty-eighth year of Kangxi, and now there is only one month left.

Recently, Yinzhen was obviously a little absent-minded, and even lost his mind when Huang Ama came to Wuyizhai. Fortunately, Huang Ama respected him for his filial piety and did not blame him, but the current state is really disturbing.

The 14th elder brother Debi loves was born last year, which also makes up for the trauma left by the sixth elder brother's death a few years ago. Sometimes when he went to the Yonghe Palace to pay his respects to Er Niang, he would see Debi holding the fourteenth elder brother in his arms.

If Tong Jiashi went, would the fourth elder brother's status in the palace be embarrassing?

It was getting late, but he had a rare insomnia. He opened the sandalwood wood-inlaid gold silk box next to it. Inside were jade pendants, opals, nine chains of emeralds, and various rare things, many of which were four-ah Brother gave it to him.

Take out a small nanmu box from the box. When you open it, there is a string of sandalwood beads inside. You can smell the faint scent of sandalwood when you put it in your hand. Each bead is carved with a lifelike Buddha statue, which is really a rare treasure. .

It has been almost eight years since he came here, and he has gradually gotten used to the life in the harem, and he has seen through the darkness and hypocrisy, but he has no choice but to be touched by how well Dai Jiashi treated him, and how sincerely the fourth elder brother Yinzhen treated him. .

Humans are not plants, so no one can be ruthless. He is an adult, but he is protected by a child, and now he has to feel sorry for the future of this child.

Looking at the non-stop jumping candle flames, Yinyou sighed after a long time, then turned and entered the inner room.

When Yinzhen entered the Kunning Palace, there was still a faint smell of medicine in the Kunning Palace. He lowered his voice and asked the maid next to Tong Jiashi, "Mingruo, how is Er Niang?"

Seeing that it was the fourth elder brother, Ming Ruo was busy blessing his body, and his face was a little hesitant, "Master, I haven't eaten anything in the past two days, and even the medicine I drank has vomited a lot. Why didn't the fourth elder brother go to school today?"

When Yinzhen heard Mingruo's words, his heart ached. The ten-year-old him couldn't help but feel his eyes heat up. He managed to suppress the emotions in his heart and asked, "Has Er Niang used medicine now?" But he didn't answer and didn't go. School things.

Seeing that the fourth elder brother didn't answer, and the slave didn't dare to ask more questions, Ming Ruo nodded, "Master has already fallen asleep."

Yinzhen heard the words and said, "Then go in and have a look, and ask the small kitchen to prepare porridge. If Erniang wakes up and wants to use it, you can bring it." After finishing speaking, he quietly entered the inner room.

Tong Jiashi's room didn't smell much of medicine, but the doors and windows were closed tightly, and the room looked a bit stuffy. Remembering that the imperial physician had ordered not to catch the cold from the wind, Yinzhen carefully put down the curtain after entering the door, and then stood beside Tong Jiashi's bed. Certainly.

Thinking of what Erniang said to him when she was sober a few days ago, he still felt a little uncomfortable. He never thought that Erniang who treated him so well was not his own mother, but his own mother who saw that he had never had any Concubine De had no expression, even on her own birthday, Concubine De had not sent any troublesome gifts.

After standing in the room for a long time, Yin Zhen walked out of the room, but his eyes were not used to it when he suddenly walked from a dark room to a bright place, and his eyes were sore.

When Kangxi entered the door, he saw Yinzhen standing alone outside Tong Jia's door, his expression eased slightly, and he said, "Yinzhen, what are you doing standing here?"

When Yinzhen heard Huang Ama's voice, he hurriedly walked up to Kangxi and saluted, "I send my regards to Huang Ama."

Kangxi saw that he had lost a lot of weight in just a few months, and he didn't ask him why he didn't go to school today. He sighed and said, "Get up, you should pay more attention to your body. I haven't seen you for a few days, and I lost a lot of weight." .”

Yinzhen stood up, the worry on his face could not be concealed, "My son made Huang Ama worry."

Kangxi sighed when he heard the words, he knew that Tong Jiashi had taught this child well, seeing that he treated Tong Jiashi with filial piety, he did not waste Tong Jiashi's heart. Thinking of this, Kangxi's tone became more gentle, "You don't have to go to Wuyi Zhai today, go back and have a good rest, I'm going to see your mother."

"Yes," Yinzhen saluted and retreated out. After leaving the yard, he felt his throat was a little dry. He returned to the yard where he lived, waved away the waiters, and leaned on the soft couch in a daze.

After an unknown amount of time, the voice of Xiao Luzi, the **** serving beside him, came, "Master, Seventh Brother sent someone to bring you something."

Xiaoqi? Only then did Yinzhen regain some energy, got up and straightened his robe, and when he walked out the door, he saw Fuduo, the **** who usually followed Xiao Qi, and he sat down on top of him, "Fu Duo, Xiao Qi asked you to send it to the master." What's coming?"

"My slave greets the fourth elder brother," Fudor said after paying his respects, "I don't know what these things are, but the master asked the slave to give them to you, the fourth elder brother."

Yinzhen glanced at the basket in Fuduo's hand, nodded, "Take it here." After speaking, he asked the little **** beside him to give Fuduo some pastries before letting Fuduo leave.

Open the lid of the basket, there are two sweet apples on it, open the compartment, there is a plate of pastries that I usually eat, and a few sheets of paper are pressed under the plate.

He took away the plate, opened the paper and looked, and the gloom in his heart dissipated a lot. On the first piece of paper, there was a picture of a chubby child holding a chicken leg, and beside it was written a sentence "Do you want to eat?"

A silent boy is drawn on the second letter.

On the third piece of paper, the chubby boy was twisted on the body of the silent boy, with big tears still hanging on his face, and there was a sentence next to it, "If you don't eat, I will cry for you."

Thinking of the serious children who study **** weekdays secretly lying on the desk and drawing villains, and bringing pastries and apples to him to save his jaw, Yinzhen couldn't help but bend the corners of his mouth, and picked up a piece from the plate When the pastry is eaten in the mouth, it only feels fragrant on the lips and teeth.

In the corridor outside Wuyizhai, Yinyou knelt with his back straight, because of the hot weather, his forehead was already wet with sweat, and his cheeks were flushed. When it was almost noon, several elder brothers came out, and seeing Yinyou still kneeling in the corridor, they all stopped.

The crown prince walked up to him and patted his head, "Seventh brother, don't be so confused in the future, it's already noon, get up and go have dinner with second brother."

After Prince Yinreng finished speaking, he saw that Yinyou just looked at him timidly with wide-eyed eyes, obviously not daring to get up.

The prince sighed, "Huang Ama told you to kneel until noon, now it's noon, Huang Ama won't blame you, but you can't be negligent in class in the future."

"Well, thank you, Brother Prince," Yinyou nodded obediently, stood up slowly, and staggered, if it wasn't for the support of an **** beside him, he might fall to the ground again.

The prince sighed in his heart, the seventh younger brother was serious about his studies, why did he get so confused when Huang Ama came here today, and let Huang Ama find out that he was drawing little people while studying, no wonder Huang Ama wanted to punish.

"Let's withdraw." Kangxi put down his chopsticks, looked a little sleepy, and was served by the maid and **** to rinse his mouth. After washing his hands, he asked Wei Zhu, who had been standing by the side, "Seventh brother gave the messy painting to fourth brother ?”

Wei Zhu didn't dare to look directly at the emperor's face, but just buried her head and said, "If you go back to the emperor, yes."

Kangxi got up and glanced at the scenery outside the house, "Did he really kneel until noon?"

Wei Zhu replied, "Going back to the emperor, I heard from the **** serving in Wuyizhai that elder brother Qi knelt down until the crown prince had lunch with several elder brothers. My elder brother had lunch with several other elder brothers."

Kangxi nodded, "Well, it's very good for the prince to do so."

Wei Zhu remained silent, and he also knew that the emperor did not speak for him.

There was silence in the room, and after a long time, Kangxi asked again, "Has Si elder brother eaten today?"

"Go back to the emperor, the fourth elder brother used it today."

After Kangxi listened to Wei Zhu's words, he squinted and looked out the window, and stopped talking. After another period of silence, he waved his hands and said, "You step back."

"Your servant will leave." Wei Zhu withdrew from the door and waited quietly outside. He looked up at the sky, the sun is really dazzling today.

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